God, Faith, and Reason

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God, Faith, and Reason Page 9

by Michael Savage

  Casting off the yoke of Heaven with impudence, passing judgment by a begrudging eye are also sins that you’re supposed to apologize for.

  The word obduracy isn’t even used in America anymore. No one even knows what the word means. Ask the average welfare recipient what obduracy means. They want to know how much is in it for them. Running to do evil, talebearing, swearing in vain, causeless hatred, embezzlement. Embezzlement? The whole Democratic Party would be out of business if it ever tried to atone for that sin.

  Even having a confused heart is a sin. Who doesn’t have a confused heart? You’re supposed to apologize for all of this? The day I lost my religion, I’m not going to tell you that story. The day I found my religion is another story.

  In many ways, the last presidential campaign became semireligious. What is odd is that a woman as corrupt as Hillary Clinton could have been seen as the holier one. That’s astounding. She’s about as corrupt an individual as you can possibly get in a skirt. But because of people like Anderson Stupor, her sins were suddenly washed away. There was no Arab Spring, no displacement of millions of people in the Middle East because of her policies, no Clinton cash. Nothing. She’s cleaner than Trump, purer than him, more moral than him. Can you believe that? How the world turns. And look who made the decision for us: the media gurus of deceit.

  How Revolutionaries Kill God

  The fact of the matter is, I’m appealing to liberals out there—real liberals—to understand that liberalism can be a philosophy that’s operational and accepting of other people, not a winner-take-all philosophy that crushes anyone who disagrees with them. What’s happened now is that there is no true liberalism left in the political world. It seems to have dissolved. I don’t know when, and I can’t point a finger at who dissolved it.

  But the true liberals are gone. You can call them progs, as I do, because it’s kind of a descriptive term to describe the progressives today. It has a derogatory tone to it, which it should, because the progs are not leading us forward. They’re leading us backward into a Soviet era we will all regret, including the progs themselves, who will also feel the steel of the guillotine, once it starts falling. The French Revolution should have taught us one thing: the guillotine has an endless desire for blood.

  I’ve tried to put politics aside. It’s so painful. The bigger the liars, the more they scream for Trump’s head. The more they’re stealing from the government, the louder they scream for Trump’s head. The more they’re robbing from the Treasury, the more they call you a deplorable or a KKK or a Nazi. As I said, I’m not a prophet, but I can say with some conviction that I know what I’m talking about regarding the phonies in the media. And I’ll say it again: this country is moving back toward God.

  Don’t expect to see that in a poll. Don’t expect to see it on CNN or MSNBC or Fox News. I’m telling you because I have a better stethoscope on America’s heartbeat than they do. The country is turning back to faith because there is nowhere else to go. We had faith in Donald Trump, and I’m sorry to say many of us have lost our faith in government itself.

  There has been a palace coup. Trump is much like a figurehead now. He says things we want to hear, but then nothing happens. Or worse, the reverse happens a day later.

  Many people feel lost and don’t know which way to turn. So, many people will go back to church. But then they’ll have another problem in their hands. The church they grew up in is not the church they’ll go back to today. You take a look at who is on the pulpit in most of these reform temples, most of these liberal churches. They’re going to sell you social activism rather than God. That’s going to be a battle you’re going to have to face on your own.

  I don’t have that problem because I don’t go to houses of worship. I don’t like people lecturing me. If I need a ritual, I’ll go for the ritual. I’m moved by rituals, whether they be in a church or a synagogue. On Christmas Eve, I like to go to the Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and listen to the service. I was pleasantly surprised last year to see that they didn’t infect the service with liberalism. I thought there would be a radical feminist coming out to preach politics, not God. But the service was traditional and moving.

  I sat there and felt the vibes of all the good people of this city through the years. And I live it. I pay almost no attention to the inveiglers who have taken over the Church, the papacy, and the synagogues. Let God be the judge of all of that, not me. I’m one man wandering on this lonely planet of ours, trying to find his way.

  Wherefore should I pardon thee?

  The children have forsaken Me,

  And sworn by no-gods;

  And when I had fed them to the full, they committed adultery,

  And assembled themselves in troops at the harlots’ houses.

  —Jeremiah 5:7

  An Unlikely Choice

  Many people believe that Trump winning this election, by hook or by crook, had God’s hand involved in it. Does that mean Trump is a prophet? No, but God saved America at the last minute. He saved us as sure as I am sitting here from this bunch of atheistic anti-American vermin who have tried to destroy us from within.

  Sometimes God chooses odd people to do His bidding. Look at the story of His choosing Moses. He said, “Moses, I’m choosing you. You’re the chosen one to lead your people.” Moses replied, “Oh, come on, don’t pick on me. I don’t want to do this. I can’t do it. I stutter. I’m not good looking. I have a bad face. My skin is no good. No, pick someone else.” God said, “That’s why I’m choosing you, because you are imperfect.”

  When you consider that and then you look within yourself, you realize that you also can be chosen for things on this earth. No matter how humble you may be, you could be chosen to do something great. You may have already experienced that.

