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Forsaken (The Found Book 2)

Page 7

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “Is your hair really this long?” She tangled her hands in the straight black hair flowing past his razor sharp cheekbones.

  “It depends, do you like it?” His teeth gleamed white as he smiled down at her.

  “It shouldn’t matter, but I think it’s hot.” Her telltale blush heating her skin as it crept up her neck. Seth’s grin got wider.

  “I think it’s cute you still blush. Look at you, you’re the mother of our child, and you still look like you’re barely out of high school.” Annie hit his shoulder.

  “Still a hot button, I see.”

  “How would you feel if people asked you if she was your baby sister, instead of your daughter?” Granted it hadn’t happened for a while, but only because she hardly ever left the damned apartment.

  “It’s good they are so concerned with your safety. I like these people. There’s a man Nell kept showing me. He seemed kind of young, blue eyes and short blond hair. She really likes him, he swings her around and she thinks it’s a lot of fun, but it seemed kind of dangerous to me.”

  “Riley Jones. He and Noah came to Shiprock and found Shilah and me. They brought us here.” Seth watched her with black eyes that saw far too much.


  “No and.”

  “There’s something there as far as Riley is concerned.”

  “There might have been, but now he realizes you might be in the picture he’s decided to back off.”

  “What do you mean, ‘might be in the picture’? I’m Nell’s father. I’m definitely in the picture.”

  “You’re a married man. I don’t sleep with other women’s husbands.” As soon as those words were out of her mouth, Annie pushed at Seth and bounded out of bed. She stumbled, half on and half off the rocking chair in the nursery. Nell let out a cry.

  Chapter Eight

  Seth jerked awake. Portia and Tomas were across from him.

  “Who the hell are Nell and Annie? Are you fucking twins in your dreams now?” Portia snarled. Seth clutched the armrest of the soft leather seat, working fast to gather his thoughts. Seth did everything in his power to keep from lunging and strangling this woman who was keeping him from everything dear to him.

  “You can’t hold a man responsible for what he dreams, querida.” Seth held still as Thiago Labado patted his hand. He turned to his old mentor and smiled.

  “Thank you old friend. He’s right Portia, if I were held responsible for what I dreamed, I would have been arrested for murder.” Portia blanched and looked away, causing Labado to laugh.

  “Sometimes I don’t think this is the love match you claimed it was, Tomas,” Labado said, while motioning to the flight attendant for another round of drinks.

  “It has always been a love match between you and I,” Tomas slurred. Portia glared at her father. “And you my darling girl still owe me a grandchild.”

  “How much longer before we get home?” Portia waved away the stewardess as she looked out the plane’s window. Seth waited for the answer. How long had he been asleep?

  “We’ll be landing in less than twenty minutes, we’ve been descending for a half an hour,” Labado answered. He looked at Seth. “Carson, are you going to be ready for your meeting with Vargas tomorrow?”

  “Of course. Aren’t we Tomas?”

  “Que? What?”

  Seth looked at the old man with disgust. He was a drunk, and it was one more reason he had been so desperate for Carson Runyon to join the family business. When compared to the man who had raised him, Tomas Benitez was a lower life form. He destroyed the lives of thousands of people by running his business into the ground. Then he decided to multiply this error by endangering their lives by shipping illegal drugs and arms in their fleet of ships. So far none of the drug busts had been on a Benitez ship, thanks to Seth. He didn’t want to draw attention to the fact Benitez Shipping was in bed with Thiago Labado. But soon the house of cards would come crashing down, and it would all be because of the greed and incompetence of the man sitting in front of him.

  “Que? What? What are you looking at? If you have to stare, shouldn’t it be at your beautiful wife?”

  Seth looked at Portia, and saw her squirm in her seat. Even she was uncomfortable with her father’s drunken rant.

  “Carson, I know you refuse her. It must stop.”

  Portia put her hand on her father’s arm. “No father, this must stop. You’ve had enough to drink.”

  Tomas grabbed her arm. “You did this, you fix it, Portia. We need him, and we need him happy. You fix this.”

  “Leave her the fuck alone.” Seth unclipped his seatbelt and tore Tomas’ hand off Portia’s wrist, but not before she was clearly left with a bruise.

