Book Read Free

A Dead Disappointment

Page 7

by Birch, S. C.

  Emily giggled, “Wanna hear a scary story?”

  “Wait!” Cameron started moving quickly, “I’ve got a better idea. Wait here.” He said then lifted one of the cushions and disappeared. Emily could hear him running around in the still house.

  When he came back, Cameron was carrying a large cardboard box. He placed the box into the middle of their book fort, climbed inside, and pulled the cushion back on top of them both. While he had to lean and arch his back to fit in there, Emily was almost sitting up straight. Cameron watched his short companion’s face, excited for her reaction.

  “What’s this?” Emily asked and opened up the box, then gasped. “No!”

  Cameron nodded, “Yup.”

  Pulling out a comic book, Emily held it like a precious flower, “You found Owen’s stash?”

  “Found it when we were in the basement the other day.”

  Cameron reached into the box and picked up a comic book with intense care.

  Emily beamed up at him, “This is amazing! Owen’s going to kill us now! He has like, the worst only child syndrome ever!”

  Cameron laughed. “I know. Let’s just keep quiet.”

  Emily nodded and the two sat and read their pilfered comics.

  Grace had been lying in bed awake for quite some time, staring at the grey clouds through the window. She watched the rain trickle down the glass. The earth continued on its way, even if the world was at a standstill. So far, she realised, she hadn’t given much thought to the whole End of The World thing. It wasn’t as though she was unaware of what was going on. But she saw no reason to act contrary from normal, because if she did, then she really would have to accept that the world was broken. Grace sat up, pulled her shawl around herself, and walked downstairs with her golf club in hand. She wandered to the swimming pool and sat down beside Mortimer. He sprang into life and started licking her all over before collapsing into her lap. Grace sat there, stroking Mortimer until the incredible weight of that lazy dog caused the blood to stop traveling to her toes.

  “Come on, let’s stretch your legs.” Grace said as way of apology for needing to move. She led Mortimer through the house and into the living room. It had been stripped bare. The sofas were missing and all that was in it now was a coffee table, television, gadgets, and some weapons on the floor. But Grace shrugged it off and lay down to cuddle into Mortimer. He was more than happy with this and curled into her chest while he was stroked.

  Lucy awoke sometime later and hid in the bed. Hoping that if she pretended she was asleep she might drift off again. She pulled the covers over her head and checked her phone. The bright light shone on her face. Still no messages. Her thumb hovered over the glass, then she could hear muffled laughs. It stung. She felt like an unwanted guest. The parasite clinging to a sinking ship. Lucy slid her hand along the mattress and hid her phone under her pillow. Overcome with an anger she couldn’t quite recognise or even put words to, Lucy threw back the covers and marched to the source of the quiet laughing and straight into the library.

  “What?” she blurted out at the sight of the book fort. It was all she could manage to say.

  The cushion lid lifted up and out poked Emily’s face, “Morning, Lucy! You coming to join us?”

  Lucy walked over to them and looked inside, “What are you doing?”

  Then the other cushion lid lifted up and out came Cameron, “Reading comics and talking.”

  Lucy smiled at them both, “Okay.” she said then climbed in. It was a little cramped and the three huddled around the box of Owen’s prized possessions. “Why are you in here?”

  Then there was silence. Lucy looked between the two. Emily was staring at Cameron and he was staring at his comic.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  Cameron blinked in surprise as he felt a few fingers twisted around his. He looked to his hand, followed the arm attached and up to Emily, who was smiling at him. Cameron smiled back and felt a small amount of courage find him.

  “Yeah, eh.” Cameron turned to Lucy, “Sorry. We’re just killing time, I suppose.”

  “Oh, okay. You don’t mind me intruding?” she asked.

  “Not in the slightest.” Cameron said. He felt Emily’s fingers tighten.

  “Thank you. I was – I don’t know, Thank you, both.” Lucy smiled warmly at them.

  “Lucy, you’re always allowed to join in, don’t be mad!” Emily bellowed. She dove into the box with one hand and picked up a comic. “Here,” she said handing it to Lucy, “give this one a try.”

