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Other Worlds: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Two - Fantasy

Page 9

by P. A. Priddey

  You’re so wrong, the wizard thought, sitting in the cave. I have supressed my powers from you since he told me a long time ago that he would come and free me. Now I’ve seen him, I know I will be free soon, and then I will stop you permanently.


  There were extra guests at breakfast and the new pucas enjoyed their food even if they were surrounded by humans. They had flown over as buzzards from Ireland looking for Gort and Flax when they hadn’t heard from them in a while.

  ‘Why did our friends stay, and not go to Ireland with the others?’ said James.

  Daralis looked over at the pucas. ‘The others are from Ireland, but Gort and Flax were born here.’

  Alex rubbed his chin. ‘Did they not fear the warlock?’

  ‘Yes, but he didn’t know they were back, they were only babies when the warlock’s demons killed their parents.’

  ‘Why would he want to do that?’ said Paige. ‘They’re so sweet and innocent.’

  Daralis pursed her lips, and blew on her hot tea. ‘We never knew why, but he might have been after the babies. Now after what we found out what he did to the pixies, he might’ve wanted to try it with them.’

  ‘That don’t make any sense if he decided to kill them instead of capturing them,’ said Alex. ‘We have eight of them without trying.’

  Daralis gave him a thoughtful look. ‘Yes, you’re right, he wouldn’t have had them killed if he wanted to use them, and so I’m at a loss.’

  James leant back with his hands behind his head. ‘How come he couldn’t get the rest of them, as Alex said, we have eight here without even trying?’

  ‘That’s because they trust you,’ said Luella. ‘It’s almost impossible to find a puca if they don’t want to be found.’

  ‘But they were found,’ said Alex, ‘and killed.’

  ‘That’s their one weakness if they’re not protected,’ said Daralis. ‘They can sense danger straight away, and will become some other creature impossible to detect, but the babies can’t do that.’

  Paige put her hand through her red hair. ‘The warlock and his demons found the pucas and killed them, but not their babies?’

  Daralis shook her head. ‘No, they couldn’t find them.’

  Alex glanced across at her. ‘Where were they?’

  ‘Owls took the babies out of the forest and brought them to us. It was still unsafe, so we sent a message to the Grey Lady of the forest.’

  Alex’s eyes grew big. ‘I like that name, who is she?’

  ‘Her name’s Briana, she lives in Ireland,’ said Luella. ‘She’s like us a white witch if you like, and she’s been looking after pucas for a very long time.’

  James pushed his plate away. ‘And she took them over there to keep safe?’

  ‘Yes, she flew over here to collect them,’ said Daralis.

  ‘But they came back,’ said Alex.

  Daralis nodded. ‘After sixty years, the call of their forest was too strong.’

  Alex smiled. ‘The call doesn’t appear that strong anymore.’

  Luella gave him a sharp look. ‘As I said before, you’ve corrupted them.’

  ‘And as I said, I’ve just modernised them. It’s a different world now, and I don’t want them out in the forest having to hide anymore.’

  Luella glanced over at the pucas and smiled. ‘Yes, dear, I have to agree with you on that.’

  ‘Did you see Briana often?’

  ‘Once a year for a while, we would usually visit her and the other pucas.’

  Alex turned to Daralis. ‘Did you fly over there on your broom?’

  Daralis, smiled sheepishly. ‘You mean like the way I did as the wicked witch? No, we used wooden boards,’

  Claire scratched her head. ‘How can you fly like that?’

  ‘We can’t fly, but we can move things like Emma and Kerry do, so we sit on the boards and move them.’

  Emma beamed. ‘That sounds so cool . . . it will be like surfing through the air.’

  ‘Kerry was also smiling. ‘I know what I’m doing later.’

  ‘Don’t try going too high just yet,’ said Alex.

  ‘It was one way to travel,’ said Luella, ‘but we try to use normal travel now.’

  ‘Were there many creatures around after the other world had gone?’

