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A Toast to Murder

Page 4

by Michele Scott

  Zach smiled wide. He shrugged. “I wouldn’t miss the wedding of the century for anything.”

  Tristan and Jackson stood and shook his hand. “We thought Nancy was coming and because of, you know, the divorce and all, that you bailed out,” Tristan said. “Savannah even said that Nancy was staying up in Calistoga. What gives?”

  “Jeez, man. Thanks for the warm welcome,” he replied. “What gives is that Nancy and I talked. Civilly. And it turns out that she was only coming to get under my skin. I had given in to her because I was tired of fighting over every little piddly thing. She called me up yesterday and told me that I needed to be the one to go. All she was looking for was a vacation, and she decided to take advantage of a time-share we have in Puerto Vallarta. Said she’d rather do that, and that I should fly up here and go to the wedding.”

  “Glad you did. Good,” Derek said. “Good to see you and good to hear that maybe things won’t be so hard from here on out.”

  Zach nodded. “Hope so.” He laughed. “I was going to bring this woman I’ve started seeing, but I knew that would get back to Nancy and she’d come unglued. We just found some smooth waters. I don’t want to be rocking that boat.”

  “Right. Well have a seat. Have some dinner with us. How did you find us?” Derek asked.

  “Marco I think his name was. Italian guy at the front desk. Told him who I was and he hooked me up.”

  “Yeah. Marco is a great guy. He’s my brother’s partner. You all remember Simon. He was like sixteen I think when I left for college.”

  “How could we forget?” Jackson said. “Never forget when you had him visit and he fully hit on Kenny.”

  They all laughed. “Yeah, my brother has never been shy.”

  “He’s settled down a lot,” Nikki cut in. She didn’t think they were putting Simon down, and even though she was still pretty upset with him over the hair fiasco, she felt a need to come to his defense. “He’s got Marco and they just adopted a little girl. Violet.”

  “That’s great. Nancy and I talked about adopting at one point, but she’s pretty much on the career track. She works in advertising,” Zach said.

  Nikki wondered if the couple hadn’t been able to get pregnant and that’s why they’d considered adoption. Maybe it had caused their problems. That was a thought she didn’t want to think. She and Derek had discussed every possibility, and she felt rock solid that no matter what—children or childless—they would love and support one another.

  Dinner wound up lasting longer than they’d all planned, but the food was delicious and the company sans Savannah was delightful. Without his wife, Tristan laughed and talked a lot about his two children as well. Lily and Jackson were fun and good-natured. Lily did come off a little bit pompous, what with the workout stuff, and then she carried on a bit about how she was a room mother for both of her younger kids’ classrooms and how she was reportedly the best most organized room parent ever. It did get a little hard to swallow after a while of having to listen to it, but three glasses of wine helped and at least she wasn’t rude like Tristan’s wife. Zach was interesting and although he’d occasionally refer to his soon-to-be ex-wife, which sort of seemed to weigh him down, he kept things light and lively.

  Nikki did think about Derek’s friends on the drive back. In reality, they didn’t have a lot of people they hung out with in Napa. Either it was just the two of them, or they hung out with Simon and Marco, which Derek had been growing tired of. He could only take so much of his brother. The only other couple they enjoyed being around was Alyssa and her boyfriend, Detective Jonah Robinson.

  Most of Derek’s friends were more like acquaintances and business associates. Nikki had pretty much lost her best friend Isabel Fernandez when she broke up with Isabel’s brother Andrés over a year ago. Nikki had invited her to the wedding, had even called and wanted her to be in the wedding, but Isabel had not returned her call, nor the response card. Nikki was saddened and hurt but understood Isabel’s loyalties. She figured it was really unlikely her old friend would show up for her big day.

  Nikki wondered what types of friendships they would cement as a couple over the years. She hoped they could both agree on mutual friends.

  Nikki and Derek decided to have nightcap at the hotel wine bar outside by the saltwater pool with Jackson and Lily. Tristan figured that he’d better go and check on Savannah. Zach had gone back to his hotel.

