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Seductive Guest (Beautiful Entourage #5)

Page 10

by E. L. Todd

  “There are…no words.” I tried to get out of bed but he snatched me.

  He dragged me back. “Does it really make you uncomfortable?” He looked me in the eye and gauged my reaction. “No, I didn’t think so.”

  Honestly, it was a turn on. I wanted River inside me. And even though it would choke me to death, I wanted him in my mouth.

  He got comfortable again. “I could sleep forever…”

  “Well, I have to get to work.”

  “Oh yeah. I forget people work in the morning.”

  I got out of bed then found an outfit in the closet.

  “Thanks for the slumber party,” he said. “I had a lot of fun.”

  I stared at him, seeing a gorgeous man with a perfect body lying naked in my bed. I desperately wanted to crawl under the covers with him and just give in to the physical attraction we shared. But I knew that would be a bad idea. “I did too.”

  “Want to do something tonight?”

  “Like what?”

  “There’s a carnival upstate. It should be fun.”

  “Okay.” I agreed without even thinking about it. “I need to run. Lock up on your way out.”

  “Or maybe I’ll be here when you get back.” He winked at me. “And I’ll be just like this. The way you like.”

  I gave him the bird as I walked out.


  Nathan continued to be attentive toward me. He came out of his office regularly, made small talk with me, and asked me to lunch. But I was still nervous around him so the conversations never seemed to flow. I was curious if he would ask me out and I was irritated when he didn’t.

  Maybe I was overanalyzing everything.

  Maybe Nathan didn’t want me at all but he felt guilty over the charity event a month ago. I wish I could just ask him. I’d give anything to know what was going on in that beautiful head of his.

  When I came home, River wasn’t in the living room. His bag wasn’t there either so I wasn’t sure if he left. But when I entered my room, I saw him lying in my bed. “I thought you were joking.”

  “Sweetheart, I never joke around.”

  “You’ve just been lying in there all day?”

  “No. I made breakfast and showered.”

  “So productive…” I kicked off my heels and sat at the edge of the bed. “And you’re still naked?”

  “Would you like to find out?” he asked in a sexy voice.

  “You almost poked my eye out yesterday, so no.”

  He chuckled then pulled the sheets down. Fortunately and unfortunately, he was wearing boxers. “Disappointed, huh?”

  I stood up and looked through my closet.

  “Still down for the carnival?”

  “Will there be popcorn and cotton candy?”

  “I’ll buy you as much as you want.”

  “Then I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  He chuckled then got out of bed. “Well, hurry up. We need to hit the road.”

  I changed in the bathroom and touched up my make up before we headed to the underground garage. We approached a pearl white Jaguar. “You drive this?”

  “You better believe it, sweetheart.” He opened the passenger door for me.

  “You strike me as more of a truck kind of guy.”

  “Nope, flashy sports car.” He shut the door once I was inside then came to the driver’s seat. “Buckled in, sweetheart? Because this is going to be one hell of a ride.”

  I double-checked. “Maybe we should just walk.”

  He smirked. “As long as you’re with me, you’ll always be safe.”

  We headed to the edge of the city then parked the car against the curb. Then we walked inside the carnival. A merry-go-round spun with brightly colored lights, kids walked with their parents while they held the stuffed animals they won, and people passed with big ice cream cones that dripped down their fingers.

  River pulled out his phone. “Where the hell are you? K.” He hung up.

  “We’re meeting someone?”

  “My friends,” he said. “And their lady friends.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t know anyone would be joining us.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “They’re cool.” He put his arm around my waist casually.

  I didn’t mind the touch. It’d become normal at this point.

  We walked past different vendors and games before we saw a group of four guys and four girls huddled together. When I took a look at the men, I immediately knew they were escorts. They were all too beautiful otherwise. And their women were beautiful too.

  “Hey, guys.” River approached with me held close to him. “This is Meadow.”

  We made our introductions, and of course, everyone was fascinated that River and I both had unusual names that were strikingly similar.

  “You guys have Indian names,” Jett said.

  “Yes, I know,” River said. “You made that clear last time we spoke.”

  “And we haven’t had a chance to talk since.” Jett gave him a meaningful look.

  “Well, now isn’t the time.” River pulled me along with him. “Ferris wheel?”


  “You aren’t afraid of heights, right?”

  “I thought I was always safe with you?” I countered.

  “You got that right,” he said with a smile. He bought our tickets then we crammed into the seat with Jett and Ophelia across from us. Ophelia had long brown hair like mine, and even her eyes were similar. I noticed the way Jett stared at her, like she was the only thing that mattered in the world. When I turned to River, he was staring at me. And he was giving me a very similar look. “Have you ever made out on a Ferris wheel?”

  “When I was in eighth grade.”

  “Well, you want to do it again?”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “You hadn’t kissed me in a while. I was wondering when it would happen again.”

  “So, you missed it?” he asked as he leaned in.

  I shrugged. “I just noticed.”

  “Well, you’re my friend. And I don’t want to chase my friend away.”

  “So, you weren’t worried that showing me your dick would do that?”

