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Annals of the Keepers - Deception

Page 21

by Christiaan Hile

  A low drone came from below. The platform under us began to vibrate, then turned into violent shaking.

  “Is that normal when this thing starts? I asked.

  “Yes. It’s just warming up. Nothing to worry about.”

  It was at this time that a pool of water exploded up next to the steps we were on.

  Slithering its way out of the pool was an enormous slagworm. It was bigger than I was, about three times the size.

  The creature snarled, mashing its razor-sharp teeth together and writhing its head around, trying to find the source that awoke its slumber.

  Others began to come out of their holes throughout the cavern. Some not much larger than normal and some huge like the one in front of us. It was a fountain of worms, rising out of the rock-like, fast-growing weeds, just slimier and nastier.

  The hum and vibration began to settle down until it vanished completely.

  “Well, that was fun,” I stated, unamused.

  The slagworms squealed a bone-chilling noise as they all slinked back into their underground hovels.

  “It’s warmed up, Rels.”

  That was a lot of worms. The holes around the cavern stood out like a sore thumb now. I didn’t pay them that much attention when we entered until the slugs came out, now they were all over the place.

  “They get that big by eating rocks?”

  “Yeah. Some can get even bigger.”

  “Bigger?” I asked, panning around the hollow.

  If I wasn’t disturbed by the big fellow that had come out next to us, I was now. On the cave wall, about fifteen meters up, was a cavity the size of the whole platform we stood on. It had to be at least twenty meters in diameter.

  “Please tell me that is a mining bore hole.”

  “I don’t know, Rels,” he said, not looking, “I’m almost done with the coordinates.”

  The tubes began to light up. They started to pulsate from under the platform, rising to the crystal lattice structure above. As the pulsating beams of light traversed the white tubes on their way to the ceiling, the light branched off through the crystals like lightning splitting a night sky.

  “If we make the journey, we will find the Ancients on the other side.”

  “If we make it?” I was really starting to dislike this guy. “Are you kidding me? We might not make it?”

  Mistuuk looked at me with a dumbfounded stare. “I’m always serious, Rels. You know this.”

  “You? Serious? Who are you again? You haven’t answered that question yet, have you? Give it up. What’s the gig?”

  “‘Gig’, Rels?”

  “What’s the disguise? Who are you really? Tell me who you are and tell me now!”

  The Cuukzen just stared at my rise in temper. Blink flashed her lights and flew behind one of the tubes behind us to hide.

  Mistuuk was about to open his mouth when I realized what Blink was hiding from.

  “He won’t tell you,” a female voice spoke in broken Human words.

  My surprised ears turned upon the intonation.

  Our delay of getting this contraption working had allowed our pursuers to catch up.

  The Vrae, Kayasa, and about eight lackey Comondons were across the cavern near the entry tube we had come down from.

  Their weapons aimed at us where we stood.

  This just keeps getting better and better.

  Data Cell 40

  The ion waves fired from the Flashpoint impacted both enemy ships in brilliant streaks of energized particles. The unknown vessels’ shields didn’t stay down long. The blue tendrils of residual energy washed over the ships and dissipated into the cold vacuum of space.

  “Did the Reavers make it?” Takkar asked.

  The female ensign up front was scouring the incoming data, “They just made it. The enemy shields were back up in two-point-five seconds, sir.”

  “Good. Engage all weapons. Target that second ship. Let’s get those shields down.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  The two enemy ships each broke direction as the Flashpoint split the ships’ paths. Armaments and energy weapons slashed across the blackness of space as the three vessels exchanged fire.

  The Flashpoint held her turn with the enemy and continued to target the second ship, getting a position behind it.

  The enemy ship with the Reavers took up position behind the Flashpoint, pounding her rear shields with energy barrages.

  Takkar knew he couldn’t keep this position, as the flanking ship could continue firing unimpeded from behind. “Drop the mines and camouflage them before they get out. Continue stream. I want that bogey off our butt.” He needed to get the flanking ship to break off, just for a few moments. If he couldn’t, this would be a short fight.

  The ship behind the Flashpoint continued its constant barrage. The salvo of twin energy charges hit the Human ship’s shields in two second intervals with blinding flashes upon impact.

  An attack was released from the enemy vessel, but didn’t make contact. The explosion erupted halfway between the two ships as the energy projectiles found the cloaked mines of the Flashpoint.

  The trail of mines ignited upon impact with the enemy shields in a torrent of bubbling blasts. The long stream of destruction continued around the vessel as the ship strayed from its course. Finally, the unknown ship left the river of fire.

  “Commander, enemy ship has broken off.”

  Takkar smiled, “Of course they did, Ensign. Shield status?”

  “We’re at fifty percent.”

  “Damn. How much longer on the targets?”

  The crewman searched the data on the monitor, “Their shields are fluctuating.”

  Takkar knew time was running out. He needed to get those shields down faster. The strategy of the enemy was simple. The lead targeted ship would stay the course while the second ship would attack. It would be just simple arithmetic at that point, since these smaller ships had equal, if not slightly more powerful, weapons than the Flashpoint.

