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Traveling Soul

Page 37

by Todd Mayfield

  “They seemed to know only one phrase”: Ibid.

  “It was a twelve-string”: “Soul of an R&B Genius,” Guitar Player.

  “When I first started playing guitar”: Valentine, “Curtis Mayfield in the Talk-In.”

  “It was my other self”: Gonzales, “Curtis Mayfield.”

  “My education didn’t give me any background”: Alexander, “The Impressions.”

  “When we were little she told us”: Carolyn Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “Brown v. Board was what the grown-ups talked about”: Butler, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “We felt we were up in Pill Hill”: Carolyn Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield, 2013.

  “It was really high-class living”: Page, “Does Curtis Mayfield Sincerely Want to Be Rich?”

  “We used to harmonize and sing Frankie Lymon”: Aletti, “Jerry Butler.”

  “We were all trying to sing”: Werner, Higher Ground, 68.

  crowds of eager young kids lined up: Ibid., 69.

  “We thought that this would all be over”: Garrow, Bearing the Cross, 26.

  “We’d tell him to get away from us”: Werner, Higher Ground, 68.

  “Once they’d gone to bed, I’d slip out”: Bowman, booklet for Movin’ On Up.

  “Arthur was stockily built”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 38.

  “If you join us, man, with the way you play”: Ibid.

  “We woodshedded for a good year”: Werner, Higher Ground, 69.

  “The Medallionaires thought they were hot stuff”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “Their harmony was mind blowing”: Ibid.

  “We couldn’t get through a song”: Ibid.

  “I can’t see it on a marquee”: Ibid.

  “What’s the new name then?”: Goins, “Soulful Conversation.”

  4. The Original Impressions

  “I had never heard of [Eddie Howard]”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 40.

  “She talked very fast”: Ibid.

  “Vee-Jay had an employee lounge”: Davis, Man Behind the Music, 44.

  “We thought they were ridiculous”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 40.

  “Gee, I really want to record you guys”: Ibid., 42.

  “That’s it! That’s it!”: Werner, Higher Ground, 74.

  “Here comes the rip off”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 43.

  “We were very happy and very grateful”: Ibid.

  “I ain’t gonna lie”: Ibid., 44.

  “a huge room with the control room way up in the air”: Callahan, “Vee Jay Album Discography.”

  “Four or five takes later”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 44.

  “When we heard that song coming across”: Butler, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “I knew that Curtis, Sam, Arthur and Richard didn’t like it”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 50.

  “By the time he got through talking”: Ibid.

  “The rift over the phrase”: Ibid.

  “You can understand all these fellows”: Werner, Higher Ground, 76.

  the market featured “cigar-chomping hawkers”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 53.

  “We were treated like a bunch of kids”: Ibid., 52.

  “Don’t worry”: Ibid.

  “dressed like some fairytale prince”: Ibid., 53.

  Larry started his rap: “Ladies and gentlemen”: Ibid.

  “I got the same feeling that night”: Ibid., 54.

  “didn’t even buy us a hamburger”: Ibid.

  “Curtis was so broke in those days”: Gonzales, “Gangster Boogie.”

  “Mrs. Washington was a very hip old lady”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 66.

  “She sure did bless the hell out of us”: Ibid.

  “Wait a minute!”: Ibid., 56.

  “We used to play tricks on one another”: Ibid., 174.

  “I felt like a stranger”: Ibid., 66.

  “Jocko was number one”: Ibid., 58.

  “Since we were going to New York”: Butler, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “Y’all take that white shit someplace”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 59.

  “I’ll tell you what to do”: Ibid.

  “Plenty of junkies and rats”: Ibid.

  “Every junkie and booster in Harlem”: Ibid., 61.

  “We had sold only so many records”: Ibid., 63.

  “Turn on American Bandstand”: Ibid., 110.

  “Nixon has a genius for convincing one”: Garrow, Bearing the Cross, 119.

  “This is the creative moment”: Ibid., 124.

  “We were making more money”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 68.

