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Healing Gabriella (Red Devils MC Book 8)

Page 8

by Michelle Woods

  “Hey, firefly,” he whispered against her hair as he kissed her forehead.

  “Hey,” she squeaked, just before his lips landed on hers. Pretty Boy was satisfied when she didn’t stiffen and her mouth opened, accepting the kiss he planted on her. Her arms coming up around his neck with the notebook held against the back of his neck as he devoured her taking what he needed. His tongue thrusting into her mouth roughly as he poured the awe he was still feeling at her adding him to such a powerfully moving song about her soul.

  They stood like that for a long while with his mouth on hers, just kissing before he finally pulled back seeing her kiss swollen lips with a little satisfaction.

  “Let’s go home and I’ll make us those steaks I promised.”

  Her face was flushed and she looked a little dazed as she stood in his arms still holding her notebook against the back of his neck. Her grey-green eyes were dark pools of desire as she looked up at him.

  “Okay,” she finally said.

  Taking her hand, he led her home, feeling like his heart was lighter than it had ever been. He was damned glad Gabi belonged to him.

  Chapter Ten

  Hearing the laughter and the babble of female voices coming from inside the house as she walked up the steps to the porch, Gabriella smiled. Terry’s house was the chosen spot for their weekly hang out session this week. They were watching movies and letting the men take care of the babies, but from the sound of it they hadn’t handed the kids off yet. She felt her stomach squeeze and anxiety held her poised to knock.

  “Just go in babe.” Kyle said from behind her.

  She turned to look at him sitting on his bike in Dog and Terry’s front yard watching her pause to listen to the happy sounds coming from inside. She sometimes felt like an outsider when she was with this group of tightknit women. It wasn’t that they tried to make her feel that way. They always welcomed her, but she just felt like she didn’t belong with the group of old ladies. She wasn’t even patched, and yet for the last year she’d been included in the events.

  At first, she knew it was because they’d felt sorry for her and their pity had surrounded her like cotton wool, making her feel like a loser. Over time she knew that it had morphed into actual friendship, which she was grateful for. Now she didn’t feel like so much of an outsider, but she still felt like she was an interloper. They were all married to men in the club, or as good as married anyway. She was just someone they let crash their parties. Looking over her shoulder she saw Kyle watching her expectantly.

  “What’s wrong?” Kyle asked.

  “Nothing. Are you picking me up after, or should I have someone take me to the cabin?” Gabriella asked, unsure how this worked now that they were supposed to be trying out their relationship.

  “Of course, I will be picking you up babe. I almost always do anyway. Nothing’s changed about me taking care of you. You’re mine, you know that.” Kyle said, his brows lowered over the frown he sent her way.

  “Okay.” Gabriella said, her heart stuttering at the words he said. Last night they’d ended up sitting on the couch for nearly an hour after dinner just making out. He’d kissed her so much that her lips felt chapped today. Pretty Boy had pulled off both of their shirts, but he’d only rubbed her nipples gently and kissed her neck. He hadn’t tried to suck on her breast or move things further. She was a little shy around him today after the make out session and the heavy petting. She was silently watching him when the roar of a bike pulled her thoughts from last night’s events. She glanced at the bike seeing that it was Tick and Charity who parked next to Kyle. Charity waved as she hopped off the bike. She watched Charity head towards her, only to be stopped by her old man who grumbled at her.

  “Hey where’s my kiss.” Tick demanded, pulling her hand to bring her back closer as he leaned towards her with a mock glare.

  “I gave you plenty of kisses earlier, you big idiot. It’s why I was almost late getting here. Now go away.” She said as she leaned down kissing his lips quickly with a chaste kiss before pulling away with a dazzling smile. Tick grunted as she shoved him away, the bike rocked a little before he got his balance back and by that time Charity was up the steps of the porch with her arm linking through Gabriella’s.

  “You’re a cruel woman Charity Ann. A cruel woman!” Tick called after her, a grin on his face.

  “Oh hush you! You two go away. It’s girl’s night and we are having a party. Bring the truck when you pick me up ‘cause I may be too drunk to ride.” Charity let out a giggle as she dragged Gabriella through the door she’d opened.

