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May the Best Man Win

Page 9

by M. T. Pope

  I walked off the elevator into the lobby before my set of offices. I breathed in and out, and then put on a happy face as I walked in the door leading to my office.

  “Good morning, everyone!” I bolstered a cheerfulness I did not feel down deep. Everyone was crowded around Janice’s desk, talking.

  “Good morning, Mr. Spencer!” a few of them replied.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked in concern. It was unusual to have people gathered in one spot and unproductive at this time of day. There was always something to do. I made sure of it, even when I took days off. Janice looked at me with eyes stressing a need of relief. She was all about work at work.

  “Yes, sir,” Lewis spoke out with a wicked smile on his face. “I would have to say so. Somebody must have put it down on someone last night.” He laughed loudly.

  I looked on with an expressionless face. Everyone else looked at me to see what my reaction was going to be. I was no-nonsense when it came to work. I let him slide, but glared back at him a warning with my eyes.

  “What?” He acted as if what he said was not inappropriate for the office. “I was just saying what y’all was thinking. Damn.” He looked at the other workers, huffed, and walked away in his all-about-me sashay.

  “Is there no work to be done?” I looked around at the rest of my staff. They scrambled off toward their work stations and left me standing at the front desk with my secretary Janice. “So what was all that about?”

  “Sir, you received a very large delivery today and I had to fight off the vultures to keep them out of your office.” She looked around with her glasses hanging on the tip of her nose.

  “Do you know who was it from?”

  “Sir, I have worked for you since the beginning and you know how I feel about personal business. It is not my place to get into your business, whatever business that it may be.” She smiled, politely, adjusted her glasses and then stood up out of her chair. “Here are your messages for the day. Would you like something to drink?” She looked at me and smiled, again. She was on point most of the time and I loved it.

  I smiled too, the first real one since I stepped foot in my office. “Orange juice, please.” I walked into my office to see what could cause such a ruckus.

  A fifty-two-inch plasma television, wrapped in a big red bow, was sitting in the middle of my office. I walked around it and surveyed the monstrous gift. I pulled a card that was attached to the top of it, walked around my desk, and sat down. I set the card down and turned on my PC. I was anxious to see who the card was from, even though I already had a clue.

  Knock . . . knock . . .

  “Come in,” I called out.

  Janice walked in with my juice in hand. She darted her eyes at the lavish gift and continued to my desk. The only way she was going to talk about it was if I started the conversation.

  “Thank you, Janice.” I set the juice to my left and smiled.

  “You’re welcome, sir.” She smiled back. She walked out, closing the door behind her, leaving me with the card and my curiosity bubbling.

  I looked around my large office to see where I was going to put my gift, and then it dawned on me. I was jumping the gun. I was going against the rules that I set. I didn’t even know who it was from and whether I was going to accept it.

  I picked up the card and opened it.

  Mr. Spencer, it was a pleasure meeting you at my restaurant and then again at your office. This gift is a small token of my appreciation. Just wanted to say thank you, because I know it is going to be a pleasure working with you to promote my businesses. I will also be waiting on the call from you to schedule our personal meeting as well. Until we meet again,

  Mateo Lopez

  “Wow,” I said and then I closed the card, put it in my desk drawer, and turned to my computer to begin working on his marketing campaign.

  Buzz . . . Buzz . . .

  “Mr. Spencer, a Mr. Lopez is on line one. Do you want to take the call or should I tell him to call you Monday?”

  “I’m available to talk. Put it through.” A smile crept across my face. I knew I should not be this anxious to hear his voice. I was exhibiting all the same habits that I did with all the men I dated. I was moving too fast in my head. I needed to slow this down before it got out of hand on my part.

  “Mr. Spencer speaking,” I answered as professionally as I could. The smile I had earlier was gone.

  “Hello, Mr. Spencer. I hope that you liked the gift I sent you.” His voice was so calm and soothing. I was picturing him with his shirt off, naked in bed with his dick hard and lying on his thigh. I shook my head in shame. I needed to get a grip.

  “Yes, the gift was nice, but as I told you before, we need to keep this strictly professional. Me . . . accepting this gift would not look good to my staff and I like to maintain the standards set by me, for me and my employees. I will need you to come and retrieve the television as soon as possible.”

  “I’m sorry if you feel threatened or if I stepped over my bounds. I just thought that it would be a nice gesture on my part. I will send for it immediately.” He sounded a little disappointed.

  “Mr. Lopez, I’m not threatened at all. I just thought that it was a little too soon for it. If you’re going to give a gift make sure it is for the whole office and not just one person. I like to keep the drama here at a minimum.” I laughed and so did he.

  “Well, that is fair and easy.” Again, he spook smoothly and calmly. “I’ll make sure that someone comes and get the television within the hour.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Lopez.”

  “Call me Mateo.”

  “Okay, Mr. Mateo.” He laughed and so did I.

  “I see you have a sense of humor. I like that. I hope I get to see more of it when I get to take you out.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. I guess you’ll have to wait and see.” I laughed.

  “Have a good day and don’t keep me waiting long.”

  “Okay and I won’t. I promise. Have a good day, sir.” I hung up the phone and buzzed Janice.

