God, Faith, and Reason

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God, Faith, and Reason Page 10

by Michael Savage

  —Ezekial 11:17

  God gave us everything we need to do the right thing. He gave us the ability to reason. He gave us dominion over an entire planet. He gave us an innate sense of right and wrong. But He’s not going to wave His hand and make everything right after we here on Earth have screwed it up. We’re going to have to do it ourselves.

  For my part, I’m going to continue to do what I have done for three decades. I’m going to keep giving you my analysis of the latest news. I’m going to use my large platform to let Donald Trump know we’re with him against the forces of evil, that we support his fight to take America back. And I’m going to speak up when he strays from the path, as I did when he bombed Syria or when he allowed his Twitter feuds to get his presidency off track. A true supporter lets you know when you’ve strayed off course. I’m a true supporter of Trump and his message, because it was my message before it was Trump’s.

  Besides, what did I expect for having backed Trump? I didn’t expect anything. I didn’t want a job. Nor do I want one now. I can’t work in a bureaucracy. I’m not moving anywhere. This is what I’m meant to do, which is to broadcast and write books. So the umbrella I bought to take to the inauguration will be auctioned off on eBay one day. It did not go to the inauguration, and I don’t expect it to go to future State of the Union addresses, either. I will auction it off and give the money to a charity for veterans. It’ll probably bring in a lot of money.

  There is one thing I would like to get out of all of this: maybe one day Donald Trump will try to persuade the British government to take my name off the UK banned list. I’m still legally banned from visiting that country, basically for telling the truth. That’s one thing I hope to get out of all this work I’m doing trying to restore some semblance of Western civilization. But it’s not what’s most important to me, in the end. Moses never made it into the Promised Land, but he knew his people were going to make it. I can certainly forgo making it into the United Kingdom if I can leave knowing my people are going to achieve their Promised Land after I move on.

  The Meaning of Passover

  I talked about Exodus in an earlier chapter, but I would like to explain the meaning of the Passover holiday in this one. I’m talking about what it means to a person beyond the ritual and how it can be used to improve oneself. Again, if a religion doesn’t in some way give you courage, strength, or hope, that religion is useless as far as I’m concerned.

  Religion should give you some connection to the ultimate power that drives the universe. I have studied a variety of religions during my life, at some times more actively than at others. I’ve looked for the truth in so many places and in so many ways that my heads spins just thinking about it. It has all been an attempt to find meaning in life: What am I doing here? What’s the purpose of life? Why do good people suffer? Why do bad people sometimes not suffer? These are the eternal questions. If you find answers in religion, you’re lucky. Most people don’t.

  Most people, in my experience, sit in church or synagogue, go along with the program, and don’t even know what they’re doing. They hear nothing. They’re numb. They go in numb, and they come out numb. They take away nothing from it. Occasionally a person is touched or reached by one of the holy books sitting there or by a teacher. Occasionally someone is touched, and that’s good enough. You can’t expect an entire flock to be touched.

  But there is a higher thing in religion, whether it be Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, or even Hinduism. All of it is an attempt to tap into some power. Even paganism, although not one of the five major religions, is people trying to tap into a power that runs through them. They want the power. They want the energy. They want to be innervated. They want to feel the power. They don’t want to be denervated. They don’t want to go to a church and come away feeling weaker than when they went in.

  Every year people flock to Lourdes in France by the hundreds of thousands. They believe that if they touch the holy water in the grotto at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, they will be healed. They believe it can make the crippled walk, the blind see, the deaf hear. Sometimes people will jump up and say, “I’m healed! I’m healed!”

  What are they going there for? They’re going there for a “miracle.” What’s a miracle? It’s the energy, the power that drives the entire universe. It’s the energy that makes a blade of grass start from a seed, a dormant, dead thing, and turn into a beautiful green thing.

  That seed is you. Many of us are walking around like a husk, a dead seed. But inside the apparently dead seed, there is a living, green piece of grass, just as inside an acorn, there’s a great tree. Many of us remain a seed, live our whole life as a seed, waiting for someone, whether it be a woman for a man or vice versa. We wait for someone or something to awaken the seed into life and make it come alive, make a piece of green grass or a tree grow from it.

  People often try to find that through religion. Some do. Some go to church every Sunday. Some go every day. A Sunni Muslim prays five times a day. He believes he’s reaching God five times a day; he feels the energy. Many of us cannot feel it at all when we’re alone, but when we go into a temple, a mosque, a church, we can.

  Have you ever been in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City on Christmas Eve? If you have, or if you have been in an Orthodox Jewish temple in Brooklyn, New York, when there are five thousand men chanting at the same time, or even in a village setting where there are twenty men chanting, you’ve felt an energy that you will never feel alone. So there is an argument for the congregation. But I haven’t touched on Passover yet.

  The Jewish people are a very small minority numerically, both in the world and in the United States of America. I think even nonreligious Jews have a seder. Now, many Christians understand what a seder is. Sometimes Christians go to seders because they have Jewish friends or someone in their family has married a Jewish person. It’s a rather peaceful, nice, long meal with various ritualistic events, including the unleavened bread, or matzoh.

