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TIED: A Steamy Small Town Romance (Reckless Falls Book 3)

Page 9

by Vivian Lux

  I was intrigued. And honored. And curious.

  And deeply turned on.

  When he let go of my arms again, I ran them up his body. The feel of him was familiar, but this was all different. The air was changed. Charged. I squirmed, feeling unsettled, and that thrilled me though I had no idea why.

  I was practically gasping.

  He looked at me, up and down, and though I wasn't afraid of him, all of a sudden I was aware that I was not the one in charge here.

  He let his eyes rake down my body. I felt my nipples harden under his gaze and he licked his lips and smiled.

  "Give me your hand."

  I gave it to him.

  He turned it upward and ran his finger in a light circle around my wrist, his gaze intent and focused. "I'm going to tie you up," he said, flicking his eyes up to mine. "That okay with you?"

  I blinked. This wasn't what I expected. But it made perfect fucking sense. I swallowed and licked my lips, remembering how it felt to be held down. "Maybe," I exhaled. Then nodded. "Yeah. I think it is."

  His eyes darkened and he twined his fingers in mine. "Come with me."

  Chapter Seventeen


  She followed me back into my bedroom. I could hear the sound of her feet against my wood floors and that sound was the only thing that kept me from thinking I was in some kind of dream.

  I'd asked her.

  And she said yes.

  When we reached my bedroom, she stopped. I could tell she was taking stock of this and I would have given anything to know what she was thinking. Did she wonder why my bed was so huge? Did she think it had anything to do with my perversion or did she just assume I bought it to accommodate my six-foot-four frame? Was she looking around for warning signs?

  Would she stay?

  I wouldn't stop her if she left right now. But I was also certain that I would never be able to look at her again. To come so close only to turn away...

  The box is there, high up on the shelf in the back of my closet. Before I reached up and grabbed it, I paused to consider. I could still give her an out. I could still smile and say just kidding and proceed with regular, vanilla sex.

  I darted a quick glance behind me to see Brynn standing there, eyes shining with something quietly ecstatic.

  Then I made my decision.

  When I turned back around, Brynn's eyes went straight to the length of rope in my hand. It's bright white and silky. I kept it coiled and neatly knotted, because I like everything to be neat and orderly. It helped keep back the chaos inside of me.

  Even when it's the chaos that gets me off the hardest.

  "You have rope available, just waiting there?" Brynn said, her eyes wide. I could tell that she was trying to make light of the situation, laughing away her nervousness.

  But I felt no such nervousness. With the rope my hand, I felt calmer then I'd felt in a long time. More in control. That which I had been denying for so long was no longer able to be denied.

  "Yes," I said. Because what other answer could there possibly be to that question? Then I looked up at her and gave her a grin, reminding her that after all, it was still me, the man she said she trusted. "I like to be prepared," I told her.

  Her lips slipped into a sideways grin, and I saw some of the nervousness fade away, replaced with an eager shine to her eyes.

  She was into this. She was into this. Like I was. And the fact that she was made me want to kneel down at her feet and kiss those sweet little toes.

  "Take off your shirt," I told her. There was a tightness in my throat that I couldn't swallow away.

  She bit her lip in the momentary agony of indecision before nodding lightly and obeying. My heart pounded in my throat as I watched her lift her t-shirt over her head. In the daylight, the creamy peach of her skin was even more enticing. The rope I had in my hand was silken, white and expensive. Against that skin, it would look like lace. I was going to weave her into intricate knotwork fit for a princess.

  "Now your shorts," I said.

  "You're not going to get undressed?" she squeaked.

  I shook my head. "Not yet."

  She blinked and the pulse at the base of her throat fluttered faster. I could already feel the way it would beat against my lips as I kissed her while she was tied.

  She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts and pushed them down over her slim hips. I exhaled sharply when I saw that the white cotton of her panties had gone transparent already, she was so wet. My cock throbbed painfully in response. And I saw her eyes go to it. She saw me crowded uncomfortably into my jeans, just as I was seeing all of her standing nearly naked before me.


