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Forsaken (The Found Book 2)

Page 13

by Caitlyn O'Leary


  “Sweets, I intend to savor our time together. You said we had all day.” He brushed his thumb over the plump lip she was biting, drawing it out, and then swooped in for a kiss. He could taste her honey, and the flavor that was all Annie. His head swam with the heady mixture.

  Slim hands pushed at his T-Shirt, trying to shove it up. He held her hands.

  “Annie, wait.”

  “It’s all right,” she soothed. It was odd he should be self-conscious, but he was. In slow, small increments she inched the T-Shirt over the angry bullet wound and surgical scars on his chest. Her kisses a balm as they grazed lightly over his abused skin.

  Finally his shirt was off, and she gasped. “Annie?”

  “You’re gorgeous!” She gripped his biceps, and ground her breasts against him, Seth grinned. “Now your jeans.”

  “Oh no, we’re doing this on my schedule.”

  She pulled harder on him, and he broke out in a sweat. He pulled her hands away, and spread them on either side, so he could finally taste the gentle swells of her breasts. “You’re the one who is gorgeous Annie.” He licked around the tip of one nipple reveling in her breathy moans, then he moved to the other side.

  “Please, don’t make me wait.”

  He heard the need, and tugged the swollen nub into his mouth, and flew even higher. Every new intimacy with Annie took him to somewhere he had never been. He laved the warm texture of her flesh. She arched into his caresses and spread her legs so she could cradle him, and he shuddered. This untried woman was going to drive him out of his mind.

  He brought her hands down so they were parallel to her waist, and trailed kisses down her silken tummy. When he reached the soft curls protecting her sex, he let go of her hands, and gradually parted her thighs wider until the puffy lips of her pussy flowered open and he could clearly see his glistening pink welcome. “Beautiful, you’re just beautiful, Annie.” He saw her propped up on her elbows looking at him with fascinated eyes.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I think so.”

  He touched, he tasted, and he took her to the stars.

  He was trembling as hard as she was by the time he reached for the condoms. “Please hurry,” Annie begged as she trailed her hand over his bare ass. Hurrying was the last thing he intended to do. He tested her, and she was far too delicate to rush. He intended to ease into lovemaking. As if she knew his intention, when he turned she floated her hand over his sheathed erection and grasped him.

  “I said hurry.”

  “And I told you, we were working on my schedule.” He nuzzled her neck at the same time tickling her ribs. Annie shrieked with laughter. “My way, or no nookie for you.”

  He swooped in and tweaked her nipple, and just like that her eyes got slumberous, and he found himself struggling for control.

  “I need this, I’ve waited all my life to find you.”

  “You’re mine. You’ve been mine since before we met.” Bit by bit he made his way into her snug sheath until he reached her body’s slight barrier. He knew he would hurt her, and he didn’t want to. Before he could push forward she arched upwards and he was enveloped in the heat that was Annie.


  “It’s all right.” She looked so blissful, he could only smile in return. “Now move.” He did, slowly at first, and after a few moments she caught the rhythm and they began climbing ever higher until they reached heaven.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “She hasn’t stopped screaming for the last hour and a half. I took her temperature and it is only one hundred degrees. I think she’s so hot because she’s worked herself up, not because of any real illness.”

  Sarah looked at Nell as she squirmed in Shilah’s arms. She knew why the older woman called her to come and look at the baby, and it wasn’t because she was a pediatrician. It was because she was found and had healing abilities. It used to be she needed to have another found person to work with her in order to use her abilities but as the months passed, she learned to use them without another found person to amplify them.

  “Can I hold her?”

  “Please do.” Shilah looked at her with grateful black eyes.

  Shilah had the little girl dressed in just a white T-Shirt, diaper and little white socks. The shirt was damp with perspiration. Sarah brought her to her chest and rocked her for long minutes, softly singing a lullaby her mother sang when she was sick as a child. But the shrieking never stopped.

