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Love and the Two Wranglers [The Wranglers of Bear Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  Luke used one finger to tease her opening then entered her with it to rub along the inside of her cunt. She was warm, wet, and wild beneath him. He hungered to bury his cock deep inside of her even as he kissed her, spearing her mouth with his tongue.

  Patience. I can’t hurry this. We have to be careful or we’ll scare her off.

  “Does it feel good, Beverly? Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  “Please, please don’t stop. I need to come.” Her head thrashed from side to side until Jeremy claimed her lips for a kiss again.

  Luke added a second finger and pumped them inside of her even as he used his mouth to lick and tease her clit. When he could tell she was nearly there, he sucked hard on her clit and pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy in rhythm to his sucking of her hard nub. She exploded around them and between them, thrashing wildly on the towel as she screamed into Jeremy’s mouth.

  Luke lapped at her juices then slowly removed his fingers from her cunt. She gasped then panted as she slowly regained her ability to breathe normally.

  “Wow. I’ve never come that hard before.” Beverly’s voice held satisfaction and a hint of awe.

  “You deserve to come that hard every time, honey. We’ll always take care of you. Do you have any idea how hot you are when you climax? I nearly came in my jeans just watching you,” Jeremy told her.

  Once again, her neck and cheeks darkened with the rosy glow of her embarrassment. Luke didn’t want her to be embarrassed about her reaction to them.

  “There’s no need for you to feel embarrassed, hon. You’re too cute when you blush.” Luke crawled up her half-naked body and kissed her.

  He knew she’d taste herself on his lips. He hoped it wouldn’t bother her since that was natural when they pleasured her. She didn’t seem to mind and actually wrapped one hand in his hair as he swept his tongue deep inside her mouth.

  When he finally pulled away, it was to find her smiling up at him. He relaxed, pleased that she wasn’t upset that they’d made love to her out in the open.

  “We better help you get dressed so we can get going. It will be dark soon and I’d rather not negotiate this trail in the dark.” Luke sat up and began helping Beverly into her panties and jeans.

  “What about you guys?” Beverly asked.

  “This was about you, not us, this time. We wanted to show you how good we could make you feel.” Jeremy helped her stand up as Luke helped her step into her boots.

  “Next time, I get to seduce the two of you,” she said.

  Chapter Nine

  Wednesday evening, Beverly walked back to her room alone. The guys had been tied up with a group of guests wanting to know more about wrangling. They didn’t like for her to walk alone at night, but she was tired and ready for bed.

  So far, the two men had been nothing but gentlemen. They kissed like rogues and whispered naughty words in her ears, but hadn’t laid a hand on her during working hours. Part of her was a little disappointed, but mostly she was relieved. It wasn’t appropriate to mess around while working.

  She didn’t know many men who could resist making lude remarks or touching her when she wasn’t paying attention. Luke and Jeremy had saved anything outrageous for when they were alone, and there was no chance someone might walk in on them. She appreciated that. Beverly didn’t want to be considered promiscuous. It was one of the reasons she still had reservations about dating two men at one time.

  Beverly had to admit that she fantasized about both men at night, but it didn’t mean she was comfortable with it in real life. While she wanted to talk to Shelby about her experiences with two men, she wasn’t comfortable enough around the woman to ask personal questions.

  “Hey, Beverly. Are you okay?” Rusty caught up with her. “You looked a little pale at dinner tonight.”

  “I’m fine. Just really tired tonight. I thought I’d go to bed early.” She didn’t stop, and Rusty matched his steps to hers.

  “I’ll walk you to your room. I know Luke and Jeremy will be upset when they find out you’ve gone without them.”

  “I’m just going to my room. I can make it there without an escort, Rusty.”

  “I know, but you shouldn’t. Are you sure you feel okay?”

  Beverly sighed. “I have a headache, and I’m exhausted, that’s all. I was up early this morning, and we didn’t stop all day. This has been one of the most energetic groups we’ve had since I started. I just need a good night’s sleep. Goodnight, Rusty.”

