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Devil's Reach Trilogy: Books 1-3

Page 48

by J. L. Drake

  “So,” Trigger glanced down at me, “we’re alone now.”

  I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and thought about my words. I wanted to make sure I made my point without scaring the hell out of him. “Promise you won’t shut down.”


  “Okay.” I mirrored his tone. “Who am I to you?”

  I felt him hesitate, but he shook it off. “We’ve been down this road, Tess.”


  Here comes a classic female moment.

  “Am I your girlfriend?”

  His expression changed, and he turned to block my path. “What is this all about?”

  My face heated, and I wanted to break eye contact, but I also wanted to hold my ground. “Why did you come back for me?”

  “I like having you around.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  “Tess,” he rubbed his head like I stressed him out, “you know I don’t do this stuff well. Either say what you want to, or don’t.”

  “Okay. Never once have you asked me why I let you take me back to the club.”

  He shook his head as if he never thought about it that way. “Okay. Why, then?”

  “I asked you first.”

  “And I answered you.”

  “Did you?” I wanted some answers, and I was going to get them if I was going to put myself out there.

  “Fuck! I…” He paused. “I have never wanted to have a woman around me. No one gets me. I used the chicks around the club for a release, but that’s it. Until you…”

  Holy shit, we’re making progress.

  “Like I’ve said before, you turn off the shit inside me. You bring me silence, and you flip my switch during sex, and that’s never happened before.”

  I nodded but was nervous to speak. I didn’t want him to close up. When he seemed like he was, I tried a different angle. “What if I told you I met someone else?”

  His face dropped, and his jaw twitched. “Who?” The tone sent a shiver through me. “Is that what you’re doing here, telling me you’re interested in someone else?”

  “If I was?”

  “I’d murder him.”


  “’Cause you’re my woman.”

  “But I’m not your girlfriend,” I reminded him.

  “Tess,” he warned, and I got pissed.

  “Trigger, I get it. We always said we wanted nothing more than to just be fuck buddies, but I—” My mouth slammed shut.

  He stepped closer and slid his warm hand around the back of my neck. My eyes fluttered, and I was once again consumed by his simple touch. “You, what?” he whispered as he leaned down and licked my lobe. “Tell me.”

  “I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  His muscles locked, and his head drew back slightly to read my face. “I’m unlovable, Tess. It’s just lust.”

  I saw red.

  I wiggled out of his hold and jammed my finger in his face. “Don’t you ever tell me how I feel,” I hissed. “I don’t want to be—I don’t want to be feeling this way when the other person doesn’t. I’ve been here my whole life!” Raw, empty feelings started to surface, feelings I’d buried deep down inside, and anchored themselves to my soul.

  “Hey!” he snapped and reached for my arm, but I was too fast and jumped out of his way.

  “Jesus Christ!” I covered my forehead with my hands as I thought about what I just admitted. “Fucking Gus and Rail all inside my head.”

  “Gus?” he asked, clearly confused what I was rambling about. “What the fuck does Gus have to do with this?”

  “Nothing. Just forget all of this.” I turned to walk away when he hooked my waist and pushed me up against the trunk of a palm tree.

  “Stop running. Just give me a fucking second to process this.”

  “There’s nothing to process. One of your dumb chicks opened her mouth.”

  “Don’t ever compare yourself to those women,” he barked. “No one has ever told me they loved me and meant it for the right reasons.”

  “I have no desire for your money, Trigger. There’s no hidden motive here.”

  He shot me a look like he knew that already.

  I figured since I was doing a stellar job of fucking this moment up, I might as well say it all.

  “If you have any feelings for me whatsoever, please hear me when I say this. Please don’t fight your father.”

  He cocked his head, confused. “So, Gus has been talking to you.”


  “Fucking Gus.”

  “It’s not just Gus, Trigger. Your whole club is worried. I’m worried.”

  His body seemed to relax, and he closed his eyes as he thought. I reached up and ran my fingertips along his cheek.

  “You and I are a lot alike, Trigger. I never meant to mess up what we had. I was content with it, but there was a point where it hit me. When Clark kissed me, everything inside suddenly became clear, and I knew. When I saw you in the house, dressed in a suit and tie, I almost died. You did that for me, and I thought maybe, just maybe, you felt it too, but—”

  “What does it feel like?” He towered over me, and I couldn’t help but slide my hands up his arms. He was stunning in a dark way that made my mouth water. He was everything Clark wasn’t, and that called to me.

  “I’m dizzy around you,” I murmured as the first few drops of the storm fell. “My body heats and reacts when you enter or leave a room.” His throat contracted, and his eyes looked hungry. “I think about you all the time, and I get…” I stopped, feeling exposed, “jealous when you’re around other women.”

  “Jealousy can be a bitch.” He smiled, and I felt the lust burst through me, like a bubble deep down in my belly that picked up speed as it rose. “I feel that way with you.”

  His confession caught me off guard, and I matched his smile.

  “Go on.” He kissed the corners of my mouth.

  “Your touch,” I nearly moaned, “calls my body to attention. It’s not just pure lust, but pure need.”