  Lucy held the comic like it was laced with thorns but started reading it.

  Cameron then went back into his comic. He stroked Emily’s hand a little and smiled to himself. She had always been able to get him, and he adored that about her. Cameron wanted to be able to endure this day as best as possible, and he didn’t want to be pitied. He knew he could trust Emily to help make that happen.

  Jack was next awake. He picked up his wrench and slid out of the cramped bed, leaving Daniel and Owen asleep. God how he hated that sleeping arrangement. It was worse than all those years he had to endure sharing a bedroom with Emily while the third room in their house was used as a dumping ground. Jack thumped his way into the kitchen and had a glass of water, hoping it would ebb his hunger a little. He heard Mortimer yawn and wandered to the sleepy dog.

  “Awww, you two look cute.” Jack said.

  Mortimer stood up and scuttled over to Jack with a grin almost as large as his whole head and his tail flapping around. Jack crouched down and started rubbing the back of Mortimer’s ears.

  “He loves this. If you want on his good side just rub his ears and he will be yours forever. He’s a total whore that way.”

  Grace sat up and tucked her legs under herself. She said nothing and sat still.

  There was something about Grace that Jack never understood. Whenever she went quiet like this, which was common, all he wanted to do was talk and hear her talking back. So he did.

  “I remember when he was still a puppy. He was goddamned adorable. And it was awesome ‘cos our parents wouldn’t let us have a dog so we were always round Owen’s terrorizing him and Mortimer. Weren’t we? Yes, we were!” Jack said to an overly happy Mortimer.

  Grace shuffled over to them both and joined in, “I think it’s really lovely that you three are still friends.”

  Jack shrugged, “It’s just how it happened. And anyway, you’ve been with us for six? Seven years, or something like that?”

  “I know.” Grace replied, “But I wish I had known you all longer. Seems nice.”

  “Oh, God no! It was hell! We were all dirt poor and there was fucking nothing to do. And when you live that close to someone you can get sick to death of each other. We were all properly fucking horrible to each other. Be thankful you came in later.” Jack grinned at her.

  Grace laughed. “I guess I should be thankful then.”

  “You have no idea! Honestly you wouldn’t have been able to stand us back then. You would’ve abandoned us outright. And believe me, I am so fucking thankful that never happened.” As Jack and Grace smiled and clapped Mortimer, Jack thought about all the fights and punches that the three had thrown at each other over the years, most of which had come from Emily. Then he remembered that she had been on guard duty, and that he had no clue where she was.

  “You seen Emily yet?”

  Grace shook her head, “No, but I think she’s in the library. I heard her talking earlier. Do you want to make sure she’s okay?”

  “Probably should. You coming?”

  Grace nodded, “Yes please.”

  Jack smiled at Grace and lifted them both to their feet. Mortimer followed and all three made their way into the library.

  “Sweet! A fort!” Jack shouted. He ripped of one off the cushions and dropped himself in. “When in the hell did you three do this?”

  “You think I am in any way responsible for this madness?” Lucy asked. “It was already built by the time I woke up.”r />
  “Fair enough.” Jack said and turned to his sister, “This was your doing, wasn’t it?”

  Emily pushed herself towards Cameron and created space so Grace could join them, “Yep!”

  Grace picked up Mortimer (she had a lot of bother with this as he lay limp and indecently heavy in her arms) and dropped him on top of Jack, then climbed in herself.

  And the five of them sat on top of each other, reading comics while Mortimer lay slobbering on Jack’s lap.

  When Daniel woke up he went to go downstairs but stopped when he heard Emily and Jack shouting at each other. He walked into the library and stood at the fort.

  “What are you doing in there?” he asked and was surprised when the cushions lifted up and he saw everyone sitting inside the tiny box.

  “Shooting the shit. You coming in?” Jack asked.

  “Eh, will I fit?” asked Daniel as he peered into the cramped fort.

  “Yeah. We’ll work it out somehow.” Cameron pushed into Emily and Lucy pushed into Grace so Daniel could join them.

  Daniel shrugged and placed his feet inside before sitting down and lowering the cushions back over themselves. Then the six of them read their stolen comics.

