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PASS INTERFERENCE (Gods of the Gridiron Book 3)

Page 7

by Shanna Swenson

  Veda, now she was the one who loved Samhain and lived for the fun of it. Speaking of, Veda was pretty pissed at Rebecca and had yet to text her back about staying with Paxton. Well, if a link with an article on serial killers was considered a response.

  Now, she smiled as a wrought-iron gate opened, and Pax’s house came into view. It was big, beautiful, and looked like something out of a swanky magazine. A marble fountain sat out front of a circular drive and a pink marble front facade greeted her. The structure was of both Greco-Roman and Italian influence, and Becca felt like she’d stepped back out front of her museum and smiled as her door was opened for her.

  “Ms. Ryan, welcome. I’m Sonia,” the woman dressed in a lovely pale pink dress stated. She was well past middle-age with greying brown hair and no-nonsense brown eyes.

  Rebecca moved to take her bag from the driver, but Sonia grabbed it before she could do so.

  “Right this way. I’ll show you to your room. Mr. Guthrie is expecting you.”

  Fancy, Becca thought, but truly savored feeling like she’d stepped back in time for a moment upon entering the massive foyer. She looked around in awe at the luxury before her. Shimmering crystal sconces, dark marble floors, high ceilings. The staircase looked as if it’d been hand-carved, the décor was minimal but tasteful, the walls painted a lovely taupe that went with any color one cared to accent with.

  Sonia moved up the stairs, and Becca followed, glancing down into a massive room that must’ve been the living room—or great room, as it was probably accurately referred to. A garden courtyard lay beyond the wall of windows and a set of French doors leading out to it. She yearned to go out and explore; she loved gardens because they made the perfect reading nooks.

  Sonia showed her into a guest room that was larger than the apartment she, her mother, and sister shared, and Becca stifled a grunt of surprise as it simply kept going.

  “Here’s the sitting area and bathroom, although I’m sure you won’t be in here much.” Sonia winked. “Mr. Guthrie wanted you to feel comfortable, though. He says you’re Catholic and old-school.”

  Old school! Right. Leave it to Paxton to even have his housekeeper believing that they were actually engaged.

  “Uh, yes,” Rebecca responded in kind. “A girl must stick to her moral code, after all.”

  “Good way to keep a man in check before the wedding.” Sonia cocked a brow. “Perhaps I should’ve been that way with my own, then I might have been able to keep him in the marriage bed.”

  Becca’s brows rose and she tucked her arms into her chest, unsure how to respond to that.

  “Well, I’ll let Mr. Guthrie know you’re here and give you some time to freshen up. Dinner’s served at 6 sharp.”

  Wow, she even made dinner too? Holy crap! Becca felt like she’d gone to stay at the Biltmore estate.

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  “Of course, dear. And if you need anything, please do ask.”

  Becca took a deep breath in as she looked around her suite. Now she knew how Cinderella felt stepping into the palace for the first time. She took in the room, its size and grandeur. The crown molding, light fixtures, big, mahogany canopy bed and matching dresser, the gargantuan bathroom with a claw-footed tub, stone shower, and vanity with a built-in settee. She’d died and gone to Heaven. Even the jacks was luxurious.

  She began to unpack her belongings, feeling strange as she did so, hanging her dresses up and putting her toiletries away. After that, she combed her hair and touched her makeup up, feeling nervous about seeing Paxton again.

  The sounds of gun-fire from a television set rang in her ears as she stepped from her room into the long, open hallway. It drew her to a large media room east of her own with the dark wooden doors opened. She could hear Pax’s voice.

  “Are you kidding me? Dude, go around me and get that asshole.”

  Becca heard more swearing and a yell. “Dammit, Maverick, not cool.”

  When she peered in, she saw him sitting in a big beanbag chair, clad in a muscle tank and shorts, leaning forward. He had a headset over his unruly blond locks and a controller in his hands. His head fell only to come up a second later; when he looked up and saw her, he froze.

  Uh oh! What if he yelled at her for invading his private space. She took an instinctive step back.

