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Rise of the Defiant: Book Two of the Warpmancer Series

Page 19

by Nicholas Woode-Smith

  ‘What is civilisation without duty?’

  ‘Beg your pardon?’

  ‘I’ve been reading.’

  ‘Ah, yes. Sounds like Lukke? Was never a fan of him myself. Too draconian. I got a simple answer for him. Is civilisation worth it if it ain’t good for its people?’

  James didn’t respond. Marshal continued.

  ‘Dedelux built a civilisation here. It gleamed. It now burns at the hands of not only us, but by its own citizens. Civilisation exists for its members. We don’t owe a duty to civilisation. It exists for us. We don’t like it; we burn it to the ground.’

  ‘What does this mean to me, Marshal?’

  Marshal stood up.

  ‘Means you don’t have a duty to these people, me or anyone else. You exist for your own sake. Be the Defiant. Be James. Be neither. Abandon your post. Keep on fighting. Be the God, the Human. Do not crush yourself with the weight of leadership. Know that at any time, you can leave.’

  ‘There’ll be consequences if I do.’

  ‘There’s always consequences. If you stay or if you don’t.’

  James nodded. Marshal nodded back.

  ‘Thanks, Marshal.’

  ‘No need. I’m here, Strike Leader.’

  James stood and strapped on his combat gear.

  ‘No more dallying. Let’s destroy a civilisation.’


  ‘Full throttle! We need ramming speed. Technicians! Why is the engine not at full-power?’

  ‘Sorry, Captain,’ the technician panted over the intercom. ‘We’re taking fire. Engine’s taken damage.’

  ‘Grako Berrin skite-eating zots,’ Erryn swore. Jilly, to her side, didn’t seem to mind.

  ‘Kolheim needs immediate fire support, off the starboard bow.’

  ‘Jameson-I coming in Kolheim.’

  ‘Purple Menace coming in Kolheim.’

  ‘Taking evasive action,’ Erryn responded. ‘Engage in three.’

  ‘Roger, Kolheim.’

  The Jameson-I, followed by Purple Menace, closed in, charging their respective weapons. Three…two…one. Torpedoes fired and two Berrin fighters went down.

  ‘Delay on that battering ram, Dixie,’ Erryn announced into her transmitter.


  ‘We need to circle for a minute.’

  ‘We’ll hold the line. Over.’

  Dixie put the radio back in the front of his vest. The sound of gunfire did not abate and the whizz of rounds over his cover necessitated him keeping his head down.

  ‘I need some suppressive fire! Where are the Ganru?’

  ‘Slanty-eyes are taking the flank, Dixie,’ Jordan responded, firing with an SMG.

  ‘Skite.’ Dixie lifted his transmitter. ‘We need reinforcements at incision point Foxtrot. Need heavy firepower.’

  His last few words were obscured by the deafening sound of a grenade going off. The firing from the end of the hall abated and Dixie used the opportunity to look over the top using a mirror on a stick. A group of Ganru stood at the end of the hallway, dead Yellows at their feet.

  Tenigawa Ruma led the band, Titan AR-15 held in one hand as he waved the group onward. Dixie and his squad of twelve advanced.

  ‘Status, Ruma?’

  ‘Berrin have collapsed two of the entrances to the Gatehouse. Only way to get to the keep is by the main tunnel.’

  ‘Aren’t we zip lining across?’

  ‘You can do that if you want. I’m quite partial to being turned into Mozar cheese by Yellow turrets.’

  ‘Air support should be taking care of that.’

  ‘Regardless, our orders are to secure the main tunnel. Granted, we aren’t given clearance to advance across.’

  ‘We’ve cleared this sector. Need to contact command.’

  Ruma nodded and left, getting his men into position.

  ‘Commander, south sec is clear. Orders?’

  ‘Rendezvous at Gatehouse,’ Commander Darren Peterson replied.

  ‘Roger,’ Dixie responded, then putting his radio away.

  Darren, recently made Commander in charge of taking the Nexus Hub, placed his radio back in the pocket of his tactical vest just as he heard heavy footfalls.

  His squad dove for cover. He collided with the hard counter of a Nexus storefront. It bruised his shoulder. A shot was fired towards his position. Then a shot sounded from another position.

