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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 11

Page 12

by Yukiya Murasaki

  “See, if they were that easy to find, we wouldn’t be struggling this much.”

  He made it sound like it was someone else’s problem. In truth, the soldiers had the worst of it while the governor was sitting back and eating. Still, the fact that he was actively giving orders was at least better than nothing.

  “...Wouldn’t trying for peace be preferable to marching the soldiers for days?” Rem asked again.

  “If you can really talk to those animals, give them this message—leave the mountain. I don’t intend to stop this hunt.”

  “You can do that?” Gewalt looked at Rem with surprised eyes. “Can you really talk to Therianthropes?”

  “...No... Not me.”

  “I see.”

  They’d completely forgotten Diablo and his group even proposed they make peace with the Kobolds, and they soon changed topics. Rem was likely quite puzzled. She wanted to say that Diablo could speak to them, but saying that wouldn’t change things for the better. The Kobolds would still be treated as monsters and be killed, robbed and driven out, all because they couldn’t speak the Humans’ language.

  Diablo thought back to the oni girl, dryad, and lamia he met in the capital. Thinking back, he didn’t really converse with them. The Elf girl at the reception handled all the arrangements. It was possible they didn’t use Lyferia’s common language, either... Not that he had the courage to go back and check.

  Matis pointed to the large map spread out on the table, which was covered in food stains from his constant eating.

  “We search the east side tomorrow.”

  “Don’t tell me you intend to comb through the whole mountain like this,” Gewalt said, his face contorted in displeasure.

  “Do you not approve?”

  “No, I most certainly do not. I want to go back as soon as possible.”

  “But we have to find their den...”

  Gewalt gave a thin smirk.

  “How about we burn it all to the ground?”


  “It works, doesn’t it? If they don’t have trees to hide in, the beasts will come out. Though we might just roast them alive to begin with.”

  “That’s absurd...”

  “Why do you say that? It’s the mine you care about, so the trees burning doesn’t get in the way of getting any silver.”

  “There are people hunting and foraging in these woods for a living.”

  “Then just give them new work by working in the mine!” Gewalt grinned broadly.


  “It’s a great idea. Forest fires happen all the time. Come now, governor—do you know how much it would cost to march ten thousand troops for days? You can’t spend that much.”

  “That is inefficient...”

  Matis rubbed his chin pensively with a suspicious glint in his eyes. Rem, however, cut it off by loudly banging her hands on the conference table.

  “You can’t! You can’t start a forest fire in your own territory!”

  “That’s not what we mean.” Gewalt shrugged. “It’ll just happen to break out. A coincidence. Forest fires are a natural disaster, after all. ♪”

  He had a crystal in his hands that shined in a rainbow-colored glow, which Rem regarded with a glare.

  “...That’s Efreet!”

  It was a powerful, level 130 fire element summon, which could even defeat level 150 monsters if its summoner had the right equipment.

  “Don’t tell me you find fault with the governor’s and a palace knight’s intentions? You’re Greenwood’s queen, after all. Wouldn’t want a war to break out between you and Lyferia... right?”

  Rem grit her teeth, vexed. There were even tears welling up in her eyes. But then Shera, who had held her tongue until then, spoke up.

  “We’ll fight! If you do anything that awful, the Elves will fight the Humans! You shouldn’t fight just because the other side are monsters, it should be to protect everyone! But if you don’t respect other people’s lives... I’ll fight!”

  “Shera?!” Rem’s eyes widened. “What are you saying?!”

  “Well said.” Diablo took his staff, the Tonnerre Empereur.

  “...You too, Diablo?!”

  Rem was the most rational of them, and may have been right. No, in all likelihood, she was right... But Diablo’s patience was at its limit.

  “It’s better to go solo than to team up with scum!” Diablo exclaimed.

  Gewalt’s lips contorted upward.

  “Don’t tell me you’re fighting for the Kobolds’ sake? Starting a war with Lyferia over this?!”

