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Breaking Hearts (Full Hearts #4)

Page 12

by MJ Summers

  “I know I should have made a better effort to get to know Tomas. That’s part of why I went to see Cole. To try to help get him home where he belongs.”

  “This isn’t about you, no matter how much you want it to be.”

  Fern gasped indignantly. “So I’m self-centred now? For trying to help you?”

  “Wow. You’re unbelievable. You’re just twisting everything I say when you’re the one who stepped way over the line.”

  “There should be no lines with family, Trey. No lines!” Fern’s voice was bordering on shrill now.

  Trey matched her anger. “You know what? There are lines. Very clear ones, and I’ll be drawing more if you do anything like this again. I’m done with this conversation.”

  “Well! Maybe I’m done with it. You’re completely ungrateful, so I don’t know why I’d want to talk to you when I should be sleeping anyway.”

  “You called me, remember?”

  “I’m getting that letter from your cousins whether you like it or not. You send me the address to the farm when you’re ready to do the right thing and let go of your stubborn pride.”

  “I won’t. Goodbye, Mom.”

  Fern stared at him for a long moment. “Goodbye, Trey.”


  The clang of metal was almost deafening as the two-thousand-pound animal slammed his side against the pen to protest his new rider. Trey sat atop the bull and rubbed his gloved hand up and down the bull rope to warm up the sticky rosin before he secured his hand, palm up.

  “Hold your pinkie finger here, right beside his backbone,” Miguel instructed. “Lean forward, remember? Almost on top of your hand.” Miguel helped him test the slack on the rope and pulled it for him until it was properly snug, just behind the animal’s shoulders.

  “He’ll be fine, you old hen,” Bruno scoffed.

  The bull snorted and knocked himself against the other side of the chute, coming close to pinning Trey’s leg between the gate and his own side. “He seems a little angry,” Trey muttered. “I thought you were putting me on one of your more docile bulls?”

  “This is!” Bruno answered. The brothers laughed as he jumped off the gate and got ready to open it.

  “You ready?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Trey answered, wanting to change his mind.

  “Ou vai ou racha!” Bruno hollered, tugging the gate open.

  The huge black beast bucked hard, kicking his hind legs high into the air at the same time as he twisted his body to the left. Trey was shocked at the violent force under him, but even more shocked by the fact that he hadn’t fallen off yet. “Holy shit!” he called as the bull’s back feet hit the ground hard and he used the momentum to push his front legs into the air. Trey rocked his body forward, staying on for another brief second before a sharp twist of the animal’s body sent him flying through the air, landing on his butt in the dirt. He paused for a second before scrambling out of the way of the hooves that were aiming to pummel him. The two brothers distracted the bull until the animal slowed to a jog and circled the pen before finally standing opposite the chute, looking bored.

  Bruno turned to Miguel. “You owe me ten dollars. He stayed on for more than one second.”

  “Alright, alright,” Miguel said. He asked Trey, “You wanna go again? I need to earn my money back.”

  Trey’s breathing was recovering as he stood bent over with his hands on his knees. Adrenalin flowed through him and a slow smile spread across his face. This was fun. Easily as much of a thrill as surfing. “Hell yeah, but I want in on the action. Ten bucks says I can stay on for five seconds next time.”

  He caught a glimpse of Alessandra out of the corner of his eye and realized she must have finished helping her aunt and uncle. She stood with Tomas on her hip, shaking her head at Trey before yelling at her cousins in Portuguese. They answered back, body language defensive, but they were laughing a little.

  Trey walked over to her, dusting off the chaps they’d lent him. “Are you worried? You look worried.”

  “Yes, of course I’m worried. Você bebeu? I knew they would do this. They live to make trouble wherever they go. You are not a bull rider. You’re going to get hurt.”

  “I’ll be fine. We’re just having fun. Besides, I did pretty well on my first try.”

  “We put him on the easy bull. It’s totally safe. Even Vovô could stay on this one,” Miguel said.

  “If he gets hurt, I’m blaming you both!” She made a motion like she was slitting her throat as she glared from one to the other. “Vocês vão estar muito ferrados!”