  ‘Venus!’ a woman called.

  ‘Green Wing,’ Darren responded.

  ‘Clear, Commander,’ Annabelle announced.

  Darren stood, followed by three of the men accompanying him. Five more Defiant followed Annabelle.

  ‘Commander, we took heavy losses but dislodged the Yellows on the Northern flank.’

  ‘Merge with my squad. We need to do a sweep of the apartments before we rendezvous at Gatehouse.’

  Annabelle nodded. They moved out.

  They stood in the middle of the main market in Nexus Hub. Once a shining centre of commerce, it had been reduced to smoking ruins dotted with hastily erected barricades and cover. Bullets and shrapnel had torn apart all semblance of a peaceful life.

  The nearby entrance to the apartments linked to Nexus Hub used to be marked with an exquisite sign, dubbing the complex ‘Hub Heights’. It was now blackened. Its lights had been shut down, leaving its occupants in shadow. Defiant moved onward, torches attached to the ends of their weapons. The use of light unnerved some of them, but there was no other way they would be able to navigate the labyrinth.

  The squad fanned out, Darren nearing the back. An ex-Purger named Guanto led. The light from the torch reflected off the silver walls, shining and occasionally blinding a Defiant. Their footfalls would clank, despite their best efforts and soft shoes. A bang.

  The group stopped. Not a gunshot. But something.

  Those at the back of the formation turned on their torches to watch their backs. The group formed a mismatched circle, some crouching for cover. Crying, a shushing. Silence.

  Darren signed to two Defiant. ‘Check that out, over there.’

  The two complied, guns at the ready. They flanked the open doorway where the sound seemed to emanate. The one shined a torch around the corner as the other held a mirror on a stick. Satisfied, they entered.

  A scream followed. A female scream. Annabelle and Darren followed, the rest of the squad guarding the perimeter.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Darren bellowed.

  The Defiant let go of the woman’s hair. His partner stood at attention, stone-faced but obviously nervous.

  ‘This grako and her zot is a Yellow’s, Commander.’

  ‘I don’t care if this lady was Dedelux’s wife. We hurt Yellows, Berrin and anyone who steps in our way. She’s a civvie. Lay off!’

  The Defiant gritted his teeth. ‘Yes, Commander.’

  As the two left the room, Darren spoke to the woman.

  ‘Stay here. Stay quiet. If a Defiant comes in, tell them that you’re under Darren Peterson’s protection.’

  He crouched down to her level, staring her in the eyes.

  ‘But if you make a move against us, don’t think that protection will last. I don’t let innocents come to harm, but only if they remain innocent.’

  The terrified woman hesitated for a second but then gulped and nodded.

  Annabelle and Darren exited as a flashbang was dropped close to the one flank of the formation.

  ‘Hit the deck!’ Annabelle shouted.

  Those with brains hit the floor as the flashbang blinded the group. Those left standing were torn apart by machinegun fire. Only the rubble and hastily erected cover from previous firefights saved those who had fallen to the ground.

  The machinegun fire did not abate for a few more seconds. Then it stopped.

  ‘Return fire!’

  Defiant stood and opened fire.

  ‘Charge, close the gap!’

  The survivors charged to the end of the hallway, darting into rooms for cover.

  Guanto fell to
a single-shot to the face. Annabelle counted internally. At a certain number, she shouted.

  ‘Find cover!’

  Her timing was impeccable and most of the Defiant could get to cover before the machinegun opened fire once again. A few foolhardy soldiers fell to the hail of bullets. When the gun ran out of ammo, they charged again.

  The charging mass reached the end of the hallway and fell upon the Yellows before they could open fire again. The nest of three Yellows, faces as white as snow, was overwhelmed by the Defiant, who immediately engaged them in a melee. While they resisted, the three were no match for the Defiant squad.

  As Darren examined the corpses of his comrades strewn throughout the hallway, he couldn’t help but worry that his leniency may have caused this. That maybe a civilian wasn’t always innocent. This thought stuck with him for much of his life, but did not stop him from leading his team throughout the complex, clearing out Yellows.

