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The Block

Page 5

by Treasure Hernandez

  “Like I said, I just need a few more weeks, and I’ll be back home.”

  “Fuck that! I need you home now!” Mya yelled. “I’m pregnant, for God’s sake!”

  “Damn! You talking like you eight months or something. You’ll be all right for a few weeks,” Tone said, matching Mya’s tone.

  “You a real piece of shit, you know that?” Mya said, getting all up in Tone’s face. “You can’t even stop selling drugs to take time out for your family?”

  “It’s not even—”

  “It’s time for you to go!” Mya walked over to the door and opened it so Tone could leave.

  Tone walked to the door and was about to say something, but Mya quickly stopped him. “Just go,” she said, tears streaming down her face. She slammed the door behind him then walked back to her bedroom, where she cried the rest of the night away. She couldn’t believe Tone couldn’t stop selling drugs and come home. It hurt her even more ’cause, if he wouldn’t do it for her, he could at least do it for his child.

  Tone walked in the house still thinking about Mya and the news she had just laid on him. He quickly made his way up the steps and into the bedroom, where he found Serena laying across the bed wearing nothing but a pink thong to match her nail polish. The room smelled like fresh fruit. Immediately he knew Serena was fresh out the shower.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey, baby,” Serena sang as she jumped in Tone’s arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Oh my God! I missed you so much,” she said, planting kisses all over his face.

  “I missed you too, baby,” Tone said, forgetting all about Mya.

  Serena began massaging Tone’s shoulders. “How was your day?”

  “Stressful.” Tone exhaled a deep breath.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Been trying to find a new connect,” he told her, laying it on thick.

  Serena continued to massage his shoulders and back. “How has that been going?”

  “Not too good. Nobody seems to have no pure shit. Everything is all stepped on and watered down. But I’ma find something.”

  “Just be patient, baby. You never know what might happen.” Serena gave him a kiss. “You hungry?”

  “Yeah. I wanna eat, but I damn sure ain’t talking about no food.”

  Serena blushed. “You so nasty.”

  Immediately Tone grabbed one of her nice-sized caramel titties and put it in his mouth and hungrily licked and sucked all over it. After about five minutes of that, he quickly pulled off Serena’s thong, spread her legs open as far as they could go, and went to work. Tone slowly parted Serena’s pretty lips and licked and sucked all over her clitoris, the whole time moaning like it was the best thing he had ever tasted.

  Serena lay back and grabbed Tone’s head and pushed it all the way in her pussy, twirling her hips and rubbing her wet pussy all over his face.

  “Get up, baby. I wanna ride your face!” Serena said in a demanding tone as she got up and tossed Tone on the bed. She quickly mounted his face and continued to get her grind on until she came three times back to back.

  As Tone lay on the bed pleasing Serena, he heard a strange noise coming from downstairs. It sounded like someone dropped a glass or something. “Hold on, baby,” he said, interrupting Serena’s ride.

  “No, baby. Please don’t stop. I’m about to come again.”

  “Nah, hold on!” Tone said in a strong whisper, sliding from up under Serena’s wet pussy.

  He quickly grabbed his 9 mm from off the dresser and walked out into the hallway. He tiptoed over by the steps and looked over the rail. He saw around eight to eleven men wearing ski masks creeping through out the house. Fuck! He tiptoed back into the bedroom. “Shhh.” He placed his index finger on his lips as he handed Serena the 9 mm he held. “Here, take this and get under the bed.”

  Serena didn’t say a word. She just grabbed the gun and got under the bed butt naked and all. Tone quickly ran over to his closet and grabbed his AR-15 and hit the lights. He placed his back up against the wall and waited patiently. Seconds later, he heard footsteps slowly creeping up the steps. On a silent count of three, he sprang from behind the wall firing.


  Tone watched as the bullets from his AR-15 sent five of the gunmen back down the stairs. Immediately the other gunmen returned fire, decorating Tone’s wall with about thirty-five bullets. Tone stayed low as he winked to Serena, who lay under the bed, looking scared to death.