  “Janice, there will be someone coming to retrieve the television in my office. Let me know the moment they arrive please.”

  “Yes, sir,” she replied.

  Just like Mateo had promised, the movers were in my office retrieving the plasma television within the hour. And again, my employees were breaking their necks to get a peek at what was going on, especially Lewis. He was eyeing the two large Latino men like they were next on his “to do” list. One of them even looked at Lewis like he wanted to “get done.” Lewis stood in the doorway to my office as they hoisted up the television and carried it off.

  “Ump . . . Ump . . . Ump . . .” He softly moaned under his breath, but loud enough for the men to hear. He had no shame.

  “Lewis,” I slightly yelled. “Work!” I pointed toward his work area. He pouted and walked off like a scolded kid. I felt like a babysitter sometimes.

  I walked up to my door and shut it. I wondered if I made the right decision. I hope I didn’t offend him by sending it back, I wondered. Yes, I did the right thing, I reassured myself.

  I sat back in my chair and looked out the window and watched the two men load the television into a truck and pull off. I had to admit they were handsome men to say the least. I saw why Lewis fawned over them. I never really looked at Latinos as a part of my dating pool. I never really had any of them come on to me. They had their section in the city and that was where they partied and lived. I never really ventured out to their neighborhood, unless I was getting something to eat, and that was usually when I was on a date or something. I didn’t know why I waited so long to try dating one of them. I guessed I was going to give Mateo a try. What harm could come from it? He’s a man just like anyone else I have dated. He owned his own business, he was giving, he was very attractive, and he didn’t mind going after what he wanted. All of what I was looking for in a man. Who would have known that all this time I was dating the brothas, here on the other side of town were guys just deser
ving of a chance at dating me? I felt kind of like I cheated myself. It was official; I was going to give Mateo a try.

  I turned around to my desk, called Mateo, and scheduled a date for tomorrow night. He said he would pick me up at my house so I wouldn’t have to drive. I wasn’t too keen on letting people know where I lived, so I told him to meet me in front of my job instead.

  Chapter 14


  Flying High

  “What’s up, ho.” I was greeted by my best friend, Dennis, as I sat down in front of him. I met up with him in one of our favorite restaurants in Mount Vernon. “You look extra flamboyant today. Like you got an extra good piece last night.”

  “Why can’t I just be happy to be happy? Why does it have to involve sex for me to be happy?” I said as I gave off more attitude than I should have given.

  “Damn, I was just joking. You don’t have to throw shade,” he snapped back.

  “No shade, just some T,” I stated and smiled.

  “Anyway, why is your ass so happy then, if it’s not sex?” he asked.

  “If you must know, I met someone who just may be the one.”

  “Oh, really?” he spoke doubtingly.

  “So you throwing shade now?” I asked. I wasn’t really serious. But I was curious as to what he meant.

  “No, it’s just that you have been at this place before and—”

  “And what?” I cut him off.

  He didn’t say anything for a second. Like he was prepping what he was going to say.

  “Well, are you going to hold on to what you are going to say like you do when your man cums in your mouth or are you going to spit it out?” I asked. He gave a “don’t go there” look, but I didn’t care.

  “How long have you known him?” he finally asked.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” I asked, insulted. I didn’t come here to get unwanted attitude.

  “A question with a question,” he muttered.

  “What?” I asked in confusion.

  “Why do you do this to yourself? You get all worked up the first week or two of meeting a man just to find out that you were just a notch on his bedpost.”

  I was pissed off. No, I was infuriated. I wanted to flip the table over and storm off. But I didn’t. He was my best friend and he was just running me through the ringer to get me to think with a clear mind.

  “You’re right. I have done this before. I have advanced the relationship before it has even begun.”

  “Yes, that you do. We’ve all done it.” He looked at me with love in his eyes. He was telling me to slow down and let it take its course.

  “I know you think this will end up like it has all the other times, but I really think that he is the one,” I said confidently.

  “Okay. If you say that he is then he is.” There was still an undertone of doubt in his voice but I didn’t push the issue.

  “Anyway . . .” I shifted to something else before I said something I would regret later. “How are you and Charles doing?”

  “Chile, Charles is the best. He’s talking about marriage and adopting a baby. He is really gung ho for this family life he’s always wanted.” He smiled brightly as he talked.

  “Is it what you want as well?” I asked.

  “Yes, but I don’t know. I’m kind of scared to move that fast. You know if things don’t work out I will be more than likely a single parent raising a child.”

  “So you already at the end of the relationship?” I asked; then I picked up my drink and sipped a little through the straw. “You have doubts? Has he been unfaithful?”

  “No.” He paused. “You know I—”

  “Think too much.” I finished his sentence for him. He always thought too much. “I mean it is all right to have some doubts, but trying to tell the future is crazy. Give it a chance before your nagging ass gives him a reason to do so.”

  “Well, I guess you right.” A light smile came across his face.

  “You know I’m right about this. Besides you will be the perfect housewife. You’ll probably give Martha Stewart a run for her money.” I laughed. Truth was I was a little jealous of him, but he was a good guy and he deserved his due. I am going to get mines, I know it. I just have to be patient and keep it cool.