  Finally, they rendezvoused at the entrance to the tunnel which led to Dedelux’s keep. Defiant forces had set up a veritable fortress at the position, awaiting clearance to attack. Ganru, Defiant, some mercenaries…all awaited the signal to storm the home of their oppressor.

  Darren took out his radio and changed the channel.

  ‘Kolheim. Are you ready?’

  ‘Ramming Gatehouse in T-minus-ten seconds,’ Erryn responded.

  ‘Jilly, strap yourself in.’

  The girl took a seat and clicked the twin straps over her. She checked her revolver a final time and then holstered it.

  ‘Crew, brace yourselves. Prepare for impact.’

  Erryn locked on. Purple Menace and Jameson-I had cleared the way for her, at the expense of Purple Menace’s life.

  This is for you, Purple Menace.

  Erryn engaged the thrusters, slowly, charging and then when the speed was right…

  ‘This is for my crew.’

  Erryn pulled down the Warp thrust, bolting close to the speed of light into Dedelux’s keep. The jolt shocked all of them as they exploded right into the seemingly impenetrable fortress. When the shock wore off, Erryn took off her seat belt.

  ‘Jilly, stay here,’ Erryn said, picking up her assault rifle.

  ‘I want to fight…’

  ‘No, you’re too…I need someone to guard the ship.’

  Jilly sulked but didn’t argue.

  ‘Command, Kolheim has landed. Mopping up.’

  ‘Roger, Kolheim.’

  Erryn exited the cockpit to see the hallway lined with armoured Defiant vanguard.

  ‘Let’s give ‘em what for!’ a Trooper Defiant named Frank McGraff shouted.

  ‘Oorah!’ another Trooper named Ruble responded.

  ‘For the Defiant,’ another shouted.

  ‘Defiant!’ the rest responded.

  Erryn went to the side of the door, put her hand on the lever and pulled down. The first two Defiant fell to a hail of bullets and plasma blasts.

  ‘Get those skiting shields up!’

  Energy shields activated, the shield-bearers led the charge. Bullets ricocheted off the energy, but every blow shoved the bearers back a bit. They were supported by their comrades, however, who could keep them moving.

  There was no cover for the Yellows within these halls. This was a villa, not a fortress. They fell to the Defiant vanguard.

  Erryn fired, killing some Yellows who were attempting to flank the formation. This wasn’t her first fight. Pegg pirates gave her lots of practice.

  ‘Keep moving, we need this room secure!’ Frank shouted. His firing stopped and he fell. Erryn leant down. A bloody hole dominated his right shoulder.

  ‘I’m skitin’ fine,’ Frank tried to bat her away.

  ‘No, sir. Getting you inside. Ruble will handle it. Frank didn’t attempt to argue as Erryn lifted him up and supported him as she took him back inside the Kolheim. They didn’t receive much fire, as the Defiant advance had secured most of the chokepoints.

  Erryn helped Frank sit on one of the seats in the hallway.

  ‘Med-kit is in the cockpit.’

  ‘I’m skitin’ bleedin’ out, lass. Check me vest pockets. Got a band aid.’

  ‘Need to get the bullet out. You’ll be fine. Keep this on it.’ Erryn handed him a small pillow.

  She left him and ran towards the cockpit, hoping to the Void that it wasn’t a hollow point.

  In the cockpit, she went straight to the first aid kit. She opened it to look for a shrapnel remover, just in case.

  ‘Jilly, can you check under your seat for the advanced medic kit?’

  There was no answer.

  ‘Jilly?’ Erryn turned and saw that she was alone.

  ‘Vushla,’ Erryn swore. She bolted to Jilly’s seat and found what she was looking for.

  Lugging both cases back to Frank, she found him pale faced, but alive.

  ‘What took ya?’

  ‘Take this,’ Erryn offered some morphine.

  Frank complied and administered it himself as Erryn placed a device over his shoulder. She activated it. Even with the painkiller, Frank still swore.

  After a few seconds, she pulled it off. Thankfully, it was a normal round, but had lodged itself there. The device had pulled it out easily. She bandaged the wound.

  ‘Thanks, lass.’

  ‘Did you see a small girl come past here?’

  ‘Jilly? Nah.’