  She climbed the stairs to her room and stepped inside her bedroom before locking the door behind her. Really, she only needed a good night’s sleep.

  Beverly was fairly sure that part of her headache stemmed from too much anxiety over seeing both Jeremy and Luke at the same time. They wouldn’t let her hide their relationship, but they didn’t flirt with her in public. The entire situation was confusing to her. They sat on either side of her at dinner, and made sure she got plenty to eat, but they didn’t hug her or attempt to hold her hand in public.

  Again, part of her was glad while another part of her felt hurt that they weren’t acknowledging her as their woman.

  Didn’t I tell them that I didn’t want to be obvious about it at first? How can I expect them to follow my wishes one minute and break their word the next?

  She had to admit that her emotions were all over the place where they were concerned. She needed to think about things and decide what she really wanted and soon. There was a tension in the air when they were together that told her they were more than ready to move on with their relationship.

  She’d just stepped out of the shower when a knock at her door startled her. She glanced at the clock and noticed that it was nearly eight. Dinner was over with, and most everyone would be heading back to their rooms. She pushed the curtain to one side and saw that it was Jeremy and Luke.

  She opened the door a crack. “Hey.”

  “Rusty said you weren’t feeling well. We just wanted to be sure you were okay,” Luke said.

  “I’m okay. I have a headache and plan to go to bed early, that’s all.”

  “Let us in, hon. We’ll just tuck you in and be sure you’re okay.” Jeremy stepped back.

  “Really. There’s nothing for you guys to worry about. I’ll be good as new in the morning.”

  “Please, Beverly. We won’t be able to sleep until we know you’re safely tucked in and resting comfortably.”

  She sighed then backed away from the door so they could come in without exposing herself to anyone below. Sometimes they could be overbearing. She needed to talk to them about that irritating quality when she felt better. Not tonight though.

  “Have you taken anything for your headache yet?” Luke asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Sit on the bed, and I’ll get you something for the pain. Then we’ll tuck you in and give you a relaxing massage so that you can sleep.” Jeremy eased her to the bed.

  “I need my T-shirt and underwear.”

  “I’ll get them.” Luke disappeared inside her bathroom then returned with the pain relief bottle and a glass of water. “Here you go. Take this while I get your bedclothes.”

  When he returned, Jeremy had put up the glass and was gently massaging her temples. Luke helped her into her panties and the overly long T-shirt. He chuckled at the kitten sitting on the horse claiming to be Zorro complete with saber and black mask.

  “Don’t laugh at my shirt.” Beverly felt grumpy and knew she sounded like a petulant child.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” Jeremy said. “Get in bed and we’ll massage you until you fall asleep.”

  Beverly cuddled down in the soft sheets then moaned when Jeremy started gently massaging her head while Luke rubbed her legs up and down over the sheets. She was sure she’d never get to sleep with them there in the room with her. But to her surprise, she soon fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. The next thing she knew, it was morning and she was by herself.

  * * * *

  “Can you be
lieve that all three of us are off on the same day?” Luke pulled on his jeans and fastened them before stepping into his boots.

  “I’m just glad that Beverly agreed to let us take her out to eat tonight.”

  “She’s really tense, Luke. I hope the day away from the ranch will help her relax. I have a feeling part of it is about us.”

  “Yeah. I agree. With there being two of us, she’s uncomfortable. I was hoping she’d talk to Billy Jean or Shelby and realize how good it would be between us. I don’t think she’s talked to either one of them. She’s probably too shy.” Jeremy shoved his feet into his boots then stood up.

  “Maybe we should ask Shelby if she’d talk to her about it,” Luke suggested.

  “I don’t think it could hurt. I’ll run over and talk to her while you check on Beverly.”

  “Don’t be long. I want to convince her to head out early to shop a little before dinner tonight.”

  “That’s a lot of shopping.”

  “I can take it if you can.”

