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The Demon Dead (Book 2): Troubled Waters

Page 9

by Arthur M Wyatt

  God that stupid walk is getting on my nerves...

  John and Derek unlocked the gate and followed him. Robert’s gomer turned back to look.

  His zombie followed the sidewalk turning at the next driveway. It made its way to the rear of the house, walked up to a parked car, pointed the remote keyless at it and pushed the button. Nothing.

  That’s not my car dumb-ass...

  As they turned and headed back to the street, Robert saw the two men standing at the end of the driveway watching them.

  God I wish I could control this thing. I’d scare the shit out of these two assholes...

  His zombie eyed them closely as it walked by. Robert heard them speak quietly as he passed.

  John and Derek stood calmly and watched Robert’s gomer make its way down the street.

  Finally, ahead on the right, Robert saw his car.

  The beamer...

  John and Derek followed closely. By now only a few feet behind him. Robert’s zombie stopped suddenly and looked back.


  They stopped abruptly almost running into each other.

  Robert’s gomer continued on. When it reached the back of the car, the gomer stopped, raised its right hand and pressed the button. The trunk popped open.


  Robert’s zombie stepped closer.

  “What the hell is he doing?” Robert heard one of the men say.

  Robert tried desperately to gain control. He watched the two men stand and stare.

  His vision suddenly flashed in and out several times.







  It went out again and stayed out for a few seconds.


  And returned.


  What the hell...

  Robert’s zombie stumbled as the feeling in his legs returned. He could feel he was gaining control. His legs felt numb and tingly like they were asleep. His feet were heavy. His eyes dry and scratchy. The taste of rotten food, bile and stomach acid bathed his tongue. His fingers tingled with thousands of tiny pin pricks.

  He stood for a moment concentrating on the rush of sensations. He had total control and could feel every part of his zombie body.

  Being a zombie isn’t so bad, he thought. I’ve had worse hangovers...

  He looked around surprised to be able to gaze where he wanted. Finally he looked down at the bag in the trunk, reached in and pulled out the 9mm pistol.

  “He’s got a gun,” Derek said raising his rifle.

  “Hold your fire,” John responded.

  Robert turned the gun over in his hands several times amazed that he could control his movements. He turned to the men and tried to speak but only grunted.

  John and Derek watched as Robert put the gun to his temple.

  “Whoa...” Derek said. “He’s going to kill himself.”

  Robert hesitated and lowered the gun to his side. He thought of trying to communicate while he had control.

  No, I should do it while I can. I can’t take the chance of losing control again...

  He put the gun back to his temple being careful not to point it at John and Derek.

  He raised his arm to wave. Derek nodded and lower his weapon. Robert nodded back, managed a crooked smile and began to laugh.

  If they only knew...

  He applied pressure to the trigger. Squeezing slowly until he had applied enough.

  He barely perceived the click of the hammer before the bullet tore through his zombie’s brain.

  Fucking zombies... he thought as the lights went out for the last time.






  -------------------------------------------悪魔死--------------------------John and Derek stood in the street looking down at the gomer’s body lying just a few feet away. They were stunned by what they had just seen.

  “Damn...” Derek said. “That’s some crazy shit.”

  “More proof of what we’ve thought all along,” John said.

  “I think you’re right,” Derek answered.

  Without saying another word the two turned and headed back to the church. As they approached the gate there was a shot from the church tower. They heard the snap of the bullet as it passed over head.

  They ducked and turned to see a zombie tumble to the ground only ten feet away.

  “Holy shit!” Derek said.

  “Demon,” John said.

  They looked up at the church tower.

  “Mike and Jane...” Derek said.


  They entered the church compound, locked the gate, climbed up and rejoined the others. Shanna sat on the floor leaning against one of the pews.

  “She’s not talking,” Amy said.

  Shanna still felt dazed, and a little embarrassed.

  Derek looked down at her. “You know you could’ve gotten killed,” he said.

  “Look, it happened,” she said sternly. “So if you’re looking for an apology you’re not going to get it.

  “I shouldn’t have left you on the ground,” Derek said. “You’re not ready.”

  “That’s bullshit,” Shanna said. “I’m just as capable as you are.”

  “Shanna we’re not doubting your abilities,” John said. “But you have a lot to learn about surviving out here. If Derek says it’s best that he go last, then guess what? It’s best if he goes last.”

  “I don’t buy that,” she answered.

  “Right...” John said turning to Derek and rolling his eyes.

  Shanna stood up. Still a little wobbly she stumbled. Derek put his arm around her and held her up.

  “You good?” he asked.

  “Yeah...” she said pushing him away. “I’m good.”

  She just doesn’t get it, Derek thought.

  “Don’t take this wrong,” John said. “But if Derek were on the ground he would have dealt with the demon quickly without taking any damage or needing assistance. That’s just a fact. From now on we’ll do this our way.”

  “Ok, for now...” Shanna said, “but don’t expect me to bow to you two.”

  John looked at Derek. They each knew what the other was thinking.