  Jett turned our way and gave River a threatening look.

  “Trying to have a private conversation here,” River barked.

  Jett turned back to Ophelia.

  River sighed and turned back to me. “Sorry about that. Jett is a bit obsessed with my dick.”

  “Go fuck yourself, River,” Jett said without looking at him.

  River ignored him. “Are you saying you didn’t like it?”

  “No…I definitely appreciated it.”

  The wheel started to move and pull us to the top.

  “So, you wanna make out or what?”

  “When did you start asking me what I wanted?”

  He nodded. “Good point.” He leaned back in the chair. “I’ll let you decide.” He looked out over the wharf and stared at the view. The higher up we moved, the more wind came in. My hair moved around my face, and the breeze was cool. Jett and Ophelia were already going at it like it was their first date.

  River continued to stare at the view. “I wish I could fly sometimes—like a bird. You’d be able to see so much.”

  “I’d rather be a shark so I could see everything in the ocean at the top of the food chain.”

  “That’d be nice too.” He turned back to me. “And interesting perspective.” His arm was around my shoulders but he didn’t move in to kiss me. He told me I had to initiate it if I wanted it. But I wasn’t sure if I did. I mean, I knew I wanted to kiss him. Every time I did it was packed with heat. It made my spine shiver and my fingertips go numb. My heart raced in my chest like it wouldn’t survive the length of the kiss. But then the analytical side came out and examined what we were doing. I knew we were just having fun, and I had a feeling Nathan would never give me what I wanted. It wasn’t the end of the world to indulge in River, and he clearly didn’t mind.

  His hair moved in the l
ight breeze, and his eyes squinted as he looked into the sunset. The sun was almost gone from the horizon, leaving us in darkness.

  I decided to stop overthinking it and cupped his face and turned it toward me. A grin was on his face, like he knew this would happen. I ignored his ego and cockiness and lightly pressed my lips against his.

  River pulled me closer to him and immediately came into it hot and heavy. His hand dug into my hair and gripped it tightly, like he never wanted to let me go. Every time he kissed me, it was with intense passion and longing. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of me. He breathed in my mouth and sucked on my bottom lip before his tongue touched mine. The Ferris wheel started to move again and we slowly revolved toward the ground. But our kiss continued until the very last second when we were forced to break apart. When the cage stopped and swayed slightly, we knew the ride was over.

  “I was wondering when you were going to man up and do it,” he said as he stood.

  “Man up?”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. “Yeah. You were being such a girl about it.”

  “You’re a girl,” I shot back.

  “Good one,” he said sarcastically.

  We left the ride then joined the others on the ground.

  “I say we win our ladies some prizes,” Rhett said.

  “You mean, waste your money,” Aspen said.

  River moved his arm around my waist and leaned his face toward mine. “You want a stuffed teddy bear?”

  “I’m not really a stuffed animal kind of girl.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Did you see any on my bed?”

  “No. But you snuggled with me like I was one.”


  We walked through the carnival after we stuffed ourselves with cotton candy and popcorn. The stuffed teddy bear River won was tucked under my arm, and River had his arm wrapped around my waist.

  “Had a good time?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Now I have a real bear to snuggle with—and he doesn’t sleep in the nude.”

  “We both know you liked it, Meadow.”


  He turned his face toward me and rubbed his nose against mine. “You loved it.”

  “Getting flashed by a big dick is what I live for.” My voice was full of sarcasm.

  “You know, he doesn’t just look good. He feels good.” He shot me a meaningful look.

  His words turned me on even when they shouldn’t. “If he could fit he might.”

  “Oh, he’ll fit. Just have to make sure the path is slick. And I can take care of that.”

  “You’re seriously the cockiest guy I know.”

  “I know.” He didn’t seem ashamed. “So, you like my friends?”

  “Yeah, they’re nice. But it seems like Jett doesn’t like me.”

  “It’s not you,” he said. “He hates me right now.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Guy stuff,” he said vaguely.

  We left the carnival and headed to his car.

  “So, slumber party day two?” River asked.

  “Shouldn’t you check on your sister?”

  He sighed. “I probably should…the stupid brat.”

  I laughed. “Sorry.”

  “I guess I’ll take a rain check.”

  We got inside the car and he turned on the engine.

  “So, we’re going to your parents’ place on Saturday?” he asked.


  “We’re going to have a fun time.”

  “If you say so,” I said. “I just hope my parents don’t fall in love with you.”

  He grinned. “Sweetheart, they will. They always do.”


  “Seriously, this shit needs to stop.”

  Sarah was so hung over she wouldn’t even wake up. She just moaned and rolled across the bed. Empty bottles of liquor were around the sheets. The room stunk of stale air. The place was a mess with her thrown clothes and shoes.

  “You’re a fucking leach, Sarah. I’m sick of it.”

  She just moaned, rolled up into a ball.

  “You’re going back to rehab.”

  That got a reaction out of her. “No…I can’t go there.”

  “Too fucking bad.” I grabbed her clothes and shoved them inside a suitcase. I didn’t bother folding anything. I just snatched whatever I could find. “This crap has completely ruined your life. I’m not putting up with it anymore. I don’t feel like I even have a sister anymore.”