  “That’s right.” Shera nodded.

  Diablo stepped forward to defend her.

  “I am a Demon Lord from another world! Perhaps this was simply the writ of fate!”

  Rem eventually sighed.

  “...This is a mess. I thought I was free from the Demon Lord, but here I am, standing at a Demon Lord’s side.”

  She took out a crystal and prepared for combat. The tension around them rose.


  But just as the situation was on the verge of erupting, a soldier ran into the tent.

  “Report! I have a re—?!”

  The soldier stiffened, unable to understand what was happening. Matis motioned for him to give his report, still glaring at Diablo.

  “Go on.”

  “Yessir! The recon team we sent ahead discovered a Kobold village! They’ve engaged them and are asking for reinforcements!”

  The situation changed at once.

  “Send in the commando unit immediately,” Matis ordered. “All forces are to move at top speed!”


  The soldier ran out of the tent.

  “Keehee!” Gewalt smiled like a devil. “So this is how it ends up going! The strong win! Strength in numbers! And those who are stronger are always victorious! You... do realize that now, right?”

  “Not yet!” Rem called out. “It’s not over! Diablo, please stall Gewalt! If the runner only just arrived, I might still make it if I hurry!”

  “What do you intend to do, Rem?”

  “...I’ll go help the Kobolds. The recon team shouldn’t have that many people. If I go now, I should make it in time!”

  They had failed to broker peace for the Kobolds, and now their village had been discovered, but they might still have time to evacuate them. Caliture’s troops weren’t all that powerful, and having leveled up to fight Modinaram, Rem wouldn’t lose against them.

  ...Something feels off.

  But Diablo didn’t have the time to dwell on it. Every second counted. They’d have to defeat the unit engaging the Kobolds before the governor’s reinforcements arrived and had the Kobolds flee their village.

  “I’ll come with you!” Shera took out her bow.

  “...I’m leaving you behind if you can’t catch up!”

  “Of course!”

  Rem and Shera ran off.

  Diablo fixed the Tonnerre Empereur on Gewalt, keeping him in check. He could tell by facing him: he may have been acting like a summoner, but his level as a warrior was considerable, too. Diablo doubted he’d lose in a one-on-one fight, but he could end up fighting ten thousand soldiers based on what Matis decided to do.

  I’d rather keep this as a stalemate if I can. They might be scum, but they’re still people.

  Diablo wanted to save the Kobolds, but didn’t want to have to kill anyone in the process. What mattered now was buying time.

  Gewalt’s disturbed expression went back to a more serious demeanor.

  “So you people really are... in cahoots with the Kobolds.”

  “See, this is why you can’t trust demis.” Matis nodded.

  “But I do have to thank you. You’re going to show us the way to the Kobolds’ den, which no one’s been able to find until now.”

  Diablo felt the blood in his body freeze in his veins as he realized.

  “You haven’t found it yet?!”

  “Heheh... My summon, the Secret Grau, is fol
lowing them. My, they are fast, though. I have to catch up to them before they get out of my effective range.”

  Diablo didn’t know this summon, but apparently it allowed him to keep track of others from a distance. It was seen as a useless class in the game, but in this world, it was the primary type of sorcerer. It had a wide range of applications to match how often it was used.

  Still, in terms of sheer firepower, Diablo still had the advantage. Diablo charged magic into his staff.

  “You think I’ll let you go?”

  If he could keep Gewalt occupied, Rem and Shera wouldn’t lose to the soldiers. Matis wore an indomitable smirk, however.

  “Preparing in advance was worth it, it seems.”

  Someone walked into the tent.

  It was a woman, and one Diablo wouldn’t mistake. A Pantherian with black hair, and a cat’s ears and tail... Solami.

  “Good day, Diablo. Though... I suppose it’s evening already?”

  “What are you doing here?!”

  “I’m working. The Gadou clan receives requests from royalty and nobles.”