  You see, the people who are chosen by God or by fate or by destiny to do wonderful things often don’t even know they’ve been chosen to do them. I’ve told these stories before, and they resonate in me at times.

  But I truly believe that America can be saved. I think we’re seeing only the beginning of the salvation. I believe that once the rats are forced out of the White House, once the rats are purged from the media, it will be clearer. Make no mistake about it, the vermin behind the rats that you see in the media, they’re businessmen and businesswomen at the end of the day. If they see that because of the left-wing fanaticism their listenership or viewership has collapsed, they’re going to start reaching out to people on the other side, the 51 percent of Americans they’ve spat on for the last ten years. They’ve been spitting on you. They said you’re nobody, you’re nothing. You don’t go to the movies, you don’t watch television. You don’t buy books, you don’t read this, you don’t read that.

  But they’ve found out that you exist. At some point the boards of directors of the media giants are going to begin talking to you with respect. And then voices like mine will be heard across the land. You will start to hear voices like mine. They will start appearing in the most unexpected outlets you could ever imagine. The only reason is that the rats behind the scenes are businesspeople and all they look at is the bottom line.

  They’ve finally awakened to the fact that they were spitting on 51 percent of America. Laughing at you, mocking you, calling you every name under the sun—the deplorables, the despicables, the rubes, the breeders. But you are the backbone of America, and you have only just begun.

  You know, I keep hearing that immigrants are the backbone of America. I keep hearing that they do the jobs that Americans won’t do. Then why are we bringing in fifteen-year-old girls with babies? Why are we bringing in Muslims with six children? Why is it that the immigrants have a much higher use of the welfare system than do the natives of this country? If you can answer those questions, you’ll come to understand that virtual criminals have been running the nation.

  They are become as well-fed horses, lusty stallions;

  Every one neigheth after his neighbour’s wife.

  Shall I not punish for
these things?

  Saith the LORD;

  And shall not My soul be avenged

  On such a nation as this?

  —Jeremiah 5:8–9

  And they’re not just ordinary criminals who are doing it for personal gain, although there is a tremendous amount of personal gain in flooding the country with immigrants. Catholic Charities USA ripped $2.5 billion out of the tax base last year. Lutheran Family Services is another one. They are criminal organizations, in my opinion. Do you think that because the word “Catholic” is in front of the name, it can’t be run by a bunch of thieves? I suggest you look at the directors’ salaries. Ask yourself, “Why are we spending more than two billion dollars on Catholic Charities? And what have they given us?”

  Oh, wait a minute, I remember what they gave us. Why that young fellow last year in Ohio, he was brought in with his five Muslim brethren from Somalia. Oh, yeah, it was Catholic Charities that put him in Columbus, Ohio. Then why hasn’t Catholic Charities been sued by the victims he ran over and knifed? The answer is that I’m not a lawyer.

  Let’s return to Exodus in the Bible. If you can put the Jewish part aside for one minute, just listen to this. This is God speaking. He says, “Moreover, you shall provide out of all the people, able men such as fear God, men of truth, hating unjust gain, and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties and rulers of tens.” That’s a beautiful statement. Able men such as fear God, men of truth hating unjust gain.

  Isn’t that what we want in a leader? Isn’t that what we prayed for, that we’d get rid of the deceit in the White House? Do you say Obama’s not corrupt? He didn’t self-gain, did he? He received a $60 million book advance soon after leaving office! And flew on private jets and enjoyed vacations on megayachts owned by the very “millionaires and billionaires” he so often condemned while in office.

  You may say that’s petty compared to the rest of federal spending. I understand that. But what about the unjust gain of steering contracts to all the people in the gangster solar panel business who have provided very low wattage for a very high price? How’s that for corruption?

  Now, do I think that it’s going to end under Trump? Absolutely not. I think it may get worse. If the RNC gets its hands on the government again, and it looks as though they did, they’re going to roll in the gold like pigs roll in you-know-what. We know what the Republican machine is like. They’re like pigs in mud.

  Your land, strangers devour it in your presence,

  —Isaiah 1:7

  For of old time I have broken thy yoke,

  And burst thy bands,

  And thou saidst: ‘I will not transgress’;

  Upon every high hill

  And under every leafy tree

  Thou didst recline, playing the harlot.

  —Jeremiah 2:20

  Faith and Freedom

  I had a caller on The Savage Nation who compared me to an Old Testament prophet warning people about the dangers of liberalism. It was just after I had done a show segment on the wonderful movie Hacksaw Ridge. The hero, Desmond Doss, drew courage from the Bible and eventually earned the Congressional Medal of Honor without firing a shot. But the caller’s point was that everything I had done up to my book Scorched Earth was like an Old Testament prophet, while with Trump’s War I played the role of John the Baptist, who said, “He must become greater, while I decrease.” He was referring to the many times I’d had Donald Trump on my show, introducing the man who would bring my message of borders, language, and culture to an even wider audience than I already had. It was a very interesting insight.

