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Other Worlds: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Two - Fantasy

Page 19

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘Will these be OK for the ceremony?’ Adhara asked Fergal

  ‘My little darling, you’d look perfect for any ceremony.’

  The pucas came out next wearing simple trousers and waistcoats.

  ‘How do I look?’ said Flax.

  Alex stood with hands on hips. ‘You look wonderful, but you best be careful.’

  ‘Be careful of what?’ she asked.

  ‘That you don’t change into a horse while you’re wearing them.’

  Flax grinned. ‘I know that.’

  Briana picked up another puca. ‘Normally I would protest, but they look so cute.’

  ‘Your turn,’ Paige said to Alex and James.

  Alex folded his arms, and shook his head. ‘I’m not getting changed in there.’

  ‘Neither am I,’ said James.

  Paige groaned. ‘I know that, House took your outfits to your rooms.’

  ‘It’s a bit early to get changed.’

  ‘Yes, but if we have to make adjustments we need to know now, as there’s not that much time left.’

  James looked at Alex. ‘Was she always this bossy when you knew her before?’

  ‘No,’ said Alex, looking fondly at her. ‘She never had to ask me twice.’

  ‘You always knew beforehand,’ said Paige.

  ‘What about theirs?’ James asked of George and Joseph.

  ‘Theirs will be ready shortly.’

  George looked up from the sofa he was sitting on. ‘I am quite sure a suit will suffice.’

  ‘Oh come on, George,’ said Joseph, ‘it could be fun.’

  ‘Are you looking forward to it?’ said James, giving the older man a puzzled look.

  ‘Yes, of course,’ said Joseph, almost beaming. ‘All my life I’ve been studying mythology and now I’m living it.’

  ‘That’s the spirit,’ said Adair.

  ‘What are you going to wear?’ James asked the wizard.

  ‘They have made me new robes.’

  ‘Robes!’ said James, as he turned to Alex and both ran upstairs quickly.

  Adair stared after them. ‘What’s wrong with robes?’

  ‘Nothing, it’s just the young of today,’ Joseph answered.

  ‘I would hardly call them young,’ said Paige, ‘I went to school with Alex.’

  Adair sat on a sofa. ‘That would make you young, too.’

  ‘Well that’s true I guess,’ said Paige, and went back to the party room smiling.

  Alex walked into his bedroom and changed clothes. He stared in the mirror for five minutes before deciding he sort of liked the outfit. It had brown trousers, dark brown boots, a white tunic and brown waistcoat. The boots, however, were thin and wouldn’t be suitable for walking in forests for too long a time.

  Paige and Fergal spent the afternoon discussing their trip, as the gnome told her he would have to introduce them all before they approached the ceremony. The evening came and the group stood together in the hall as there was more space. It was a large group even if most of them were only eight inches tall. Carrie stood next to Alex, which pleased him and felt relieved that her tunic was almost knee-length.

  Alex turned to Fergal. ‘Are you sure they will be fine with such a big party?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ said the gnome, ‘this will be the best ceremony ever.’

  Paige glanced around the hall. ‘Wait a minute, where are the gifts.’

  ‘In those boxes,’ said Claire.

  ‘You’ve got to take us somewhat away so they don’t see us appear out of nowhere,’ said Fergal. ‘It might look like an invasion, and we do have formalities to keep.’

  James wore a similar outfit to Alex, only his trousers and waistcoat were green. ‘That might be a good idea, I’ve seen one gnome fight, and I wouldn’t want to surprise a dozen of them.’

  Alex nodded. ‘Fergal concentrate on where the ceremony will be.’

  The gnome did.

  I have a place for us, said House.

  ‘OK, is everyone ready?’ said Alex.

  ‘One minute,’ said Fergal, looking at a piece of paper.

  ‘Is that your speech?’ said Luella.

  ‘Yes and the introductions.’

  They appeared in a forest where they could see a light ahead, and a cottage. They saw two gnomes sitting on large wooden chairs with two cots in front of them. Other gnomes were paying tribute when they noticed they had visitors.

  ‘Your eyes have gone red,’ said a worried Fergal.

  ‘Yeah,’ said Alex. ‘It’s how we see in the dark . . . they’ll go back to normal as we approach the light.’

