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Stars Over Texas (Dreamcatcher Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Tessa Gray

  She hesitated for several seconds before reaching over, running her fingers through his hair. “No-just my insecurity rearing its ugly head. Forget I said that.”

  Hugging her, he kissed the top of her head and stroked her cheek with an index finger. “We’ll love each other more even when we’re old and wrinkled. That’s really the whole point, isn’t it?”

  She smiled at the remark, aware he was probably one of the smartest men she’d ever known. “I’ll get those coffees, Adam. I head out to see Gloria tomorrow, so I’d probably better get some laundry done. Any chance you can stick around and keep me company?”

  “I think that could be arranged. And between wash loads, I have some pretty good ideas on how we could pass the time.” He smirked after he said it, and she laughed.

  Grateful they were back together, she was happy she’d taken the initiative to drive to the bar last night and tell him how she felt. It occurred to her the major problems with their relationship had been as Adam suggested—that he was the one making most of the concessions. It was the truth; she had chosen to wear blinders, and forced him to do all the heavy lifting.

  He grabbed her one more time as she rose to make the coffee. As she studied the five-o’clock shadow on his face and the twinkle in his dark eyes, she decided the coffee could wait.

  Flopping back down on the bed, she wrapped her arms about his waist and moved her hands down to his groin area, caressing his arousal. “Let’s do this while we’re young, before we forget how.”

  He threw back his head and laughed—a deep, hearty laugh. But then he grew serious, their gazes locking. “You’re an amazing woman, Meredith Chapman.”

  As he pressed his body against hers, she marveled that it felt like their first time all over again.

  Chapter 22

  Gloria McMahon searched the baggage claim area for Meredith, giddy with anticipation. She hadn’t said a word about her pregnancy to Meredith and couldn’t wait to see the expression on her friend’s face when she revealed her protruding tummy.

  She paced about Logan Airport for nearly a minute before she finally spotted her. Navigating her way through the crowd, she sneaked up behind Meredith and tapped her on the shoulder.

  Meredith whirled around and hugged her. “Oh, my gosh, Gloria! It’s so incredibly wonderful seeing you.”

  Judging by the expression on Mere’s face, she hadn’t noticed the belly. Giggling, Gloria backed away from her after hugging her good friend and placed her hands on her hips.

  “Notice anything different?”

  Meredith’s eyes widened as she stared at Gloria’s tummy.

  “Oh, my gosh! No way! You’re pregnant. That’s crazy wonderful!”

  “In case you’re wondering, this is the last one. Six McMahon babies is quite enough, thank you very much.” Gloria shook her head. “Let me just say that this baby was a total surprise.”

  “So they haven’t told you Catholic kids how things work yet?” Meredith grabbed her again, embracing her again. “I am so happy for you both. You and Tommy are awesome. People like you should have a gazillion babies.”

  “Well, thanks for the compliment, but it really was a surprise.”

  Meredith gazed at her tummy, a wistful expression on her face. “I’m really happy for you guys. Do you know what it is yet?”

  “A boy, so this will make three of each.”

  “Oh, a sweet, little boy.” Meredith’s eyes glistened and Gloria wondered if she should be making a big deal out of this pregnancy. She thought back to all the times Meredith had expressed interest in having more children.

  The conveyer belt motor clicked and hummed loudly, an indication the luggage was about to start arriving.

  “I guess we’d better get your bags, Mere. How many do you have? Four or five?”

  “Just a small, navy-colored one. I travel lightly.”

  “Seriously? That’s not the Meredith I know. That Meredith always traveled with enough outfits to last a month.”

  “I’ve downsized considerably since leaving Dallas. And seriously, you can only wear so many clothes. Besides, where I live, we don’t need all that much. People like us for who we are, not what we wear.”

  Gloria smiled to herself. Her friend had definitely changed during the past year. “They sometimes say ‘less is more.’ I’m betting that handsome hunk you’re dating would prefer you wear less.”