  Once the gunfire stopped, Tone quickly sprang from around the corner and fired his assault rifle again, killing two more of the gunmen.

  The gunmen returned fire again. Tone reloaded his weapon as he heard sirens getting louder and louder. He knew the cops would be coming soon because of the nice neighborhood the condo was in. Suddenly he heard the gunmen scrambling to get up out the house.

  “Yo!” Tone called out to Serena. “Get some clothes on quick. The cops will be here any second,” he said as he slowly headed downstairs.

  “Baby, where you going?” Serena asked, panic all in her voice.

  “Downstairs,” he yelled over his shoulder, “to make sure all them muthafuckas is up outta here.”

  “Wait up. I’m coming with you,” Serena said, quickly tagging along, and the two quickly made their way downstairs.

  The first thing Tone did when he got downstairs was turn on the lights.

  Just then a big, strong-looking cop kicked in the front door. “Drop the fuckin’ gun!” he yelled, his .357 aimed at Tone’s head.

  Tone slowly laid the AR-15 on the carpet and put his hands up in surrender. Just then an army of cops and detectives busted up in the house. The cops threw Tone and Serena to the floor and cuffed them.

  “Muthafuckas broke into my house!” Tone yelled from the floor. “Why the fuck y’all got me handcuffed?”

  The lead detective came downstairs holding four guns, including the AR-15. “I hope you have a permit for all of these.” He shook his head. “Get these two animals out of here!” he ordered. “Seven dead bodies. I hope they give this creep the death penalty.”

  Chapter 8

  The C.O. pushed Tone inside the room. “You got twenty minutes.”

  “Bitch-ass nigga!” Tone mumbled under his breath as he entered the room and saw his father and his lawyer, Mr. Goldberg, sitting at a small table.

  Before Tone could even sit down, his father shot to his feet. “Didn’t I tell you to watch your back? You never fuckin’ listen. You think you fuckin’ know everything.”

  “What is you talking about?” Tone replied. “You said to watch my back, and that’s what I did.”

  “You stupid muthafucka! What you think we got goons and soldiers for?”

  “What I need security for when I got a gun? Plus, I don’t want muthafuckas all up in my house and following me around twenty-four seven.”

  “Okay. Well, you can have the police follow you around and tell you what to do, since you wanna be stupid,” Detective Abraham barked. “I told you about trying to be tough. All tough niggas is sitting in jail. You gotta be smart. I taught you better than that.”

  “Can’t I beat this case on self-defense? I mean, they did break into my house.”

  “No,” Mr. Goldberg replied. “You can beat the murders on self-defense, but you going to have to eat those gun charges.”

  “You can’t get all that shit thrown out?” Tone asked, a defeated look on his face.

  “I’m afraid not,” Mr. Goldberg told him. “The guns were illegal, and the serial numbers were all scratched off.”

  “Fuck!” Tone buried his face in his hands. “How much time I’m looking at?”

  “Five years, but you’ll be out in three and a half if you don’t get into no trouble while you’re in there,” Mr. Goldberg informed him.

  “Next time use your head!” Detective Abraham stormed out the room, slamming the door behind him.

  “When am I getting the fuck up outta here?”

“Tomorrow morning when you see the judge. I don’t see why he wouldn’t give you bail.”

  “A’ight. What’s up with Serena?” Tone asked.

  “She’ll be released tomorrow if you say those guns were yours.”

  “Yeah, I’ll let ’em know tomorrow.”

  The C.O. came busting in the room. “Time’s up!”

  Tone shook Mr. Goldberg’s hand as he followed the C.O. back to his cell.

  Three days later Tone was let out on bail. He stepped out the jail with a mean look on his face. Young Mike and Serena were leaning on a car, waiting for him.

  “What’s good, convict?” Young Mike said playfully as he gave Tone a pound.

  “Fuckin’ crackers always tryin’a get some time out of a nigga,” he huffed. He gave Serena a big hug and kiss.

  “Don’t even worry about it, baby. We gonna be fine,” Serena assured him.