  So she was here at Matis’s request. He did say he had other forces prepared, but Diablo didn’t expect that to mean the Gadou clan’s assistant instructor.

  Diablo could feel himself breaking into a cold sweat.

  “Do you understand what you’re doing? These people are Rem’s enemies now. Siding with them puts her life at risk.”

  “I really do think it’s a shame. But I did have a feeling it might come to this... Remmie can be too kind.”

  Outglow seeped from Solami’s body. Her arms hung loosely at her sides as she simply stood still. But still, Diablo felt pressured as if there was a blade fixed against his chest. His body shivered.


  Diablo tensed up. Meanwhile, Solami giggled wryly.

  “You won’t make the first blow in time if you’re this stiff.”


  Come to think of it, he was always relaxed whenever someone challenged him in the game. If he was awake, he was playing, so staying tensed up all the time was impossible. Concentration wasn’t the same as tension. He had to keep what he had to do in mind, and calmly observe his opponent.

  I have to switch my consciousness to back when I was a shut-in gamer.

  “That’s some wonderful ‘serene’ Inglow.” Solami nodded.

  “So you know each other, too?” Gewalt shrugged. “You won’t betray us though, will you?”

  “Never,” Solami declared flatly. “Those of the Gadou clan would slay their own parents if the mission at hand demanded it. I’d refuse if the task was to harm Remmie or her friends in the first place... But I never thought she’d oppose the kingdom for the sake of some animals.”

  “Agreed.” Gewalt smirked cynically. “It is strange, isn’t it? I’ll leave this place to you, then.”


  “Are you... really sure about it? That little pipsqueak, Rem... I’ll probably end up killing her. She’s the type who won’t surrender even if it costs her her life.”

  “There isn’t much I can do. She chose her path.”

  “I see.”

  “But, if you do kill her, do stay out of my sight. I can’t promise I’ll be able to stay calm otherwise.”

  “That’s my intention. I mean, you’re just like your pipsqueak of a niece, after all. If you lived a bit more freely, you might become a good woman like me, you know?”

  “It’s just in my nature.”

  Gewalt left the tent with a wave of the hand.


  The moment Diablo turned his focus to him... Solami was upon him as if she’d teleported to his side.

  “Looking away?”

  “《Flash Charge》?!”

  It was a martial art the swordmaster used. Diablo didn’t know what level was required to acquire it, but it was likely 150 or above. It was a rushing type of move that moved as fast as teleportation—even faster than a magi gun’s bullet.

  “I was only asked to stall you...” Solami said in a cold voice. “But if you’re not careful, I may end up killing you.”

  Matis shrugged.

  “I couldn’t care less. He’s a traitor one way or another.”

  “What do you intend to do, governor? Stand by and watch the whole time?”

  “I intended to go all the way to the Kobolds’ den, but the soldiers are on their meal break at the moment, and I’m one to think that anyone who gets in the way of a meal is an enemy. I can’t do anything that awful to my men.”

  That was even more forbidden than setting a forest on fire, it seemed.

  “Can’t trust me, can you?” Solami smiled thinly.

  “Oh, perish the thought! I have a great deal of trust in the Gadou clan. I’d bet this lovely piece of jerky on you.”

  “...I’m so honored.”

  She then turned back to Diablo, taking her distance from him again, who clicked his tongue for the umpteenth time.

  “You pig-headed woman. Will nothing get you to step aside?”

  “I love Remmie... But I love my grandfather, father, and brother just the same. I have to make sure the good name of their clan, as well as the honor of the disciples they left in my care, stays safe. So I’ll put my all into this battle.”



  “Are your grandfather, father, brother, or apprentices the type to leave Rem to die?”

  “If the request demands it, they would.”

  “Fools! Even if you take a quest, should you realize it goes against your sense of justice, it is only bravery to know to change where your blade is fixed, even if one risks dishonor for it!”