  “Asshole. Any time with Beverly will be well worth it.”

  Luke nodded. “I agree.”

  Jeremy left the room and strode out the door toward the office and Shelby. He knocked on the door and entered when she called out to come in.

  “Hey, Jeremy. How are you and Luke doing?” she asked with a broad smile.

  “Good. I wanted to ask a favor of you.”

  She cocked her head and nodded. “What kind of favor?”

  “I’m sure you realize that we’ve got our eyes on Beverly by now.”

  “Go on.” Shelby nodded.

  “She’s attracted to us, but I think she’s hung up on there being two of us. We were hoping you would talk to her. Nothing big, just offer to answer any questions she has. She’s too shy about this to ask.”

  “I don’t mind, but I can’t promise anything. If she’s that shy, she might balk at talking to me.” Shelby crossed her arms. “Dating two men at one time isn’t easy, guys.”

  “We know. That’s why we were hoping you could ease some of her tension over it. Women seem to like to talk things through with other women. She’s not going to talk to us at first.”

  “I’ll catch her and offer to talk about it. She’s off today though.”

  “Yeah,” Jeremy said. “She’s going to spend the day with us.”

  Shelby’s eyebrows shot up. “Really? That doesn’t sound as if she’s nearly as uncomfortable as you’re telling me.”

  “She doesn’t know it yet.” He grinned. “She agreed to have dinner with us, but we’re going to talk her into spending the day out shopping, as well.”

  “Ooooo. You are serious if you’re offering to go shopping with her.” Shelby’s teasing, wide grin spoke volumes.

  “Wish us luck and thank you, Shelby.”


  Jeremy took the stairs down two at a time. He couldn’t wait to join Luke and Beverly and start their day. It was a beautiful day with a clear sky and soft breeze. It couldn’t have been more perfect for a day out. Now all they had to do was convince Beverly to spend it with them.

  He knocked on Beverly’s door and was pleased to see that Luke had managed to get inside. At least she wasn’t refusing on the spot. When he walked in, he found the object of his love and desire standing across the room with her arms folded across her chest. Not a good sign where women were concerned.

  “Hey, Beverly.”

  “Jeremy. Luke was just telling me that you want to go shopping before we eat tonight.”

  “That’s right. We were hoping you’d like to go shopping and explore Thorn Village with us.”

  “Isn’t that like an hour away?” she asked.

  “Yeah, thereabout. That’s why we wanted to leave early.”

  “I can’t believe the two of you really want to spend the day shopping with me.” She narrowed her eyes.

  “We wouldn’t have asked if we weren’t serious, honey. We enjoyed that quick trip to town the other day. You’re fun to shop with.”

  Jeremy walked over to where she remained standing with her arms crossed. He rubbed his hands up and down her upper arms. She shivered, reminding him that she was attracted to them, just very cautious. They could work with that.

  “Come on, darling. You know you’d have a great time with us.” Luke’s grin was infectious. Beverly’s lips turned up into a smile.

  “Fine. I’m probably going to regret this, but I’ll go. I’ve never been to Thorn Village, but have heard from some of the guests that it’s wonderful.”

  Luke rushed her and pulled her into a hug. “That’s great. Are you ready? We can leave now.”

  “Whoa. I need to change shoes. Boots aren’t the best for walking. You guys may be able to deal with it, but my feet prefer sneakers to boots for shopping.” Beverly pulled out of Luke’s arms and turned to the little closet.

  “Here, let me put those on for you. Sit on the bed.” Luke pulled the tennis shoes from her hands and turned her toward the bed.

  “Seriously? I can put my own shoes on, Luke.”

  “We like to pamper you, honey. Let us do it.” Jeremy sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Besides, I like seeing Luke on his knees.”


  Beverly chuckled at their byplay. The sound burned his skin even as his cock stirred at her warm laughter. How could he help but fall in love with her? She was sweet, beautiful, and fun. Her hiring on at the ranch had been a miracle for him and Luke. She satisfied so much inside of them. He couldn’t wait to win her heart.