  ‘Oh yes, quite a few,’ said Luella. ‘Both good and evil, but it’s unknown to us if they fled the land or the warlock killed them.’

  ‘Even the evil ones?’

  ‘The warlock didn’t like competition, so he would kill any who stood in his way.’

  ‘So there’s a good chance some of them might come back,’ said Carrie.

  Luella looked thoughtfully. ‘I don’t know, it’s been so long now, and the land has changed so much.’

  Joseph sat on one of the sofas going through the loose pages and putting them into different piles.

  ‘Are you having fun?’ said Alex.

  ‘For the most part, yes, there’s some interesting reading amongst them, and some are a headache trying to understand.’

  Alex sat down. ‘Is it the language problem?’

  ‘Some of them,’ said Joseph, and waved a tatty document. ‘This one I can understand a few words but most of the writing is almost illegible.’

  ‘Could it have been written in a hurry?’

  ‘Maybe, what makes you think that?’

  Alex picked a parchment off the table. ‘Not sure, but when I write fast, only I can read it.’

  ‘Well, I’ll concentrate on this one, are the children having lessons in the library today?’

  ‘Yeah, you can still use it though. Unless you want peace and quiet, then you might wanna use the study.’

  ‘That would be best,’ said Joseph, and took the paper to the room.

  Daralis and Luella sorted the other pages out, putting the recipes back into the book cover. Joseph had placed the ones which interested him in a pile, and the ones in an unknown language spread out over the table.

  Luella studied one parchment. ‘It might help if we knew what country it came from.’

  Michelle considered it. ‘We could always try the internet.’

  ‘Where would we look?’ said Daralis.

  ‘Search for ancient languages and see if there are any symbols which match the ones here.’

  ‘OK, it’s worth a try.’ The three women walked to the library.

  Alex and George were the only ones left in the hall when Jarak approached them.

  ‘May I sit down?’ said the puca.

  ‘Of course, you don’t have to ask,’ said Alex.

  ‘This be the strangest place I have ever been in.’

  ‘Is that good or bad?’

  ‘I’m not sure, it’s good that you’re protecting so many, but it’s those machines down there,’ said the puca, pointing at the mini arcade.

  ‘What’s wrong with them?’

  ‘I’m not sure if they are good for pucas to be playing them.’

  ‘They’re just a bit of fun, and won’t do you any harm.’

  ‘Do you think it will be OK for me to play them, too?’

  ‘Yeah, you will love them, and have they shown you the cinema?’

  ‘What’s that?’

  Alex smiled. ‘Go and ask Gort, I’m sure he will love telling you about it.’

  Alex took a walk out the back leaving George reading one of the books.

  You seem lost, said Rho.

  ‘I feel like I’m waiting for something to happen, and it’s stopping me from getting on with more important things.’

  That’s how I felt until you came along.

  Alex sat down on the ground next to the wolf. ‘And what was your more important thing?’

  Becoming a father, after waiting for so long.

  ‘That’s quite important.’

  I thought so, too, are we going out tonight?

  ‘Yeah, I want the others to get as much practice in a dark forest as possible.’

  Do you expect them al
l to fight when it comes to it?

  ‘Most of them, they’re all developing certain talents, and I believe they will need them for some task. I already know what Summer has to do.’

  Does that worry you?

  ‘I have confidence in them all.’

  That’s not all, though, is it?

  Alex clasped his hands together. ‘I’m terrified at the thought of one of them getting hurt.’

  You don’t have to take them.

  ‘No, I don’t, but they wouldn’t be happy with me leaving them behind.’

  What does it matter if they are safe?

  ‘They need more than safe, they want this.’

  We don’t always get what we want.

  ‘Do I have the right to stop them? All the training they do every day, and I’m the one with the children they care for.’

  Now you realise that, it might stop you worrying about it and do what you’ve got to do.

  Alex looked at Rho as if he had just been scolded. ‘There’s something going to happen, I can feel it.’

  Yes I can feel something, too.

  ‘It has nothing to do with the witches I know that much.’

  What are you going to do?

