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Laura: An Age Play Romance

Page 13

by Wild, Lucy

  My parents said their goodbyes soberly at the front door before leaving me in his care, their carriage rattling away as Lord Rutherford bade me enter, taking me into the drawing room a minute later before proceeding to ignore me for some time. As he remained lost in his thoughts, so I became lost in my own.

  I attempted to think of any way in which I could remove myself from this awful situation. To marry not just a man, which was sinful enough to me, but to be forced to marry a man such as him. That was sure to land me in the hellfire of damnation if that was not where I had just arrived. He looked devilish enough, little more than a brute, even in that expensive suit of his. His eyes were as black as the fabric of his jacket, his hair a ragged mess atop his formidable head. His lips were pursed as he sipped his brandy, taking it as if it were iced water, not expensive liquor. Even his hands were more suited to a beast than a man, thick fingers that looked as if they may crush the glass into a thousand pieces at any moment.

  “Why do you think I want to marry you?” he asked out of nowhere, turning to look at me without a hint of humour or kindness anywhere on his face.

  “I do not know sir but I wish you did not.”

  “That wish is a zephyr, it will pass soon enough. Though I must say I am somewhat surprised. There are many young women who would be delighted to marry one such as me.”

  “In which case why not take one of them as your wife.”

  “Because,” he began, his eyes narrowing, “I want you.”

  I felt furious. Why was my opinion the only one that seemed to count for nothing? Was I the only person who had no say in my future?

  “I am not getting any younger,” he continued. “And I have been informed by people who earn far more than they deserve that without an heir, a very long line of Rutherford’s will come to an end when I die. I need an heir. Do you understand that?”

  I remained silent. The very thought of giving him a child sickened me. I was supposed to remain chaste, to serve God as my sisters had done before me. I was not supposed to become a common whore for the avaricious desires of this wicked, sinful, and undeserving man.

  “Speak up girl. Do you understand me?”

  I sat up straight, summoning up all my courage in the face of that furious expression. “I have no intention of marrying you sir, let alone bearing a child for you.”

  “Is that so?” He set down his glass and stood up, towering over me as the tremor in my hands grew ever more pronounced. “Your parents have other ideas. They have given me free reign to do with you as I will. What make you of that?”

  “Let me go home,” was all I could think of in response. “I want to dally here no longer.”

  He grabbed hold of my arm, pulling me to my feet. The sheer brute fury of his grip made me gasp out loud. “This is your home!” he snarled. “So you had better get used to that notion.”

  I attempted to pull my arm free. “This will never be my home. I despise this place as much as I despise you.”

  “You are a wilful one,” he said, a flicker of lightness appearing in his eyes for the first time. “I will grant you that but I have dealt with children such as you before.”

  “You will unhand me this instant. I am not to be sullied by you or indeed anyone.” I lashed out, landing a kick on his shin. He did not flinch.

  “If you are going to tantrum like a child, I shall discipline you as one also.” He twisted my arm as he sank into the nearest chair, pulling me over his lap and ignoring my protesting shouts. Reaching down he yanked up the bottom of my dress, exposing my legs to his gaze. I fought ever harder to free myself but he was far stronger than I. “You will learn to obey me or you will face the consequences,” he said, lifting his free hand and landing a solid smack on my left buttock. Although clothed, the blow stung with such immediate pain that I could not help but scream. As I did so, he laughed at my evident discomfort.”

  “You struck me,” I yelled in disbelief.

  “You struck me first,” he replied with a smirk. “Though I may perhaps have struck you harder. Now are you going to behave yourself?”


  “Very well.”

  Another blow landed, this time on my right buttock, heat spreading rapidly through my bottom. The warmth and tingle of shock remained long after he had shoved my dress back down and stood me up again. Maintaining his grip on my arm, he moved his face towards mine until his lips were mere inches from my own. From this distance I could smell him, a scent of masculinity that I had never encountered before, so different to that of my father or my tutors. I felt myself shrinking downwards as he stared unblinking at my eyes. “Make no mistake Charlotte,” he whispered. “I am in charge here and the sooner you learn that, the better it will be for you. Now sit down and we will continue this conversation like two civilised adults.”

  He lowered me into my chair, my posterior stinging afresh as it met the hard surface. He picked up his brandy and drained the glass, turning to face me once more. “Why do you think I chose you?” he asked.

  “Because you are wicked and would defy the will of God.”

  No, it is simpler than that. Your parents offered you to me in person.”

  “What?” I could not believe what he had just said. “You are lying.”

  “I am afraid the deceit comes from your family in this instance. No doubt they told you some cock and bull story about our engagement but you deserve the truth before our marriage is arranged. They contacted me, out of the blue I might add, offered you up in return for a substantial loan. They even added a caveat that the loan would serve as dowry if I might be so kind as to agree to take you for my wife.”

  “That cannot be true.”

  “I have never been one for lies Charlotte, unlike your father. I have long been looking for an unspoilt girl to provide me an heir, a girl who would not run off with the first tinker or baker who crossed her path. Here you are. I am sure you know better than most that the Lord works in the most mysterious of ways at times.”

  “Do not ever speak lightly of Him.”

