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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 11

Page 15

by Yukiya Murasaki

  Shera gulped.

  “That’s messed up! You’d never say that, Rem! There really is something wrong about you now, Rem!”

  “...Maybe there is.”

  “Come to your senses, Rem.”


  Rem took a deep breath. And then a bursting bang! sound echoed out. Shera was sent flying and landed on her butt on the ground.


  She shook Shera off?!

  Rem’s eyes were moist. She cried, filled with quiet anger all the while.

  “...That’s too selfish. Telling me to go back to the way I was...? Back to how I always just put up with everything?!”

  Diablo clenched his teeth and breathed out. This was where his true battle was. A battle where no magic, no matter how powerful it could ever be, would be of any use to him.

  “Rem. I really did weigh on your tolerance, didn’t I?”

  “...Now you notice?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “...You’re not the one at fault here. It’s all my emotions.”

  That’s wrong. I’m happy you felt for me.

  He was still racked with doubt, still anxious as to whether he was worthy of those feelings. He couldn’t even define how he himself was feeling.

  But Rem’s despair was due to his failing.

  “Hey... It might be... a bit too late for this...”

  Rem regarded him with silence. But no matter how bad the situation was, it was no reason to give up. Diablo took a ring out of his pouch. “No, it really is... far too late.”

  Rem’s eyes widened.

  “...What’s that?”

  “I actually had it made in Faltra. I don’t know where everything went wrong...”

  He went to the capital because of the coupon for the monster girl soapland... Maybe that was the first big mistake, but he decided to forget about that for now. This was a serious discussion, and not the time to recall that.

  Rem’s hand was shaking. He could feel it against his skin.

  “...You had it made... for me...?”


  “...Can I really... really believe in you this time?”

  She gazed at him with serious eyes. At a moment like this, there was no place for Demon Lord role play. He had to say it with his own words. Diablo steeled his resolve and parted his lips to speak, but...


  He couldn’t. Rem was waiting for his words, as did Shera, who was sitting on the ground. And so he switched to a Demon Lord’s words.

  “Believe me or not—that is your choice to make!”

  Rem was silent.

  “If you believe in this Demon Lord, accept it. And if you cannot, use your right hand to strike my heart out.”

  Rem had thanked him for saving her countless times. But he’d hurt or angered her just as much. Shera gulped audibly. And Rem eventually... Extended her left hand.

  “...I choose to believe you, Diablo.”

  Shera heaved a relieved sigh. Diablo did the same inside.

  “Hmph... Believing in a Demon Lord. You are a curious one.”

  Putting on airs with his usual tone, Diablo slipped the ring—the real wedding ring this time—onto Rem’s left ring finger. Large tears slid down Rem’s cheeks. The red glint in her eyes was gone. What enveloped her body—the materialized Glow—crumbled away.


  She’d likely exhausted all her strength. Rem’s consciousness slipped away, leading to sudden slumber.

  “Ah, hey, Rem!”


  Diablo and Shera hurriedly caught Rem as she passed out, naked.


  “Saved us. Give thanks,” the Kobolds’ chief, Boldboss, said.

  “No... We should be thanking you.”

  They prepared clothes and a bed for Rem. They were in the village’s tunnels, where the Kobolds were hurriedly making preparations to move out. Eyeing them as they did, Diablo heaved a sigh.

  “I couldn’t hold up my side of the promise.”

  They’d stopped this attack, but the Humans’ objective was the silver mine. They’d send another army sooner or later.

  “We not know our place.” Boldboss shook his head. “Seeing that battle made us happy we still alive.”

  “She must have been very strong.”

  “Me fight with fists, too. Can tell just how high, far away her abilities.”


  Apparently, after going berserk, Rem beat a Fafnir and Efreet summon with nothing but her bare hands. Her firepower must have been absurd. She even turned her SP into armor... It was probably something along the lines of the martial art 《Psycho Armor》. There was no doubt she was a grappler of over level 140.

  Why did she level up so suddenly?

  Rem should have been a level 60 summoner. She also apprenticed under the swordmaster on the side, but hadn’t reached level 80 as a warrior yet. Diablo doubted she had simply hidden her true strength.

  He decided to ask Rem once she woke up. If she was even stronger than Solami, Diablo might not be able to beat her.

  That... was dangerous, Diablo pondered as he broke into a cold sweat.

  Fennely hopped down from somewhere.



  “Me... made this. Take this... if want.”

  She handed him a silver decoration that shined with a bright sheen.

  “Mythril silver?!” Diablo’s eyes widened.

  “Hii?! Wh-What? It weird?!”

  “No, it’s fine. All right. I’ll take it.”

  “Yay!” Fennely hopped happily, and then skipped off, disappearing down the tunnels.

  Diablo eyed the ornament silently. Mythril silver. So one can mine highly pure mythril silver from this mountain. It was an absolutely necessary resource for crafting high-level weapons laced with magic. Depending on just how big the deposit here was, it made sense that the king of Lyferia sent a palace knight to secure this mine.

  Boldboss’s lips turned to a frown.

  “We decide to move deeper into mountain. Hide better next time. Will probably never meet again.”

  “I see. That’s good.”