  “I don’t feel anything wrong with her. Let me get my medical bag.” She handed Nell back to Shilah and left the apartment, chastising herself for not bringing the bag in the first place. She’d been getting too cocky, relying on her found senses, and not her medical training. She’d worked in the ER, there was no excuse.

  “Smart, Johnson, real smart.” She let herself back into the Natani’s apartment and went to the nursery. If anything Nell’s was screaming even louder.

  “Mama,” the baby shrieked, as Sarah entered the nursery. Shivers ran up and down Sarah’s spine. Nell wasn’t crying for her mother to come and get her, she was crying because she was worried, because something bad was happening to Annie. Shilah’s eyes met hers, they were in perfect accord. But first things first.

  “Set her down on the changing table. I need to do a physical, we have to rule out the basics.” Before they could lie the girl down, they had to sit her up so she could blow her little nose, which was filled with snot. Nell looked at Sarah and Shilah with hopeful eyes.

  “Mama,” her voice a whimper this time.

  “I have to examine you Nell. Let me do this first.” Nell looked at both of them, her expression bewildered, and started screaming “Mama” at the top of her lungs. It took both women to hold her still for the exam. Even with a regular medical exam, Sarah could find nothing physically wrong with the baby.

  Shilah picked her up and put her in the crib.

  “I hear you baby. I’ll be back,” the older woman said to her great-granddaughter as she placed a kiss on her forehead. She then motioned Sarah out of the room.

  “Get Noah in here now. Something must have gone wrong. Annie’s in trouble.” Sarah saw him with Niko in the conference room earlier. Hopefully he was still there. She double timed it down the hall, knocking once before letting herself in. Both men looked from the computer screen they were viewing.

  “Sarah? What is wrong?” Niko asked in a heavy Russian accent. It was clear she had worried him if his accent was that strong.

  “Nell is screaming for Annie. What’s going on? I thought you said she would be safe.” Sarah was standing over the two men. If Noah didn’t answer her questions she would yank his ass out of the chair and start beating on him.

  “Whoa, little sister, what’s going on?” She shoved her elbow backwards, hitting Cyrus in his solar plexus before he could lay a hand on her. She hadn’t heard her brother come in the room behind her, but she’d be damned if he would stop her from getting answers.

  “Don’t touch me. Don’t placate me, and don’t lie to me. Something’s wrong, and the baby can feel it. Now what the fuck is up?” If they let one hair on Annie’s head be harmed, she was going to kill them. Damned Neanderthals thought they knew everything, and then failed to protect her friend.

  “Calm down Sarah, there wasn’t a moment when Nate or Kota didn’t have eyes on her.” Noah’s voice was calm.

  “Then why is Nell acting like her heart is breaking? Annie’s hurt, isn’t she?”

  “Are you talking about Annie?” The door slammed behind Riley as he ran across the room and lifted Noah from his chair. It happened so fast Sarah didn’t have time to process it. Riley yelled, and Noah was being held up by his shirt. When she looked at both men, it was clear no matter how angry Riley was, Noah was only allowing himself to be manhandled.

  “I need you both to calm down, and I’ll tell you everything.” Riley continued to hold Noah. “Chief Petty Officer Jones, stand down.” Sarah watched as a switch was flipped. Ril
ey set Noah to his feet and stepped back a step and nodded.

  “Can you both please sit down and I’ll explain everything?”

  “You better not leave out the slightest detail. I don’t know what is wrong with Nell, but it is obvious she is connected to her mother at a visceral level, and I need to know everything in order to treat her.” Noah might be in charge of this team, but Sarah was in charge of everyone’s health.

  “You’ll know everything I know.” Cyrus took her hand in his warm grasp and she gripped it tight, seeking solace. For an instant she wished Nate was there, but having her big brother at her side was pretty damn good. She smiled at him and he gave her a wry grin. He had totally read her mind, and then winked. Damn bastard, she hated having big brothers, they knew everything.

  They sat side by side, and he sidled up closer as Noah explained everything.

  “I don’t understand. How do you know it’s what was going on inside the warehouse? Were they looking through a window? Could they see them in the cage?” Sarah worked to keep her voice even. A cage?