  “Well,” Derek said. “If you want to stay alive... you’ll listen to us.”

  “Got it, Army...” Shanna said sarcastically.

  “Derek and I share the lead for the most part,” John said. “But we make decisions as a group.”

  “And,” Derek said, “when the shit hits the fan we usually defer to John.”

  John looked at Derek and nodded.

  “We good?” Derek said to her.

  “I’m good,” Shanna said not really feeling it.

  Shanna removed her shirt and tossed it on the floor.

  “I need to clean up,” she said.

  “Are you ok?” Amy asked.

  “Yeah I think so,” she said.

  “What were you guys doing out there?” the Rector asked.

  “The demon got in through the gate. It was partially opened and unlocked,” John said.

  “Uh oh,” the Rector said. “My fault. Totally my fault. I forgot to lock it back this morning.”

  “When I went to close it, there was a gomer standing on the other side,” John said. “It was strange. He was holding a set of keys in his hand rattling them.”

  “It was the same gomer we saw at the church cemetery earlier,” Derek said.

  “He was just standing there looking at me,” John said. “He tried to smile then grunted. It was as if he was trying to communicate.”

  “Yeah right...” Shanna said. “Like a zombie can communicate.”

  Derek shot her a sideways glance.

  She’s really gonna get on my nerves, he thought.

  John ignored her comment. “Anyway... we followed it,�
�� John continued. “It went up to a car and pressed the keyless remote. Nothing happened, so it went to another car, a BMW, and pressed it again. The trunk popped open.”

  “It reached into the trunk and pulled out a pistol,” Derek said.

  “Oh my God,” Amy said. “Did you shoot it?”

  “We didn’t have to,” Derek said.

  “He put the gun to his head and stood there staring at us for a minute,” John said.

  “He had this creepy look on his face,” John said. “He grunted, I nodded, he nodded back. He was looking us in the eye the whole time.”

  “Then he smiled and I swear it sounded like he was laughing,” Derek said. “Then he pulled the trigger...”

  “He had this look on his face like... like he won,” John said. “A look of satisfaction.”

  “Maybe he did,” Amy said. “Maybe he was able to end it on his terms. Think about it. Maybe the person that guy once was... maybe he was still in there.”

  “Right,” John said.

  Shanna laughed. “You guys are out of your minds. There is nothing after you die. What’s so hard to understand about that?... I don’t get it.”

  “Yeah we got that Shanna,” Derek said. “You don’t get it...”

  “If there’s no life after death,” Amy said. “What do you call zombies?”

  “Oh come one,” Shanna said. “That’s different.”

  “Different how,” John said. “There is no way you would have believed in zombies before this right?”

  They stood in awkward silence for a moment. Shanna obviously not open to the idea at all. The Rector decided it was best to change the subject.

  “Well... welcome to Saint Michaels,” the Rector said gesturing with his arm.

  They leaned over the balcony rail and gazed down into the sanctuary. John could almost see the wedding he attended taking place below him.

  Along the street side of the church, the windows were covered with plywood held in place by pews stacked against them.

  Shanna wiped the dirt from her clothes. “Is there somewhere I can clean up?” she asked.

  “Sure. Downstairs rest room. How about a tour on the way?” the Rector said.

  He led them down the stairs and to the front of the church where there was a large foyer between the main doors and the two doors leading into the sanctuary. The large doors leading to the outside had pews stacked in front of them also.

  The Rector led Shanna to a restroom near the entrance where she washed in a bowl of water. She looked in the mirror. There were dark circles around her eyes and blood on her forehead. She hardly recognized herself.

  She felt like breaking down and crying. A few tears ran down her cheek. She gathered herself and regained her composure. There was no way she was going to let the others see this moment of weakness.

  “Feel better?” Amy asked when she rejoined them.

  “Yes,” she answered and reached up to touch the wound on her forehead. “This is going to hurt for a few days though.”

  “I have some Ibuprofen. I’ll get you some when we go back upstairs,” the Rector said.

  “It looks pretty secure here,” John said.

  “The good news is it would be very difficult to get in. The bad news is it is also very difficult to get out,” the Rector said.

  “You’ve thought all this through,” Derek said.

  “What if the rope ladder is blocked?” Amy asked. “I mean like if they got inside the fence and were waiting on the ground under the ledge.”

  “We’re screwed,” the Rector said. “Like pigs led to slaughter. We can retreat into the tower if we have to. But once there... they can’t get in but we can’t get out either.”

  “You don’t seem very confident,” Shanna said.

  The Rector looked them each in the eye and turned his gaze back to Shanna. “My dear,” he said with a pause. “No place is safe...”

  “Do you really think that?” Amy said.

  “You know as well as I do...” the Rector paused for a second. “What we’re dealing with is more complicated than just those dead things walking around out there.”

  “What do you mean?” Shanna asked.

  “He means,” John said, “that he thinks all this is punishment.”

  “For who. What?” Shanna asked.