  ‘Right now I’m going to see how they’re getting on with their training,’ said Alex, getting up and walked back into the mansion where Flax ran to him.

  ‘We don’t know how to put a film on,’ she said.

  Alex picked her up and walked towards the cinema. ‘I’ll show you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Flax, as she hugged him.

  Alex saw seven pucas sitting there, who all simultaneously turned their heads to look at him. They had big grins and yellow eyes, and he decided he really liked pucas. He showed Flax how to turn it all on and how to choose which film. Flax could read but a picture came up of the film which was much clearer, and she chose Tarzan. Alex left the cinema and noticed a pair of feet floating above him, it was Anna.

  ‘WHERE ARE MY CHILDREN?’ a woman shouted in an Irish accent.

  ‘Eeeek,’ Anna cried, as she fell. Alex caught her in his arms, and looked across at the front door where a woman in a long dress stood.


  The Grey Lady of the Forest

  Alex stared at the woman wearing old style clothes. She looked about forty years old, with green eyes, auburn hair, and very attractive. ‘How did you get in? And did you have to shout? You broke Anna’s concentration.’

  The woman glared at him. ‘I asked you a question.’

  ‘How would I know where your children are? I’ve got enough of my own.’

  ‘I meant the pucas,’ the woman snapped.

  ‘Oh . . . they’re watching a film, you must be Briana, and you don’t look very grey.’

  The woman shimmered, turned grey, eyes now black, and her hair stood on end.

  Anna pulled a face. ‘She’s freaky.’

  Alex smiled. ‘And then some. I can see why they call her the grey lady, but I do like her accent.’

  ‘Yes, it’s lovely,’ Anna agreed.

  ‘What do you mean they are watching a film?’ said Briana, the grey lady of the forest, looking confused at them.

  ‘Have you never watched a film?’ said Alex.

  ‘Once when I visited my friends, but puca’s do not watch films.’

  ‘They do now. I was going to get them some popcorn, until you turned up shouting and nearly hurting one of my friends.’

  ‘I apologise for that, but you should be able to handle sudden noises if you’re going to fly around. If you don’t bring my children out, I will take this place apart looking for them.’

  ‘You leave Anna alone, she’s only just learnt how to fly, and my dear lady you will not be taking anything apart here,’ said Alex, looking less happy.

  ‘I just want to know if they’re OK. I have been so frightened for them, as something evil was in the forest they went to.’

  ‘My dear lady, I did not mean to worry you,’ Alex told her. ‘You must have the power to sense how they’re feeling.’

  ‘I have been trying since I left home looking for them. They came over after we found out what happened to the warlock.’

  ‘Try it now that you’re on our land.’

  Briana closed her eyes and concentrated. She opened them and sighed. ‘Yes, I can tell they are happy.’

  Summer stepped out of the kitchen and stood looking confused at the strange grey woman and Alex with Anna in his arms. She turned to George who sat there with his palms out as if to say he did not understand either. ‘What’s going on?’ she asked.

  ‘Our new friend would like a nice cup of tea,’ said Alex.

  Summer looked at the grey woman. ‘Would you like some tea?’

  ‘Yes please, do you have any sugar?’

  ‘Yes, of course, we have lots of sugar,’ said Summer, quite bewildered by the woman.

  ‘And milk,’ said Briana.

  ‘Yes, I can make you most kinds of tea.’

  ‘Just normal tea with milk and sugar would be nice, it’s been a long time since I had one of those.’

  ‘Is there any popcorn ready?’ said Alex.

  ‘Who’s it for?’ said Summer.

  ‘Eight pucas.’

  ‘I will make them some,’ said Summer, and walked back into the kitchen shaking her head.

  House, how did she find us?

  I altered the field after your mother could not find you, but only so she would know where you are. Briana could sense her loved ones had come here.

  Alex let Anna float upstairs and walked over to the woman. ‘I’m sorry you were worried, but your children are safe, as are Gort and Flax.’

  ‘I know that now,’ said Briana, her eyes looked like she had been crying. ‘I was so frightened when I couldn’t sense if they were OK or prisoners.’