  “Ah, Carson my son, you do care.” He smiled.

  Seth debated breaking the son of a bitch’s arm, but realized it wasn’t a good idea the day before the Vargas meet.

  “Come sit back down my friend, we still need to discuss what went on in Mexico City.” Seth released Tomas and sat in his seat next to Labado.

  “Thank you. Carson,” Portia said, in the baby voice she thought was cute and sexy, but did nothing for him. He turned to Labado.

  “I need you to draw up plans to figure out how we can start working with Soto. The man wants an arsenal and we can supply it.”

  “They’re going to go at it tooth and nail,” Seth warned.

  “Who gives a fuck? It’ll be between Soto and Vargas. I told you I would keep my people safe.” Jesus, Labado was crazy, Soto was going to wipe out Vargas and squash Labado like a bug. The DEA was doing everything in its power to keep Soto out of the US, and here Labado was arming him and providing a first class ticket into the country. Now Seth was supposed to develop the business plan to do it.

  “Carson needs to come home first, you kept him in meetings and I hardly got to see him, I had to keep myself entertained. And when we were at the same party, you and Thiago monopolized his time. The first time he’s slept was on this plane ride,” Portia whined.

  “He can go home after the meeting with Vargas is done. I need plans drawn up immediately.” Tomas gave him a meaningful look, and Seth knew he really needed to work on the double booked ships. Could his life get any more complicated?


  “You have a visitor Mr. Runyon,” Sally said as he picked up his messages on his way into his office. He raised an eyebrow. “Her name is Evelyn Pierce, she said you were expecting her. I let her in because she said she was working with you on the Labado account, and I know you handle that personally.”

  “Thank you, I hired a consultant. I’m sorry I forgot to tell you she was starting today.”

  “Can I get you some coffee? You look like you could use it.” He looked at Sally who had been with Benitez for over twenty years, and couldn’t believe Tomas had squandered away this woman’s retirement. “Carson?”

  “Oh yeah, coffee would be great.”

  Seth went to his office, praying he was going to find Sierra Mathers and not some other turn of events he would have to deal with. Not only did he find Sierra, he found her in a business suit, and she looked good.

  “Really? Are you just one of those horn dogs?” Sierra asked, derisively as she saw him give her the once over.

  “Ms. Pierce, I really don’t appreciate you speaking to me in that tone. We have a lot of work ahead of us. We have some double booked ships we need straightened out,” Seth said. He was aware the office being bugged even if she wasn’t.

  “I took care of all of the listening devices. You’re safe in here. Seriously Seth, quit stringing Annie along. She has a good man who will treat her with the respect she deserves. You’re married, and it looks like you can’t keep it in your pants.” He stared at the redhead in his office. He blinked hard, was she really even there?

  “Cat got your tongue.”

  “Here’s your coffee. I also brought some muffins and fruit. You need to eat, you’ve lost weight since I last saw you. I brought some for you too, Ms. Pierce,” Sall
y said, as she rolled in a coffee cart. “Mrs. Runyon called, she said she was coming here for lunch, I tried to tell her you would be in meetings, but she wouldn’t listen.”

  Seth almost laughed at Sally’s tone of voice. Nobody at Benitez Shipping could stand Portia. “Holler if you need anything,” she said, as she left the office.

  “Thanks, Sally.”

  “She’s right, you do look like shit. Out partying with the drug dealers?”

  “Look lady, what is your problem? Are we going to be able to work together as a team or not? I need help, we’ve got some bad shit on the horizon, and I don’t need some petty issues hindering us from taking care of the real issues.”

  “My problem is Annie is a good friend of mine. She’s still carrying a torch for you, even though you’ve married another woman and you look like a player. This is more than a cover, it is who you are. Then I find out about this dream walking shit, and how you’ve been keeping her from starting a new life with Riley. You’re a bastard. I don’t like you. But it’s not going to stop me from doing the best job possible.”

  Riley again? “I don’t have to explain myself to you, the only person I will explain myself to is Annie. But we have a job, and it has turned into the worst case scenario. I’m not due to talk to my contact at the DEA for five days, you have to get in contact with him.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  Seth explained about Labado’s meeting with Soto. Sierra didn’t know much about Soto, since he wasn’t one of the drug lords she had investigated.