  “Nate was inside the warehouse. He had his gun trained on the men at all times.”

  “How wasn’t he seen?”

  “He was in the rafters, he wasn’t going to let things go too far.”

  “What are you talking about? Annie could have been raped, she could have died. She was beaten into unconsciousness. How do we know she isn’t dead?”

  “Nate and Kota have both checked on her. She’s fine, she’s just passed out, but all of her vitals are normal.”

  “How do you know?” God, she needed to be there. Annie needed to come home. She should never have gone. She needed to be with her baby. Sarah stopped short. She imagined all those other mothers whose babies were now part of this hell. If she could have traded places with Annie she would have in an instant.

  “What?” Sarah asked, realizing she missed what Noah said.

  “Nate told us she wasn’t sleeping prior to the modeling audition, add that to the injury, and it makes sense she’s still unconscious. It has to be what Nell was reacting to.”

  “That’s bullshit. Nell would know if her mother was just sleeping, this is something else. You need to pull her out.”

  “We can’t. Seth has arranged for her to be brought to him in the next forty-eight hours so he can buy her. She’ll be safe then.”


  “I misspoke, she’s safe now. Kota and Nate have her in their sight at all times.” Noah looked her straight in the eye. “Sarah, you trust Nate, don’t you?”

  “With my life,” she said instantly. Cyrus squeezed her hand.

  “Then trust him now. She’s in his care. Nate won’t let anything more happen to her.”

  Sarah looked over at Riley and saw his anguish. Why was she asking all of the questions? Why wasn’t Riley talking?


  “You’re doing fine Sarah. You’re asking every question I want answered.”

  “Noah, something’s wrong. Annie’s not just sleeping. Nell can’t reach her. They have a connection.”

  “Then she’s unconscious. I know Kota, he’s treated our team. He’s treated me, on numerous occasions. If he says Annie is fine, she’s fine. Nell will feel her mother soon. Trust me.”

  “Noah, you’re not understanding me. You need to see this.”

  “Whatever you say, Sarah.” And that was the reason she respected the man, he listened.


  Sarah headed to the Natani’s apartment flanked by Noah and Riley. Nico and Cyrus followed behind. They could hear Nell’s cries from outside the door. Shilah opened the door before they knocked.

  “Well?” she asked, her black eyes flashing. “What’s happened to my granddaughter?”

  “She’s going to be fine,” Noah answered.

  “So she isn’t fine right now, and that’s what Nell is picking up. She must be injured, and that’s why she can’t reassure Nell. How badly is she hurt?”

  This woman didn’t pull any punches. She demanded answers from Noah, and Sarah realized Shilah should have been the one to have gone to the conference room in the first place.

  “It’s a mild concussion. She’s unconscious, mostly due to a lack of sleep.”

  “That’s bullshit. Nell is like her father, she can dream walk. If Annie were merely sleeping, Nell would find her. You need to get her out of there, she is truly hurt and must be cared for.”

  “With all due respect Mrs. Natani, Kota is a medic, and he’s checked her out. All of her vital signs are within normal range. Nate was with her the entire time leading up to the modeling audition and she wasn’t getting any sleep. She’s worn out. She’s fine.”

  “Nell is telling us differently, and I trust Nell.”

  Sarah saw a quick flash of irritation pass over Noah’s face before he masked it, but Shilah saw it as well.

  “Noah, you’re found. Nell is found. You must not discount her gifts.”

  “She’s barely one year old.” Shilah stared at him, as they all listened to the baby’s cries from the other room. Sarah waited to see which one would crack.

  “Mrs. Natani, if we pull Annie out, then we’re tipping our hand and many other young women are going to be left in danger.”

  “That’s not my problem. Annie is hurt, and she needs to be brought home,” Shilah spoke to Noah like he was a young child who needed to be reminded to brush his teeth.

  “She has only a slight injury. She’ll recover soon. In less than two days she’ll be with Seth.”