  Meredith blushed and dipped her head. “Yes, I imagine that’s true. At least, I think it is.”

  There was a modest side to Meredith, now. Maybe Adam Lightfoot had tamed her. Gloria studied the soft expression on her friend’s face, aware the dark circles under Meredith’s eyes so prominent at last year’s high school reunion had vanished. Her skin had a glow to it, and the light in her eyes had returned. She was doing well, and that came as a huge relief.

  “You’re staring at me. Do I have spinach in my teeth or something?” She ran a tongue over her front teeth.

  “No, honey, nothing like that. I’m just thinking how good Adam is for you and how much I’d like to meet him.”

  “You will meet him some time, I promise. And you’ll like him-I just know you will.”

  When a navy bag showed up on the conveyer belt, Meredith rushed up to retrieve it.

  Gloria studied her friend of over twenty years and decided that, at long last, Meredith was truly happy. She deserved it. She breathed a silent prayer that if her friend truly wanted another child, God would grant her one.

  ~ ~ ~

  Meredith sat on a sofa in Gloria’s living room, folding laundry. With five children and another on the way, her life probably revolved around laundry. And yet, in some ways, Meredith envied her. To be sure, there was never a dull moment at the McMahon household.

  “Some friend I am, letting you help with the chores.” Gloria stood with her leg slightly apart, rubbing the small of her back. “You don’t have to do this, Mere, seriously.”

  “Oh, sweetie, I don’t mind. I’m enjoying my stay with you and Tommy. This is the least I can do.” When Gloria flopped down beside her and tried to grab a tee-shirt she was folding, Meredith slapped her hand away. “Stop it, already. Let me earn my keep.”

  Gloria rolled her eyes and leaned back against the back of the couch, rubbing her tummy. She looked at Meredith and spoke. “So, tell me about Adam. I know that he’s a college professor. Beyond that, I don’t know too much. What’s he like?”

  Meredith stopped folding the laundry and turned to face her friend. “Well, he’s an incredibly smart man. He’s handsome, in a professorial kind of way.” She laughed after she made the comment.

  “Kind of like a Gregory Peck time with those studious looking glasses?” Gloria scrunched up her face and leaned closer, as though wanting to hear more.

  “Yes, I guess you could say that. He’s fairly quiet. Adams’s not one to talk about himself all that much; he’s more of a listener.”

  “You do realize you’re living out every woman’s fantasy-to be involved with a man that hangs on your every word.” Gloria hesitated and blurted, “With my Tommy, I can barely get a word in edgewise.”

  Meredith smiled, but suddenly looked away, wondering what it would be like if Adam was more forthcoming. If there was one thing she wished to change, it was that. She thought of all the talks the two had during the past few months. Even though she’d tried her best to take the focus off herself and place it on Adam, somehow she could never penetrate the wall he’d built around himself. It was subtle, but it was definitely there.

  “I imagine Tommy needs to vent about his job, being a policeman and all. You joke about you’re being chatty, Gloria, which, by the way, we both are, but I’m betting you’re a very good listener when your husband needs you to be.”

  Gloria dipped her head and nodded. “Well, yes,
I definitely listen when my Tommy needs to vent about work.”

  “That’s what a good marriage probably looks like, Gloria. When one partner needs to talk, the other automatically listens.”

  “Wow, Mere, you’re becoming quite the expert on marriage. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you and Adam are about to tie the knot.” After she said it, Gloria rose from the sofa, stretching her back again. Turning to face her, Gloria added, “Well, am I right? Are you and Adam going to get married?”

  Meredith laughed, but quickly set the record straight. “We’re not at that point, at least, not yet. We’d only known each other a couple of months when I moved in with him. That was a huge mistake. I moved back out and things are much better between us.”

  “Let me guess. That’s probably because Katrina can’t stand him?”

  Gloria’s comment was spot on, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. As Meredith continued digesting what her friend had said, she took up for Adam, something she probably needed to do more often.

