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Lost and Found (The West Lake Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Venice Kelly

  “This really is Paige’s decision. Besides why are you so worked up over it anyway it’s not like you two are anything more then just friends right?” I say watching Shane bristle has distracted me from the real problems going on at the moment in my life with Jake and his father.

  “I care about her and I’m looking out for her that is all.” Shane replies.

  “Sure you are.”

  “Just talk to Jake and talk some sense into her for once.”

  I watch him storm off to the outside of the building and I barely stifle the laugh that wants to come out. One does not simply tell Paige Alexander what to do with her life or how to run it and if Shane Fairman thinks he can he has another thing to learn about her. I reach for my phone to send Jake a text only to stop when Paige comes out beaming at me.

  “I think this place is going to be perfect.”

  I raise my eyebrows at her before she wraps her arm through mine to give me the tour again for the fifth time that day. It’s better than thinking about the alternative right now about Jake meeting with his father to essentially give up everything for me.



  GLANCING AROUND THE conference room as I wait for my father to arrive I am pretty sure I look like a man taking in his last moments. I suppose that is what I am doing taking in the last time I will set at the conference table with my father while he is alive. I know after today there will be no welcome place for me anymore, even though I am his flesh and blood. My father is not a forgiving man I’ve learned that over the years learned that in the hardest ways. I have everything prepared for him including the trust fund papers that he can’t touch or revoke now. I can thank the money on my mother’s side of the family for that. They were very specific that she would have control over that at the end of the day. The money will cover my investment with Paige, be enough to tide Vanessa and I over till I feel like I want to look for something else and be enough to help out with the farm.

  I’ve loved that farm since my sister started riding there I was drawn to the mountains and the outdoors where I spent my summers. It was different than what I was used to growing up and being around the Harvell’s felt like home. I could talk to Garrett or Sharon about anything. Garrett tried to instill a sense of right and wrong in me. Tried to teach me what it meant to be a good person and not be the same man that my father is. I feel like I’ve accomplished that it’s a tall order to be the man that is good enough for Garrett’s daughter, he told me as much when I asked him to marry Vanessa years ago. That is one memory I have replayed a lot over the last few weeks. It was warm out Hannah had just told me that she wanted to go away to Europe and explore leaving me with the decision to work for my father. Closing my eyes for a few moments I exhale wanting that memory before I do what I need too.


  I watch as Vanessa’s father comes out of the stall after checking on one of the horses, he’s still taller than me by about two inches. He is a man I have the up most respect for even when it was clear he had his reservations about me for the last few years. I’ve tried desperately to earn that respect ever since I began dating his oldest daughter. I look down at my feet kicking the dirt for a moment as I wait for him.

  “What can I do for you Jake? Vanessa is with your sister in town.” Garrett finally says as he places a leather halter on the wall of the stable.

  I am pretty sure my chest feels like it might be exploding over everything that I am thinking. I place my hands inside my pockets so he doesn’t see my obvious anxiety over it.

  “I want to ask your permission to ask your daughter to marry me.” I say flatly as my eyes finally meet his.

  “You want to marry Vanessa?” He asks.

  “Well I don’t mean Natalie.”

  I watch as he chuckles just a little and it seems to almost settle my nerves. I can’t read his face and so the only thing I can manage to do is nod my head at him. “She still has her schooling left.”

  “I know she does and I wouldn’t ask her to stop school it’s important to her. I want her to finish and then afterward we can get married.”

  His face is still mulling over my question when he speaks again his tone even almost sullen.

  “And what about you Jacob what are you plans now that you’ve graduated?”

  “I’m supposed to go to work for my father. I won’t be him for her Garrett. I love your daughter you know that I would never be like he is to my mother to her. You and Sharon taught me that.”

  “I’m not going to stop you from asking her am I even if my answer was no?”


  “Then I suppose the only thing I can say is be a good man to her Jake if you don’t you will answer to me is that understood?”

  Lord knows I failed him miserably after the accident and the downward spiral our relationship took years to repair one that I am happy was repaired before he died. I glance up as the door to the conference room opens and my father comes in. He waves off his secretary as he takes a seat across from me.

  “What is this about son? Have you finally come to your senses?” He asks coldly.

  I still remember his stupid as fuck timeline that he gave me about the farm about getting rid of Vanessa from my life. He can go sit in his self pity for all I care at this point that is not going to happen. I won’t let it happen.

  “I have the Harvell paperwork.” I say casually sliding it across the table to him.

  I see the snarl appear on his lips as if he has won. I watch him read the documents closely and that snarl quickly turns to anger and then a thin line forms on his lips.

  “What in the hell is this?” He asks his voice raising at me and I am pretty sure I see his secretary jump outside the door.

  “It’s the Harvell contract.”

  “I am aware it is the contract but it is not set up under the company name. It’s in your name, you can’t do this.”

  “I can you had me in charge of getting Garrett to sign and I did that. He signed the farm over to me privately.”

  “You don’t have the funds for this. I’ll take you to court if I have too.”