  “I do not jest. I sought a bride and here you are, unspoilt, chaste, beautiful. I am sure you will make an excellent bride and an equally excellent mother. Although that reminds me of another matter we must discuss.”

  “Which is?”

  “Tell me, what do you know of sexual matters?”

  Chapter 2

  My cheeks blushed bright red, my head swooning. “Excuse me sir,” I was barely able to mutter. “You would dare to speak of such things to an innocent girl.”

  “You are a woman in age if not experience,” he replied. “Have you ever kissed a man before?”

  I shook my head, the insanity of this discourse taking its toll on my mind. How dare he ask such questions of me.

  “Never?” His smirk broadened into a smile. “Excellent. You are unsullied by the world. Capital my girl, capital. Now the evening draws on apace. I have a party of friends due to arrive shortly and I must prepare for our gathering. You will find your room waiting on the first floor. There is a dress laid out for you to wear. I shall come up and see to you presently. Be sure to look your best, you will not embarrass me in front of my guests.”

  He marched away without so much as a glance in my direction. The door had been left open and I stood up slowly, my bottom still tingling from his hand. I almost burst into tears as I thought about my predicament but I resisted, telling myself to concentrate. How best to escape him?

  Walking out into the hallway I looked around for any sign of household staff. There was no one to be seen. Slowly, I edged towards the front door and eased it open. Nobody visible outside either. Making my way round to the side of the house, I sought the stables. A good enough horse would carry me to the convent and I would be rid of the wicked Lord Rutherford forever. The thought of defying the wishes of my parents hung heavy within my breast but had they not betrayed me also? How could they care more for money than my own wellbeing?

  I followed the sound of neighing an
d soon found the stables. I was crossing the yard when I heard heavy footsteps on the cobbles behind me. I spun round to see Lord Rutherford’s looming figure. “You would attempt to escape me!” he boomed.

  “No sir,” I lied, scrambling back, trying to keep out of reach of his outstretched arms. “I merely wished to meet your horses.”

  “A likely story,” he replied, taking hold of my waist and effortlessly hoisting me over his shoulder. “But I‘ll teach you the punishment for lying.” Ignoring my thrashing legs, he carried me back to the house. “Next time you attempt to escape might I suggest you wait for nightfall or choose not to pass by my study window?” Kicking open the door to the kitchens, he carried my struggling figure past the cooks who all stood back, not one of them making any attempt to assist me.

  I was carried upstairs and through the only pen doorway. He threw me onto the bed next to a stunning long black satin dress which had been draped over the pillows. By the time I sat up, he had shut the door and was locking it, the key quickly slipped into his pocket. “By God, you are like a child,” he roared. “Look at the spite in your eyes.” He grabbed hold of me as I attempted to jump from the bed, twisting me quickly onto my front. “Will you obey me?” he asked, pressing me down onto the mattress with one firm hand, his knee pressed against my legs, preventing any chance I had of escaping his grasp.

  “I will never obey you!” I screamed.

  “Is that so?” he replied softly, yanking up the back of my dress. “Perhaps my hand was not firm enough earlier.”

  His thick fingers brushed over the skin of my thighs as he took hold of my knickers and forced them down to my knees, exposing my posterior as I fought ever harder to free myself. “Let go me you fiend!” I shouted. “Let go at once!”

  “I will when you have been disciplined,” he said, his arm rising above his head. “This should teach you to defy me!” His hand whipped down through the air, landing on my bottom once, twice, and then a third time. The pain spread through my body was agonising but it was nothing beside the humiliation I felt at being exposed to him in such an obscene manner.

  “Stop,” I cried. “I beg you.”

  “You will obey me,” he growled, landing another blow on my bottom, the smacking sound echoing round the room.

  “Anything. I will do anything. Just let me up.”

  “Hmm, that was almost convincing. But I think my little novice nun can be more polite than that to her new Lord.” My cheeks flushed as I pressed my face into the silky sheets of the bed. I let out one yelp after another as his strong hands fell upon my thighs.

  “Please, sir, I will obey you.”

  His grip relaxed ever so slightly upon my back. I felt his other hand sliding across my buttocks from one to the other and back again. “There now,” he said. “That wasn’t so difficult was it?”

  I could not answer. The sensation of his fingers running over the burning nerve endings of my posterior sent the strangest of sensations through me, emotions that I did not understand churned in my mind. My body seemed somehow hotter than when he had begun spanking me. Goosebumps formed on my skin as he continued to stroke my behind, each movement gentler than the last.

  “All you have to do is do as you are bid,” he said as his hand slid downwards to brush over the tops of my sore thighs. “Desist with the act of a petulant child.” He took hold of my knickers and manoeuvred them from my knees to my ankles, easing them over my shoes. I glanced back at him surprised to see him pocket them. “Start acting like a woman.”

  His fingers slid back up my right leg, the movement far softer than I would ever have thought him capable. The heat inside me began to coalesce at my core. I felt a wetness form between my legs as he eased my knees apart and slid his fingers up and over my inner thigh. With his index finger, he brushed over the wetness he found there. I heard him mutter approvingly before he pushed my dress back down over my legs.

