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Under a Darkened Moon

Page 7

by Jane Hinchey

  “Time to tell me the truth, Kasie.” Rhys appeared behind her, gazing out the window above her head.

  “He’s my Alpha. I ran away.”

  “I got that much, sweetheart.” Rhys dropped a kiss on the top of her head and ran a reassuring hand up and down her arm.

  “I can’t go back,” she whispered, her voice choked, tears falling soundlessly.

  “You need to tell me everything so I can help you.” He spun her to face him, cupping her face in his hands to force her to look at him. “Can you do that?”

  “I’ve brought trouble to your door,” she murmured, sucking in a breath. “Why would you help me?”

  “Because I love you, crazy woman, and I know you love me. I also know you’ve been running scared this entire time. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with your brother Todd. I just don’t know what.”

  “You know about Todd?”

  “Only that he’s your brother.”

  “How do you know that?” She’d never told him her real name. “You went through my wallet! It was you.” Despite all the lies she’d told him, she felt betrayed that he’d snooped through her things.

  “I glanced at it when I retrieved your bags from your wrecked car. It was open. I looked. I know your name is Kasie Jackson and you’re from Athel Tree City. I only know about Todd because you scream his name almost every night in your nightmares. A little detective work on my behalf, and I learned you have a brother, Todd Jackson. The question is, what happened with Todd? Did you have a fight? Is he outside?”

  “Todd’s dead,” she said, her voice barely a whisper, and turned her gaze to the men standing outside. “The pack killed him.”

  “Why?” Rhys’s voice was quiet. She guessed he was trying to hide his shock at her words. His pack wouldn’t hurt or harm one of their own. But not her pack. They were pure evil.

  “Because we were leaving. We’d found a pack to join in Nightshade Falls, only the night we were leaving, they found out and tried to stop us. They killed Todd. Were going to kill me, but I managed to get away. We had a car stashed, already packed. Todd’s last words to me were to run. So I ran.”

  “And you’re still running.”

  “I can’t go back to them. If they don’t kill me, they’re going to force me to mate with Leon, the Alpha’s second. I won’t have a choice. I’d rather die.” Her words vibrated with emotion.

  “You won’t have to. I’ve always told you I’ll keep you safe. I won’t let those bastards get their hands on you. Did they…hurt you?”

  She knew what he was asking. Had they raped her? She shook her head.

  “No. But it was coming. That’s why we were running away. Todd knew what they had planned and he was trying to keep me safe.”

  “What did they have planned?”

  “A forced mating. It’s traditional in my pack that the Alpha decides when it’s time for a female to take a mate. They hold a ceremony—I use that word loosely—where the Alpha has sex with the woman first and then they pass her around until she’s claimed. Todd caught wind of it, the men joking about it, and how Leon said that this was their one chance to have a taste of me before he made me his.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Rhys swore, pulling her into his arms and holding her tight. “No wonder you were running. Babe, you should have told me this before.”

  “How could I know to trust you? I wasn’t sure how you ran your pack. What if you were the same?”

  “I assure you, I am nothing like the scum standing outside my house.”


  Rhys’s blood went from boiling to freezing and back again. He couldn’t fathom the pack life Kasie and her brother had endured. No wonder she was all kinds of messed up, after seeing her brother killed for trying to protect her from a gang rape at the hands of the ones who were meant to keep them safe.

  “Were your parents part of this pack?” he asked, wondering how a mother and father could allow their children to be harmed in such a way. When she shook her head, he was almost relieved.

  “They died when we were children. We were taken in by Mack’s pack. We had no say, no choice. Apparently they often took in orphaned kids.” To mold into degenerates like themselves, no doubt.

  “The Council has been working hard to eradicate these types of packs, but it’s difficult. They run under the radar and have an extensive network. It’s been almost impossible to pin them down,” Rhys told her.

  “The Council?” She sniffed, wiping her arm across her eyes.

  “Remember when we met? I was in Violet to attend Council meetings. We meet every quarter to discuss Council business, which includes rogue packs like yours. What your pack doesn’t realize is that they’ve chosen an influential and powerful Alpha to pick a fight with.”