  “No problem. Let’s all meet for breakfast here around nine, and then Nikki and I can take everyone on a tour of the grounds,” Derek said. “I’ll call Zach and let him know, too. There’ll be room here for him tomorrow to come and stay.”

  Nikki bit her tongue. She didn’t want to remind Derek that she still had a gazillion things to do for the wedding and not much time to do it in. But he’d been so awesome about her hair . . . Oh well, she could humor him and his friends for a couple of hours in the morning.

  “Think Kenny has checked in yet?” Jackson asked.

  “I don’t know. I can check,” Derek replied.

  They turned the corner, passing a trellis of evening jasmine and a waterfall that spilled down from a group of natural rocks and passed into a stream that recycled through and dumped into the pool. Candle-lit sconces on the golden walls illuminated the way to the pool and bar.

  “No. No Kenny. I’m not ready for that. I’m just not,” Lily said.

  “Who isn’t ready for Kenny?” A man in low-riding swim trunks, with a barrel chest, and some hefty arms, looking like a Greek god, walked toward them dripping wet. He had a drink in his hand. “Hey lookie who is here. Jacko baby and the lovely missus.” He winked at Lily. She cringed. “And you . . .” He took Nikki’s hand. “You must be Miss Nikki Sands.” He looked at Derek. “She is hot, man. Totally hot. You lucky SOB. How do you do it? Just make sure this one doesn’t try to kill you, too.” He winked at her. “If you take him out, though, I’ll gladly step in.”

  “Shut the hell up, Ken.” Derek pumped his hand. “I’d hug you, but damn it, go towel off.”

  “No way. Come here.” Kenny wrapped his arms around Derek. “Dude, she is super hot.”

  Now Nikki cringed and understood completely why Lily found him distasteful. Ironically though, Savannah hadn’t. She’d found him charming. Even more ironically, she came slinking around the corner and headed to the bar, wineglass in hand and wearing a bikini. So much for the migraine. “You’re feeling better?” Nikki asked.

  Savannah’s eyes widened. “I am, thank you. I guess I was a bit tired is all. I took a nap and then decided to take a dip in the pool because by the time I got up the spa was closed. And look who I found in the pool?” Savannah smiled at Kenny.

  “Yeah, man, where’s Tristan? What’s he thinking leaving his wife here alone?” Kenny said, laughing.

  Derek shook his head and eyed Jackson. Nikki watched this exchange with interest. Were men really that stupid? Especially her man? Come on. It was so obvious to her. She glanced over at Lily and wondered if she was thinking the same thing.

  “Tristan went to check on you,” Derek said.

  “Here I am.” Savannah spread her arms wide.

  What had happened to the demure Savannah in all her lavender and perfect makeup? This woman was a completely different specimen. Bikini clad (and not much to the bikini) and no shame waltzing around in it, and her husband nowhere in sight. As far as Nikki was concerned, Derek’s friends were a strange bunch. She couldn’t wait until tomorrow when her Aunt Cara showed up. Cara might be quirky, but certainly not bizarre.

  “Anyone care to join us in the pool?” Savannah asked.

  “I would,” Jackson replied. “I’m gonna change and grab a beer.

  Lily grabbed him by the arm. “No. I don’t think so. I think it would be best if we get to bed. It’s a big day tomorrow for Nikki and Derek, and they said they wanted to get an early start and show us around the winery and vineyard. We don’t need a nightcap anyway.”

  “Oh, Lil, don’t be such a buzzkill,” Ken
ny cut in.

  Lily glared at him and then hooked her arm through Jackson’s. “Besides, how often do we get to be alone and away from the kids?” She looked at him lovingly.

  He smiled. “Good point. Sorry gang. Rain check on the pool.”

  Kenny shrugged. “Okay, I get that. How about you two lovebirds?” He turned his attention to Nikki and Derek.

  Derek put his arm around her. “Nah. I think we better be getting our rest, too.”

  Tristan showed up right about then. He frowned when he saw his wife without much clothing on, wineglass refilled. “Hey, Kenny! See you found my wife.”

  Savannah put her free hand on her hip. “It was so funny. I didn’t even realize it was him swimming in the pool. I just came down for a hot tub, and after a few minutes he climbed in with me and I realized who it was.”