  “I love you, baby girl.”

  “Love you too, idiot.” Charity responded laughing.

  “Have fun, firefly.” Kyle called as the door closed and Charity dragged her toward the voices of the other women.

  “Oh my God, that man is too fine for my own good. He loves to tackle me right as I go out the door because he wants to try and keep me home. I wanted to talk to you about how you’re doing. Are you okay living with Pretty Boy? I’ve been worried that maybe he was forcing you to stay with him ever since Tick came home pissed a week ago.” Charity had stopped just outside the door of the living room where the women were already hanging out. She was staring at Gabriella intently.

  “What? Kyle would never force me to do anything.” Gabriella said, looking at her friend in confusion. Why would she think Kyle would basically trap her in his house? Was that something she actually thought Kyle could, or would do? Because that was crazy.

  “Kyle? Who’s Kyle?” Charity asked, reminding Gabi that not many people knew that Kyle was Pretty Boy’s real name.

  “I meant Pretty Boy.”

  “Oh, oh-hhh, so it’s Kyle is it.” Charity said, her eyes narrowing as she looked at Gabriella.

  “Yes, that’s his name.” Gabriella said frowning.

  “I see, and are you happy with Kyle?”

  “Yes, even if I am afraid that our relationship will be one sided.” She said, her hands ringing the hem of her shirt as she shrugged her shoulders.

  “Why is your relationship one sided?” Charity asked, her hand tightening on her arm.

  “Because we—well you know, sex.”

  “What about sex?”

  “I can’t do that and he deserves a woman who can give him that. He wants us to try, but I don’t think it’s going to work because I can’t even let him—,” Gabriella suddenly realized she was babbling and that she was revealing way more than she’d meant to.

  “You can’t let him what?” Charity asked.

  “It doesn’t matter. We’re going to try. I just have to hope that we can work past what happened so that I’m not destroyed when he leaves me because I can’t give him what he needs.”

  “Gabriella, honey. I know Pretty Boy, and he isn’t one to give up once he’s decided something. He will dig in his heels and hold on for dear life. That man will be with you for the rest of your life unless you decide otherwise and leave him and even then, you will have to convince him it’s a good idea.”

  Gabriella was saved from answering by Racheal who shoved Charity out of the way and rushed past them towards the bathroom with a little growl.

  “Shit sorry, I’ve got to pee.” She didn’t stop, even when Charity grunted at being pushed into the wall and glared at her retreating back as they both watched the woman run towards the bathroom near the front door.

  “Oh my God, you’re such a bitch Racheal,” she complained.

  “You try having two ten pound babies and see how your bladder holds up!” Racheal yelled over her shoulder from down the hall. Charity laughed, shaking her head as she grabbed Gabriella’s arm and dragged her into the room.

  Gabriella couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips because these women were so awesome. They’d taken her under their wings when she’d first returned from her kidnapping. Each of them had done something for her over the years that she would always be grateful for. Most normal people thought that the MC was an evil dirty thing,
but after spending the past three years around them she knew better. The Red Devils brothers had been nice to her from the moment her brother had become a prospect about six months before she was taken by the Jackals. The women hadn’t been any different once she’d met them after her ordeal was settled.

  She had no idea how she would have survived what happened to her without the old ladies in the club and Pretty Boy. Her brother was her only surviving family and he’d tried to be there for her as much as she’d allow. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her brother, but if she was honest she’d been a little mad at him for leaving her with the Jackals for so long. She hadn’t known that he was unaware of her abuse until she’d said something to Kyle about two months after her rescue. He’d frowned at her when she’d told him she was mad at Mark for leaving her with those bastards so long while she’d been suffering. Kyle had cleared up the misunderstanding and she’d found that a lot of the resentment she’d felt towards Mark had disappeared.

  “It’s about time you got here, hooker.” Katie exclaimed from her spot behind the makeshift bar. Charity rolled her eyes at her bestie and reached out for the rum and coke her friend was handing her.

  “I had to take care of some things that came up last minute before I left.” Charity said taking a sip of her drink.