  “They’ll find a way to make you hand me over.” She’d hung her head and he could hear the defeat in her voice.

  “Hey. You’ve been so strong. Don’t quit now, okay? I know you’re tired of running and hiding and trying to survive, but now you have me in your corner. Seriously, they’ve got no idea. I’m not giving you up. Ever.”

  “You’re not?”

  “Nope. Honey, you’re stuck with me. Once this is sorted and the dust is settled, you and me? We’re making it official.”

  “We are?” Her voice was breathless and his heart ached at the hope in her voice. He would give this woman the moon if she asked for it.

  “You can count on it. Go get dressed, and we’ll get this mess sorted once and for all.”

  He watched as she hurried out of his room, her long blonde hair swinging loose down her back. She looked sexy as all hell wearing only his t-shirt.

  His mind was a whirl. He’d known she was in some sort of trouble, had been relieved when it wasn’t anything illegal, but now? Now he was stunned, speechless over what she’d told him. Her pack had failed her. Instead of keeping her safe, they’d killed her brother and wanted her for their own sick sexual games.

  Crossing to the window again, he gazed out. He needed to be smart about this. For as much as he wanted to rush outside right now and punch the Alpha square in the face, he was outnumbered and he couldn’t expect a fair fight.

  Clenching and unclenching his fists, he exhaled loudly when he spied the first of the trucks arriving. His pack. His men. He watched as Billy met them at foot of the steps leading up to the porch. They chatted, then turned to look at their visitors, whose stances had changed from loose and casual to alert.

  Ordinarily, he would invite a visiting pack into his home, but not this pack. Not now that he’d learned the truth about them. And he guessed they were used to this type of reception, for they’d made no move to come closer to the house. They remained gathered at the rear of one of their vehicles, huddled and defensive.

  “I’m ready.” Kasie’s voice was devoid of emotion. He turned to face her, eyes drinking in the tight blue jeans and double layered tank she wore, and the hair braided loosely and draped over her shoulder. Casual, easy, and still damn sexy.

  “You should stay inside.”

  She was shaking her head before he got the words out.

  “No. He’s going to insist on seeing me. He’s going to accuse you of kidnapping me.”

  “You think?”

  “I know him, Rhys, and he’s a piece of shit. He will make this your fault.”

  “What else can you tell me about them?”

  “Mack—the Alpha–likes to challenge others to fight, and then have his second step in and do the actual fighting. His second, Leon, is a dirty fighter and wins more than he loses. He’ll throw dirt in your eyes. He’ll have concealed weapons. The other men—Ted, Joe, Steve—are okay fighters, but don’t trust them. They’re all thieves and opportunists.”

  “Good to know. Come on, then, let’s get it over with.” He held his hand out to her and smiled when she slid hers into it. Giving her fingers a squeeze, he led her out of the room and downstairs.

  “How did they find me?” she asked, stopping by the
front door.

  Rhys shrugged. “No idea, but let’s find out.” For he was curious too. He’d known Kasie’s identity all along, but had kept it to himself. He hadn’t been aware of her pack or that they were searching for her, so someone had done a fair amount of digging. Someone in his pack?

  The very idea that a member of his pack would do such a thing hurt, but he pushed it down. Right now, he had to get Mack to relinquish his hold on Kasie. That was his number one priority.

  Stepping out into the morning sun, he kept a firm grip on her hand as they walked side by side to the clearing where everyone was gathered. His pack was at his back. Both Levi and Billy had given Kasie a pat on the shoulder to reassure her. He’d watched the surprise flicker across her face and cursed Mack and his pack for damaging her so.

  Mack spat chewing tobacco on the ground, hooked his thumbs through his belt loops, and stepped forward. “You Rhys Cohen?”

  Leon mimicked his movements, stepping forward to stand by Mack’s side.

  “I am. And who are you?”

  “Mack Meyer, Alpha of the Athel Tree City pack. This here is my second, Leon Montanari. I believe you have something of mine.” His bleary eyes moved to zero in on Kasie and Rhys felt her tremble. He gripped her hand tighter.