  Takkar thought about the unknown adversary he now faced. The Ordinance knew nothing of their technology, tactics, or origins. Knowing is half the battle, he thought.

  Commander Jesan Takkar was a veteran and master of the art of space combat. He wasn’t too worried about the unknown facts and disadvantage before him, for he too had an ace in his deck. He smiled at the thought.



  The golden-armored enemies held their weapons targeting Kason and Keelen, still being held against the bulkhead by the invisible alien field.

  When in such a situation, Kason knew the element of surprise always turned the tables.

  His HUD displayed the options he had in his visor, which were not many, but much more than they would have had if he didn’t think a few moves ahead. The situation they were in was not predictable, but could still be planned for with the proper contingency, which it had been.

  Kason’s right eye highlighted the Reaver mirage cubes from his list. He activated it without a word.

  Behind the two unknown enemy soldiers sprang five Reaver images from the small mirage cubes in the center of the corridor.

  The tables had turned.

  The two creatures turned at the sight of new Reavers and began firing at the images of light. Their energy weapons struck the watery field behind, opposite the wall holding the real Reavers.

  The translucent barriers splashed down on the black corridor floor, freeing the Human captives.

  The unencumbered Reavers did not hesitate, given the situation they had known would come. Kason’s hand signals had communicated his intentions and they now took full advantage of it.

  Ramek was the first to react. He fired out the micro-wire from his wrist, wrapping around one of the gold enemies before him. He pulled and leapt towards his target at the same time, drawing out the fifty-centimeter blade on the top of his left gauntleted hand.

  The metal blade on Ramek’s fist drove into the golden helmet of the being moving towards
him. The long, metal spike pierced the faceplate, sending the head back and splattering transparent brain matter fluids out the other side.

  The golden body dropped to the floor.

  Maddox had picked up his weapon and fired at the energy field holding Kason and Keelen. The water splashed against the wall and along the deck. They were unbound.

  Kercy fired her micro-wire, wrapping it around the arm of the second enemy, but she wasn’t as fortunate as Ramek in her attack.

  The creature pulled the Reaver like a rag doll along the floor towards it. The golden weapon arm of the being went to fire at the downed Human below it. The alien never got off the shot.

  Kason and Keelen descended upon the creature, cutting down the gold-plated figure where it stood.

  Kercy rolled out of the way of the falling creature and regained her footing.

  The Reavers were caught off-guard by their assailants, but recovered to continue their mission.

  “Head for the power source,” Kason ordered.

  Without missing a beat, the Reavers bounded down the hallway towards the room they had detected.

  The floor ahead once again began to open. The shard of light penetrated the corridor as the watery surface rose up.

  Each Reaver launched the retro-rockets from their forearm launcher as they ran towards the emerging barrier which had held them earlier.

  The mini-missiles streaked through the corridor, turning down at the last moment and impacting the hidden chamber under the floor. Rapid explosions issued, one after the other.

  The liquid barrier splashed outward throughout the corridor in a fiery flash.

  The Reavers continued through the lash of fire issuing from the corridor floor.

  The wall behind began to reopen as the Human warriors met the light emanating from the parting of the black panels. Two more golden creatures appeared from the bright orifice.

  A flash of energy weapons issued from the unknown beings towards the Reavers. Blinding flashes enveloped the Human troops, but they emerged unscathed.

  Return fire rained forward as the Reavers’ plasma weapons contacted the gold armor of their assailants resulting in a neutral hit, the plasma rounds smattered the alien armor just as theirs had.

  The two forces met hand-to-hand.

  Kason’s Reaver team excelled at close quarters combat. He was going to see if these hulking, golden enemies before him were equal to the task.

  Data Cell 41

  “You’re persistent, aren’t you?” I said towards Kayasa.

  She approached across the towers of stalagmites along the cave floor.

  The Comondons followed.

  She spoke again in my language, “I can say the same of you, Human,” she stopped at the bottom of the steps before continuing, “Especially the Cuukzen there. I’ve been pursuing him for a long time. I guess I have you to thank for bringing him to me.”

  I looked over at Mistuuk.

  He just shrugged his shoulders at me.

  I turned back to our pursuers, “We can dispense with the pleasantries and introductions, Kayasa.”

  She smiled, “We can indeed, Provost Marshal Rels Sentel.”

  This was getting interesting, as she knew as much about me as I did her, maybe more.

  “So, what do we do now since we know each other?” I asked.

  She motioned with her pistol towards the control console saying, “Deactivate the transport tube.”

  Mistuuk moved toward the panel.

  A shot fired.

  The plasma round slammed down near Mistuuk’s feet, scorching the stone in a blackened blotch.

  “Not you,” she directed towards the Cuukzen, “You, Human. Move slow and let me see your hands.”

  I turned around with my hands up.

  I was now more curious about why she thought the midget was a bigger threat than me. Another secret to uncover, if we could get out of this alive.

  When I got to the console, I remembered the sequence Mistuuk had entered to start the machine up. I just had to enter it backwards, I suppose, but what I if I reentered it to restart it?


  I stopped and glanced back at the Vrae.