  “Ready now?” Luke asked as he got to his feet.

  “Sure.” Beverly grabbed her purse and followed Luke out the door, turning to lock it behind them.

  The drive over to Thorn Village with Beverly sitting between them wasn’t long enough to him. He enjoyed the press of her body against his as he drove. Luke had his arm along the back of the seat brushing his fingers along her shoulder as he carried the conversation with a few questions of Beverly and interesting information about the two of them.

  He couldn’t help becoming aroused as he thought of how her body would feel if all that separated them was their skin. She’d be soft and cuddly, he was positive. Watching her with the horses and the other animals around the ranch proved to him that she had a softer side outside of the strong, capable exterior she projected at the ranch. She had to be a little tough so that the guests on the ranch trusted her to take care of them and their families.

  He admired that side of her but there was so much more to her. They learned on the drive over that she loved cats and wished she could have a couple, but her room was too small for pets. She enjoyed reading both romance books and murder mysteries. He and Luke laughed when she told them that she’d worked at a zoo one summer in college. She dealt mostly with the primates and talked about how sneaky they were.

  “What about you guys? Have you ever worked anywhere other than a ranch?” she asked.

  Luke chuckled. “We once worked at a ski resort, but that didn’t last long. Neither one of us liked skiing and riding snowmobiles.”

  “You’re kidding? I can’t picture you guys on skis.”

  “That’s fine ’cause we won’t be getting on them again anytime soon,” Jeremy told her with a laugh. “Remember that time we plowed into snow-covered thicket of bushes?”

  “Oh, man. I was picking out twigs for days. You got the worst of it, though.” Luke chuckled.

  “I’ve never been skiing. I guess I never much wanted to. I love animals and horses especially. I did a little waitressing in high school and college, but mostly I’ve held jobs centered around animals,” she said.

  “Did you date much in high school and college?” Luke asked her.

  Jeremy waited to hear what she’d say. If she hadn’t dated much, it would mean she was overly shy around men outside of work. If she had dated, then there was a bad relationship behind her nervousness around them.

  “Some. I had a steady boyfriend
in high school, but we drifted apart when I went to a different college than he did. I dated off and on in college, but never really connected to anyone for anything long term until I was out working.” Beverly shifted on the seat and crossed her arms over the seatbelt.

  “Then you had that bad relationship you mentioned before. He didn’t deserve you,” Jeremy said. “That’s okay. Luke and I’ve had bad breakups, as well.” Jeremy didn’t want to go into those either.

  The one that had rocked them had been with a woman they had thought was attracted to them and serious only to find out she’d been leading them on in an attempt to get Luke to marry her and leave Jeremy out of it. She’d been ugly about the entire thing and spread nasty rumors about them when Luke had refused to do what she wanted. That had led them to Bear Mountain Ranch. They loved it there and hoped to settle with Beverly somewhere close by.

  “Looks like we’re here.” Luke pointed to the first of the thorny bushes holding a sign announcing the Village.

  “Wow! It’s so quaint-looking. I wouldn’t have guessed it would be so cute.” Beverly peered ahead of them as they drove down the clean, simple street.

  “Let’s get a quick bite to eat at this café, then we can shop as long as you want to. The steakhouse is just outside of town on the other end.” Jeremy pulled into a parking space a block down from the café.

  “I can’t get over how pretty it is here.”

  “Well, if it isn’t Luke and Jeremy. I never thought I’d see the two of you here.”

  Jeremy stared at their worst nightmare and biggest mistake.

  Chapter Ten

  Beverly stared at the perfect-looking blonde with the slight sneer marring her otherwise beautiful face. If looks could have killed, she would be six feet under sprouting lilies. The other woman’s eyes narrowed when they looked at her.

  “Slumming, guys? I’d think you could do better than that overweight creature. But then considering what you want, maybe not. She’d have to be desperate to take on the two of you.”


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