  “He won’t.”

  “You better hope not, because what those stupid bulls can do is nothing compared to me when I’m pissed off!” Her accent was suddenly much stronger as she spat out her words, leaving Trey torn between being amused and being turned on by seeing her like this.

  “I’ll be fine. Just one more time. Then we can go,” Trey offered.

  “I’m not going to watch this. I’m taking Tomas inside.” The little boy wriggled to get out of her arms, but she held him firmly and turned back to the house.

  “I stay with Dad! I ride bull too!” Tomas whined.

  She glared at her cousins. “You see?” she yelled, before taking Tomas into the house.

  An hour later, Trey’s entire body ached after another dozen attempts. On his last go, he’d managed to stay on for a full eight seconds, leaving Bruno and Miguel shaking their heads in wonder at his abilities. They both kept insisting he’d ridden bulls before.

  “Nope. I swear, today was my first try. I grew up riding horses, and I love to surf, so I guess maybe that’s given me good balance. I don’t know. I’ve also ridden a mechanical bull every weekend for the past two years. But that wouldn’t really help, would it?” Trey asked them.

  “Well, probably the horseback riding and surfing were more helpful. Whatever it was, you’re pretty good. You should come with us to the rodeo next month. It is open to anyone. You could win a little money, maybe.”

  “How much?” he asked just as Alessandra appeared again with Tomas in tow.

  Miguel glanced at her, then answered Trey’s question. “You come in first, you might get about a thousand. A few hundred for second or third.”

  “Forget it,” Alessandra said firmly. “He’s busy next weekend.”

  “Doing what?” Bruno asked.

  “The same thing he’ll be doing for the next sixteen years! Raising his son, who doesn’t need to be turned into an orphan by you two idiots.”

  * * *

  The ride home was quiet. Alessandra sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window, lost in an internal struggle. Her logical side told her she had to convince Trey to never get on another bull again, but there was another part of her that had felt a pull as she watched him from the kitchen window. There was something undeniably sexy about seeing him wrap the rope around his hand and try to tame that huge beast. Something about the danger, the over-the-top masculinity of it, stirred a very primal part of her, a part of her that Alessandra had always denied. Surely, she should be smarter than this. She should want a sensible man who would play it safe. But she didn’t. She wanted Trey. And after seeing him ride that damn bull today, she wanted him in a way that made her hate herself.

  Trey glanced back at Tomas. “He fell asleep as soon as the truck started moving.”

  “Hmm. Yes. He was tired.” Alessandra looked out the window, her tone curt.

  “I’m guessing you’re upset that I’m going to the rodeo next month.”

  “Of course I’m upset. It’s very dangerous,” she snapped, feeling angry and confused about who, exactly, she was angry with at the moment.

  “Ah, it’s not so bad. Besides, what’s a few broken bones if you win?”

  “A lot worse can happen than broken bones,” she scoffed. “And that little boy sleeping in the back seat right now has no mother anymore. You may want to think about that.”

  “I know,” he answered evenly. “
I also have to find a way to make some money for him, remember? I don’t have a work visa, so I can’t work here, but I can compete. This could actually be the answer to a lot of my problems right now.”

  “It won’t be. And if you decide to do it, you’re much stupider than I thought. It’s just a dangerous waste of time!” Her tone was angry but she kept it quiet enough not to wake Tomas.

  “Maybe, but what if it isn’t?” Trey glanced over at her from the driver’s seat.


  Trey checked over his body in the mirror as he waited for the shower to heat up. He had bruises on his arms, butt and legs from his afternoon spent riding the bull. He also had the thrill of opportunity resonating through his bones. This could be it. The answer to his money problems. There were rodeos nearly every weekend in the area. If he could earn enough, he’d be able to put a down payment on a place back home. That would give him a huge head start and he wouldn’t have to leave Tomas behind in Brazil for months.