  “Bring her home,” Shilah persisted.

  “That’s not what Annie would want.” Sarah saw Noah’s patience was wearing thin.


  “Lieutenant Commander,” Noah corrected.

  “Whatever. The situation is grave.” Shilah turned on her heel and went down the hall to the nursery. She came back out with a crying, red-faced Nell. Sarah held out her arms for the squalling child. She was sweating, and obviously distressed. It was amazing she managed to keep crying for as long as she had. Normally a baby would have become so exhausted they would be only whimpering by now.

  “I’ll take her,” Sarah said. Shilah ignored her, and thrust Nell at Noah. Noah easily took her, and cradled the struggling baby against his massive chest. For just a moment she seemed surprised out of her anguish and looked up at Noah.


  “Your mama will be back home soon, sweetness, I promise.” He trailed his finger down her tearstained cheek.

  “Mama.” It was an inconsolable wail as the tears started to fall again and every adult in the room ached.

  “Now tell me again something isn’t wrong, and you can’t bring her mother home.”

  “I will tell you again Annie is going to be okay, and we’re going to leave her where she is for the time being. I trust Nate and Kota. If there comes a time when she needs to be pulled out, they will. Now is not the time.”

  Sarah watched as Shilah finally wilted. Sarah thought the older woman might actually start crying as well. She held out her arms for Nell.

  “Can I hold her for a while, Shilah?” Noah asked softly.

  “Do you need this Noah?” Shilah looked at her great-granddaughter in the big officer’s arms.

  “I do. I think Nell and I could both use some time together.” Shilah nodded and headed into the kitchen. Noah started singing in a language that Sarah thought might be Hawaiian and walked towards the nursery, gently rocking the screaming baby.

  Sarah looked at the others, as they left the apartment. It was hours later when a frantic Shilah was on the phone shouting she had to come.

  This time Sarah remembered to grab her medical bag. She didn’t care that she was in her panties and a tank top, she raced to the Natali’s unlocked apartment. It took maybe a half hour, but Sarah watched as Nell sank into a deeper and deeper sleep that eventually seemed like a coma. Noah and Kali were with them, looking on. There was absolutely nothing physically wrong with her. S
arah’s senses told her she was almost in another space and time.

  “I don’t understand it.”

  “She’s with Annie,” Shilah’s voice was certain. Sarah rested her hands over Nell’s head and heart. She looked up and motioned for Kali and Noah, and they placed their hands over hers. Warmth spread outwards, and Nell glowed with energy. They looked at one another. The baby was somewhere else, halfway between here and her mother. Sarah prayed she would be able to find her way back if and when Annie recovered.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I still want a grandchild. You owe me that.”

  “Tomas, I don’t owe you anything. You’re lucky that I’m giving you your life,” Seth roared at the old man who had stormed into his study.

  “Don’t you dare take that tone with me in my home. You are here under my patronage, I could have you killed in a heartbeat. You need to remember your place.”

  Seth stood up slowly from behind the God awful desk that Portia had recently purchased for his use. He placed his fists on the surface and leaned over and looked down on the man who stood in front of him. He watched with satisfaction as he blanched.

  “Old man, I am done with your shit. I married Portia, though it is now clear that you both set me up. I’m not obligated to do anything. I can leave your ass hanging in the wind with Vargas, Labado, or anyone I like. I’ve told you before, you’re lucky I’m taking pity on you and working to smooth over the books before Labado finds out and buries you alive in an oil drum.”

  Seth watched his words have the desired effect, as Tomas grabbed for the office chair and lowered himself into it.

  “How can you do this to Portia? She really loves you. She’s sick, and finding out you’ve taken a mistress will set her back.”

  “Then you better not tell her.” Thirty-six more hours and he would have Annie safely under his care. He couldn’t care less about Portia.

  “She knows you don’t love her, but she has consoled herself with the thought of having your baby.”

  “You’re deluding yourself, it’s your dream, not hers. Portia doesn’t want a baby, she wants to shop, party and do drugs.”


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