  “And all you have to show for that is treason. Is there any meaning in defending those beasts?”

  “All the governor wants is silver.”

  “That doesn’t matter...”

  “What is honor worth if it was gained by siding with what you know to be injustice?!”

  “...I will not withdraw.”

  Solami’s eyes were full of stern will. Diablo turned the Tonnerre Empereur into its blade form, which made his MP consumption skyrocket, but multiplied his attacks by seven in exchange. Solami, meanwhile, steeled her resolve. Diablo, on the other hand, had no such determination. So instead, he chose to become a Demon Lord.

  “I understand your resolve. But even that will snap when faced with the might of a Demon Lord!”


  Solami was the one to make the first move.


  Pantherians excelled in their agility, and she was a short-range grappler, at that. It was only natural for her to be the one to make the first strike. Diablo knew this and therefore didn’t panic.

  He’d already deployed 《Super Mine》—a spell that blows up when stepped on—below his feet. But whether she’d seen his brief movements, she could see the flow of magical energy, or she had simply out-predicted him, she rushed forward, avoiding the spots he’d laid the mines.

  “I’d expect no less! However!”

  Diablo was a gamer who prided himself on being undefeated in one-on-one battle. He always had a second and third card up his sleeve. He retreated back, and Solami gave pursuit.

  You deflected a Lightning Bullet before, but how about this?!

  “Eat this! Glacies Cannon!”

  This spell fired a glacier like a cannonball, and had enough force to penetrate several layers of castle walls. At this short of a range, it was unavoidable. Seven such projectiles fired off one after another.

  But Solami surprisingly elected to defend against it with her bare hands. It should have had enough force to crush her even through her hands, but she withstood the impact using her Outglow.

  “Ugh, aaaaaaaaah!”

  “All seven of them?!”

  He didn’t hold back. Was using a water element spell a bad choice, or was his firepower insufficient even when multiplied sevenfold? He couldn’t break Solami’s defen
ses, and in exchange for her intercepting his attack, she was within arm’s reach of him now.

  “Young Diablo! You don’t have enough killing intent!”

  Wasn’t your job just to stall me here?!

  “I just haven’t cast aside my capacity for thought, unlike you!”

  Solami was the type to think of nothing else when the time came to battle. She simply submerged herself in battle, defeating her opponent with almost mechanical precision.

  But right now, Diablo wasn’t that cold. He’d always kept his opponent in the back of his mind. Solami swung her fist, and he moved to avoid it. But to his surprise, it was as if her fist sucked him in, pursuing him.

  “《Sure Hit》?!”

  “Too slow!”

  He tried to switch to defense halfway through, but he didn’t make it in time. Close combat was like rock-paper-scissors. It was impossible to change to rock once you saw the opponent went with scissors. It was different when there was a major level gap, but Solami was actually faster than he was.

  Diablo took a blow to the face and was thrown back.


  She closed the distance on him in an instant.

  She used another Flash Charge now?! Is she conserving it for when she has to go in pursuit because she can’t use it in fast succession?!

  She landed a kick on him as his stance crumbled. He could hear the sound of something snap as pain ran through his body.

  Did she break some of my ribs...?!

  He crashed against the tent’s pillar, snapping it, and went on to be propelled out of the tent and into the forest. He broke through three trees before finally stopping.

  “This has got to be a joke...”

  She was absurd. This woman could beat the Demon Overlord in a fistfight. But it was then that a shiver ran down his spine; he could feel a menacing aura approaching him from the crumbled tent. He reflexively unleashed a spell.

  “《Tidal Wall》!”

  A magic circle appeared in the air, generating a pillar of water. And the next moment...

  “《Shimmering Wave》!”

  A ball of light pierced through the shapeless tent. That was likely some sort of martial art, an enlarged form of the Shining Blow attack. It clashed with the wall of water, and the two struggled for a long moment. He’d somehow managed to block it...


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