  “You’re right about my mother not liking Adam. Of course, she barely knows him, but that’s never stopped her from judging someone. But the fact of the matter is that I don’t just want a relationship. Eventually, I want to marry again. I can’t think of anyone I’ll ever love more than I do Adam. And if push comes to shove, if my mother continues berating him as she does, I’ll need to choose between her and Adam. And hands down, I guarantee I’ll choose Adam.”

  “Hot damn.” Gloria lightly punched Meredith in the arm and her eyes lit up. “I’ve never heard you talk like this, but you’re absolutely right about siding with Adam if push comes to shove.”

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  “You never used to stand up to your mom like this. I like the new and improved Meredith Chapman.”

  “I like her, as well.” Meredith winked at Gloria and they both laughed.

  “Guess I’d better start dinner. Tommy will be home with the kids before too long.”

  “It was sweet of him to take all of them to a movie so we could have some girl time.” Meredith wondered how in the world the guy managed to entertain five kids at once. Gloria had chosen wisely. Tommy was a great guy. But then, so was Adam.

  “You’re right about my Tommy. It was sweet of him to take all the kids off our hands. But then, that’s my guy. I wouldn’t trade him for the world.”

  “Can you wait to start dinner for a few minutes? I want to give Adam a call, and then I’ll come out and help you.”

  “Sure. Hey, tell him the next time you come out, I expect to see him tag along.”

  “I’ll tell him.” She made her way to the guestroom, aware that Adam would truly love the McMahon’s. They had all the qualities he admired in others: kindness, humility, and the desire to help the less fortunate. She missed her man more than ever and had already decided to leave a day early.

  ~ ~ ~

  After his two morning classes, Adam stood at a window overlooking the campus and scanned the treetops, wishing Meredith was standing beside him. He hadn’t planned on missing her this much. She’d texted and phoned him often since her arrival in Boston, and it was clear she was having a great time with the McMahon family.

  Meredith appeared to love the Boston area, and that pleased him. It would only be a matter of time before he introduced her to his family. They’d like her, of course, what wasn’t to like?

  He’d just taken a swig of coffee when she called. Eager to see how her day was, he picked up. “Hey, babe.”

  “Hey, yourself.” Her voice was lower than usual and he wondered if she might be coming down with something.

  “You okay, Mere?”

  “Perfectly fine.”

  “What’s going on in Boston?” He took another swig of coffee, waiting for her to tell him all about her travels. “Are you doing anything exciting today?”

  “Yup. I just helped Gloria fold laundry. After that, we’re cooking dinner.”

  “Sounds like a pretty exciting time you’re having there.” After he said it, he grimaced. He wasn’t good at small talk. Thank God Meredith realized that and would probably do most of the talking.

  “I’m going to come home a day early, Adam. I’ll be home Saturday, provided I can get on standby.”

  “That’s good news for me, but is everything all right? Is there a reason you’re cutting your trip short?”

  There was a long pause, and when she spoke, he could barely hear her. “Yes, there is a reason. I need to get laid.”

  He nearly choked on his coffee and several students walking by gave him a quizzical look. It took him a few seconds to get his bearings. “In that case, you can’t get here fast enough.”

  “Guess those words are music to your ear, huh, Adam?” When she said it, he visualized her blue eyes twinkling, her face all scrunched up the way it did when she thought she was saying something clever, and he missed her even more.

  “How are Carly and Travis doing? Are they enjoying their travels with your parents?”

  “Dad called this morning. The kids are having a blast.”

  “I’m glad they’re having fun. And I’m really glad you’re having a good time visiting Gloria.” He paused before continuing. “And I’m really, really glad you’re coming home early.”

  “Me, too.” Meredith grew quiet, and he couldn’t think of what to say to fill in the lull in the conversation. As usual, she stepped up to the task. “Gloria’s pregnant again.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s wonderful news. I’m sure they’re very excited at the prospect of having another child.”