  The unleavened bread signifies the time of haste when the Jewish people were fleeing Egypt and had to make bread in the desert. They didn’t have time to allow the dough to rise. The children love this kind of thing if they understand it at all. I don’t know if they even teach it to the children anymore. The children understand that their ancestors were once slaves, but they don’t really know what that means.

  A modern Passover seder may not mean the same thing to people today as the ancient one did to the Israelites. I’m not against tradition, I’m just saying a lot of people don’t hear the message anymore or want to listen. Although they may say, “Our ancestors were slaves,” it has no meaning.

  What it can mean for us today is that we are still slaves in our own life and we can break the bonds of slavery any time we want. If you take it as a personal seder, a personal Passover, you can learn to release yourself from your own chains. Whether they be alcohol, drugs, sexual addiction, gambling addiction, you could say you are a slave. You could come to understand you are enslaved. You can decide, from that day forward, to seek to break those chains of bondage and become a free man or a free woman. That’s another way to interpret the significance of Passover, to give it a modern meaning, an eternal meaning. You must take meaning from the ancient and give it some modern meaning or else it loses its value altogether.

  To most people it has to do with chicken, chopped liver, fish, brisket, and things of that nature. It’s about drinking too much wine, because you’re supposed to drink four cups of wine. For too many people, it’s an excuse to get drunk around a communal table in a nice setting with a clean tablecloth and good silverware. But the Passover Seder is about breaking our bondage.

  For though thy people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea,

  Only a remnant of them shall return;

  An extermination is determined, overflowing with righteousness.

  —Isaiah 10:22

  Buddhism: The Religion of Submission

  What ties together everything
in the Jewish scriptures is the responsibility for man to actively seek God and do His will. That’s where I believe the Judeo-Christian tradition is superior to Buddhism. Whereas Jews and Christians are called by their scriptures and belief systems to actively change their own lives and try to make the world a better place, Buddhism is very much a religion of submission and accepting the world as it is.

  I remember a caller on The Savage Nation who had a wonderful insight into this. He said, “Well, I respect the Buddhist perspective. I understand the desire to remove oneself from the karmic wheel. But it has always struck me, in a sense, as being a dichotomy, in that the other side of that coin is an avoidance of the human experience. You have no attachment; you seek no goals. In essence, you seek to become an empty cup.”

  I couldn’t have agreed more with that caller. When I was much younger and doing a lot of reading on the subject, I concluded myself that all religions are somewhat specific to the nation and the people at the place and time in which they were established. Buddhism was a religion that was very good for people who were serfs and had no chance to advance themselves. No matter what they did, no matter how they did it, they could never move ahead.

  So they naturally embraced a religion that teaches that it’s the norm to get nowhere; that no matter what you do, you’re going to struggle and fail. That was their situation under the sociopolitical system they lived under, and they developed a religion that would allow them to cope with or make sense of their lot in life under that system. So Buddhism was ultimately a religion for submission to the inevitable of getting nowhere in life.

  It’s like all religions that appeal to people who are broken and suffering in this life, because they promise eternal life in another place. That’s fine and good to believe in. It can be very healthy and keep you going and make you a noble person.

  No Man Is an Island

  How many of you know that “for whom the bell tolls” comes from a great poem, which approaches a religious piece, by the great dead white male poet John Donne? It’s a short one. He was writing something called Devotions Upon Emergence Occasions and said, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” He meant that although we’re individuals, we’re also part of a whole, which makes living as individuals possible. The death of any one person diminishes the life of every other, because it diminishes the whole. That’s why his famous ending says, “never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”It is no longer taught by the polyps in the US academic establishment, the polyps who have turned academia into a cauldron of left-wing hatred for everything Caucasian, everything European, everything that is great on this earth, created by whites but now expunged by the polyps who have taken over every aspect of the academy.

  What does that have to do with Trump? Nothing, in a way. But the poem begins with, “No man is an island.” Trump isn’t an island. And as Chuck Schumer and the other illegitimi on the left continue to tear him apart, they do not realize they’re tearing themselves apart. As they tear apart the truth, as they tear apart decency, as they tear apart democracy, as they tear apart the presidency, they’re washing away our nation. And if you think they’re attacking only Trump, you are mistaken. They’re attacking the foundations of our nation.

  I’ve shared this great meditation because it’s as good as anything that the ancients wrote. But there is an ancient one-line passage from Ethics of the Fathers that says, “Do not judge alone, for none can judge alone except one,” meaning only God can judge alone. Apparently, Chuck Schumer forgot all of that after he put down his religious studies, if he ever had any. And after tearing apart Donald Trump on completely fallacious grounds, the polyps in the Democrat Party live for one thing only, and that is to destroy. To destroy, destroy, destroy.

  But here’s the odd part: instead of facing the real enemy of Western civilization, radical Islam, they have created a false enemy called Russia. Suddenly, Russia is the big enemy. What has Russia done to harm the United States? The answer is absolutely nothing. In fact, were it not for Russian jets, ISIS would still be cutting off heads and setting people on fire alive. It was the Russian air force under Vladimir Putin that started to destroy ISIS, not Barry Hussein Obama, who refused to do the job.