  "Take off your bra now," I told her.

  She licked her lips. "And my panties too?" she asked.

  I shook my head. "No," I told her. "Those are for me."

  A soft sound escaped her lips before she reached behind her back and unfastened her bra. As she flung it away, she looked at me, as if inviting me to take her in.

  I did just that, letting my eyes roam the length of her. "My God, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" I asked. It wasn't flattery. It was an honest question.

  She didn't answer, but her eyes shone for a second. I gestured, nodding towards the bed. "Lie down," I told her.

  She hesitated, wavering in place.

  "I'm going to take care of you," I told her. "Whenever you're with me — tied up or not — I'll never leave you needy. You know that."

  She blinked as if drugged." "I know," she said quickly.

  I stepped forward. "Do you? Do you know that watching you fall apart is becoming my favorite addiction?" I asked." Do you know that seeing you lose control keeps me up at night?"

  She trembled softly, and I could wait no longer. "Lie down," I told her thickly, barking orders like a bastard. But fuck, she was already unleashing all of the things I tried so long to keep tamped down. "Lie down, on your back, and spread your legs so I can see you."

  She bit her lip and sat down on the bed, then walked herself backwards, her eyes never leaving mine. I knelt up on the bed and let a length of rope fall through my fingers to brush against her leg.

  "Look at me," I said.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I looked at him. My heart was pounding so loudly in my ears that I had to strain to hear what he was saying to me, and I didn't want to miss a word.

  When he let the rope fall down to tickle my calf, I hissed and drew my leg back like it burned me. His lip curved into a wry smile, and he reached down to smooth his hand over my leg, up and up, until he brushed my inner thigh. "You're so soaked," he said, gazing intently between my legs. "I don't even need to take off your panties to see you clearly but..." He reached up and hooked his finger around the waistband and yanked down. "They're in the way of me being able to kiss your sweet pussy."

  I hissed, going up on my elbows. As he pulled down, I arched my hips, and then laid back, acutely aware of how naked I was. How clothed he was.

  "Move up," he ordered me.

  It's that bossiness. It did something to me. Feeling drugged, I backed up on the bed until my head brushed the slatted headboard. I looked up to see him kneel over me, straddling my chest.

  I could see the whole shape of him straining against the dark fabric of his jeans. He was so hard it looked painful. But his breathing was calm and even as he dragged the length of rope up my torso, letting the edge tickle along my breasts before he slid the rope under my back. He cradled me gently for a moment, and I zeroed in on the pulse at his neck which was beating slow and steady unlike my own frantic drumbeat. Then he lowered me back to the bed and pulled out two equal-length ends.

  He twisted them deftly, concentrating them into a knot between my breasts, before looping them up to catch my upper arms, then drawing them tight so my arms were caught at my sides before looping the ends again to catch my wrists together in an intricate knot right at my belly button.

  All the
while he worked, his face was calmly fierce. When he drew back and let his hands fall to his side, I could see him surveying his work and there was no mistaking how much he liked what he saw.

  "Is it too tight?" he whispered hoarsely, brushing his hands over my breasts.

  I swallowed back a gasp and wiggled a little. The rope held me firmly, but gently, almost like being cradled. He'd tied me carefully, almost lovingly and no, "It's not too tight."

  "You look... beautiful."

  I twisted a little under his gaze. "Thank you," I squeaked.

  But the thing was, I believed him.

  His eyes blazed a moment and his tongue flicked out, darting across his lower lip. He was quietly rapt, almost worshipful and there's no doubt of what this was doing to him.

  The question was, what was it doing to me?

  It was strange how not being able to move heightened everything. I felt everything and when his warm breath struck my thigh, I had to bite back a scream. I wiggled, feeling the ropes against my skin.