  ‘Clever that. You stay here and I will take my family ahead before the other gnomes get too worried.’

  ‘I can’t imagine your people worrying too much.’

  ‘They be only worried about the ceremony being ruined.’

  Fergal and his family ambled forward until they reached a clearing in front of the seated gnomes. Alex could see other gnomes and pucas there now, and a woman who looked a lot like Briana.

  ‘Fergal, it be a marvellous day that you’ve brought your family for the birth ceremony and celebration of our new children,’ the seated male gnome said, as Roisin ignored traditions and ran ahead to see the babies.

  Fergal stood there with his sons. ‘My Lord Jarlath, and Lady Nessa, it be a great honour to attend on this rare and special occasion. I do believe it will be the greatest ceremony ever, but we didn’t know you had two children. I just hope our gifts be enough. Please excuse Roisin, she has been so excited to see the child that I don’t think she could contain herself when she knew there was more than one.’

  ‘The greatest ceremony sounds like a boast that would come from a father or mother and not a friend,’ said Nessa, ‘and dear Roisin did exactly as I would’ve done.’

  ‘That be true my lady, but I have brought some special friends along with me, and you will understand my boast,’ said Fergal, as his sons joined the other gnomes.

  ‘Then you must let us meet them,’ said Jarlath.

  ‘Indeed, my lord, but first let me introduce you to the ones you already know.’

  ‘Did they say they had twins?’ said Briana.

  ‘It would appear so,’ said Luella.

  ‘Does that make a difference?’ said Blaze.

  ‘Oh yes, it’s a very rare event for gnomes,’ said Briana.

  ‘Are they the leaders?’ said Alex.

  ‘No, all gnomes are equal, but on a birth ceremony the parents are called lord and lady.’

  ‘Old Fergal is bigging us up out there,’ said James. ‘I hope they won’t be too disappointed.’

  Claire rolled her eyes. ‘That’s it, keep your chin up.’

  ‘To be honest,’ said Alex. ‘I think these clothes are going to help us.’

  ‘I’m glad you think so,’ said Paige, as Fergal started speaking again.

  ‘Firstly, let me call some that you all know . . . the great white witch of the north, Lady Briana and the pucas.’ The gnomes cheered as they approached.

  Jarlath stood up and bowed. ‘My Lady, and my friends, we thank you for gracing us with your presence.’

  ‘We’re very honoured to be here, my lord and lady,’ said Briana, also bowing.

  Nessa stared at the pucas. ‘Tell me have the pucas found fashion?’

  ‘No, my lady, they have found friends,’ said Briana, as she and the pucas walked forward placing their gifts in front of the cots.

  ‘Daisy and Bramble, will you do us the honour of letting us hold your babies?’ said Nessa, and the pucas held them up with big smiles on their faces.

  ‘That was sneaky,’ said the woman who looked like Briana.

  ‘You may be right, Lady Orlaith,’ said Jarlath, ‘but you have kept our own babies from us.’

  ‘They haven’t been well, and I have to keep an eye on them.’

  Briana made her way over to her. ‘Trust my sister to take control of someone else’s children.’

  ‘You made it at last?’
said Orlaith, with a raised eyebrow.

  ‘Yes, we have a few extra friends with us,’ said Briana, as the pucas ran over to their friends showing off the pouches.

  ‘I think that needs a better explanation than new friends,’ said Orlaith, as the sisters embraced.

  ‘Yes, but it’s our new friends who will explain.’

  Alex watched. ‘I hope the pouches and clothes are not going to make the other pucas jealous.’

  ‘You just worry about greeting the gnomes when it’s your turn, and leave all the other stuff to me,’ said Paige. ‘I’ve organised everything fine up to now.’

  Alex raised an eyebrow at her and at Claire trying to hide a grin. The truth is someone did organise everything, all Alex did was accept the invitation.

  ‘My lord and lady, please let the great ladies hold the baby pucas,’ said Fergal, acting as a peacemaker. ‘I would hate seeing them slung in the air when I announce some of our guests.’

  ‘If they be that important, we need to greet them,’ Jarlath agreed, and they passed the babies down.