  Lucy, Grace, and Daniel had no interest in comics at all. But for whatever reason, all were engrossed in their fiction. It was a beautiful moment of honest joy. And one Cameron knew he would cherish. Everyone laughed and joked together, and at one point there was a heated debate on how the character from Grace’s book had acquired his powers and how absurd it was. She just couldn’t comprehend it. And the Brookers were losing what little patience they had. So by the time Owen woke up, his friends were loud. Their laughs and shouts travelled through the deserted house and straight to him. He sat up and threw his legs over the edge of the bed before rubbing away the crust from his eyes.

  Owen ignored their chatter and had a shower in his en-suite. But when he came out, they were louder and sounded angry. It seemed he couldn’t get dressed fast enough as the shouting grew. Frustrated, Owen groaned and abandoned the jumper he was wrestling with. He left his room and walked into his library.

  As he stood at the door, Owen felt an anger brew and bubble inside him. “What the fuck are you doing?” he demanded.

  Mortimer bounced over Jack and erupted from the fort. He ran over to Owen but as he did Jack fell back into the books and they came crashing down around those huddled inside. Laughs and excited yelps followed the avalanche down to the ground and become a muddle of people and paper.

  Owen watched the scene. Then he noticed they were all clutching comics. Then he noticed his box of comics in the middle of them.

  “You ignorant bastards!” Owen snarled, “I can’t fucking believe this!”

  “Mate, I’m sorry.” said Jack through his laughs, “We were just having fun.”

  “And what in the fuck gives you the right? This is my house and my things – not yours!” Owen roared. “Fuck you.”

  “Owen, sorry.” said Cameron as he stood up, “It was my idea. Sorry.”

  Owen glared, “Oh, well there’s a fucking surprise. Cameron doing whatever the fuck he wants, as per-fucking usual!”

  “Fuck off, dick bag!” Emily screamed from the floor, “You’ve got a fucking nerve to call us ignorant! It wasn’t even Came-”

  Cameron quickly shook his head at Emily.

  “Emily, shut up!” said Jack who was trying to pick himself up.

  “Everyone needs to calm down.” Lucy said.

  “Calm down?” Owen growled “D’you know what, Lucy? Fuck off home. I’m done.”

  “Are you serious?” she asked.

  “I am as it fucking happens.” Owen pointed to the door, “You can all just go home. I’m too tired for this bullshit anymore.”

  “Owen, I think you’re overreacting a bit.” Cameron said, “I’m sorry we took your stuff, but this is just way out of fucking proportion.”

  “Fuck off, Cameron.” Owen said, his words practically dripping with venom. “I’m sick of the fucking lot of you! Just get out of my house!”

  “Jesus, Owen, don’t blow a fucking artery!” Jack shouted.

  “Owen.” said Grace, her voice was quiet, but commanded the room, “Do you really want to throw your friends to their death over some idiotic possessions? Would you really do that to us? Because if that is the case then I would rather leave and fight the dead out there than fight your poison in here.”

  Owen felt guilt punch him in the gut. He looked at Grace, unable to look at anything else.

  “Make your choice right now and never forget it.” Grace said, staring back at Owen. “Your friends, or your things.”

  Her gaze, so soft but intense, struck Owen hard. He tore himself away and sat down on an armchair. He dragged his hand down his face and hid behind it.

  “Fuck it.” he said to himself after a long time spent in silence and dropped his hand, “Well, you’re all going to do it anyway even if I protest so I might as well fucking help. If we are gonna rebuild a fort then I think it’s going to have to be three walls only to fit all of us in.” It was the best apology he could muster. He was embarrassed and ashamed more than anything. And everyone forgave him in an instant. They all re-built the book fort but made it wider and taller but left one side open.

  They read their comics in and around the fort for hours. Grace and Jack disappeared for a while and when they came back, they brought the gateau and spoons. Everyone tucked into their sugary breakfast and laughed all the while. Jack set up the camera on the box of comics just outside the fort, switched it on then dove back inside.