  He stood under the spray of the water, feeling it relieve some of his pain, thinking of Alessandra. She was far from impressed at his get-not-very-rich-quick scheme, and he knew she would fight him on it. She wasn’t wrong. It was risky. Seeing her all fired up like that deepened his desire for her. He’d only seen her very calm until now, but he could see she’d give him a run for his money if they ever argued. Something about that thought made his body awaken with lust. He liked a feisty woman who wouldn’t back down.

  Stepping out of the shower, he patted himself dry with a towel, then wrapped it around his waist, wishing he had an Advil. Or a few beers. That would dull the pain nicely. A soft knock on the door of his house surprised him. “Just a minute!” he called, pulling on his jeans.

  “It’s Alessa.” Her voice was muffled.

  He quickly crossed the room and swung the door open.

  * * *

  There he stood in nothing but his jeans, rubbing his wet hair with a towel. The sight of him like that almost made her forget why she’d come. Alessandra stared at him for far too long before saying anything. “I asked Betina to listen for Tomas in case he wakes up. I wanted to apologize.”

  He moved aside to let her in. “No need. It’s alright, really.”

  She forced herself to look at the loveseat so she could think straight. “No, it’s your life. I have no right to tell you what to do. Also, I want you to know I don’t think you’re at all stupid.” She walked in and turned to face him. Her gaze fell on his sculpted body and her mind went completely blank. When she finally realized she was gawking like an idiot, her cheeks heated up and she shook her head a little as her eyes met his. He wore a look of amusement at her reaction to him.

  “I . . . I came here to apologize,” she said distractedly.

  Trey gave her a sexy smirk. “You said that already.” Tossing the towel onto the couch, he took a few steps toward her and tilted her chin up with his thumb. “You’re forgiven.”

  He stared at her, and she saw that his pupils had grown large, crowding out those swirls of hazel she had come to love. Unable to stop herself any longer, Alessa reached for his waistband. He lowered his mouth over hers, crushing it with a deep, long, hard kiss. She slid her hands around his back, gliding them up and down his muscular torso as she felt his hands on her ass, squeezing her and pulling her to him until their bodies were pressed together. She could feel his erection through his jeans as she kissed him wildly now. His fingers traced her from her bottom to her waist, and he tugged her tank top over her head, leaving her in a bra and skirt. His large hands were covering her breasts now, squeezing them in a way that made her moan with anticipation. She felt him slide the straps of her bra off, and her breasts spilled over the top, giving him access to her firm nipples. He lowered his mouth over her right breast, suddenly taking Alessandra to a world of ecstasy she’d never known before. She wanted to undo his jeans, to free him, but her hands were temporarily out of order. She was weak in the knees from what he was doing to her with his tongue. He raked his teeth over her nipple as he moved on to her left breast. Sucking and flicking and bringing her close to the edge although he’d yet to touch her throbbing core. She hardly noticed her bra being unclasped or exactly when it left her body. Her panting was so loud that she doubted she’d hear a gunshot if it went off right next to her.

  Finally managing to get a grip on his jeans, she fumbled with them until the button popped open, then tore the zipper down. With a little tug, his jeans were off and he stood completely nude in front of her. She glanced down, feeling a little intimidated by what she saw. He was much bigger than she’d expected, and the sight of his huge erection reminded her of how long it had been since she’d had sex.

  His lips were on her neck now, doing something that made her forget her worry in favour of wanting to do very naughty things. “Oh, Trey,” she whispered. “Yes.”

  She could feel that her panties were soaked and felt a twinge of embarrassment at how wet she was as he yanked down her skirt and reached his hand between her thighs. A growl erupted from his throat as he covered the fabric of her panties with his palm. She knew from that sound that she had nothing to feel shy about. He rubbed his hand over her, pushing his fingers, along with her panties, in just a tiny bit. He pulled back and looked her up and down for a second, his expression full of lust.

  “God, you’re just so completely beautiful.”

  His words made her feel powerful in her femininity, in the effect she was having on him, as she reached up on her tiptoes to kiss him again. This gorgeous man, chiselled to perfection, wanted her. She reached for his hard length, gripping it in both hands. Her hands seemed small in comparison as she glided them over the smooth shaft, feeling it twitch with excitement.