  When his finger slid up my seam I nearly levitated, and he instantly pulled back and looked at me. I could see how my chest was jerking with frantic breath, and he could see it too, because he placed a gentle hand against my cheek.

  He raised his eyebrows. "Don't worry," he said, walking forward on his knees. "I'm going to tell you exactly what I'm going to do to you, but first, I want you to tell me what you want."

  I swallowed, squirming within the confines of the rope. It didn't seem to make sense to say anything other than, "Whatever you want."

  His eyes burned into me. He reached down and took my nipple between his thumb and forefinger and I gasped and squeaked as he pinched. "No, Brynn," he rumbled, his voice filling my ears. "Tell me. Speak up. Look me in the eye and say what you want." He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to mine again. "I'll give you everything, you just have to ask."

  "L—" I licked my lips. "Lick me," I gasped.

  He made a sound, almost a groan of relief, and when his tongue found my pussy it was like a fucking bomb went off inside of me. All the heightened sensation sent me over the edge almost instantly, because this had gone way beyond using each other to get off. I wasn't here for just a booty call, I'd come to see the real him and the real him was groaning between my legs, using my knotted wrists as leverage to devour me more thoroughly. He was showing me a side of himself that no one knew, of that I was more certain than I was of my own name.

  In fact, my own name had completely abandoned me. "Rett, fuck, Rett," I chanted, over and over like a prayer. I felt like I was falling at the same time I was held tight. With nothing to hold on to except the ropes that bound me, there was no chance of me being able to hold back.

  For a second, I flashed outside of myself, hearing how loud we were, how savage, how completely unleashed, and I thought that maybe I should be embarrassed over how thoroughly I was losing control. But then Rett's tongue slid against me again and all of my thoughts were centered on more, I need more.

  "Come now," he urged me, his lips sliding against my slick skin and there was no way I could disobey him. In a flash, I was doing exactly as he commanded, the heat clawing through me and catching me on fire. I exploded against him and I was certain that the only thing that kept me from shattering into a million tiny pieces was the rope that held me together.

  I must have said something, screamed something, because he pulled back and nodded. "Tell me," he urged again, his lips parted in awe. "Fuck, look at you," he demanded and his voice was raw and ragged. "You look so... Fuck I don't know whether to spank you or put you on a pedestal."

  I'd come so hard only a second ago, but his words awakened another burning need inside of me. I looked down at him, making sure he saw me clearly when I said, "Spank me."

  He growled something low and profane and I caught the phrase, "ruin me," on his breath before he knelt upward and then leaned forward. His lips caught mine, brushing and nibbling before he slid his hands under me.

  With a yelp of surprise, I found myself lifted and turned in midair. I landed on the bed with my ass in the air, my cheek grinding into the comforter.

  "Fuck," he rasped, sliding his hand over my wetness. I gritted my teeth against the surge of need his touch commanded, feeling new heat blooming all over my body. "I could look at you like this forever." His hand smoothed over my ass cheek, cupping it lightly. I tensed for a moment, expecting him to spank me right then, but his hand kept moving in slow, soothing circles, and I sighed, rocking back into the rhythm, before...crack went his palm, striking me hot and quick, and I cried out at the sudden pain. But instantly his lips were on my skin, licking and kissing, his hand smoothing it away until the sharp sting bloomed into an aching heat.

  "Yes," he groaned. I heard the sound of skin brushing fabric and wished like hell I could see him stroking himself after spanking me, because I knew what he was doing to me was driving him crazy as much as it was me.

  My nipples brushed against the comforter, sending a small shockwave down my spine. And then I gasped again when his hand came down on my other ass cheek, but this time I welcomed the sting because I knew he'd soothe it into bliss once more.

  "Yes," he groaned again and pushed my ass higher before his tongue found me again. With my whole body alight, nerve endings singing, it felt like a matter of nanoseconds before I was screaming again, burying my face in his comforter to bite down on it.