  “Yeah, Tick’s dick isn’t something I wanna hear about. Hey, Gabriella. Would you like something?” Katie asked, ignoring the bird that Charity shot her with a grin.

  “I’ll take a beer.”

  “Sure thing, hon. Don’t let this hussy harass you all night. We’re here to have fun, not satisfy her curiosity.” Katie reached for a beer popping the top on it before handing it to Gabriella.

  “Daiquiris are almost done.” Annie crowed as she came out of the kitchen with Pearl.

  “Ah, you finally got your man off you huh girlie.” Pearl cackled, winking at Charity. Charity let out a long sigh, apparently deciding that she wasn’t interested in arguing with everyone.

  “I am so damned glad I made it to the bathroom. It really is a bitch when you’ve had two tiny humans squash your bladder for months and then you can’t even count on it being normal afterwards. Ugg, I need a drink.” Racheal complained as she came back from the bathroom and walked over to stand next to them at the bar. Her twins had been rather large babies when they were born and she constantly complained about how they’d broke her bladder. Annie came out of the kitchen carrying a large pitcher of strawberry daiquiris. Followed by Molly, Terry, Aunt Mae, and Brandy who carried various snacks which they set down on the coffee table. Lisa was already lounging on the couch scrolling through the movies to see which ones they had to choose from.

  “Hey, I though Mia was coming with you, Char?” Molly asked after she greeted both her and Gabriella with a hug.

  “Yeah, that was until Ratchet surprised her with a weekend away. I guess sex with her old man was better than hanging out with us.” Charity explained with a snort that had nearly every woman in the room grinning. Maryann walked into the room from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn that looked like it would feed forty people. Gabi knew her eyes were wide as she looked at the giant bowl, but shit that was a lot of popcorn.

  “Raven should be here soon. You know how it is when we try to get away from our men. They seem to take girls night as a challenge.” Katie said laughing.

  “Boy do they. I swear, I thought Slim was going to break me when I tried to leave early. He took me against the bathroom wall and it was hot. So very, very hot.” Lisa said, her eyes getting a faraway dreamy look that Gabi envied.

  “Trick made me come five times before he let me out the door. He was goin—,” Katie said

  “Ew, stop that’s my brother you’re talking about and I don’t want to know!” Charity whined.

  “It’s like they think we compare notes and want to make sure they get the best marks.” Racheal said, her hand diving into the popcorn bowl.

  “I know right.”

  “Ha, you youngins’ have no idea what it’s like with men. They’re likely the ones comparing notes. They all want to measure their dicks and see who’s the biggest, they are men after all. Even if they’re taken they want to be sure they out do their friends. It’s a man thing.” Pearl said chuckling.

  “Trick better not be talking about our sex life or he’ll find he doesn’t have one anymore.” Katie grunted glaring at Pearl.

  “Oh, stop your nonsense. You know damned well you aren’t kicking that man outta your bed for more than a night, Katie my girl.” Aunt Mae crackled laughing.

  “I will too. Some of the shit me and my man get up to isn’t exactly dinner conversation.” Katie snarled before adding, “Wait, no sex with Trick would mean I didn’t get any orgasms from him. Well shit, you two are right.”

  Everyone including Gabriella started laughing at the tone of utter disgust in her voice as she said it. That was how the rest of the night was spent, the ten of them watching movies while drinking daiquiris and laughing. It was nearly midnight when Kyle showed up with Tiny, Tank, and a prospect. God she’d missed him. She watched him standing in the doorway for a long moment before she jumped up and stumbled over to give him a kiss. Her lips clumsily landed on his cheek even though she’d been aiming for his lips. Frowning up at him as his arms wrapped around her, holding her to his side.

  “Hey beautiful. How’s my girl?” Kyle asked grinning down at her.

  Gabriella frowned at his second face and tried to remember how many drinks she’d had. Was it five daiquiris, or six? She didn’t know, but she knew that whoever made them had added way more alcohol than they should have. Her eyes crossed as she tried to focus on his lips so she could kiss them. He was so handsome and she wanted him to kiss her and suck on her breasts. Kyle’s two faces got a hungry almost starved look and his eyes darkened with passion.