  As I said at the beginning of this book, God does not do the heavy lifting for us. It is up to us to find our connection to God and to do His will here. I truly believe that my lifelong fight for our borders, language, and culture is part of my mission. As I’ve said many times, it’s indisputable that I helped Trump get elected. It’s equally indisputable that, as imperfect as he is, he represented the only chance to restore a free, just, and godly nation given the crossroads we were at last November.

  But what is my role now that Trump has been elected? That same caller suggested that winning the election was akin to the ancient Israelites being freed from bondage in Egypt. That’s not a bad analogy, but let’s not forget that even the Israelites didn’t go directly from Egypt to the Promised Land. Not only did they have to wander for forty years in the desert before reaching Canaan, they had to conquer the Promised Land before taking possession of it.

  That forty years of wandering wasn’t just bad luck. In Exodus, God makes the Israelites wander in the desert because of their infidelity to Him and their decisions to do evil in His sight.

  What a great metaphor for where we are today. Yes, we won a crucial election that may have saved our country from irreparable ruin. But Trump hasn’t been perfect. He’s already taken many wrong turns, as when he allowed the neocons to manipulate him into bombing Syria, based on hearsay evidence of Assad gassing his own people. But, like Moses, who also disobeyed God’s will while leading the Israelites to Canaan, he is still leading America toward its own Promised Land. He’s made mistakes along the way and will likely make many more in the future, but at least he’s taking us in the right direction.

  Let’s not forget that we’ve had great victories along the way as well, just as the Israelites did at Ai and Jericho. Trump has succeeded in stemming the tide of unvetted refugees from nations with high numbers of Islamic terrorists. He had to take that one all the way to the Supreme Court. And he’s been able to get rid of the most onerous regulations Obama put on businesses, particularly in the fossil fuel industries. I remain cautiously optimistic that he won’t let the sellouts in his party go too far in repealing environmental regulations, under the pretense of reversing Obama’s, which were far too restrictive.

  Most important, Trump has legalized patriotism again. Though he has personally had to endure withering attacks from the media thought police, he has exposed them for the frauds they are to large portions of the population who never suspected just how much “fake news” they were being subjected to.

  As for me, I’m always asking myself what’s ahead and where I should go. To be honest, I don’t have an answer to that right now. I feel that I’ve done my job. Some mornings, I wake up and feel like a salmon that has swum upstream. I feel I have done the biggest thing I could possibly do in my life and there’s nothing left to do. But then I remember Moses, who spent the rest of his life trying to get his people to the Promised Land after he had freed them from bondage in Egypt. And I know there is still a lot of work to be done to save our nation.

  Let’s not forget, winning elections has yielded disappointing results before. We thought we had accomplished something when we sent conservatives to Washington in three straight elections, from 2010 to 2014. And what happened? We were stabbed in the back by John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. Boehner may be gone, but McConnell is still there, along with a bunch of other RINOs and sellouts.

  They have done it to us before, and I don’t want them to be allowed to do it again. If I must again be the only one out there willing to stand up and take the chance of having the Donald Trump camp reject me, cast me out from Eden, I must live with that. So if I’m going to live in Nod, I’ll live in Nod. I’ve lived here my whole life. I’ll stay here. I didn’t expect to be invited into the Garden of Eden for supporting Donald Trump. And if I’m cast out because I dare criticize the president and the RNC, so be it. I’ve wandered in the desert; I’ll continue to wander in the desert. It’s that simple.

  I’m the one conservative who hasn’t forgotten why we sent Donald Trump to Washington. It’s not enough simply to have him in the White House, throwing tweet-bombs at the media. We sent him there to restore our borders, language, and culture. We need the wall built, the military restored, the economy repaired with fair trade deals that put America first, and ISIS destroyed.

  We’ve sent congressmen to Washington for six years try
ing to make a difference, and the swamp dwellers in Washington have stabbed them in the back and spat in our faces. I don’t want them to do it to us again and think they can get away with it because we’re not going to do anything about it. There are millions of us who will do something.

  That’s what I want everyone to understand. Our battle is just beginning. Thank God Trump took Mattis out of retirement. He’s going to really scare hell out of you-know-who. The liberals are going to run like rats off a ship out of the military. Maybe he’ll reappoint all the people in the military Obama purged in Stalinist fashion. But even Mattis has a lot of work ahead of him.

  It all comes down to us. We the people must support Trump when he tries to do the things we sent him to Washington to do. I had another caller who told me he had prayed for Trump to win the election. He said, “When Obama got elected I was very confused, because I pray all the time. I’m a Christian. And I realized the Bible teaches that all work together for the good, for those that love the Lord. I realized that Obama and the Left gave us Donald Trump. When the American people seen how vile and nasty these people really are, they come in droves to vote and support Donald Trump. And the churches were filling up bigger than I’d seen in thirty years.”

  That caller said even more than he realized. Yes, it may have been God’s will that Trump won the election, but God didn’t vote for us. He didn’t reach into the minds of people about to vote for Hillary and zap their minds to change them into Trump voters. Neither did the Russians, by the way. No, the people had to make that decision themselves. They had to decide to vote for Trump and go back to church themselves.

  I will even gather you from the peoples, and assemble

  you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.


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