  “We never had decent-looking furniture”: Carolyn Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “All of a sudden, the smells we used to ignore”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 68.

  “Helen used to come over the house”: Carolyn Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “We let Richard go ahead”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “Young girls, seeing the spectacle”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 67.

  “They all interviewed us”: Ibid., 68.

  “Okay, baby,” Abner said: Ibid., 70

  “Arthur pitched a bitch”: Ibid., 71.

  “[Mom] bought this great big freezer”: Carolyn Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “I found out later”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “Hey, this a great record”: Lewis, “The Impressions.”

  “We scuffled some”: Werner, Higher Ground, 79.

  For a few months, they scraped by: Ibid.

  “There were so many fights”: Gonzales, “Gangster Boogie.”

  “He was always coming round and looking through my bag”: Williams, “Everything Was a Song.”

  “We were still living in Cabrini-Green”: Kenny Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “I beat her up, and the next thing I heard”: Carolyn Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “I don’t think that relationship”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “Man, I don’t know anybody’s songs”: Butler, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “When Jerry called, I had nothing”: Werner, Higher Ground, 81.

  “I was his chauffer—or flunky”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “We were living together”: Ibid.

  “I was making history”: Ibid.

  “I can assure you that we did it very poorly”: Butler, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “He always had an instrument”: Ibid.

  He introduced it to Eddie: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “I was there with my tin cup”: Ibid.

  “I used to take him out to dinner”: Ibid.

  “This is me, man”: Ibid.

  “Eddie was such a hustler”: Werner, Higher Ground, 83.

  Harris said, “No, I can’t see this group”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “He was black, and I’m black”: Ibid.

  “Being with Jerry Butler, I know a lot of DJs”: Werner, Higher Ground, 83.

  “Man, we’re going to have to roll our sleeves up”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “I could see it coming, but I didn’t know”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 92.

  “Everybody who was part of the Impressions”: Ibid.

  5. Keep On Pushing

  “Brill was a building where songwriters would go up”: Dwyer, “In a World of Songwriting.”

  “If a songwriter was doing a demo session”: Ibid.

  “I believed very early in life”: Light, “Lasting Impression.”

  “Publishers were hitting the lottery”: Gonzales, “Gangster Boogie.”

  “My frie
nds were being intimidated”: Butler with Smith, Only the Strong Survive, 108.

  “Once they saw that, they released it”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “I was scared to death”: Lewis, “The Impressions.”

  “Girls were there by the fortress”: The History Makers.

  “Man, you think the people are gonna like me?”: Farberman, “Q&A: The Impressions’ Fred Cash.”

  “The country was our neighborhood”: Werner, Higher Ground, 85.

  “We went downtown to pay the ticket”: Ibid.

  “Oh Lord, it was rough”: Atria, “The Message.”

  “A lot of auditoriums that we played”: Ibid.

  “You had your room”: Ibid.

  “When the fellows would go out to have fun”: Werner, Higher Ground, 86.

  “During those times of my life”: Werner, “Curtis Mayfield.”

  “Our style was so different”: Pruter, Chicago Soul, 139.

  “They were wanting to do stuff like Little Richard”: Lewis, “The Impressions.”

  “Sam, Curtis, and I had become really tight”: Bowman, booklet for Movin’ On Up.

  “I wanted Curtis more for his guitar”: Page, “Does Curtis Mayfield Sincerely Want to Be Rich?”

  “Because I play with my fingers”: “Soul of an R&B Genius,” Guitar Player.

  “My voicings are different”: Ibid.

  “I chose to use Johnny in particular”: Pruter, Chicago Soul, 74.

  “I used to go out to Curtis’ house”: Ibid., 73.

  In the furtive early days of their relationship: Diane Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield, 2013.

  “They were taking me out of my range”: Peck, Galloway, and Gulotta, Movin’ On Up.

  “We were trying to establish something”: Bowman, booklet for Movin’ On Up.

  “In gospel, you knew how to sing lead”: Werner, Higher Ground, 120–122.