  “Your headache over then, I guess?”

  Savannah nodded.

  “I think we should all get some rest,” Tristan said. “I’d hate for your migraine to return.”

  Savannah frowned.

  “Man, you guys are all buzzkills. Back in the day we’d all be up, in the pool, hanging out, having beers until what? Three in the morning.” Kenny took a swig of his beer.

  “That was almost twenty years ago, my friend. Things change,” Derek said.

  “They don’t have to change that much. You can still have fun.”

  “I agree with Ken,” Savannah said. “Live a little.”

  “I hate to say it, but here’s the deal, we actually have a no-swimming rule here at the hotel after eleven, and it’s already eleven thirty. Plus the bar is closing, so I’m going to agree that it’s time to get to bed,” Derek said.

  Nikki sensed that Derek realized Kenny had not only made Lily feel uncomfortable, but that both she and Tristan were not exactly feeling warm and fuzzy toward the “dude” either.

  “Don’t you own the place? Can’t you change the rules when you want? I mean, come on guy, this is your week, your wedding week.” Kenny laughed. “Hook a brother up.”

  “It’s my wedding week, too.” Nikki was getting tired real fast of this guy’s adolescent antics and Savannah’s need to play sorority girl. “The thing is we also have a handful of guests at the hotel tonight who are not here for the wedding, so I’m sure you’ll understand why we have to follow the policies for tonight at least. Tomorrow night everyone staying here will be wedding guests, so we might be able to fudge things a bit.”

  “The bride seems a little tense, bro.”

  Savannah giggled. Nikki shot them both dirty looks. She was over it.

  Derek shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’m going to be staying here tomorrow night, and I need some sleep for the big day.”

  “You’re staying here tomorrow?” Nikki asked, surprised.

  “Of course. Isn’t it bad luck to see, I mean sleep, with the bride the night before the wedding?”

  “Not even. Sounds like a good plan to me.” Kenny pitched in his two cents.

  Nikki frowned. She did not like the idea of Derek staying at the hotel with these clowns, especially bad news Kenny. Hmmm.

  “We’re trying to be a little traditional,” Derek said.

  “All right. Party tomorrow night, then. I’ll be a good boy and go to bed now. You all sleep tight,” Kenny said. He made sure he gave Savannah a hug good night, but as he turned back to Nikki and started to try to hug her, she beat him to the punch and stretched out her hand. He looked surprised but she didn’t care. Derek’s buddy or not, the guy was an ass, and she didn’t trust him at all. “The guy is a jerk,” Nikki said as soon as they were back to their house.

  “He’s harmless, honey. He really is.” Derek was unbuttoning his shirt.

  Nikki already undressed, had pulled on a pair of boxers and one of Derek’s T-shirts. She sighed heavily.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She wasn’t sure how to put this. She really didn’t want to start an argument with him, especially since their wedding was just around the corner. The few days leading up to the big day were supposed to be a special time as well, and so far with the hair fiasco, and now the Club Med group’s arrival, she wasn’t exactly having the most special of times.

  “Come on, Nik, what is it? I can tell you’re bugged.”

  She tossed her arms up. “Okay, fine. It’s your friends. I’m sorry but I’m not terribly impressed or crazy about some of them. Jackson is a cool guy and his wife is nice, and Zach seems to be okay, but the rest of them are just, I don’t know, not my kind of people, I guess.”

  Now Derek sighed. “By the rest of them, I think you mean Savannah and Kenny. Tristan is not a bad guy. I think he’s unhappy, but that doesn’t give you a reason to not like the man. As far as Savannah and Kenny, well, people do change some over the years, and I can see where you’re coming from. But these are people that I’ve known for twenty years. I can’t just stop being friends with them.”

  “Why? Like you said, people do change, and maybe it’s good to move on and find new friends.”

  “Here’s the thing, Nik. It’s not like these people are in our lives or will be on a daily basis. Tristan and Savannah live in Atlanta, Jackson and Lily in New York, and Ken is down in San Diego. Zach is in L.A. But I’ve had some good times with all of them, and it’s my day, too, on Saturday, and I want them there. I want them to see how beautiful you are. I want them to see how happy you make me. I want them to see that I am the luckiest man in the world.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Boy do you have a way with words.”