  “Sit up,” he commanded and I did as he asked, my chest heaving, my cheeks flushed. I could still feel that warm wetness on my thighs as I blinked up at him, no longer certain what was happening.

  “See this,” he continued,” holding his glistening finger before my eyes, the scent of me filling the air. “This is proof you are learning to be a good girl.”

  “I…I will be good,” I said in a voice little more than a whisper.

  “I am delighted to hear it. This evening you will wear that dress I have chosen for you and you will not replace your knickers. Is that clear?”

  The thought of such a thing was unbearable. I could already imagine his well-to-do guests seeing me, the awkward daughter of a merchant, and even worse, smelling me.

  “Please sir, must I serve you in this way? Perhaps it is enough to just show me to your guest as your new fiancée.”

  The anger flared in his face again in response. “Already you question me. I do not have to explain myself to you. But just this once I will make myself clear. I need a wife I can be sure will honour and obey me in every way. This is simply the first test of your obedience.”

  I do not think I can agree to this.” My nerves had entered my voice and I could hear it shaking.

  I fought to resist crying as he reached past me and pulled open a drawer, delving inside before retrieving what looked like a large square of towelling cloth. Laying it out on the bed, he spoke without looking at me. “Since you persist in acting like a brat and not the fiancée of a Lord, I am being forced to treat you as such. I will return in ten minutes and you will be wearing that nappy under your dress or I will introduce you to my guests wearing nothing at all.”

  “But sir! You cannot seriously expect me to dress like an infant?”

  He unlocked the door as he answered. “Wear the nappy or wear nothing at all. I leave the decision up to you.”

  He left, locking me inside. I tried the window and the door, both were immovable. Finally I sat on the edge of the bed as a tear rolled down my cheek. I had never felt more conflicted in my life. My body was tingling in a way I had never experienced before. The wetness still present between my legs was a constant reminder of the impact his touch had had on me. But how could I possibly bring myself to appear before strangers with that thing between my legs?

  Standing up I began to slowly undress, sliding into the black dress before looking at myself in the mirror that stood beside the bed. The fabric clung to me in a most lascivious way. It was cut low enough to create a cleavage, something no outfit of mine had ever done before. The hips drew my eye a moment later, surely there a nappy could not remain hidden under there. I loner for a bustle frock instead of this empire cut.

  I was still frantically thinking when the key rattled home once more and the door swung open. Lord Rutherford immediately spotted the nappy still in place on the bed. He crossed the distance to me in a single step. “I see you are unused to dressing yourself,” he snapped, shoving me onto my back and forcing the dress up my legs. He held my chest down with one hand as I stared angrily up at him.

  I was too shocked to speak as the dress reached my hips. He shoved my legs apart with his knee as I attempted to cover the most intimate part of me with my hands but he batted them away. “You will stay still by the Deuce or you will be spanked so hard you will not be able to sit down for a week.”

  I continued to squirm but it had no effect on him. The nappy was shoved under my bottom as shame tore through me. I could see him staring between my legs, looking at the place I thought no man would ever see. His face was set with concentration as he let go of my chest. “Do not move!” he ordered, his hands tying quick knots in the nappy, the fabric wrapped around my thighs and between my legs.

  “I hate you,” I said as he pulled me onto my feet, my dress falling back into place.

  “I am not so sure. Your body has been telling me a different story. Perhaps you should stop trying to fight your desires and give in to them.”

  “You are depraved sir. Why must you humiliate me in this way?”

  “This would al
l have been avoided if you had simply done as I instructed. Now come, our guests are waiting.”

  He took my hand in his and half dragged me from the room. I was incapable of thinking about anything but the nappy. The thick fabric chafed my skin as I walked. Glancing down, I could clearly see the bulge where my dress had been forced to stretch over it. The satin bunched and rose up my legs. There could be no doubt as to what I wore underneath. No doubt at all.

  “Please,” I begged, digging my heels into the carpet as we reached the ballroom doors. The sound of conversation reached me and froze me to the spot. “Do not make me go in there wearing this.”

  “Will you obey me?”

  “I will, I will sir. Just let me take this hideous thing off.”

  “You are willing to wear no knickers this evening?”

  “If it means not wearing the nappy, then yes.”

  “Very well. You may take it off.”

  I turned to walk back down the sumptuous corridor but he stopped me. “Where are you going?”

  “Back to my room.”

  “Nonsense. You want the nappy off. You want to be a big girl. Take it off here.”



  I glanced around. There was no one else in sight. Lord Rutherford stared at me as I reached under my dress, untied the knots and tugged the cloth downwards. I was only too aware of his gaze as I fought to keep my dress from revealing too much of my body. He took the nappy from me as I kicked it down to my ankles. In a single movement he deposited it under the nearest chair. With a nod in my direction, he took my arm in his. “Shall we?” As he spoke a wolfish grin spread across his lips.

  He took a step forwards and pushed open the double doors. I remained still for a moment. The feel of the satin on my skin was exquisite even as my body tensed up, wondering if it would be possible for his guests to tell I wore nothing underneath the gown. He lost patience at my hesitation, yanking me in through the door and transporting me into an entirely new world.


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