  ‘Do you want me to take you to them?’

  ‘No, they can have their fun, and I want my tea.’

  ‘You should change back or you might frighten the children and pixies.’

  Briana’s eyes grew big. ‘Pixies? What do you know of them?’

  ‘They’re my friends, and we have a few here.’

  ‘I thought there were only three left, from what I have heard that is,’ she said, and changed back to her normal self.

  Alex led her over to the sofas and offered her a seat. ‘There’s a lot more than that, but you know of the other three from my aunt.’

  ‘Where did she go?’ said Summer, as she came out with a tray of tea and biscuits.

  ‘Sitting right here,’ said Alex, motioning with his head towards the woman on the sofa, and introduced Briana to her and George.

  ‘That’s clever,’ said Summer, putting the tray on the table before sitting herself down.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Briana, as she turned to Alex. ‘What did you mean by your auntie?’

  ‘The woman who’s been looking after three pixies for thousands of years.’

  ‘You’re Daralis’s nephew?’

  ‘Yes, but how did you and the pucas know the warlock was dead?’

  ‘I have always used certain spells to check on certain things, I knew he was dead, and now I know it was you who killed him.’

  ‘Why does everyone blame me for his death?’

  ‘If it wasn’t you who killed him, who did?’ said Briana.

  ‘The women, they stole my fight.’

  ‘We get no credit for it,’ said Summer, as she poured the tea. I’m just looked on as a cook.’

  ‘The best cook in the world,’ said Alex, which got him a smile.

  ‘You killed the warlock?’ said Briana.

  Summer passed the tea around. ‘Not just me, there were twenty of us, that was only the first time though as Alex finished him off.’

  ‘No, I just stopped him coming back, you women killed him,

  Briana accepted a cup with a smile. ‘What is this place? You’ve got people flying around, pixies and my pucas, and women who killed the warlock.’

  ‘Sometimes I think it’s rehab, and sometimes I think it’s a mad house, but I like to call it home,’ said Alex, realising he knew the woman.

  Why are you looking at me like that?’

  ‘We‘ve met before.’

  Briana studied him. ‘I don’t remember meeting you.’

  ‘It was a long time ago, when my mother took me on a holiday and we visited Ireland.’

  ‘Do you mean Luella?’ said Briana, a little surprised.

  ‘Well Daralis is her sister.’

  Briana sipped her tea. ‘You’re little Alex.’

  ‘I was back then, but I’ve grown since.’

  ‘I can see that,’ she said smiling. ‘Where are my dear friends now?’

  ‘In the library, trying to translate some papers.’

  ‘Where is the library?’ said Briana.

  ‘Down there,’ said Alex, pointing to a set of doors.

  ‘And she couldn’t hear me shouting when I came in.’

  ‘House has a way of sound proofing the rooms.’

  ‘Who is House?’ said Briana, a little confused.

  ‘A very powerful friend who looks after us.’

  That is a kind thing to say, said House.

  ‘It’s true all the same.’

  ‘Will it be OK for me to go in there?’ said Briana, as Summer fetched the popcorn and fruit juice.

  Alex stood. ‘Yes, but let us take the refreshments to your children first.’

  Summer carried the tray as Alex opened the doors for her, and he went in next with Briana hidden behind them. House paused the film, and the pucas gave them a confused look.

  ‘It has stopped,’ said Jarak.

  ‘Yes, just for a moment while we give you these refreshments, and so you can say hello to someone who has missed you,’ said Alex, and stepped to the side.

  ‘Mother,’ they shouted and ran to her, she hugged six of them before she saw Gort and Flax.’

  ‘I have missed you both so very much,’ she said, and embraced them, too.

  House started the film again and they walked back to the hall, as Blaze came out of her room and Alex introduced them to each other.

  ‘Blaze is in charge around here.’

  ‘I’m not in charge of anything . . . all I do is sit looking at my crystal ball.’

  ‘You can see into the future?’ said Briana.


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