  I watch him get angrier as I slide the other folder to him and watch as his eyes bulge out of his sockets. The anger rushes through him like a tidal wave to the point he slams down his hand on the table and looks me square in the eyes full of rage.

  “You went to your mother.” He seethes.

  “Yes. I won’t let you rip up that farm and turn it into a condominium or a shrine to Hannah. I won’t and since you fail to see the reason in that this was the only option I had left.” I say evenly. I don’t move from the seat as he gets up shoving the chair backwards with a loud bang as it hits the wall.

  “You’re a fool. I want you out of this office, out of this company until you get your head back on straight do you hear me?” He continues to rant at me and I calmly get up from my chair collecting my things.

  “I heard you. With me gone though who will you give your empire over to now? You won’t have me. Hannah is gone then what?” I ask which only seems to enrage him more as he coldly looks at me.

  “I’ll find someone, someone that actually respects what this company and our name stands for. Someone that doesn’t associate with trash. You think this paper will stop me? I’ll take that farm even with you there.” He challenges and by that point I’ve had enough to the point I grab his collar and shove him into a wall.

  “No you won’t you’re going to stay away. Run this company into the fucking ground for all I care but you’ll leave the Harvell’s alone. Or I’ll go to the cops with everything I know you’ve done. I’ll tell company secrets you don’t want exposed how you’ve blackmailed people over the years how this entire company was built on lies. Don’t believe me you try it.” I say shoving him hard into the wall for good measure before taking a step back.

  “You’re no son of mine. You’d turn your back on me for that girl.”

  I take a moment to take in his wo
rds before I loosen my tie and mull over his words. I would turn my back on him for Vanessa it is something I should have done years ago. He was never the father to me that I needed. I stare at him knowing this will be the last time we speak for a while if ever.

  “You’re right I’m not your son. I’d never want to turn into the man you are it just took me longer than I would have wanted to figure that the fuck out. I’d choose her over you any day of the week I should have done it years ago but I didn’t. I still love her. I’m always going to love her.” I say watching as his face registers my own harsh words. I take a breath as I pick my jacket up from the chair and glance over at him. “I let you manipulate me for years to get me to work here. To become someone I barely recognized in the morning when I woke up. I did it because I was angry at myself and you couldn’t ever see that. I’m not angry anymore I’m just sad for you. That you hold onto all this hate towards her when it is something that neither me or Hannah would have ever wanted.”

  Silence settles in the room as I make my way to the door where his voice cracks just a fraction as he speaks.

  “Give your keys to the front desk on your way out.”

  I don’t bother with a reply to him as I walk out of the room feeling liberated for the first time in four years. I ignore the stares of the office staff who have gathered and overheard the fight. I hear his footsteps out of the conference room no doubt sending them all back to their desks to gossip. He doesn’t try to stop me from leaving and I don’t want him too. I stop in at my office to collect a few of my personal things, my secretary looks like she doesn’t know what to do and I don’t blame her as I walk to the elevator. I see Jessica come out of her office in legal when the commotion starts and I stare at her. Her face looks pissed at me and I don’t care as I glare back at her watching the doors close in front of me.

  Once the elevators I calm myself with the ease that I have no responsibility here left I don’t have to show up at the office anymore seven days a week. I don’t have to worry about someone uncovering my dad’s bullshit on a deal. I don’t have to worry about why I’m taking some random stranger to bed for the night. I don’t have to worry about Jessica getting the wrong impression it’s almost as if a weight has been lifted. Once I step off the elevator security is waiting for me at the reception area. I don’t bother with a response to them as I hand them my keys before turning and walking out of the building. Taking out my phone my fingers fly quickly over the keyboard.

  It’s done he won’t be coming after you anymore.

  Are you okay?

  I want to tell her I am fine but she knows me better than I sometimes know myself. Inside I’m a jumble of emotions that I can’t wrap my head around.

  I’m not sure. Where are you?

  I watch the three dots appear and chuckle at her response knowing it’s all going to be alright down the line.

  Convincing Paige to not buy this death trap do join us.

  I place my phone back in my pocket knowing she and Shane are both right. Since I have no where else I need to be a smile forms on my face as I walk to my car to join them.



  LEANING ON THE railing of the arena I watch as London and Emma warm up for the competition it has been over a week since Jake straight up and quit. I worry about him now and he is starting to drive me just a little insane but he’s finally figuring out who he is. My mom has been teaching him the inside and out of the farm. He has good ideas and thankfully we were all able to convince Paige to keep looking for the bakery. My attention draws in on London and Emma. London is calm and poised, her gait is good and when they fly swiftly and elegantly over the last jump of the practice run I know they’re ready. If they win the prize money can go to the farm and Emma’s schooling it will put the farm on the map.

  I can tell Emma is slightly nervous as they make their way to me at the edge of the course and she pulls back on the reins to make London halt. I reach out and scratch London’s chin while Emma dismounts. Her face is slightly strained and she lets out a deep breath.

