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The Real Deal

Page 30

by Lucy Monroe

  Her new favorite dessert. Even chocolate didn’t taste this good.

  Running her hands over the raw silk of his shirt, she gloried in the textured fabric and the hard muscles underneath. She wanted to touch him everywhere, to have him touch her.

  She had the first half of his shirt buttons undone and one spaghetti strap was perilously low on her arm when he tore his mouth away from hers. “Key.”

  Key? Her mind was lost in an unprecedented sexual frenzy. Nothing made sense except the feel of his body against hers.

  Since he wouldn’t kiss her, she kissed him—along his jaw, down his neck. She had made it to his chest when he shoved himself away from her.

  “Baby, you are killing me.”

  The chilly evening air buffeted her with the loss of the heat generated by Alex’s body. She shivered with unsatisfied desire and cold, trying to understand why he’d pulled away.

  “Your key. Isabel, give me the key to your door.”

  She was so disoriented that she did just that.

  Alex rammed the key into the lock and shoved open the door. He turned and lifted her in his arms and carried her into the hallway, pushing the door shut with his foot.

  “Lock it,” he ordered.

  She did.

  “Where’s your bedroom?”

  The flat question finally broke through the passion dulling her brain’s activity.

  She vehemently shook her head, fear slicing through her. And not fear that this man would take more than she willingly offered but rather fear that she would offer too much. If she’d ever had this volatile a reaction to a man before, she would not be such an inexperienced twenty-eight-year-old woman.

  She was sure of it.

  That inexperienced status was not going to end tonight, however. She had allowed herself to get carried away on the porch, but she wasn’t about to make love with a man who had tried to use her.

  “No, Alex. You can’t take me to bed.”

  Lucy also has a wonderful story appearing in

  STAR QUALITY, an anthology from Brava

  currently on sale.

  Meet three people with a little something special whose love lives are about to turn wild, crazy, sensual, and oh-so-hot. Blame it on the moon? Sure. But who’s complaining, anyway . . .


  New York Times bestselling author

  Lori Foster

  Once in a Blue Moon

  It’s all because of that stupid blue moon. That’s

  what Stan Tucker thinks as he walks through

  Delicious, Ohio, suddenly privy to everyone’s

  innermost thoughts, a gift courtesy of a rare blue

  moon. What most people have on their minds is

  boring—grocery lists, work woes, appointments.

  But not Jenna Rowan’s super-private thoughts.

  The pretty, shy bookstore owner is having decid-

  edly hot thoughts about Stan . . . naked, sweaty,

  not-for-primetime thoughts. Stan’s lusted after

  Jenna for ages, but he never thought the proper

  lady was interested. Now that he knows, he

  intends to do something about it, and this time,

  he won’t be the only one howling at the moon . . .

  Lucy Monroe

  Moon Magnetism

  Ivy Kendall dreads the full moon. For generations, women in her family have been extremely magnetic on that day—which was fine fifty years ago but not in the age of hard drives and cell phones. That’s why the hotel manager has resisted the technological improvements her boss wants her to implement. Now, the sexy, dynamic Blake Hawthorne is coming to insist on the upgrades in person. Shoot, he’ll probably fire her. Being around Blake makes her body go as haywire as a full moon, maybe even more. And as long as she’s going to be out of a job soon, there’s no reason not to use a little of that magnetism to her advantage, luring him into an elevator where the only electricity that will work is the kind they generate themselves . . .

  Dianne Castell


  For years, Julia Simon has had the worst luck, married to a man who cheated on her left, right, and center. Now, the pretty divorcee is ready for her luck to change, and it is . . . big time. Ever since she unknowingly performed a Blue Moon ritual, Julia’s wishes seem to be coming true. So why not wish for wild, unbridled passionate sex with hunky P.I. Marc Adams? Well, because when it happens, it’s so amazingly good, that’s why. Now, with the blue moon due to end in three days’ time, Julia can only wonder if it’s just a spell or the start of a whole new life . . .

  Be careful of wishful thinking. It just might get you everything . . .

  KENSINGTON BOOKS are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  850 Third Avenue

  New York, NY 10022

  Copyright © 2004 by Lucy Monroe

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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  ISBN: 978-0-7582-6931-7




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