  ‘Now let me call forward more friends that you already know. Please welcome the two great white witches from across the sea, Lady Luella and Lady Daralis,’ Fergal announced, and the gnomes cheered again as the two women approached with three pixies.

  Nessa beamed. ‘Great Ladies, you honour us with your presence.’

  ‘The honour is all ours,’ said Luella, as they approached and laid their gifts down.

  ‘You don’t think he will call us up individually?’ said James. ‘There are only so many times you can hear the word honour.’

  Adair looked thoughtfully. ‘It can get tiresome, but it’s tradition and a special night for them.’

  ‘As you have seen,’ Fergal shouted, ‘special guests, the others are also special, and you will be very surprised by them.’

  Jarlath shook his head. ‘You be enjoying this too much.’

  ‘I am indeed, my lord,’ Fergal grinned, ‘but wait until I tell you what I got up to yesterday.’

  Jarlath leant forward in his seat. ‘Did it involve an axe?’

  ‘Oh yes, a big one.’

  ‘Boys, please can we get on with the introductions,’ Nessa insisted.

  ‘I’m sorry, my lady,’ said Fergal. ‘The next guest is known to just a few here who have met him, but haven’t seen him in a very long time, as for the rest of you he be just a legend,’ he said, and waited for a response, but there was only silence.

  Jarlath clapped. ‘Then prey that you introduce him.’

  ‘Please welcome the great wizard, Lord Adair.’ The crowd cheered as Adair strolled up, he bowed, and Jarlath stood.

  ‘Adair,’ said Orlaith, quite shocked by it.

  ‘Is that really you, old friend,’ an elderly gnome said.

  ‘Yes, Eoghan, it is I,’ said Adair.

  ‘But my father told me you went away,’ said Jarlath.

  ‘Not through choice, I will tell you all about it later as I don’t want to spoil Fergal’s fun,’ said Adair, with a wink.

  ‘Is it an omen that you come back to us on our special night?’ said Nessa.

  ‘The timing is quite remarkable considering you have twins,’ the wizard said, and walked over to the other gnomes.

  Fergal continued. ‘Now, and let me warn you about the final group which I will introduce you to, it contains lots of humans . . . wolves . . . and others, too.’

  ‘This is very unusual,’ said Jarlath, ‘rarely have humans attended our ceremonies.’

  ‘The great ladies are human remember, we also had other humans here before.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Nessa, ‘but we had known them a long time.’

  ‘And the others were warrior friends,’ Jarlath added.

  Fergal clasped his hands together. ‘And if I told you that only yesterday I fought alongside them in battle against such evil creatures that haven’t been seen in a long time, which helped us free the great wizard, then what would they be?’

  Jarlath moved in his seat to get a better look at the other guests. ‘They’d be friends, who’d be accepted and honoured here.’

  ‘Fergal is very good,’ said James.

  Alex nodded. ‘I’ll hire him if I ever need a spokesgnome.’

  ‘Shhh, I’m trying to listen,’ snapped Paige.

  ‘You’re touchy tonight.’

  ‘We worked hard on this, and I just want it to go right.’

  ‘It will,’ said Alex, smiling at her.

  ‘As they come forward I will tell you of their great deeds,’ Fergal shouted.

  ‘There are other deeds apart from yesterday?’ said Jarlath.

  ‘There are a few that I know of, my lord.’

  ‘Then indeed we must meet them.’

  ‘Please welcome the heroes of Vesta Mansion. First be the children, they might not have been involved in any fighting, but they be precious to the others and bring gifts.’

  The children walked forward and bowed, before putting their presents with the others.

  ‘Children, welcome to our special night,’ said Nessa, as they smiled at her and ran to the pucas and gnomes.

  ‘There are two friends who we do not see anywhere near as much as we should. Gort and Flax, who only be here because of brave new friends. The innocent and purest of us all, faced terror in their own forest from the warlock’s demons. Both injured, Flax seriously, protecting others. All was not lost as great warriors appeared, saving them, and killing the demons. They took our friends to their home and healed them.’

  There was a gasp from the crowd as no one hurts a puca.

  The group stepped forward with Paige and Skye carrying the pucas, the seven wolves walked in front. They put Gort and Flax down, and Nessa climbed out of her seat to embrace them.