  “Yeah, I know Martha Stewart don’t have shit on me but a prison record, and I don’t do time I tell time.” We both burst out laughing.

  “Look, is this man on the up and up? I mean can you trust him? It is a ton of crazy folks out here disguised as sane,” he asked me seriously.

  “No, he cool and I can handle myself. You know that. I am flying high right now and I truly believe he is the one for me.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  “I don’t need hope . . . I got this.” I spoke assuredly. “Trust and believe.”

  Chapter 15


  Prince Charming

  I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel off of my towel rack next to the shower. I pulled it around my waist and turned around to spray/mist my shower with some shower cleaner and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my remote off of the dresser and turned on some Anita Baker. She always got me in the mood when I was going out on a date.

  I swayed my body a little to Anita’s sultry voice as she belted out “You Bring Me Joy” as I applied my lotion and deodorant. I was in the mood for romance and to be wined and dined. I felt good. Real good. I looked over at my ensemble for the night and marveled. It was the beginning of summer, but a little breezy, so I picked out ocean blue linen pants and a long-sleeved, white linen V-neck pullover. I pulled my locks back in a loose ponytail and let a few fall free in the back for effect. Finally, I sprayed myself with one of my favorite colognes, Burberry Touch. I turned off the music, and scanned my room to make sure everything was in place. I was out of the house by six-thirty on the nose, because I had to make it downtown to meet Mateo at seven o’clock. I exited my house and jumped in my car with hopes of newfound love.

  I pulled up to the parking garage that was half a block from my office, parked, and made my way down the street to the front of the building my office was located in. It was a little breezy as the wind blew my loose dreads around. I was nervous, to say the least. I wondered if I was making a mistake going out on a date with a client. I wondered if he was going to be like all the other men I had dated, but just a different shade of “loser.” There were rich, classy losers. I wasn’t naïve about that at all.

  I think I need to stick to the brothas! I can’t do this! I think I gave up on the brothers too easily. I mean they weren’t that bad. What am I doing? I’m perpetuating racism. Dating “outside of my race” wasn’t illegal, but I was taking a chance at being talked about by “my” people if they ever saw me with one of “them.” I didn’t think I could handle that; besides, my mama always said “Pick ya men like I pick my chicken, dark meat only.” I laughed when she said that, but I guessed I mentally took heed and never crossed that line.

  I had to do this, if only to see if it was or wasn’t for me. They say Mama knows best, but my mama wasn’t perfect, and she had made her share of mistakes, and I needed to find this out for myself. Shit! I can’t let my mama know about this either. She would surely have some words for me and I definitely couldn’t bring him around my family. That was a no-no. That’s it, I’m going home. I don’t need all this pressure! My mind had talked me out of the date. In a matter of seconds, I was giving up and going home.

  I turned and started walking toward my car and I moved fast, hoping Mateo wouldn’t pull up.

  “Hey, beautiful, where are you going?” I heard his strong accent call out to me. I turned to see him pulling up in a black limo, and not one of those funeral-type ones, but one that looked too expensive to even touch. The ones rappers and “ballers” rode in.

  “Um . . . uh . . . nah . . . I just left something in the car and I was headed back to get it before you arrived.” I was not a good liar and I hoped he believed me. “But since yo
u’re here, I can let it be. It wasn’t that important anyway,” I said as I walked up toward the car.

  He proceeded to get out and open the door for me. As he got out I noticed how distinguished he really was. Black slacks and a tight black short-sleeved muscle shirt. He had a presence about him. One would say cocky, but I knew it was just confidence. That was something I lacked a lot of the time. He smiled and stepped to the side as I made my way into the limousine. After making sure I got in, he followed suit and sat across from me when we got in. I looked around and noticed that there was champagne on ice and what looked like a thirty-inch plasma television that sat catty-corner to the both of us.

  I sat back and smiled. Mateo signaled the driver to pull off.

  “So where are we headed tonight?” I asked.

  “Somewhere very special. One of my favorite places.” He smiled. I smiled back, but I wasn’t comfortable with not knowing where I was going with a stranger. “Don’t worry, you are safe with me. I promise to treat you with the utmost respect and honor your handsome self deserves.” He got up and sat next to me and after a few more minutes he pulled me closer to him. I was impressed that he could tell I was uncomfortable and immediately tried to put my tension at ease.

  “That still didn’t answer my question.” I sat up and looked him in the eyes with seriousness in mine. I am not going to roll over for any man anymore.

  “Do you want to go home?” he said with just as much seriousness in his eyes.

  “No, I’m not saying that I want to go home. I just want to know where I am being taken to.”

  “Look, Kardell, I don’t know what the problem is. I am being a gentleman and I think you are ruining the mood for us with these twenty questions. You are a beautiful man and I wanted to surprise you and share my world with you. I get the feeling you have been hurt and that you don’t want any more drama in your life. I understand that very well, but I am not going to hurt you. I am very fond of you and was hoping that we can build a friendship and possibly a relationship down the road. I am not taking you anywhere to kill you or rape you. Do I look like I would rape you?”


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