  “A member of your pack, perhaps, but definitely not yours,” Rhys replied, voice cool.

  “Whatever. I want her back. Now.” Mack stuck out his arm as if expecting Rhys to hand Kasie to him.

  “It appears we have a bit of a problem, then,” Rhys replied, “because I’ve invited Kasie to join my pack and she’s accepted.”

  “That’s too bad, because I don’t relinquish her. She’s mine. She’s mated to Leon here and needs to learn her place.”

  “I’m not!” Kasie cried out. “I’m not mated to him and I never will be!”

  “Shhh, it’s okay.” Rhys turned to her, seeing the panic and fear in her eyes. Raising his hand, he gently brushed her cheek, bringing her attention back to him.

  “Fuck me!” Leon swore. Leaning forward, he took a deep sniff. “Can you smell that? These two stink of each other. She’s been fucking him!”

  His voice was dark with rage. Sensing the escalating tension, Rhys maneuvered Kasie so she was slightly behind him.

  “Kasie and I are a couple, and once she’s joined my pack, we’ll be making it official,” he told them.

  “What?” The screeching female voice caught him off guard and he swung around in shock to see Sophie standing at the rear of his pack. What was she doing here? He’d told Billy to keep the women away.

  Sophie pushed her way through the pack until she was standing on Rhys’s other side, her cheeks flushed and her eyes wild. “Do you think I went to all this trouble of finding out who she was, hunting down her pack, to have her STAY?” Her voice was so high-pitched it hurt his ears, and he couldn’t hide the wince.

  “It was you who snooped through my stuff,” Kasie accused, and Sophie nodded proudly.

  “You’re not welcome here. Time for you to return to where you belong—with this pack of flea-infested misfits.”

  “Sophie,” Rhys warned, body stiff. He’d underestimated her feelings for him and he was kicking himself. He should have trusted his gut, which had told him all those months ago that Sophie wasn’t a good fit for his pack, but he’d let his pack sway him. And how had she repaid him? Derailed his relationship with the woman who had his heart.

  “Billy, take her inside. I’ll deal with her later.”

  Sophie was screaming and ranting as Billy dragged her away.

  “The pretty lady did you all a favor,” Mack said. “This one is nothing but trouble and she doesn’t belong here. Kasie, come!”

  “No,” Rhys and Kasie said in unison.

  “Well, it seems we’re at an impasse,” Mack drawled, sliding a look at Leon then back at Rhys. “I suggest we resolve this the old-fashioned way.”

  “Oh?” Rhys knew where this was going. A challenge.

  “We fight for her. Winner takes the whore.”

  “One condition.” Once again, Kasie was trembling beside him, and he hated what this was doing to her. “Firstly, she’s not a whore. If you use such words about her again, I’ll knock your teeth so far down your throat you’ll have to shove your toothbrush up your ass to clean them.” His voice was as cold as ice and Mack involuntarily stepped back, bumping into Leon, who shoved him forward again.

  “Second, this fight? You and me. No substitutions. Alpha to Alpha.” He got grim satisfaction from the shock and worry on Mack’s face. He could see by the other man’s protruding gut and ruddy cheeks that he wasn’t fit. The fight would be over in seconds.

  “Er,” Mack stuttered, looking to Leon, who was frowning, his eyes flashing. Rhys could see how badly the other man wanted Kasie, and he had a feeling that regardless of the outcome of the fight, he’d try to take her. Rhys couldn’t let that happen.

  “You can forfeit and Kasie stays here with us,” Rhys offered, giving Mack an out, but pride often led men to make foolish decisions, and this time was no different.

  “Never. I accept. You and me. Now.”

  People began moving, spreading out in a large circle, kicking up dust as they prepared for the fight.

  “Rhys!” Kasie was tugging at his arm, her face pale, her eyes huge.

  “It’s going to be okay. Trust me. Go wait in the house. Maybe you have something you want to say to Sophie?” His distraction technique worked. He saw the way her gray eyes flashed when she thought of the woman who’d brought Mack and his pack to their door.