  ‘Vushla!’ Erryn repeated. Frank looked confused. The foul-mouthed Zonian didn’t recognise the alien curse.

  Erryn searched the ship top to bottom. She somehow knew it was futile. She knew where that stupid little girl had gone. She just didn’t want it to be true.

  Finally, she exited the Kolheim. Frank had since left the ship, feeling strong enough to fight.

  The outside was quiet. Only distant gunfire broke up the unnerving silence. Defiant were using the area as a rest-point, but most of the force had moved to take the Keep.

  Erryn walked past the wounded on stretchers and the few left to guard the medic bay and Kolheim. As she drifted further into the compound, the fighting became more intense. Rooms she passed were the scene of firefights or melees. None held Jilly.

  ‘Vushla, vushla, vushla,’ she whispered to herself. She didn’t know what else to do. It was the rudest curse she knew.

  Yellows ahead. They fell in a hail of bullets. There was no fight for her here.

  She entered an open door to her left. She glanced side to side and advanced to gain a better look. Her breath was knocked out of her as she was tackled from the side. A Yellow held a knife at her face, being held back by only the force of her arm. The Yellow punched her in the face with his free hand. The force broke a tooth, so she spat it and some blood straight into his unmasked face. She then kicked him in the groin and shoved him away. Just as she jumped to her feet, he pulled out a pistol.

  Before he could fire, a bang left her shell-shocked. The Yellow slumped. A pool of blood formed from a hole in the side of his head.

  Erryn turned and saw Jilly, holding a smoking gun.


  Jilly didn’t respond. She dropped the gun and brought her hands to her mouth. She started to hyperventilate, as tears streamed down from her eyes.

  Erryn took her in her arms.

  ‘It’s okay, Jilly.’ Erryn stroked her dark brown, long hair. ‘He’s gone now.’

  ‘I…I killed him.’

  ‘You saved me.’

  ‘I killed him.’

  Erryn leant back and looked her in the eyes. They were red and moist. It seems not all Zonians were killers.

  ‘You did what you had to do.’

  ‘I did,’ Jilly wiped her nose, still shaking. ‘For the…Defiant…’

  ‘For the Defiant.’


  Automated and manned turrets peppered the perimeter of Gatehouse. The Kolheim had collided with the Keep, but would receive no reinforcements. No Defiant could cross this gap. Some begged to be allowed to cross now. They believed the Defiant would
protect them. A lot of these had been Purgers back in Galis. Luckily, those with more sense, and less fanaticism, stopped them.

  Dixie watched from the bullet-proof windows of the Hub. The silver Keep was only fifty metres away. He had personally zip-lined across much longer distances these past months. If it wasn’t for the turrets, the main force would have crossed the gap already.

  ‘That mobster grako,’ Dixie heard a Trooper swear.

  ‘Give him a chance, Nathan. Corporate’s ain’t to be trusted, but Galis gangs got a code.’


  ‘Sorry, Greg. Not all corporates are zots. Only some.’

  ‘Aegis was meant to have bombed them by now,’ Nathan continued.

  ‘Doesn’t mean that Don Marzio’s a zot.’

  Nathan grunted.

  ‘All I know,’ Dixie interjected, leaning against the glass, ‘is that we don’t have the time to wait them out. Got a vanguard there. If they don’t come in…’

  Deafening explosions followed by cheers interrupted him. Light blue flashes and fire lit up the Keep. White and red triangle ships swooped down for another run, cleaning up the remainder of the turrets.

  ‘That’s our cue, ladies and gentlemen,’ Darren Peterson shouted. ‘Masks on, get in your squads, get ready to bloody them up. For the Defiant!’

  Dixie put his fist in the air but didn’t cheer with the rest of them. He placed his mask on and got in line. After everyone had put their masks on, the gate was opened. The air was cold but the masks kept them alive. Cannons were used to fire lines across to the other side. Snipers, the Defiant himself included, watched the end to check if it was clear.

  ‘Clear, go!’ the Defiant shouted.

  Squad by squad zipped across the gap, icy crystal fields below emitting a noxious and disconcerting feeling. A few were shot down but the majority reached the end. It was now Dixie’s turn.


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