  “He hasn’t been able to break into the American drug market. He’s made the bulk of his money is selling drugs in Mexico and kidnapping.”

  “You mean the ones where they send body parts to the family members to get them to pay ransoms?”

  “Yep, that’s Soto. America says they don’t negotiate with terrorists, but plenty of American families have paid top dollar to get their family members back, especially after getting a ring finger shipped to them. They also do streaming video of the victim with a countdown clock, so the family has incentive to gather the money. There is no room for error. If the money isn’t delivered on time, the victim is brutally murdered on screen for the family to watch.”

  “This is who Labado has decided to go into business with?” Sierra asked aghast.

  “Not really, he intends to say he is going into business with him, and then when Vargas tries to cut out Labado, Soto will go after Vargas, and they will fight it out. Labado figures they’ll kill one another off, and he’ll be left standing.”

  “He’s out of his mind. He’s nothing but collateral damage.”

  “Yep, it’s how I see it too. No matter who wins, they’ll take out Labado in a heartbeat. Meanwhile we’re going to have a drug war of epic proportions on American soil, and Soto will be kidnapping people here in the US.”

  “Who’s your contact?”

  “Lee Isaacson. He’s out of DC.”

  “What can I do to help, besides contacting Isaacson?”

  Seth eyed the woman. He could see she was sincere and her personal concerns had been tabled.

  “Can you put eyes and ears on Labado and my father-in-law? Just because they tell me one thing, doesn’t mean they aren’t doing something entirely different.”

  “I can have transmitters on them in twenty-four hours. Getting video is going to take longer.”

  “How…” Seth stopped himself. He really didn’t care how she got it done, as long as she did. Hell, she got it so he could speak freely in this office, and he never thought that could happen. Finally Seth asked the question he really wanted to ask.

  “Annie told me nothing ever really happened with Riley. Can you tell me about him?”

  “Riley Jones is on my naval team. We’ve been working together for over five years. He is one of the best people I know, and he’s halfway in love with Annie, and all the way in love with Nell. Seriously Seth, you need to let her go.”


  “This assignment has you all kinds of turned around, but I think it also got you in touch with who you really are. Were you really the type of guy who was going to settle down in a little town in New Mexico and raise a family with a woman like Annie?”

  “Sierra, let’s make a deal, you don’t make assumptions about me, and I won’t assume there is some guy out there who soured you on men, okay?”

  He watched as a flush crawled up her neck, whether it was from embarrassment or anger was anybody’s guess. He didn’t have the time or inclination to figure it out. “Fine, let’s just keep this about the assignment,” she agreed. Seth really wanted to know more about Annie and Riley. Did Annie have feelings for the Navy man?

  “You’re right, we need to table this, and focus. If I have to prioritize, getting the information to Isaacson is more important than bugging Tomas and Labado.”

  “I can get someone else to go to DC, but I’m the best one to do the electronics, so we can accomplish both.” Seth nodded, as the door was thrown open.

  “Who the hell are you?” Portia all but screamed as she stormed over to Sierra.

  Sierra backed up four steps until she was touching the desk, and she had such a frightened look on her face Seth wanted to laugh. “I’m Evelyn Pierce.” She looked over at Seth. “Did I do something wrong?” Apparently Sierra was a bit of an actress.

  “Portia, Evelyn is a new consultant I hired to help me with the Labado account. You’re scaring her.” Seth went over and stood between the two women. “Sally said you were coming over for lunch, it’s just after ten, Evelyn and I still have a lot to discuss, what are you doing here so early?”

  “I wanted to spend some time with you without Dad and Thiago, is it a crime?”

  Seth winced, her voice grated on his ears, the same way her perfume made him want to gag. Being this close to her nauseated him. He knew it was partly because he was overtired, but mostly because he spent time with Annie while he had been on the plane. Every minute in Annie’s presence was a balm to his soul, and it made him more aware of what a poisonous viper he’d married. It made it harder to spend time in Portia’s presence.