  “Becca!” His face lifted into a gorgeous smile. “Hey.” He pulled the headset off and threw the controller into the seat before stepping forward to greet her. “How was the rest of your day?”

  He stopped just inches from her, and her heart hammered at his closeness.

  “Uh, it was… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to invade your space.” She motioned to his “man cave.” Compared to the rest of the house, this room didn’t fit. The walls were covered with a space-themed wallpaper; adorned with posters of various characters, movies, and video games. The furniture didn’t match. A black leather couch sat on one wall, adjacent to a huge TV within an entertainment system that could’ve housed the largest TV set a person could buy. There were knick-knacks, trophies, and old pictures in it. It was the only room that seemed to bear his personality. Becca assumed the rest of the house had been decorated by a designer.

  “No worries, m’lady. ‘Poseidon’s cove’ always has room for hot chicks in it.” He winked and moved to take her hand. “I had Sonia give you the most comfortable room. I hope it works.”

  Works? Ha! “Yes, it’s perfect. Thank you. You have a lovely home, Paxton.”

  “Thanks, let me show you around up here.”

  And he did, taking her in a giant circle. For the next ten minutes, he weaved her in and out of another three guest rooms, three more luxurious bathrooms, a tranquil meditation room, the open-decked veranda, and his messy master suite before they came back to the landing of the staircase.

  “I hope you’re hungry. Sonia has been cooking all day.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind cooking if she ever wants a break.” Becca actually enjoyed cooking.

  Pax crinkled his nose. “After a long day at work? Nah, I can’t have you do that. I was gonna take you out, but I figured we could hang out here tonight. Maybe take a dip in the hot tub later, if you want?” His grin was hopeful and Becca felt her stomach drop.

  “Oh, I don’t have… I didn’t bring a bathing suit.” Just the thought of Paxton seeing her half-naked in a bathing suit made her want to run and hide.

  “No worries. I have an endless supply in the pool house, tags still on and everything.”

  Great! Now, I have no choice but to acquiesce.

  “You hungry?”

  I was but not so much anymore.

  “I believe Sonia makes the best veal chops around. Not that I’d know,” Pax added with a laugh, shrugging. “I’m having ratatouille.”

  Veal! When was the last time she had that? She couldn’t even remember.

  “Wow! That sounds great.”

  Rebecca’s belly grumbled in hunger as Pax took her hand and led her down the staircase.

  She stopped dead in her tracks when the doorbell rang.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you… I invited my friends to dinner, too.”

  Friends? Oh lord. She’d been nervous enough having it be just the two of them, now she had to plaster on a fake smile and pretend this was just another normal night, despite that this was her first time in his house. As she looked around, she realized she didn’t even know where the first-floor bathroom was…or the kitchen. Oh God, I’ll never pull this off!

  “Hey,” Pax pulled her into him, mere inches from his frame and cupped her face with the hand he didn’t have against her back. “Just be yourself, okay? They’re gonna love you.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek, hovering there as Becca heard the door open and voices echo in the foyer.

  “Well, well, don’t let us keep you from greeting the future Mrs. Guthrie,” a smooth male voice called out as Pax and Becca continued down the stairs and approached their guests.

  Rebecca looked up to see Travis “Ares”
Redmond in the flesh, and gaped openly at him.

  “Damn Pax, she’s hotter than you said, man.” He came forward then and gave her a wink as he playfully punched at Pax’s shoulder. “I’m Ares, nice to meet ya, queen of the sea.”

  “Oh, stop it, you stubborn mule. Use your real name. She knows you’re Ares.” A pretty redhead rolled her eyes and gave Becca a bright smile, shoving at the broad running back beside her. “Don’t pay any mind to this cocky jerk. I’m Skyla.”

  Rebecca took the hand offered her and smiled back. “Rebecca. Good to meet you, ADA Larson.”

  “Ha! A cultured woman. I’m impressed, Pax.” She winked at Becca then lifted her chin at Paxton. Rebecca stifled a laugh.

  “Now, honey, give the youngster here a break. He’s smarter than he looks,” Travis retorted.

  Pax looked put out and shook his head at Travis. “Go have a drink and stuff it before I tackle you just to get the energy out of my system.”