  “Good idea. Come get me when you’re done.”

  “Will do.” Cupping her face in his palms, he pressed his lips to hers, ignoring the growls emanating from her soon-to-be ex pack.


  Rhys was right, Kasie mused, turning her back on the circle of men preparing to watch the fight between Rhys and Mack. She didn’t want to see it, couldn’t stand the thought of Rhys being hurt, even briefly. But she did want to have it out with Sophie. Billy had left her in the house, locked in the study. He’d slipped Kasie the key when she passed him, along with a wink.

  She’d only gone a few feet when shouts broke out behind her, then the sounds of punches, grunts, and groans. Too much noise for two men, she thought, glancing back over her shoulder. She stumbled to a halt when she saw that Mack’s pack had attacked Rhys’s men. No longer one on one—it was a full-on brawl. She’d known Mack wouldn’t fight fair. Turning back to the house, she began to run, knowing she wasn’t safe out here. Rhys couldn’t protect her when he was in the middle of the brawl.

  She didn’t hear the footsteps behind her, only felt the blow to her head that had her seeing stars. She hit the ground hard, body sliding in the dirt, kicking up a cloud of dust. Rough hands picked her up and threw her over a hard shoulder. She tried to rouse herself but couldn’t. She was barely conscious. She tried to call for Rhys, but her voice came out a whisper.

  Moments later, she was dumped into the back of a pickup. Squinting, she looked into the face of Leon, who was smirking at her.

  “He won’t want you once I’ve finished with you,” he promised, before punching her in the temple. Blackness descended.

  When she came to, she was tied to a tree, her hands bound behind her. Her head throbbed and she felt sick.

  “Finally awake,” Leon said.

  She squinted to bring him into focus. He was sitting on the other side of a camp fire. She glanced around, seeing nothing but trees. Where was the pickup? Had he carried her all the way here?

  “Thought I might have hit you a little too hard,” Leon admitted, standing and dusting his hands on his jeans. “You’ve been out for hours.”

  “How many?” she croaked, her throat dry.

  “A few.” Looking at the sky, she found the sun overhead, meaning it was around midday. She’d only been out a couple of hours. Leon was making her think she’d been out longer. Why? So she’d give up hope?

  She knew
Rhys would be looking for her. He’d tear the woods apart until he found her.

  “Water?” she asked.

  Leon approached, plastic water bottle in hand. Standing over her, he unscrewed the lid and began pouring. What a prick. With a resigned sigh, she tipped her head back and tried to catch as much water as she could in her mouth. The majority of it splashed over her chest, soaking her tank and making her shiver.

  “I like the wet look on you,” Leon grunted, beady eyes on her breasts, where she knew her nipples had beaded.

  “I don’t give a shit what you like. Let me go.”

  “No chance. You’re mine now.”

  “Never. I belong to Rhys. You know it. You smelled him on me yourself. You know why? Because we fucked all night long and it was the best sex I’ve ever had!” One part of her brain was telling her to shut up, to stop goading him. The other part was saying, “You go, girl!”

  Leon roared, throwing the water bottle at her. It hit her leg and rolled away, and she laughed. This only enraged him further. Striding to the campfire, he grabbed a stick and poked one end in the flames.

  “You’re going to pay,” he muttered, watching her. “Mack made me wait for you. I wanted you when you were a wee little thing, but Mack said no, I had to wait. Then when I was finally allowed to make you mine, your stupid brother had to go and ruin everything.”

  “You wanted me as a little girl? You sick fuck!” She had to focus on her anger, to push down the sadness at the mention of Todd. She couldn’t let him use it against her. She had to stay strong, alert. There was a way out of this. There had to be. Rhys would be looking and she needed to stay alive long enough for him to find her.

  “Don’t matter.” Pulling the stick from the fire, he shook it so the flames extinguished, leaving a glowing red tip. She pressed back against the tree, eyes narrowed as he crouched next to her, holding the stick inches from her cheek.

  “Don’t do this,” she muttered through clenched teeth, sweat bathing her skin despite how cold she felt.


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