  Dad “got to talking and running off at the mouth”: Werner, “Curtis Mayfield.”

  “I drove most of the time”: Atria, “The Message.”

  “He knew that I liked coffee”: Davis, Man Behind the Music, 55.

  “Which one do you like?”: Ibid., 56.

  “A lot of [Curtis’s] entertainment friends”: Kenny Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “That was my first introduction to arranging”: Werner, Higher Ground, 120.

  “My group’s the Impressions”: Peck, Galloway, and Gulotta, Movin’ On Up.

  “He started putting brass”: Ibid.

  “I never tried to cover what Curtis was doing”: Ibid.

  “We didn’t record anything else”: Carmichael, “Curtis Mayfield.”

  “When we recorded that song, I discovered”: Peck, Galloway, and Gulotta, Movin’ On Up.

  “That song bought Sam’s home”: Atria, “The Message.”

  “The hatred was strong, strong”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “The Negro is shedding himself of his fear”: Garrow, Bearing the Cross, 273.

  “I started out reading the speech”: Ibid., 283.

  “You know, this dream of King’s”: Marable, Malcolm X, 257.

  “We aren’t going to stop”: “Race Relations in Crisis,” The Open Mind.

  “If the NAACP can tell me”: Malcolm X, interview at UC Berkeley.

  “[Curtis] would never share”: Davis, Man Behind the Music, 58.

  “If you made a dollar”: Gonzales, “Gangster Boogie.”

  “The record company called and said”: Carmichael, “Curtis Mayfield.”

  “We were fascinated by”: Steffens, “Soul Survivor.”

  “Hey man, come and listen to this”: Lewis, “The Impressions.”

  “I wrote something that maybe can help”: Bowman, booklet for Movin’ On Up.

  “I’m living”: Courter, “R&B Trio, with Two Chattanooga Members.”

  “All I needed to do was change”: Werner, Higher Ground, 118–119.

  “It wasn’t like they were starstruck”: Tracy Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield, 2014.

  “Man, you look like Curtis Mayfield”: Kenny Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “On the end of ‘I’ve Been Trying’”: Peck, Galloway, and Gulotta, Movin’ On Up.

  “Dear Mother”: Author’s collection.

  “On his part, I didn’t feel any iota”: Tracy Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield, 2014.

  “He had poor table manners”: Diane Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield, 2014.

  “The building basically was white people”: Ibid.

  “They called us names”: Ibid.

  6. People Get Ready

  “The fragile unity that had made possible”: Marable, Malcolm X, 297.

  In what he called “a deep mood”: Werner, Higher Ground, 125.

  “Curtis would usually bring me the material”: Peck, Galloway, and Gulotta, Movin’ On Up.

  “The Temptations went out and did”: Carmichael, “Curtis Mayfield.”

  My father said, “Well, we got ‘People Get Ready’”: Bowman, booklet for Movin’ On Up.

  “The song touched me quite a bit”: Peck, Galloway, and Gulotta, Movin’ On Up.

  “Lyrically you could tell”: Bowman, booklet for Movin’ On Up.

  “There’s no room for the hopeless sinner”: Williams, “Everything Was a Song.”

  “I was observing things”: Werner, “Curtis Mayfield.”

  “‘People Get Ready’ was one that we used”: Peck, Galloway, and Gulotta, Movin’ On Up.

  Some churches changed the final couplet: Bowman, booklet for Movin’ On Up.

  “It was so different”: Ibid.

  “I’m not totally about being just”: Salewicz, “Keep On Pushing.”

  “When we came out, it was like”: Bowman, booklet for Movin’ On Up.

  “We did a lot of shows with James Brown”: Peck, Galloway, and Gulotta, Movin’ On Up.

  “We were doing a show with him at the Regal”: Ibid.

  “It is wrong—deadly wrong”: Garrow, Bearing the Cross, 408.

  Forman wasn’t alone in advocating: Ibid., 410.