  “I don’t think we’re fast enough. I just saw five other riders do the exact same thing.” Her voice is full of something I recognize anxiety and fear. I see Jake walking towards us with a smile on his face and I’m not quite sure what he could be smiling about.

  “Remember what we’ve been working on? Fast and clean but more importantly clean. Trust London to get you over she will. Don’t look at the score of the times of the other riders you aren’t riding for them. You’re riding for you.” I remind her that she is doing this for her not for anyone else though she has good intentions. I know how much pressure can get to you while riding. I also don’t mention that in the practice runs she so far has had the highest score and quickest time with my stop watch.

  “Thanks Vanessa would it be alright if I went and saw my parents real quick?” Emma asks I nod my head at her watching her leave.

  “I remember when someone else used to look like that right before she would ride. Though sneaking you into the stock area and messing up that pretty hair of yours seemed to calm those nerves.” Jake says when he finally reaches me and London.

  I’m pretty sure my face turns a dark and embarrassing shade of red at those memories even if they are true. Sneaking off with Jake before a competition was exactly what I needed back then to calm my nerves and was very much so our thing. He places his hand on my back rubbing my lower back gently with his fingers.

  “You should track Natalie down we could make new memories.” He mumbles and I turn my head slightly back to him considering his offer.

  “What’s gotten into you?” I finally ask no that I would be opposed to the suggestion isn’t just not practical at this very moment.

  We only have about half an hour before Emma actually rides. I would still need to track down my mom or Natalie and then explain to them why I can’t stay with London. Jake’s hand doesn’t leave my back as it travels up my back stopping and instead he wraps his arm around my waist, turning me around and pulling me too him. London snorts her approval and I almost shoot my horse a death stare as Jake looks at me.

  “Do I have to have a reason now to want to be with you?” He asks and I shake my head no at him.


  “Good because I have good news. My moms new husband just introduced me to a very wealthy client who wants some horses boarded. I simply informed him that we had space at the stable and we chatted for a few minutes. I have his number in my pocket he is planning to call later this week.” He says grinning at me.

  I don’t know what comes over me to the point that my lips collide with his, my hands still holding the reins. He pulls me into the kiss stroking my cheeks parting my lips just slightly. I almost give into his request to break away and go find my sister when instead I hear my sister clearing her throat. London paws at the ground for a moment and I pull back from him completely flushed. My hands automatically go to my hair to straighten it out and my sister just stared between us.

  “Emma has some time before she rides if you two-”

  “Natalie!” I screech at her and I want to be mad only Jake is grinning between making things even more uncomfortable.

  “Just saying that if you wanted.”

  “Well I don’t.” I huff out at her.

  I’m pretty sure I want to crawl under a rock due to the embarrassment only Jake doesn’t allow me to instead he still draws me to his side. His hand wrapped securely around my waist like he’s afraid I’m going to run off and not return. I’ll give him that because I did run away to LA as a way to avoid him and what was happening between us. My sister is still eying us for a moment before her eye settle in the crowd over Kyle who is with some tall brunette. I’m pretty sure if my sister were a cartoon there would be steam coming out of her ears.

  “Nat where is mom?” I ask when she doesn’t answer I say it louder. “Earth to Natalie where is mom?”

  My sister whips her head back around at me.
“I think she was with Austin’s mom somewhere.”

  “Go find her would you? They’re about ready to announce and I know I enjoyed it when everyone saw me off to ride it would help Emma’s nerves.” I say still holding London. She nods her head at me before she wanders off to find our mother and Jake leans into my ear.

  “You just wanted her gone to not have that red look all over your face. I meant it I would be up for a new memory if you want to make one maybe even later?” He asks his eyebrow arching slightly.

  It’s a statement that has my brain working at an excuse to not give into him only I really can’t find one. Instead I feel my cheeks flush again I want to make a new memory with him. Not that the old ones are bad or anything like that. Starting fresh means making new memories, doing new things together. I go to say something to him only his next words stop me in my tracks.

  “I love you Vanessa Harvell.”

  He hasn’t said that to me in years of course I love him, I’ve always loved him but it almost feels too soon to say it. I know that is irrational no one needs to tell me that or analyze me over it but it feel so quick. I can tell he wants me to say it back to him and I open my mouth only for him to cut me off again.

  “I know I haven’t been easy. That this hasn’t been easy but it still feels right. I just thought it was something that you should know.” He leans in pressing his lips gently to mine.

  I look at him in aw for a moment and I can’t even process how I feel about that. Logic tells me that I should tell him that back that my feelings haven’t changed but there is that nagging voice that says if I say it I’ll make it real. Instead I nod my head back at him watching as he touches the side of my face while Emma approaches with her family. The loudspeaker calls her class to the ring and she takes the rings from me. I shift my focus from Jake to Emma to this moment that she has worked her entire career for.

  “You have this Emma trust in yourself and London.” I say watching her for a moment her eyes pass over mine and I see the anxiety in them. It is the same look I’ve had before I nod to her in out mutual understanding before she heads into the arena.


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