  Before long, Young Mike pulled up in front of Tone’s crib and put the car in park. “Yo, y’all sure y’all wanna stay here? I can drop y’all off at a hotel if you want.”

  “Nah, we good here. Good looking though,” Tone said, and him and Serena slid out the car and headed inside the condo.

  “Damn!” Serena said when she saw all the bulletholes in the wall. The night they had got arrested she hadn’t noticed them.

  “We can go to a hotel if you want,” Tone told her.

  “Nah, I’m good.” She noticed the sad look on Tone’s face. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Everything is all fucked up now. That’s what’s wrong. I don’t have a connect, and now muthafuckas ain’t gonna wanna fuck with me while I’m dealing with this case. So many niggas is snitching, niggas gon’ think I’m tryin’a set ’em up or some other crazy shit.”

  “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be okay,” Serena said, rubbing Tone’s back.

  “How?” Tone yelled. “I don’t have no connect. No connect means no money!”

  “Well, when I go back home tomorrow, I’ll talk to my uncle and see what I can do for you, baby. Okay?”

  “That’s okay, baby. I don’t really want you getting involved in this shit,” Tone said, lying through his teeth.

  “Baby, trust me, it’s okay. My father has a straight line to where the shit comes from.” She paused. “Only problem is, he don’t do business with blacks, so I’m going to have to talk to my uncle. He’s cooler.”

  “Okay, baby. As long you ain’t gon’ get in no trouble, then I’m cool with it.” Tone pulled her in close for a hug. “If something happened to you, I would never forgive myself.”

  “Everything is going to be fine. I’ma go back home for a few days, talk to my uncle and set everything up. You don’t worry about nothing. All I need you to do is relax and watch how a real bitch holds her man down,” Serena said, putting on her gangsta face.

  “You too cute to be acting tough like that.” Tone lifted her chin for a kiss.

  “I gotta hold my man down.”

  “Oh, so I’m your man now?” Tone asked with a smirk.

  “You muthafuckin’ right,” Serena replied as she accepted his kiss.

  “And I’ma make sure my man is all right,” she said, every word coming from her heart.

  After the two showered, they had sex all night and all morning until it was time for Serena to leave.

  “You know I’m gonna miss you, right?” Tone said.

  “I’ll only be gone for a week, and I’m gonna miss you like crazy while I’m gone.”

  “You just make sure you call me and keep me close,” Tone said as he saw Serena’s cab pull up. “And call me as soon as you get there.”

  “You know I am, baby.” Serena gave Tone some tongue before she went and slid in the back seat of the cab, which Tone watched until it was no longer in sight.

  Big Phil sat at his kitchen table counting money when he heard somebody knocking at his door. He quickly grabbed the TEC-9 from off the table and walked toward the door. “Who is it?”

  “Open up the fuckin’ door,” the voice on the other end barked.

  Big Phil opened up the door and stepped to the side so Gruff and Maxine could enter. “I’m glad y’all could make it on such short notice.”

  “How many exits you got in this muthafucka?” Gruff asked, just in case something jumped off.

  “Just the front door and the back door. Why? What’s up?” Big Phil asked.

  “No reason,” Gruff said. “So what’s up? You said you wanted to talk business, so talk.”

  “I’ma cut straight to the chase,” Big Phil said, pouring himself a drink. “I want to hire you to do a job for me.”

  “What kind of job?”

  “I need somebody dead.” Big Phil downed his drink in one gulp.

  “I’m not no hit man,” Gruff said quickly.

  “Not even for twenty grand?” Big Phil snatched the money off the table and handed it to Gruff.

  “Who we gotta hit?” Gruff asked, stuffing the money in both of his back pockets.

  “Some bitch-ass nigga name Tone.” Big Phil started giving Gruff and Maxine a quick rundown.

  “I heard of him.” Gruff heard some noise coming from outside the door. “What the fuck is that?” He quickly pulled out his twin 9s from his shoulder holsters.


  The front door came crashing in, followed by three armed police officers.