  “I never will forget, I was looking”: Atria, “The Message.”

  “They thought they had the cream”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “We would go to friends’ houses”: Diane Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield, 2013.

  “He seemed like butter”: Ibid.

  “He picked my friends”: Ibid.

  “He was a better father”: Ibid.

  “Because of who he was”: Ibid.

  She yelled, “I want to work!”: Ibid.

  “He was always up late writing”: Ibid.

  “King had this naive faith”: Garrow, Bearing the Cross, 455.

  “I have never seen”: Ibid., 544.

  “You ain’t never seen”: Werner, Higher Ground, 124.

  “[Curtis] just kind of lost his way there”: Atria, “The Message.”

  “This fella, you could just talk to him”: Werner, “Curtis Mayfield.”

  “This is the twenty-seventh time”: Churcher, “Stokely Carmichael.”

  “The only way to end”: Bauerlein et al., Civil Rights Chronicle.

  “I have seen many demonstrations”: James, “Martin Luther King Jr. in Chicago.”

  “I don’t know what the answer to that is”: Garrow, Bearing the Cross, 497.

  “We raised the hopes tremendously”: Ibid., 540.

  “For years I labored with”: Ibid., 562.

  One journalist pointedly predicted: Ibid., 568.

  “I asked Hendrix who”: Shadwick, Jimi Hendrix: Musician, 78.

  “I really like Curtis Mayfield”: Ibid., 84.

  “There were dark days before”: Garrow, Bearing the Cross, 569.

  “They don’t plan to just burn”: Ibid., 570.

  “I have found out that all that I have been doing”: Ibid., 580.

  “That song came to me in a dr
eam”: Gonzales, “Gangster Boogie.”

  it was “a message to all”: Burns, People Never Give Up, 44.

  “I was listening to all my preachers”: Werner, Higher Ground, 140.

  “Curtis had written some real tough lyrics”: Peck, Galloway, and Gulotta, Movin’ On Up.

  “They thought that we had become militant”: Ibid.

  “I’ve run into frustrating obstacles”: Ibid.

  “I wasn’t a quitter”: Werner, Higher Ground, 143.

  “Mom would take us”: Tracy Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield, 2013.

  7. Curtom

  Abernathy rushed over to him: Garrow, Bearing the Cross, 624.

  “That’s one place that anybody could find you”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “How are young people supposed to feel”: Witter, “Now More Than Ever.”

  “Now that they’ve taken Dr. King off”: Kurlansky, 1968, 117.

  “A truck came through here”: Whitaker, Cabrini Green, 25.

  “Black people had torn it up”: Ibid., 26.

  “Donny could do everything”: Goins, “Soulful Conversation.”

  “One thing you knew”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “With my own label”: Berry, “Curtis Mayfield’s ‘Super Fly.’”

  “On to Chicago”: Swanson, Chicago Days, 212.

  “I only look upon my writings”: Werbin, “Curtis Mayfield’s Biggest Score.”

  “The style, the clothes, the wide pants”: Werner, Higher Ground, 142.

  “It’s hard work running between the studio”: Burns, People Never Give Up, 49.

  “When you get your record on the radio”: Thomas, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “Half a million start selling”: Ibid.

  “We’ve been pushed into corners”: Foner, The Black Panthers Speak, 28.

  “a movement that will smash”: “Stokely Carmichael,”

  “They aren’t a national organization”: Alexander, “The Impressions.”

  “They had a thing going on back then”: Kenny Mayfield, interview by Atria and Mayfield.

  “A lot of Curtis’s music reached way over there”: Ibid.

  “Here I am over [in Vietnam]”: Ibid.

  “I’ll never forget it, I got off the boat”: Ibid.

  “Uncle Sam wants YOU”: Bauerlein et al., Civil Rights Chronicle.

  “U.S. Negro armymen!”: Ibid.

  “My conscience won’t let me”: “Ali: A Living Legend,” Like It Is.

  “My face during those years”: Williams, “Everything Was a Song.”


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