  He walked toward her. “I’ve got a way with other things, too.”

  “Really now?” Nikki smiled.


  “Tell me.”

  “How about I show you?” He winked.

  “I guess that’ll work.”

  An hour after Derek showed her his other talents, he snored lightly and Nikki tried to fall asleep. She kept thinking about the next two days and all she had to do. She also kept thinking about Derek’s friends and how different they were from him. A bad feeling came over her and sat in her stomach. She tried to think about good things, the actual wedding, the reception, but the feeling wouldn’t go away. She had to ask herself, what it was all about? Was it just the things that had gone awry already? Was she worried more unplanned events would occur? Definitely. Or was this what it felt like to get cold feet?

  Grilled Pork in a Sun-dried Cherry

  Cabernet Sauce

  Paired with Bonterra Cabernet Sauvignon

  Nothing goes better with a flatiron steak than a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. And when life takes a strange turn, as Nikki’s seems to, go ahead and bite off more than you can chew, and definitely pour yourself a great glass of wine and toast yourself for surviving.

  Try this tasty and easy recipe (we all need easy when life is going a little left), and drink a glass or two—or even three!—of Bonterra Cabernet.

  Bonterra’s Cabernet traditionally offers aromas of Bing cherry, currants and raspberry, with spicy notes of cedar and dried cranberry, with slight vanilla notes. In the glass you’ll find juicy red berry flavors, and a very approachable, rich and full mouthfeel with a lingering, thoughtful finish. Good structure, polished yet soft tannins promise an ever more pleasing wine to come, with lively acidity and subtle spice. Biodynamic fruit from McNab and Butler ranches are featured, along with top lots from the finest Mendocino vineyards. This is a Cabernet which will continue to evolve and remain enjoyable for quite some time to come. Please enjoy Bonterra’s Good Earth approach.

  What to eat with such a great wine? Grilled pork loin in a sundried cherry Cabernet sauce!


  2 lb. Pork tenderloin




  2 tbsp vegetable oil

  1 bottle Cabernet wine

  1½ cups sun dried cherries
  Salt and pepper as needed

  4 tbsp butter

  5 slices bacon (medium dice)

  1 large Spanish onion (medium dice)

  2 lb Fingerling potatoes (sliced on bias ½ inch thick)

  2 tbsp chopped parsley

  1 tbsp chopped rosemary

  3 Shallots (cut off stems and julienne thinly)

  1 lb Chanterelle mushrooms (pull apart with fi ngers

  if large)

  2 tbsp chopped fresh thyme

  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  Season pork with salt, pepper, and sugar and sear in a heated sauté pan with vegetable oil. Sear all sides and then place in the oven and cook until the internal temperature reaches 110 degrees. Remove from the oven and let rest for 5 minutes and then slice.

  In a saucepan, heat the wine and cherries and bring to a simmer. Reduce by ¼ and then season with salt and pepper. Stir in 2 tablespoons of the butter until incorporated.

  Using a separate sauté pan, cook bacon until ¾ of the way cooked and then add onions and potatoes. Cook until potatoes are tender and have a nice crispy outside. Fold in the parsley and rosemary and season with salt and pepper.

  In a separate pan, sauté shallots and chanterelles with 2 tablespoons of the butter. Season with salt and pepper and then toss in the thyme.

  To serve: Place potatoes in the center of plate. Arrange slices of the pork around the outside, place mushroom mixture on top of potatoes, and spoon cherry sauce over pork. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary.


  SIMON had made it a new ritual to join Nikki for coffee before seven every morning. He’d bring Violet with him, and she’d eat her breakfast and watch Sesame Street. Times had changed, and, if Nikki admitted it, so had Simon.Violet was his life. The little girl was not lacking at all, because Daddy Simon made sure she had everything a two-year-old princess could ever want. Nikki warned him that in a decade or so his spoiling could come back to bite him. But he didn’t seem to think Violet would ever become a hormonal teenager. Nikki tended to disagree.


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