  “Mmm.” His breath shot across my collarbone. “Why do you think I spend so much time here,” he kissed his way up my neck, “and here?” He sucked at his spot. “I can’t get enough of your body.”

  He pressed his massive erection into my stomach, so I reached down and wrapped my hand around it and gave a good tug.

  “Jesus, Tess!” His head dove into my neck as he panted. “I need to be inside of you.” He grabbed my waist and held me over his shoulder.

  “What the hell?”

  “Shh.” He slapped my ass and hurried to the garage. Once inside, he sat me down on the lawnmower then left to lock the door. I noticed he looked around first.

  “You see something?”

  “Don’t need Langley interrupting.”

  “You’re not allowed to have sex, are you?”

  He grabbed my jeans and hauled them down, and his hand was between my legs before I could even think.

  “I love that you’re so wet for me.”

  “Should we be doing this?” I wasn’t about to stop, but I didn’t want to fuck up his fight if I couldn’t convince him not to go through with it.

  “Come here.” He lifted me onto the workbench, which had a fairly smooth surface, and undid his pants. His gorgeous erection bowed under its weight and leaked from anticipation.

  He lined up and pushed just the tip in before he held my head in his hands and stared into my eyes.

  “You came into my life and showed me that I am worthy of something, maybe even love. Countless times you have proven you’re loyal. Any man who can’t see what you are is a fool.”

  I am speechless.

  “I’m not good at this, but I will try for you. I might struggle with the words, but I can always show you my feelings.” He nudged further in.

  My head spun, and my heart opened wide.

  “You can’t miss something you’ve never known before.” He held my gaze. “But, shit, when you left, it felt like my insides
were bein’ ripped out. I couldn’t think straight and couldn’t do anything but kill. Never do I want to go through that again.”

  When I tried to speak, he shook his head like he didn’t want me to break in on his train of thought.

  “You’re so fucking pretty, Tess.”

  Tears fought their way to the surface, and I rubbed the back of his neck while I let his words sink in. It was the most he ever said to me at once about anything so personal.

  “Thank you,” flew out of my mouth. The corners of his mouth rose, and I saw a real, genuine smile.


  His hands slowly descended my back and curled around my ass. He pulled me to him and dove deep inside of me.

  I jolted, and he nuzzled my hair. “I laid out all my feelings for you, but I will never change the way I fuck you.”




  “He’s been sitting like that since he won the fight.” Langley eyed me from behind the asshole who lost his bet and was now trying to get his money back. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “He’s fine.” My father smacked my shoulder hard, but even that couldn’t shake me from the alternate world I was caught in. I hated it there, but it was the only way I could handle the demons that ran free whenever I fought. It was as if I needed to be still and stay quiet so they’d retreat to their cages.

  I could feel their nails. They seemed to click against my bones and drag me back to each swing, each blood spray, each moment I punched my opponent. The reaper loomed a little closer, and his cold, dark presence cloaked my world as I had fought like hell through their heavy shadow to get back. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to stay there and just give in to the madness.

  “Hey, boy!” The loser kicked my leg. “Show some respect when I’m talking to you.” He went to kick me again, but I latched onto his wrist, yanked him down, and smashed his face into my knee, and the blood sprayed. Next, I rammed the heel of my boot into his mouth, and his teeth broke off and fell from his tongue as he screamed. I covered his lips and watched as he struggled to breathe and not swallow little chips of bone.

  My father caught my attention, and he smiled and shook his head at someone who was about to intervene. He held up a hand to stop him.

  “The boy’s a natural killer. Let him finish.”

  A chill pricked at my skin. He was here, ready to take my next offering. I leaned back and gave him some room.

  “Again,” Langley shouted from the corner of the ring. “Arms up!”

  The boxing opponent Langley had brought in had a hard time standing, and I could see he had a concussion. Five hours in a ring and multiple blows to the temple would do that.

  “Tap out or fight,” I spat and waited. He blinked, but he wasn’t there.

  He stepped forward but collapsed, nearly taking my shoulder off in the process.

  “Jace!” Langley pointed at him, and Rich, my newest prospect, grabbed both arms and pulled him out of the ring.

  Another man took his place and got into position.

  Once the word was out I was in town, there were lots of men willing to help me train. There was a time when the underground world was my life. I ate, slept, and breathed the ring. Everyone knew my name and placed their bets in my favor.

  The excitement sent a feverish rush through my veins, and I twisted and sent a kick straight into his neck. His eyes bulged, and when he went to grab his neck, I punched his shoulder, knocking it out of its socket.

  He yelped but stayed standing. I smirked, happy with his decision.



  I nodded and waited for Langley to reset his shoulder, then we started back up again.

  Back and forth we went. No helmets, no gloves, just skin to skin, bones to bones.

  Every punch I took made my demons scream. Their nails clawed the floor, and their teeth gnawed at the bars. They wanted out, they wanted to be free, but it wasn’t time yet. Tomorrow they could feed.

  Hugo’s gaze flicked over my shoulder, and I saw a change in his face. I didn’t need to see who it was. I felt her.

  Rail looked uneasy as he dropped the screwdriver and headed over. I tried to stay focused. I didn’t need Langley up my ass with Tess. Three more punches and a few more glances from Hugo, and I finally called a break.