  ‘That be a great deed they have done,’ said Jarlath. ‘I, as everyone here be grateful to them.’

  ‘Not only did they defeat the warlock’s demons, but they also slew the warlock.’

  ‘The warlock’s dead,’ Jarlath gasped.

  ‘Yes, my lord, and all his demons.’

  ‘These be mighty warriors you’ve brought before us tonight,’ said Nessa, as they started putting their gifts down.

  ‘There be one more thing,’ said Fergal, as Kaeya appeared on Alex’s shoulder, and the other pixies came out of hiding. ‘They also freed two hundred and seventy-four pixies.’

  Jarlath was out of his seat. ‘I’m speechless.’

  ‘Now that be a rare thing.’

  ‘Warriors of Vesta Mansion,’ said Jarlath, ‘I don’t think we will ever be able to thank you for such deeds.’

  Alex stepped forward. ‘There’s no need, my lord, as the new friends we have made is all the reward we require.’

  ‘And what is your name, great warrior?’ said Jarlath.

  ‘He be Lord Alex,’ Fergal answered.

  ‘Well, Lord Alex,’ said Jarlath, ‘how is it you know the great white witches.’

  ‘Lady Luella is my mother,’ he said, they all looked at her as she gave an innocent smile.

  Fergal introduced all the others from the mansion. The pixies decided it might be fun to go and jump on the already assembled crowd, and none of them seemed to mind.

  Jarlath patted Fergal on the shoulder. ‘And how can I repay you, my friend, for bringing all these guests?’

  ‘Let’s get this ceremony finished, so I can regale you with my story.’

  ‘I look forward to that very much.’

  ‘Well, you’ll have to wait,’ said Nessa. ‘The ceremony might take a little longer as the babies are unwell.’

  Luella checked on the twins. ‘What’s wrong with them?’

  ‘We’re not sure, but they appear to have a chill.’

  Orlaith held her hands out. ‘Even with the gnomes healing powers, and mine combined, we’re at a loss.’

  ‘My lord and lady,’ said Alex. ‘I have been remiss, and forgot to introduce you to another of our party.’

h glanced around. ‘I don’t see anyone else.’

  ‘He’s a spirit, and very important to us.’

  So important you forgot me? Said House.

  I wasn’t doing the introductions, and you are invisible.

  Good point.

  ‘A spirit,’ said Nessa.

  ‘Yes, a great spirit that watches over the mansion, we call him House.’

  ‘Welcome, House,’ said the gnomes.

  Thank you, my lord and lady, said House.

  Can you help with the babies, said Alex.

  I can keep them stable but not cure them, only you can do that.

  Me, how can I cure them?

  Their life energy was halved when they were born, they are like Alhena was, and need your energy.

  ‘Excuse me,’ he said, gently pushing past the white witches and picked up one of the gnome twins.

  Orlaith gasped. ‘What are you doing? They have a chill.’

  ‘No, they don’t, it might look like that but it’s something different,’ said Alex, as he removed the blanket covering the baby who looked asleep. The golden energy emanated from him and covered the child whose eyes opened and she giggled. He passed her to Orlaith who gratefully accepted. He did the same with the other baby, a boy. He also giggled and squeezed his finger. ‘He has a mighty grip,’ said Alex, looking at the parents.

  Both parents were out of their seats now, and Alex passed the boy to his mother.

  ‘What did you do to them?’ said Luella.

  ‘House told me they only have half the energy they should have as they were born twins, so I gave them some of mine.’

  ‘What are you?’ said Nessa, holding her baby.

  ‘Just a friend,’ said Alex.

  ‘You be much more than that.’

  Most of the others from the mansion thought he was a lot more than that, in fact only Alex and the children thought he was normal.

  Paige and James walked over to Orlaith, now talking to Briana.

  ‘You might get your explanation now,’ said Briana.

  ‘Was it your idea to dress the pucas up?’ said Orlaith.

  ‘Yes,’ said Paige. ‘We were all having new outfits and couldn’t leave them out.’

  ‘Are these not your normal clothes?’

  ‘No, these are for the ceremony.’ Paige held a bag up. ‘And we did bring other outfits and pouches for your pucas.’


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