  She waved me to shut it down.

  I lowered my right hand and entered the combination.

  The sound I was hoping for issued from below the platform, just as it had before.

  The rumbling followed with violent vibrations.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  Yelling over the sound I replied, “It’s just shutting down. Nothing to worry about. Give it a moment.” And, on cue, our other guests showed up.

  The slagworms burst from their hollows. The Comondons were the first to react. They began firing their weapons all over the place at the slimy slugs which had emerged.

  Kayasa was knocked off balance from the rumbling underground. I ran, dove, and tackled her. We rolled down the steps to the rocky ground.

  Her weapon was knocked from her grasped. I reached for it. She batted it away, then punched me square in the face.

  She crawled towards the firearm. I grabbed her leg and dragged her back. I returned the favor, striking her quite beautiful face with my fist. We continued struggling on the ground when I saw Mistuuk running across the cavern.

  He darted towards a Comondon who was struggling to get a worm off its leg. Right before my eyes, he leapt into the air, kicking the beast in the head, dazing the massive creature enough for the oversized slagworms to pull it down. He immediately landed and rolled, scooping up the bull’s fallen weapon and engaging the others while the worms feasted on their prized catch.

  I was stunned at what I saw from the little guy, but I had my own issues at the moment.

  As I wrestled with the Vrae assassin on the floor, a massive jolt rocked the cavern. I had just rolled over and had my legs and arms around her when I saw the monster appear.

  The mouth of the largest cave along the chamber wall filled as the massive head of a slagworm emerged from its dwelling, causing all the shaking and commotion.

  The round head had rows of serrated incisors that ran down the inside of its gaping orifice. The circular mouth held rows of jagged teeth that spun in alternate directions.

  The creature lashed out of its hole towards the Comondons and Mistuuk.

  “Watch out!” I yelled.

  The Cuukzen dove and rolled away as the gargantuan worm shot forth, engulfing one bull in its mouth while scattering the rest like tossed pebbles.

  Mistuuk ran back up the steps towards the console.

  I was still holding the Vrae, locking her down in a choke hold.

  The Comondons that remained began firing at the enormous beast, which infuriated it even more.

  The massive slagworm lashed out again, picking another bull off, shredding its body against an enormous stalagmite pillar, grinding the Comondon to bloody bits.

  The writhing of its massive body brushed the cave surface and ceiling, sending rock missiles down from above, crashing into the floor and shattering everywhere.

  “Rels, over here!” Mistuuk was motioning me to a tube that was open.

  I threw Kayasa along the ground away from me and got up, bolting for the white tube Mistuuk was already in.

  Just as I entered, a plasma bolt grazed my arm.

  The Vrae had reclaimed her weapon.

  I turned to close the tube door just in time to see the massive slagworm barreling towards us. The Vrae assassin dove out of the creature’s way just in time as its mouth came up the staircase, driving straight for us.

  “Wait. Blink!” Mistuuk called out.

  It seemed like minutes until Blink, with her whistles and clicks, flew through the doorway from her hiding spot.

  The door closed and the blinding flash of the Trandeshion tube enveloped us.

  Data Cell 42

  The torcon torpedoes streaked towards their target. Their thin, blue, artificial contrails darted wildly through space, reaching their marks and impacting t
he unknown vessel, overwhelming and thrashing the ship in their destructive wake.

  The Flashpoint had its victim dead to rights, but their Achilles heel was back.

  The second enemy ship reengaged from the flank and started bombarding the Human ship with massive energy bursts.

  “Come on, Kason. Where are you?” Takkar muttered under his breath. Things are getting tight, he thought. He hoped the Reavers were making progress with the other ship. “Finish them off with the vapor. Prepare to engage the other ship.”

  The mass-driver under the Flashpoint opened up on the damaged limping ship. The vapor rail gun sent its solid projectiles towards the rear of the enemy vessel.

  The impacts tore through the engines, mangling the hull. The barrage was relentless from the Flashpoint’s cannons. In a few moments, it was over, but not before the destroyed ship played its last hand.

  The enemy ship broke apart without a dramatic explosion and in sections, just as its sister ship had earlier.

  “Commander, we just got hit with something.”

  “What is it?”

  The perplexed look was obvious on the ensign’s face as she responded, “I don’t know, sir. We didn’t pick it up until we came in contact with it. It looks to have come from the enemy ship ahead of us.”


  “No damage reported, sir. It looks like a field of some sort. Could be debris from the destroyed aft section, but it’s unknown at this time.”

  “Keep the reports coming, Ensign. All weapons, engage second target. Give me a status on the Reavers and prepare Q-Jump. I want them in front of us.”

  The Flashpoint jumped into a brief hyperspace, lurching the ship out of their attacker’s range.

  The great battleship turned to reengage the unknown enemy vessel for a frontal assault.

  “Shields dropping fast,” the ensign called out.

  Takkar was just getting ready for the confrontation when the warning went off, “What do we have?”

  “Something is depleting the shields. There is an anomaly causing a fluctuation and. . . it looks as if it’s covering the Flencer grid, sir.”


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