  “Anytime you need me to, firefly.” Kyle whispered against her lips, grinning. Shit, she’d said that out loud. She felt her cheeks heat, despite her seriously good buzz because she hadn’t meant to ask him for that in front of everyone.

  “Shit, did she just ask him to suck on her breasts?” Freddy asked. Kyle’s face lifted and he glared at Freddy. Gabi glanced over to see two wobbly Freddy’s watching them.

  “Dude, no. Not the question you need to be asking here, or hell, ever. Old ladies are off limits. You know that.” Tank grunted as he gathered Annie into his arms.

  “What’s he even doing here?” Kyle demanded.

  “He’s supposed to be picking up Raven and Molly to run them home because Bone had to take care of their daughter Nina, and Travis is handling something for the club. Bone didn’t trust the fucker to stay with his daughter and informed me that I was to follow him and Molly home. He also said if he fucked it up, he’d find his balls in a jar. Not sure what he trusts the fucker to do less.” Tank shook his head as he rolled his eyes at Bone’s overprotective nature.

  “Yeah, I can see why.” Kyle nodded. Gabi tried to smile at the blurry figure of Freddy that seemed to be splitting into two before coming back together again making her feel dizzy. She squinted and looked up at Kyle.

  “Why are there so many of you?”

  “Damn, how much did you have to drink, firefly?” He asked and giggles were his answer.

  “Lots! We finished off four pitchers of daiquiris. Pearl made them.” Raven said as she was pulled to her feet by the new prospect as he tried to wrangle her and Molly from their hugging fest. As the two women said goodbye to each other and Katie repeatedly.

  “Hell, no wonder they’re all shit faced. Pearl adds a bottle of rum for every half gallon.” Tiny said laughing as he lifted Racheal in his arms bridal style.

  “You’re so pretty.” Racheal said, wrapping her arms around her old man.

  “You are too, Darlin’,” Tiny responded, with an adoring, but goofy looking grin on his face. “See you tomorrow Tank. I’m going to take her home to sleep this off. Good luck with the rest of these girls.” Tiny walked away laughing
carrying Racheal towards the door as she waved and yelled goodbyes to everyone. Gabi didn’t really pay too much attention to them because she was running her hand over Kyle’s chest under his shirt. He wasn’t trying to stop her so she figured she’d continue.

  “You ready to go home, firefly?” Kyle asked, his eyes filled with an almost gentle look as he stared down at her. She leaned forward managing to kiss him on the chin even though she was aiming for his lips.

  “Yes, please.” Gabi replied, her hands still rubbing against his hard abs.

  “Hey, what about me?” Charity asked from her place on the couch.

  “What about you?” Kyle asked with a little chuckle. Glancing up to see that Tick and Bear had entered the living room to collect their women.

  “Where’s my man? I’m feeling frisky and he’s not here. It would serve him right if I went home with someone else.” She looked confused as she blinked at the figure suddenly in her space.

  “I wouldn’t recommend that, baby girl.” Tick growled as he stood over her.

  “No?” she asked innocently.

  “Nope, not unless you were planning on me killing them.”

  “Tick, that’s not nice.”

  “I’m not nice, baby girl.” Tick picked her up and shoved her over his shoulder with her head hanging down as she smacked him on the ass and yelled at him to put her down. Gabi thought it was funny when he grunted, “Not fucking likely after that bullshit, woman.”

  Dog entered as they were leaving, taking in the mess that was his front room and letting out a loud whistle. He grimaced as he took in the popcorn all over the floor and the various half empty drinks on the table. Gabi noticed gummy bears on the floor near the halo vid, as well as chocolate smeared into the couch cushions. Yeah, they’d done a number on the place that was for damned sure.

  “Sorry,” she murmured before she buried her face into Pretty Boy’s neck.

  “Damn, she isn’t going to be happy in the morning. Fuck, I guess I will have to clean some of this shit up before I take her up to bed.” Dog muttered as he walked over and caressed Terry’s cheek where she’d passed out on the couch.


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