  He pushed the fabric of her panties aside and she could finally feel his rough fingers exploring her. Alessandra’s hips bucked forward, begging him to enter her. He moved his head back from her. “We shouldn’t do this.”

  “Yes we should. I need you, Trey. Please.”

  “We can’t have sex. I don’t have a condom,” he said.

  “You don’t need one. I’m on the pill,” she whispered, feeling slightly embarrassed again.

  He kissed her again as though he couldn’t stop himself. “But this might—”

  “It won’t. Please, Trey. I want you so bad I can hardly breathe.”

  Picking her up by her ass, he rubbed her over his cock as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She could feel him through the wet cotton and she was filled with an urgency she couldn’t deny. Reaching behind her, she tugged her panties out of the way and was finally rewarded by the feeling of his smooth, hard length touching her sex. He dragged her over himself in long, slow movements, making her so wild she didn’t care if she had even a shred of dignity left. She needed to feel him inside her. She would do anything, even beg if she had to.

  Walking them through the bedroom door, Trey sat on the bed, holding her on his lap as he manoeuvred her panties down her legs. Alessandra wriggled her hips until the head of his erection was just inside her. She winced a little at the size of him as she carefully pushed herself over him, each inch stretching her.

  The look on her face must have been shock. Trey’s hands gripped her face. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I haven’t done this for a long time and you’re . . . sizeable.”

  Trey grinned at the description before his expression changed to concern again. “I don’t want to hurt you, so let’s take it slow. You do what feels good.”

  Alessandra nodded, then lowered her lips back to his before grinding her hips into his from side to side. She loved how careful he was being and she knew he was holding back. It was the first time she’d been with a man who was at all concerned if she was okay, and it made her want him so much more. She dragged her body over his lap, filling herself with him, feeling her sex rub against him as she shifted herself forward, then back again. She moved slowly and cautiously for a long time, until she grew so ready she couldn’t st
op. Her movements became more quick, more sure, more fierce now. It was all so perfect as he lowered his mouth over her breasts again, sucking and flicking her nipples with his tongue. Waves of toe-curling pleasure crashed through her body as she let go, arching her back and pressing herself onto him with everything in her.

  Trey ran his hand from her neck down between her breasts to the place where their bodies joined. He watched as she came for him. He had never seen anything so sexy in his life, never felt anything better than her tight muscles squeezing him, drenching him. Her large breasts bounced with each thrust of her hips in a way that made him crazy. His own orgasm tore through him, an unstoppable force as he erupted.

  He felt her arms wrap around his neck as she sat on his lap and nipped his bottom lip between her teeth. Her beautiful face was flushed with desire and exertion, and her entire being wore nothing but utter satisfaction. Trey was completely caught up with the perfection of being with her. Here in this moment, he knew that this couldn’t be just a one-time thing—this needed to last. This was what forever was supposed to feel like. For the first time in his life, Trey felt true love moving him, and it was by far the best thing he’d ever known. It was all-consuming, fantasy and reality blending in the most delicious way. And now that they had finally acted on it, there would be no turning back. They clung to each other for a long time, slowly recovering, him still buried inside her.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw you,” he said in a low tone. “All these weeks of being so near you without touching you have been absolute torture.”

  “For me too.” Alessa’s voice was barely a whisper.

  “Good,” he murmured happily, angling his head so he could plant kisses on the nape of her neck. “Let’s get married.”

  “Sure, why not?” She laughed, her voice as dreamy as his own.

  He stopped and lifted his head to face her, his expression very serious yet a little bit shocked. “No, I mean it. I want to marry you. More than anything I’ve ever wanted to do in my entire life. You’re perfect. I’ve tried to deny my feelings for weeks now, but I can’t. I want to be with you. I know it seems crazy. This may be happening insanely fast—hell, we’re from two different continents—but when I look at you, none of that matters to me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and I know I’ll never want another woman after you. I’m completely in love with you, Alessandra, and if I’m not mistaken, you feel the same way.”


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