  “Save it, groom. Your blushing bride here will want all that energy, I’m sure.” Travis smirked and walked away, allowing the next in line.

  “Quillan Layton.”

  “Rebecca Ryan.” The “blushing bride” blushed even brighter at the dark-headed stud before her. He could’ve been a model he was so handsome. All these men were…sheesh. Talk about Gods of the Gridiron indeed.

  “Glad someone could settle this wild child down.”

  “Hey…” Pax frowned. “Don’t go there.”

  “Some of us are more subtle is all I’m saying.” Quil grinned. “Introverts know how it’s done—si, Becca?”

  She gulped at her name on his perfect lips. Damn, maybe she’d chosen the wrong god.

  “You’ve left her speechless, it would seem.” Pax grumbled. “Her and every other woman around.”

  Quil patted Paxton’s shoulder, then walked off laughing. Becca bowed her head, feeling bad although she wasn’t certain why—this was all fake, anyway.

  “Pax,” came a calm female voice that was laced with both kindness and authority.

  “Madi, you look lovely tonight.”

  “Flattery doesn’t become you.” She arched a brow at Pax and smiled at Becca. “Rebecca, it’s good to see you again.”

  “You too, Mrs. McFadden. I should congratulate you on your recent nuptials.” And to the gorgeous stud you married. Brett—aka Zeus—McFadden was tall, broad, and perfectly titled to be the leader of the Gladiators. He had a powerful presence about him that dared one to challenge him, for if they did, they would incur his wrath—well, from the look of him, anyway.

  “Thank you.” Madison smiled up at her husband, her blue-green eyes softening. He gave her a crooked smile back and extended his hand to Becca.

  “Ms. Ryan, it’s a pleasure. Brett McFadden.”

  “It’s an honor to meet you. I’m a big fan…of the whole team.”

  “Of course you are,” Madi smarted and immediately Becca’s mood deflated.

  Brett cut his eyes at his wife in disapproval, but Madi wasn’t looking at him, her eyes were trained on Paxton. “Mad—”

  “I know what you’re doing and I understand, but don’t think for one second that this makes it all ok, because it doesn’t. Got me? You’re still suspended until Friday, and I’ll decide whether you play next Thursday night or not.”

  “Madi?” Pax whined.

  “Paxton, we’ll talk later. I’m actually hungry for a change, so let me enjoy a meal, please?” She huffed off into the living room, leaving Pax to glance dejectedly at Brett.

  “I’m workin’ on her. Give me time. She’s pregnant; her emotions are all over the place.” Brett shrugged and gave Pax a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

  When Brett was out of earshot, Becca turned to Paxton, who continued to frown.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “It’s not your fault.” He attempted to smile but it didn’t make his eyes.

  “She hates me.”

  “She doesn’t. She doesn’t trust you…well, me really. Don’t worry. She’ll get to know you and love you, I promise.”

  Becca wasn’t so sure about that. Madi McFadden didn’t appear to want to get to know her. She was an outsider, and by the look of things, Madi didn’t approve of this situation.

  Pax gave her a reassuring smile and kissed her cheek. “Let’s go have a good time, to hell with all their opinions.”

  Becca tried to settle her raging insecurity as Paxton led her into the lion’s den.

  She was a mortal woman walking among legendary gods… She was all too aware that history had never favored that interchange.


  “I don’t trust her.”

  “Why?” Pax grated.

  Pax, Madi, and Brett stood in his office in the front of the house while Quil, Travis, Skyla, and Becca were out back in the courtyard having after-dinner drinks.

  “Because. She’s got her eyes on becoming curator of that museum, and she’ll get there by any means necessary…even if that means blackmailing you.”

  “You don’t even know her,” Pax defended.

  “And neither do you!” Madi growled, Hera taking charge. “I had Sloane McBride do a background check on her.”


  “Because I need to know who she is and what’s at stake here. Her father up and left all three of them with nothing. They’re dirt poor, in major debt due to her mother’s cancer treatments, and her sister is a cheerleader for our team. A fact of which I’m certain she failed to mention.”