  “Look …”

  “I can certainly leave Mr. Runyon, but you told me this project was urgent.”

  Portia looked over his shoulder at Evelyn and then at him.

  “Is this true Carson?”

  “Your father has double booked seven and a half weeks’ worth of ships. I’ve untangled some of the mess, but now we have to figure out how to recoup our losses. This is going to take some maneuvering and Ms. Pierce is extremely qualified to help.”

  Portia leaned into him, and Seth damned himself for standing so close. Looking at him, she murmured, “Since she’s so qualified, you should be able to leave early for lunch. I want to spend time with you darling.”

  Seth stepped away from her so fast she almost fell over in her ridiculously high heels. He noted Sierra made no attempt to steady her.

  “These are Labado’s shipments. It’s a highly delicate situation.”

  “Pffft. You can fix it. I want to go now, and I want you to take me.” Her voice took on the whine of a child.

  “Portia,” Seth said sharply. “If Labado’s shipments are late, there will be significant consequences for your father. Do you understand me?”

  “I want to go to lunch,” she screeched. Fuck, she was high. Why hadn’t he realized from the beginning? He looked at Sierra who looked disgusted. He pulled his cell from his pocket and dialed.

  “Tomas? Portia is here, we have a problem.” It was obvious Tomas had been sleeping. He waited until his father-in-law could form a coherent sentence.

  “Portia is in my office causing a scene. She’s using again. I have a consultant in here with me. I’m trying to untangle the double shipment mess. Portia needs to leave.” Portia tried to grab the phone from his hand, her face a mask of rage.

  “How dare you lie in front of your whore?”

  “I hear her. Keep her there, I’ll have Stef
an there in twenty minutes to bring her home. I’m sure this is a one-time occurrence.” God, this family was so screwed up.

  “I’m sure it is Tomas.” Seth ended the call in time to grab Portia’s hand as she tried to slap him.

  “Sit down, I’ve had enough. Get this through your head. I don’t give a shit how much blow you’ve had, understand this. If I don’t get your father’s fuck up straightened out, Labado will kill your father, he will kill me, and then he will likely sell you to the highest bidder. Is that the life you want? Maybe it is. If it is, let me know, and I can arrange it right now, so I can at least save your father and me.”

  “What are you talking about? This is just some stupid shipping thing. You’re always making these company things sound so important when they’re not. It’s not really that bad, is it?” He saw a small sign of fear skitter across her face like a cockroach.

  “Yes, it is.” He kept his answer short. “Go sit on the couch and wait for Stefan.”

  “I want to go out with you. I don’t want to go anywhere with Stefan.” Sounding every bit of the spoiled child she was.

  “You don’t have a choice. I have to work, and you’re high and need to go home. You can’t be trusted.” She turned and marched towards the door.

  “If you leave, I’ll have Tomas cut off your allowance. He’ll do it too. He did it the last time you were doing drugs.” Hand on the office door, Portia hesitated. Finally she flounced towards the couch and dropped down in her short skirt. She crossed her legs, ensuring Seth and Sierra could see she hadn’t bothered to put on any underwear. Seth couldn’t decide if he was sick, sad or mad.

  “Quite a winner you have,” Sierra said in a whisper. “I can see why you chose her over Annie.”

  “Let’s focus on the Labado shipments, shall we Evelyn?” Seth said in his normal voice.

  “Fine Carson.”

  By the time the day was over, Portia was back at the mansion, Sierra had tasked Nate to inform Lee Isaacson of the latest developments, and she went to figure out how to put electronic surveillance on all the players. Seth stayed at the office until well past midnight, forcing himself to put Sierra and Isaacson out of his mind, and focus on Benitez Shipping. But no matter how hard he tried to compartmentalize, Annie’s accusing stare continued to sneak in as she said she didn’t sleep with other women’s husbands. Hell, he knew that. Annie had only ever slept with him. Since her, he had never intended to touch another woman, that’s what hurt so much when he woken up in bed with Portia, he couldn’t believe he betrayed Annie. Hell, he couldn’t believe he betrayed himself. Would Annie ever trust him again? What would she say if she saw what Sierra witnessed? God, what a mess.


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