  “Pull over right here,” Detective Abraham ordered as he loaded his shotgun. “That’s the muthafucka’s house right there,” he said as he slid out the van.

  A white racist cop named Tom said, “I’m shooting anything that moves when we get up in here!”

  “Listen, we gon’ go in here, smoke this clown, and be on our way. Simple as that.” Detective Abraham looked at his men to make sure he was understood before they reached the front of the house. Tone may have got on his nerves, but that was still his son, and anyone who tried to harm him had to die.

  Altogether there were six officers. Three officers took the front door, while Detective Abraham, Tom, and another officer headed toward the back.

  The biggest officer of the three grabbed the battering ram and quickly busted down the door on the second try. “Freeze! Police!” was all he got to say before he collapsed to the floor covered in his own blood.

  Gruff had quickly aimed his twin 9s at the door and fired two shots. POW! POW! Both shots hit the first officer in the stomach.

  The next officer came running inside holding a shotgun in his hand. Before he could even get a shot off, Gruff had already shot him three times, and Maxine finished him off with a shot to the head with her .357 Magnum.

  Maxine quickly held up one finger, letting Gruff know that one more officer was outside the door. She slowly eased her way toward the door. As Gruff eased his way toward the front door, he heard a loud BOOM! then watched as the back door flew off its hinges. Big Phil immediately opened fire on the back door, not caring who he hit.

  The third cop finally entered the front door firing recklessly, hitting everything but his intended targets. Maxine quickly dropped him with three shots to the chest.

  “We out!” Gruff said as he ran out the front door with Maxine close on his heels.

  “Yo, wait up!” Big Phil yelled as he fired a few more rounds at the back door. Then he ran out the front door behind Gruff and Maxine.

  Detective Abraham ran inside the house with his shotgun in hand, ready to tear up some shit. “They ran out the front!” he yelled, and him, Tom, and the other officer headed out the front door in pursuit of the gunmen.

  “Yo, wait up,” Big Phil said out of breath as he finally caught up to Gruff and Maxine.

  Immediately Gruff turned and placed the barrel of his 9 mm to Big Phil’s head and pulled the trigger. He didn’t even watch his body drop as he slid in the driver’s seat of their stolen hooptie.

  “Why the fuck you kill Phil for?” Maxine looked back to make sure they wasn’t being followed.

  “Cops came to his house. That mea
ns eventually they was going to find him, and you know he ain’t going down for killing three cops,” Gruff said, as he hopped on the highway.

  Maxine thought about it for a second. “You right.”

  “Damn!” Detective Abraham said when they reached Big Phil’s dead body.

  “Looks like somebody beat us to the punch,” Tom said with a smirk.

  Detective Abraham watched the getaway car bend the corner at full speed. “I guess so.”

  Chapter 9

  Tone took a deep breath before he exited his car. He walked up to the front door and knocked on it.

  Mya answered the door, her smile quickly turning into a frown. “What do you want?”

  “We need to talk. Can I come in?”

  “Now is not a good time. I got company.”

  “Damn! How you got another nigga all up in the crib while you pregnant?”

  “Don’t come up in here judging me. Besides, he’s just my friend. I don’t go around fucking anything that moves, like somebody else I know.” Mya rolled her eyes.

  “Whatever. What we gon’ do about this baby?”

  “What you mean, we?” Mya said, a confused look on her face. “I’m gonna have my baby and take care of it. That’s what I’m going to do. I don’t know what you gon’ do.”

  “So it’s like that?”

  “Just like that, until you get your priorities together.”

  Just as Tone was about to reply, a man wearing a suit came up behind Mya. “Is everything okay over here?” he asked.

  To Tone, he looked like a businessman or a lawyer. Tone stared coldly at the man. “And if it ain’t?”

  “I’m calling the police.” The man disappeared back inside the house.

  “Don’t come over here starting no shit,” Mya said.

  Tone looked at Mya with disgust as he turned and walked back to his car. Once he got behind the wheel, he heard his cell phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Maine. “What’s good?” he answered.

  “Where you at?”


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