  “What? Really?”

  “Dammit, Paxton, this is what I’m talking about! You don’t even know the woman you’re ‘engaged’ to. This is all a huge mistake on your part. You reacted impulsively, and now the whole damn team is gonna suffer for it!” Madi audibly growled and threw her arms out in frustration.

  “Madi, sit down,” Brett demanded, taking hold of his wife’s shoulder. “And calm down.”

  Madison reluctantly did as she’d been told, taking the leather chair across from Pax’s desk. She took in a deep breath, looking from Brett back to Pax.

  “Now, Rebecca seems like a fine young woman of high standards, not a gold digger. I’m sure we can figure something out,” Brett offered.

  “Not with the damn mess he’s made out of all this!” She huffed back, cutting her eyes at Pax.

  “Mess? Madi, she’s my—” Pax interjected.

  “Oh, bullshit. Don’t feed me that. We all know this is a farce if I’ve ever seen one. That girl doesn’t know you from Adam! It’s obvious!”

  Damn, was it really?

  “Pax, you should have thought this through a little better.” Madi shook her head at him again.

  “Ok, my love, but he didn’t. Now the public believes that he and Rebecca are engaged so he’s gonna have to play it out.”

  “And just how long do you intend to do that, by the way?” Madi’s angry eyes hit Pax’s, and he literally gulped. He didn’t have a clue.

  “I-I dunno. I mean, I was—”

  “At least until this season is finished. February at the earliest!” Madi interceded.

  “Madi, I can’t—”

  “You can and you will! The last thing we need is anymore tragedies on this team. I didn’t pull the best team together this year to have it thrown away on a whim. So, you’ll do whatever it takes to make that girl look like you are the happiest couple next to frickin’ Romeo and Juliet or you’re getting cut.”


  “I didn’t stutter,” Madi snarled. Pax had never seen her so angry and didn’t understand it to save his life.

  All he’d done was make out with a girl on a Ferris wheel, but the way Madi was shooting daggers at him right now would led one to believe he’d raped her in a church or something just as vile. He’d really gone and pissed her off…apparently.

  “Sunflower,” Brett murmured cautiously, squatting down to rub her thighs. “Let’s not be hasty and say—”

  “I mean it, Guthrie.”
Madi pointed up to Paxton then. “The only thing I’d better hear from the media about you and Rebecca is about how excited she is for her wedding with you and nothing more. Try me if you don’t think I’m dead serious.”

  With that, Madi shoved Brett aside and walked out of Paxton’s office, slamming the door in her wake.

  “What the fuck is stuck up her ass?” Pax muttered and frowned at his QB.

  Brett sat and pulled a deep breath in. “She just learned last week that her dad plans to retire after we win the Super Bowl.”

  “Jesus, Brett, we don’t even know if we’re going to the Super Bowl yet. It’s still too early—”

  “Oh, I know. But he’s convinced and so is she. No pressure or anything.” Brett laughed without humor. “Trust me, I’m just as perplexed about it as you are. When Jerry was talking about it last weekend, I wanted to puke. Nothing means more to me than my team and our success, but this pressure might just blow my head clean off.” He laughed again, and Pax felt bad for his QB.

  “I’m sorry, man. Trouble in paradise?”

  “No, not at all. I mean, Madi and I are very happy together. Never been happier, in fact. Things have been more amazing with her than I ever thought possible. But with Hunter not even gone a year yet, and now her dad leaving the organization, I think Madi’s just scared is all. She’s reacting the only way she knows how to.”

  “Hera is protective of her family,” Pax reasoned.

  “Exactly, so please don’t misinterpret her words. She loves you. She’s just out of sorts. This pregnancy hasn’t helped things, despite how excited we are… I’m looking forward to the second trimester, that’s all I’ll say.” He grinned, and Pax returned it.

  “Maybe she does need some of what I said earlier.” Pax elbowed Brett as he stood, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

  Brett grinned. “Maybe so. I’ll let you know how it goes.”

  They shot the shit for a little while longer, the tension easing some, then he and Brett moved out to the courtyard to join everyone else.


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