  Diablo would return to the races’ country, but the Kobolds would hide from the mortal races. The one thing that kept Diablo and the Kobolds connected was gone.

  “Farewell, our savior. Clan not forget what you have all done for us, Diablo.”

  “Yes... Erm... Take care.”

  Diablo wasn’t good with emotional goodbyes.


  Parting with Boldboss, Diablo returned to the room they were given.

  “How is she?”

  “Oh, Diablo.”

  Shera raised her head.

  “You must be tired too.”

  “I’m fine! Rem did most of the fighting... And your potion healed my wounds.”

  “Don’t force yourself.”

  Diablo sat next to Shera, who was sitting next to Rem’s sleeping form.

  She’s out like a light.

  He had used a potion on her to be certain, and her breathing and temperature seemed to be fine. He was no doctor and couldn’t tell much more, but it looked like she was just asleep from exhaustion.

  “But are you all right, Diablo?” Shera peered at him.

  “Mm? I didn’t use much MP.”

  In the end, he only fought Solami this time. The girls handled Gewalt.

  “You look kinda sad.”

  “Well... Ah, no... I am a Demon Lord. Antagonizing a king of the races wouldn’t discourage me.” He said this grandly, but it was a grave matter in reality. What they did was outright treason.

  Greenwood might go to war with Lyferia...

  “I don’t really get it! But no matter what, it’s much better than the forest burning down!” Shera said cheerfully.

  Even with the situation being as grim as it was, Shera remained endlessly perky. Diablo wished he could learn from her optimism.

I don’t regret what we did today.

  “When Rem gets better, we should head back to the capital. Leaving Horn and Sylvie there might be dangerous.”



  Diablo didn’t know this country’s laws too well, but they were considered accomplices of traitors. At worst, they could be executed.

  “So we go back with Horn and Sylvie to Faltra?”

  “Yeah, and after that...”

  They take Klem and run off to Greenwood? But that presented a major problem: there were no biscuits in Greenwood.

  I’ll think about the rest of the details later. First, we go to the capital. Getting in might be a problem...

  “But worry not, Shera. Leave everything to me, for I am a Demon Lord.”

  “Maybe we can ask Lumachina.”


  “And Alicia’s in the capital, too.”


  The situation being what it was, they might have to rely on all the connections they had. Diablo was still anxious, but their policy for the time being was decided. Once Rem woke up, they would consult her to iron out the details.

  Being underground messed with his perception of time, but it should have been approaching dawn. He’d spent the whole night awake, and felt fatigue creep over him.

  “Shera, shall we take turns sleeping?”

  She seemed to sink into thought, and then brought her face closer to his. He’d gotten used to seeing her, but having her all-too-beautiful face so close to his still made a blush creep over his cheeks. That’s one habit he’d likely never get over.

  “Erm, Diablo...”


  “I, uhm. I saw it.”


  Shera blushed.

  “I saw what you... did in the courtyard with Solami... last night.”

  To be continued...


  This series’ anime adaptation began airing in July of 2018! Thank you all so much for all the popularity and support you’ve shown toward the series. A huge thank you to the director, Murano, and all the others involved in its production.

  The anime is so wonderful, I have no more regrets... That’s how happy I feel, and I’ll work hard to make sure I get another chance like this. Thank you for all your support going forward!

  Now then, volume 11. Diablo finally came face to face with the king of Lyferia. He even blew a hole in the castle, claiming himself to be a Demon Lord. He visited new lands, and had meetings and farewells with all sorts of people.

  The plot this time was centered around Rem. I hope you enjoyed it. I’d actually discussed the story for this volume with the illustrator, Takahiro Tsurusaki, since before volume 1 came out. I’d planned to include it since around volume 8, but... It was too long to include in one volume, and with the Demon Overlord battle coming up, I couldn’t afford to let the plot dawdle for so long, so it ended up like this. I’m glad I got to write it, though.

  Time for some thanks, then.

  To Takahiro Tsurusaki. Your illustrations for the anime’s ending song and the box illustration were as lovely as ever!

  To Ooishi, the designer from Afterglow, thank you for your help, including the map this time.

  To the editor in charge of me, Shouji, it feels like I’ll always be saying “I’ll make it next time!” but I ended up just cutting it close with the schedule this time... I’ll make it next time!

  To everyone in Kodansha’s editorial department and everyone else involved, and to all you readers who picked up this book, I offer a thank you of the highest caliber! Thank you very much!

  Yukiya Murasaki

  Table of Contents


  Color Illustrations

  The Story So Far


  Chapter 1: Visiting the Royal Castle

  Chapter 2: Heading to the Southern Frontier

  Chapter 3: Going to Caliture

  Chapter 4: Ending a War

  Final Chapter: Speaking to Rem


  Bonus Textless Illustrations

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  How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 11

  by Yukiya Murasaki

  Translated by ZackZeal

  Edited by Jack Diaz

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2018 Yukiya Murasaki

  Illustrations by Takahiro Tsurusaki

  All rights reserved.

  First published in Japan in 2018 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.

  Publication rights for this English edition arranged through Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.

  J-Novel Club LLC

  The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

  Ebook edition 1.0: December 2019




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