  Civilization itself is under attack right now. Not long ago, I received an e-mail from a very famous Democrat attorney. I’m talking about an old-line, JFK-era Democrat. Don’t confuse people like him with the so-called progressives of today. I’m talking about an old-time, fair-minded liberal. There were such men at one time. They practically don’t exist anymore. This attorney wrote me an impassioned e-mail about how Donald Trump should handle the James Comey scandal.

  He said there’s only one way for him to handle it, and “Of course I told the FBI director ‘if you can.’ I didn’t say ‘you should.’ If you can, drop this, because he’s a good man. Flynn is a good man. He’s my friend.”

  That shows loyalty. Do you understand? That shows Donald Trump has something none of the Democrat polyps have: integrity and loyalty to friends. Do you understand what’s going on here? Loyalty, integrity, things Schumer never learned in the dirty streets of Brooklyn. Things Nancy Pelosi apparently never learned.

  The attorney added, “There’s nothing illegal with that.” He gave me some other advice: There’s absolutely no case whatsoever for impeachment. None. In fact, if you think there is, you’re really living in a dream world.

  I received a letter from my attorney, Daniel Horowitz. He said:

  Impeachment based upon the Comey memo is very unlikely. Here’s why. If Comey really was solicited in a way that was clearly illegal, he had two choices. One, he could submit a report to the Attorney General and seek a prosecution. Two, he could create a memo report and do further investigation. That is, set up a sting or attempt to garner more proof than just his word against the president’s. As far as I know, neither took place. A cynic would say that Comey was holding it over Trump as blackmail, but I give no credence to that at all. The power would fade over time, and the delay in reporting would make the use of the threat a bluff. That leaves us with the idea that Comey probably felt pressured, but also believed that the conduct did not constitute a crime. It is the only logical conclusion. Comey is a lawyer and an experienced law enforcement officer. And he is smart and not afraid of anyone as far as I can tell. For these reasons, his noting of the contact but his taking no further action screams to me there is nothing here.

  Unfortunately, the propaganda damage has already been done. I received several e-mails from a friend of mine in Los Angeles. He said that in every restaurant he went into, all anyone was talking about, was Trump, Russia, Trump, Russia, Trump, Russia. He said wherever he went, the psychotic liberals had bought it hook, line, and sinker. The idiots in west Hollywood, who don’t know their toenails from their DNA, were talking not about the radical Islamic threat to our civilization but about Trump and Russia. So the damage has already been done.

  But Trump is doing his work. While under constant assault from the lowest forms of humanity, he continues to do the job we sent him to Washington to do. And if you think I’m going to abandon him like all the Never-Trumpers, stab him in the back and jump ship because all the others are doing it, you’re wrong. I’m made of better stuff than that.

  I’m not going to join the chorus who are for Ted Cruz or any of the other lessers who could not win. They’re now sticking a knife in Trump’s back because he’s in trouble. The answer should be to stick a knife in the other party’s back, not in Trump’s. I’ve said this before, and I will say it again: what is missing is Roy Cohn.

  If I were Donald Trump, I would hire a hundred aggressive lawyers under a Roy Cohn–like lawyer and I would investigate all of those who are persecuting me with false charges. I would put ten investigators on every senator, every congressman, every reporter who has it in for me. And once I turned over every rock in their lives and exposed what’s real about their own crimes
and misdemeanors, you would see most of the persecution cease.

  It’s astonishing to me how successful propaganda can be. It’s shocking to me how the media can take a man like Donald Trump, as flawed as he is, and turn him into a villain. Flawed he is; a villain he is not.

  By attacking Trump, what they’re really doing is attacking the Americans who voted for him. Make no mistake about it, by attacking Trump they’re saying, “Drop dead on the border with Mexico. We love the drugs. We love the crime. We love the illegal aliens. We love the meth dealers pouring over the border. We love the throat cutters with tattoos. We want more of them in our cities because we love the drug trade.”

  That saith: ‘I will build me a wide house

  And spacious chambers’,

  And cutteth him out windows,

  And it is ceiled with cedar, and painted with vermilion.

  Shalt thou reign, because thou strivest to excel in cedar?

  Did not thy father eat and drink, and do justice and righteousness?

  Then it was well with him.

  —Jeremiah 22:14–15

  By attacking Trump they’re saying, “We love an unfair trade deal where Eddie loses his job. We love jobs going to Canada. We love jobs going to Mexico. We love jobs going to China. We want the white male suffering with nothing in this country. We want the white male out of work. We want him humiliated and broken.”

  And what are they saying about our language? “We don’t want a language in this country. We want a bastardization. We want no one to understand the next man. We want a Tower of Babel.”

  They are attacking us. They are attacking the core of the nation. They’re attacking every last one of us who voted for Trump. Make no mistake about it. The battle lines are drawn. The game has begun. And Michael Savage is not jumping ship just because you think it is convenient for him to do so. I am a loyal man.


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