  “Hello, everyone! As you can see we’ve decided to outlive the zedpocs inside a book fort with nothing but comics and a dog for company. What things have you guys been doing to survive? Let us know in the comments below -”

  Emily cut in and sniggered, “You rhymed.”

  Jack looked at his sister while he worked out what she had meant. Then he sniggered too and turned back to the camera, “Nyaha, so I did. Anyway, guys and gals, I was thinking if you have any questions then leave them below and we can answer them next time, get a Q and A session going. We’re all still here and we wanted to say a massive thanks to you all for your comments from yesterday’s video. As you may have noticed, the two screamers are in fact fine,” Jack waved his arm to Emily and Cameron, “and haven’t been munched yet. So, guys, anything to say to everyone out there?”

  “Hi. I’m Daniel and well, truthfully, this apocalypse hasn’t been easy for us. I know we look like we’re having fun. And we are today. But up till now it’s been hard going. We’re all starving and we’re surrounded by zombies. Every night they try to get in. So I just wanted to let you know that it’s not all laughs. This is difficult for us, too. That’s why we have weapons with us all the time. In case they get in or something. So if you are struggling, so are we. You’re not alone. And as well I wanted to say something real quick.” Daniel pushed his fringe upwards and sighed. “If this is truly the end of the world, I’m…I’m really sorry to everyone out there I might have hurt or upset or anything.”

  “Yeah… Daniel’s right. Christ, this has been hard going, hasn’t it?” Owen asked. “Don’t actually think I realised how stressed out I was till today.”

  “No shit.” Emily said, grinning.

  “It really has been hard.” said Grace. “Can I say something?”

  “Always.” said Jack.

  Grace took a deep breath in and tugged at her shawl. “My biggest regret of the end of the world is that I hid from it. I was so scared of people and living, that I avoided it. I was so…afraid of being lonely that I…I made myself alone. And now I won’t get to go back to that. To a normal life, and doing totally mundane things. It might seem stupid to everyone, but, I just miss living normally.” she wrapped the tassels of her shawl through her fingers, “That’s my regret.”

  “Oh, I think I win the regrets game.” said Lucy.

  Grace looked to Lucy, “How so?” />
  “I can be a hard bitch. I know it and make no apologies for my personality. But I have hurt people.” Lucy looked over at Owen who was the furthest body away, “People I care about. And I have always been too proud to fix things or admit I’m wrong. And for that I am sorry.” She took a huge sniff in, looked to the ground and clutched her hair at her scalp, “I really hope someone comes to get us soon. I just want to go home.”

  Emily clambered over to Lucy and cuddled her, “I know. When this all started we were excited and that. But you’re right. I just want to go home, too. I’ve wasted so much of my life on stupid shit. And being so lazy about it. You know, like, thinking the world owed me or something. I actually can’t believe how much of my life I have wasted on doing nothing.” Emily looked over to her brother, “Jack? Can we go home soon?”

  Jack smiled wearily at his twin, “Yeah. We will soon. I promise.”

  Owen looked at his hands. He picked the skin around his nails while the silence engulfed him.

  “Christ, guys. This’s all my fault. I brought you all here and now we’re stuck away from our families.” Owen said. He pushed out all the air in his lungs before looking at everyone. His second family. And He was the reason they were stranded. He did this to them. “Sorry.”

  Grace shrugged. “At least you all have family. If I wasn’t here I would be alone in this. Don’t apologise for that.”

  Jack pulled his body over to Grace and held her, “We’re your family. And as much as I want to see my parents again, I am so glad you’re here with us. I mean, shit, we all need you here more than you need us, I think.”

  “Yeah.” said Emily, smiling at Grace.

  Cameron stood up and out the fort, left the room, and called his brother, “Toby? You there? Good. Claire still with you? Thank fuck. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Put her on? Hi. How - I know, I miss you too.” then his voice thinned out and disappeared.

  Emily scrambled on the floor and chased after him.

  “Sorry, everyone. This was a bad idea.” said Jack as he crawled forwards and switched off the camera. He turned around and looked at his broken friends, “Shit. Sorry, guys.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” Grace said. “We all agreed to do a video.”


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