  “Yes, yes, they’re both terribly happy. I guess babies tend to do that-to make you happy.” Her voice trailed, and he wondered if she might be envious.

  He cut their conversation short, aware if they continued discussing Gloria’s plethora of children, Meredith might get ideas. They hadn’t gotten around to discussing the possibility of children, and frankly, he didn’t want to. It wasn’t a topic that really came up when you’d only been together less than six months.

  “I’d better grab a bit to eat. I’m tutoring a couple of students later on.”

  “I’m going to go on standby Saturday morning. I’ll text you when I know for sure which flight I’m on. I don’t want to keep you. I’ll talk to you later.” She spoke quickly, as though eager to hang up.

  He wondered if he’d hurt her feelings by glossing over the news about Gloria’s baby. “Be sure and give my best to Gloria and Tommy, and tell them I’m very happy for them. I look forward to meeting them someday.”

  “They’re anxious to meet you, as well.”

  “And for the record, I’m very glad you’re ready to come home, and, as you so eloquently put it, ‘get laid.’”

  She laughed aloud, and he added, “I miss the woman I love very, very much. I haven’t been able to tell you this enough, Mere, but I do love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Her tone was tender, and he knew if they stayed on the phone much longer, he’d miss her even more.

  After they said their goodbyes, he jogged down the steps of the atrium area and headed to the diner for a bite to eat.

  He passed one of the professors who had brought her child with her. They waved, and as the woman’s daughter stared up at him, he felt a rush of emotion that had lain dormant for all these years.

  Chapter 23

  By the time Adam picked her up from the Alpine Airport, Meredith was thoroughly exhausted. Going standby hadn’t been as easy as she’d anticipated. She’d spent hours at the airport trying to get back home.

  When they got to his truck, he tossed her bag in the back seat, helped her into the passenger’s side, and climbed into the drivers’ seat.

  Turning to face her, he let out a long sigh. “God, I’ve missed you, Mere. Mmm-you smell good-you
look good-and Lord knows-you feel good.”

  She beamed-thrilled he was as happy to see her as she was him. “You’d better buckle up, Adam.”

  “In a minute.” Reaching over, he pulled her into his arms and thoroughly kissed her. “We’ve got some unfinished business to take care of.”

  As he kissed her, she cradled his head in her hands, and murmured his name. “Adam—I’ve missed this.” His kisses intensified, and when she opened her mouth, he slid his tongue inside, exploring her. Her body heated, and she moaned with want.

  When he slid a hand inside her blouse, she wondered if they might end up making love right here in the middle of the parking lot. For a split second she wondered what would happen if someone caught them—but only for a second. Frankly, she couldn’t have cared less. There was no political correctness when it came to Adam Lightfoot. She was bat shit crazy in love with the guy.

  When he stopped caressing her, she stared at him. “Is something wrong?”

  “How about we stay at my place tonight? I’ve already started dinner and got us a couple bottles of wine. I can take you home in the morning.” He gazed at her, the flecks in his eyes dancing back and forth. As he waited for her to answer, she loved the serious expression on his face—the way his jaw muscles tightened. She loved that he wanted her this much.

  “I’d like nothing more. Let me text my parents and let them know I got home all right.”

  He started the truck and shifted into gear. “When you text them, ask them if they’d like to have dinner at my place tomorrow night. That’s when they’re bringing the kids home, right?”

  Meredith reached for his hand, squeezing it. She loved that he was making the extra effort to make peace with her parents. But then, that’s just the kind of guy Adam was.

  ~ ~ ~

  Adam sat across the table from Meredith, unable to take his eyes off her. The black sleeveless top she’d changed into hugged her curves, and he wondered if they’d make it through dinner before he took her into the bedroom and ravaged her. He’d wanted her since they’d kissed in his truck at the airport but common sense told him to hurry up and finish cooking dinner, so they could have the rest of the evening to make love.


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