  “Man...” the Rector said. “Or mankind or person-kind or whatever. The world’s not being destroyed, we are. Everything else will go on as usual. Just... without people.”

  Shanna stared at him for a second.


  “You mean like we’re being deleted...” Amy said.

  “Exactly,” the Rector said. “God is hitting the reset button...”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Shanna said. “There is no God.”

  The Rector looked at her for a second. “I’m sorry to hear you say that,” he said. “I’ll say a prayer for you...”

  Shanna laughed nervously.

  “I don’t believe in that but thanks for the gesture anyway I suppose,” she said.

  “What do you believe in Shanna?” John asked.

  “Myself...” she answered.

  “You’ll change your mind eventually,” the Rector said feeling a little disrespected. “There are no atheists in foxholes.”

  “Yeah well... I don’t think I will.” Shanna answered laughing again.

  Shanna looked at Derek and John. “And I don’t believe in demons either.”

  “But you’ve seen them,” Derek said.

  “I didn’t say I don’t believe in demon zombies,” she said. “They are real... I just don’t believe your theory behind them. Sorry...”

  “Fair enough...” John said.

  “How about we go back up stairs and have a nice glass of vino?” the Rector said.

  “I didn’t think preachers drank,” Shanna said.

  The Rector laughed hysterically. “No that’s only the Baptists.” he said grinning. “Besides... I’m not a preacher.”

  “Right...” John said laughing.

  “I’m hungry,” Jimmy said.

  “You’re always hungry,” Amy said patting him on the shoulder.

  They returned to the balcony where the Rector laid out cushions from the pews in a circle on the floor for them to sit on.

  “It feels good to sit down,” Amy said.

  The Rector passed out glasses to each one, except for Jimmy who was given a bottle of water, and poured red wine into each. He took a long drink from his glass.

  A single gun shot echoed through the church.

  “What was that?” Amy asked.

  “Mike and Jane,” the Rector said. “They got one.”

  “A zombie?” Shanna said.

  “Yep, they will take out targets of opportunity,” the Rector said.

  “That’s wild...” Shanna said.

  “So what happened at Saint Phillips?” John asked. “What caused the fire?”

  “What caused the fire? Well,” the Rector said. “I did, I had no choice. God forgive me...”

  He took another sip of wine.

  “It was a bad situation,” the Rector said. “I was asleep in my office when I heard a commotion outside at the cemetery...”


  Conflagration (Three Days Earlier)

  -------------------------------------------悪魔死--------------------------Mike and Jane made their way down Church Street on their way to Saint Phillips.

  They had spent their time since leaving the apartment building on the first day hunting zombies on the south side of the city. They usually ventured out for a couple of hours at varying times of the day, put down a few wandering zombies, and went back to the house they were staying at on Bay Street.

  They knew Rector Phinney was held up in the Church and on this evening had planned to stop and check on him.

  A couple of blocks away they could clearly see the monolithic tower of the church silhouetted against the night sky. The stench of death permeated the cool, thick, damp air.
They hardly noticed, having become used to the smell of death over the last seven days.

  A scream pierced the night.

  “It’s one of those fast ones,” Mike said.

  As they neared the front of the church, the dead trapped in the cemetery picked up their scent and became agitated.

  Mike tugged at Jane’s sleeve and stopped.

  “What is it?,” Jane asked.


  “Don’t shush me...”

  “Jesus, would you be quiet.”

  “You be quiet...”

  “Don’t you hear that,” Mike said.

  They were quiet for a moment. The growls and moans of the dead met their ears as they held their breath to listen.

  “Zombies...” Jane whispered.

  They started out again. The noise grew as they crept closer to the cemetery gate. When they reached it they stopped. Staring back at them were hundreds of walking corpses. Snarling, growling and groping at them through the wrought iron gate.

  Jane stepped forward and poked one with the barrel of her rifle.

  “You’re gonna piss them off,” Mike said.

  “That’s the idea dumb ass...”

  The zombies surged forward against the gate and chain wrapped around it keeping it closed. The noise became almost unbearable. Mike checked his weapon and raised it to his shoulder. He looked over at Jane.

  The Rector ran out of the church. “Wait!” he shouted running up behind them. “Don’t shoot.”

  The commotion grew as the dead pushed against the fence even more. The chain strained to hold them back.

  “We’re clearing the dead from this part of town,” Mike said. “Stay out of the way.”

  “No!” the Rector shouted. “If you go away they’ll calm down.”

  They opened fire anyway. The Rector backed out of the way as the zombies crowded the gate.

  Mike fired hitting the closest zombie in the neck. The zombie dropped to its knees. Mike lowered his aim and fired two more times. The first round hit the lock blowing it to pieces. The second slug hit the chain knocking it loose.

  The gate burst open. The dead inside poured out. Mike and Jane were set upon before they could react. They fought them off as best they could but both were badly bitten in the process. The Rector ran for the church shouting for them to follow him. They made it inside and tried to close the large doors. Arms reached through preventing them from shutting them all the way.


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