  “Like what you see?”

  His eyes took another detour to Tess, then snapped back to mine, and he shook his head. “No.”

  Tess caught the attention of both males and females. She held herself with confidence, and dressed fucking hot. Having her in the same room as guys like Hugo made me want to take on every one of them.

  I knew I’d kill anyone who went near her if I wasn’t careful.

  “Where’s your head, Trig?” Langley’s voice broke through my murderous thoughts.

  I jumped and kicked Hugo in the chest, and he flew back into the ropes. His knees hit the floor first, then his hands.

  He didn’t speak as he peeled himself off the mat and stood on shaky legs.

  “Take a break,” Langley shouted and tossed me a cold Gatorade.

  “Hey.” She hopped up and stood on the other side of the ropes. Her breasts were squeezed into a black tank, and her ass was in a pair of tight jeans.

  I leaned over and kissed her and grabbed a large handful of her ass, giving it a grope. She started to protest but soon gave in. Her body sagged into mine. She didn’t seem to care I was covered in sweat.

  “Territorial much?” She rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t hide the fact she was horny.

  “Get used to it.”

  She looked over at Langley then smiled and nodded at the ring.

  “Can I try?”

  A sudden flash went off in my head, and it nearly froze me. Tess crossing over into my past scared the shit out of me.


  She completely ignored me and ducked under the ropes.

  “Hey,” she waved at Hugo, “I’m Tess.”

  “Hi, Tess.” He stepped to the side of the ring with Langley, who shot me an unimpressed glare. He muttered something and handed Hugo a bottle of water.

  “So, like this?” She put her hands up like she wanted to fight.

  A cold rush broke over me, and I almost felt sick. She needed to get out of here now.

  “Tess, get out.”

  “Why?” She moved around the ring with a wink. “Think you can’t handle me?”

  I shook my head and fought my switch. I wanted to yell and tear a strip off her, but I also didn’t want to hurt her. I had done that enough already.

  Instead, I lunged at her, wrapped myself around her arms, and pinned her back to my front.

  My mouth rested above her ear, and I tried to speak very calmly. Each word came out slow. “I need you out of the ring.”


  She wiggled her ass, and I wanted to fuck her into submission.

  Calm yourself.


  She turned and looked up at me. “Okay.” Gently, she pulled away, but when she started to duck back under the ropes, I caught her worried face.

  “Hey.” I grabbed her arm to turn her around. “What?”

  Her eyebrow rose, and she shrugged. “Have you thought about what your father really has in store for you? Or are you overshadowed by the need to fight again?”

  “I have.”


  “And nothing. We’re prepared for everything.”

  She let out a long sigh. “I heard a saying once. Just because you can’t see evil, doesn’t mean it can’t see you.”

  “Oh, trust me, sweetheart, I can see evil.” By looking in the damn mirror.

  She played with the necklace that hung between her breasts, and my hungry gazed followed her fingertips as they descended into her cleavage.

  “If you won’t listen to me in the ring, maybe you will in bed tonight?” Her sexy mouth curved up, and her gaze dropped to my lips. “Or will you be t
oo tired?”

  “Never too tired for that.” I hooked her waist and slammed her tight little body to mine.

  I shook my head, and as I was about to devour her mouth, I heard a voice.

  “Tess, you need to leave.” Langley appeared at my side. “You’re a distraction.”

  She tried to hide her smile as she ducked under the ropes.

  “We wouldn’t want that.”

  “Your timing is flawless.” I snickered at my coach.

  “Your mind is elsewhere.”



  I didn’t stop training until nine o’clock that night. Everything burned and started to feel stiff. I had a massage and a cortisone shot to help with my back. It was acting up, and Langley thought it was necessary. I disagreed, but I trusted his opinion. He had never steered me wrong.

  I set the whiskey bottle on the night table and flopped into bed. Took me a moment to realize the smell that drifted from the bathroom.

  “You’re interrupting my date.” Tess came into view with a thick joint between her slim fingers. She took a drag as I took in her outfit. Heels, purple silk nightgown, matching robe, and her hair was curled.

  “Am I?”

  “Mmhm,” she purred before she sat on the couch across from the bed.

  “Who do I need to kill?” I shifted the pillow under me so I could see her better.

  “You’re hurt.”

  “Sore,” I corrected.

  “You fight tomorrow. You think it was wise to train that much on the day before?”

  “Are you questioning my methods?”

  She blew out a long trail of smoke while she thought. She fished around in her purse and pulled out her lipstick vibrator.

  My brows rose, and so did my erection.

  Slowly, her legs spread, and one hand inched its way to her opening. I licked my lips, hungry to see more. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she shifted down the couch a little. Her movements were mesmerizing, and the way her fingers eased in and out in the slick coating had me unzipping my pants.

  The click of the vibrator made my stomach knot and my head swim.

  She set the joint on the rim of her wine glass and pushed the tip of the lipstick into her mouth to moisten it.

  I groaned with primal need. Everything inside of me ached and begged to be released. Heat burned its way to the surface to the point of pain.


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