  His hands smoothed down my back, then around to tweak my nipples again before he rolled me onto my back. "This might sting a little," he told me as he reached for the knot at my wrists and for a second I want to yell, "No!" and yank them back, except I couldn’t move. Also, because I trusted him and his dark eyes and my singing body had me ready to do whatever he said.

  When the rope slid free of the knot, I hissed in a sharp inhale. He was right, the place where it chafed against my skin was marked and reddened, but he lifted both of my wrists to his lips and kissed away the sting before he pressed them over my head, his body pressing on top of mine.

  "Tell me what you want," he ordered me.

  And he was so hard between my legs that I could only gasp and beg him, no longer worried about telling him what I needed because I knew he'd take care of me.

  "I want you to tie me back up and fuck me."

  Chapter Nineteen


  He grunted a tight, animal sound and knelt back up again, slinging the free length of rope between slats on the headboard before catching my wrists again. It was just like when he pinned my arms overhead the last time he fucked me, only even better because it left his hands free to roam back down my body.

  "So beautiful," he murmured as he bent his lips to my nipple, catching his tongue around the peak before kissing and licking a long trail back down between my legs.

  I grabbed ahold of the rope, holding on for dear life as his tongue found my clit again. This time there was no slow teasing. He worked like a man possessed, each lick a tiny coil of precision, finely calibrated to wrench the maximum number of screams from my lips.

  "So hot. So tight," he hissed and then suddenly everything shrank down to a pinpoint and I stared at him with something like tunnel vision as he pushed his jeans down his hips. I squirmed, waiting for him to roll the condom on, needing him inside of me, now. But though he grabbed one from the nightstand, he didn't put it on.

  The bed dipped and I watched him kneel over me again. His cock bobbed just in front of my lips and I looked up at him. His eyes were darkly fascinated as he brushed the tip of his cock across my lips.

  "Open," he said in that low, thrilling voice, and I did what he said. He rasped out a low, guttural noise as I opened my mouth and slid my tongue over the head of his cock. "You like that?" he asked.

  I nodded, moaning a little down in my throat.

  He bent down, grasping the headboard, his hips straining as I swirled my tongue around him. "Seeing you like this," he hissed, "tied up, your mouth full of my cock..." He trailed off as I too
k him in deeper. "I could just fuck your hot little mouth this way." I moaned again, loving this and not entirely certain why. "I could come right here in your mouth, make you swallow every little bit, but you want me to fuck you, don't you Brynn?"

  I nodded and moaned again, but I couldn't seem to stop working my mouth over his cock. The way he felt, heavy on my tongue, his scent filling my lungs had me moaning so loud I was nearly singing. It took Rett's hand in my hair, wrenching my head back with an audible pop to get me to stop sucking him.

  "Fuck, Brynn," he growled, slamming his mouth against mine. I heard him tear the condom wrapper and my heart thudded in my ears. Then with another growl he moved down, rolling the condom expertly down his length before he knelt between my legs again.

  "Lift your hips," he said. I did and he caught me under the ass. "Wrap your legs around me."

  When I did, he was right there, slipping inside of me, inch by tortured inch. He growled something about ruining again and sank his fingers into my flesh, yanking me to him and burying himself inside of me

  I threw my head back between my bound arms and grabbed ahold of the headboard as he began to fuck me and I knew all at once that all his careful attention and composed orders were over. He'd been holding back for me, easing me into this, but this... this was what I'd come here for. This wild unleashing of this man. He was fucking me, giving me everything he had, his hands holding me in place so he could go deeper, deeper, so fucking deep.

  "Don't come yet," he ordered me and I have no idea how he thought he could ask that because I was right there already. "You come with me," he said, "and I'm not ready for this to be over yet."

  I whined and lifted myself up higher against the headboard, suddenly developing superhuman strength in my desperate need. I gritted my teeth and ground myself into him in frustration and he chuckled low and dangerous. "That's not going to help you, sweet girl. Seeing you frustrated and wanting it is only going to make me draw this out longer."


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