  She sat up, her hair a mess and her face lifeless. “River, no.”

  “Yes.” I zipped up the bag then grasped her wrist. “Let’s go.”

  “No.” Her voice came out stronger. “I’m not going.”

  “Too damn bad.” I yanked her out of the bed.

  She twisted out of my hold with a sudden burst of energy. “You can’t make me do anything.”

  “Oh yeah, I can.” I grabbed her again and yanked her forward.

  She fought me the entire way, kicking and screaming. I didn’t budge. She was doing this. I didn’t give a damn what she wanted. This was no way to live. It was pathetic and sad.

  When I finally got her in the car she calmed down a little. But I think it was because she extinguished all the energy she had. Since she didn’t eat much, just drank liquor, she didn’t have adequate nutrition to put up a real fight.

  I’d taken her to rehab clinics in the city but none of them seemed to work. I knew I needed to take her somewhere else, a place where she wouldn’t feel distracted. They had a fancy rehab facility in the Hamptons. It was expensive but it was isolated. Perhaps Sarah would have better luck there.


  Jett had been blowing up my phone for days.

  We need to talk, asshole.

  Call me.

  What the hell is going on with you and Waterfall?

  River, talk to me.

  It got to the point where I couldn’t ignore him anymore. He’d come to my apartment and almost broke down the door. I already knew what Jett would say, which was why I was dreading the conversation. I couldn’t put it off any longer. I’ll meet you at the bar.

  About time, jackass.

  I arrived at the bar ten minutes later, and Jett was already there. He sat at our usual booth with an untouched beer in front of him. He eyed me the moment he saw me, but he didn’t wave me over like he usually would. He just stared me down like he wanted to kick me in the nuts.

  I slid into the booth across from him with a heavy sigh. I considered ordering a beer first since Jett was about to irritate me beyond belief. Silence ensued for minutes. He just stared at me. “You’ve been hounding my ass all week and now I’m finally here. Spit out whatever you want to say.”

  “You already know what I’m going to say so why should I say it?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  He was referring to my affectionate relationship with Meadow. “You’re one to talk. How’s Ophelia doing? Your former client?”

  “I didn’t mess around with her when I was working. And secondly, she was never my client. Her brother was.”

  “Whatever,” I said. “All the other guys have done it. So get off my ass.”

  “Does that mean you really like this girl?”

  I shrugged. “She’s cool, I guess.”

  His eyes narrowed. “River, come on. I’ve seen you with her.”

  “If you know how I feel then why are you asking?”

  He released a sigh. “If this is going somewhere then quit working for her. That’s all I’m saying.”

  “But it’s not going anywhere.” I felt bitter just thinking about it. Meadow and I were spending time together, and there was chemistry between us. She was like a friend as well as a lover. The more I got to know her, the more I wanted to know her. I’d set myself up for disappointment and I knew it. But I did it anyway.

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s not into me, not in the way I’m into her.”

  He cocked an eye
brow. “It looked like she was when she was making out with you on the Ferris wheel…and at the bar.”

  “We’re just fooling around. It doesn’t mean anything to her.”

  “How do you know?” Jett said. “Did you ask?”

  “She hired me to make another guy realize she’s a catch. She’s been in love with the guy for years. I’m way better looking than this dude and I’m not a dick. But she still wants him. I can never compete with that.”

  “Then why do you keep fooling around with her?”

  Good question. “I can’t stop.” That was the easiest way to put it.

  Jett touched his glass with his fingers while he kept staring at me.

  “I guess I’m hoping she’ll change her mind about this guy…he really is a dick. I don’t get how she doesn’t see it.”

  “No offense, but you’re a dick too.”

  “But not in the same way. Sure, I say mean things here and there. But this guy is a selfish, arrogant prick.”

  “So, you finally found a girl you actually like but she wants someone else?” He shook his head. “That’s some shitty luck, River.”

  “I know it is.” I was extremely bitter about it.

  “But if you keep this up, she might change her mind. Or this guy may never notice her and she’ll be forced to move on.”

  “No, he already notices her,” I said immediately. “He’ll make his move soon. And Meadow will run off with him and I’ll continue my fruitless search…” It was depressing to think about. When Meadow and I played video games and hung out at her apartment, I knew she was special. Her friend Danielle stopped by, but I thought she was a troll in comparison. I wanted Meadow so much, and not just for a night. I could have anything I wanted—but not the girl who stole my heart.

  “Maybe she’ll realize he’s not all he’s cracked up to be.”

  “If that were the case she would have realized it a long time ago.”

  “Then what are you going to do?” he asked.

  “Does it look like I have a plan?” I snapped. “I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing.”

  “I guess you can keep trying to win her over, make her notice you the way she notices this douchebag.”

  “It’s not that easy…”

  Jett took a moment to compose his thoughts. “The way I see it…Meadow is kissing you, spending time with you, and even sleeping with you. She doesn’t strike me as the slutty type so she doesn’t do that stuff with just anybody. I think you have more of a chance than you realize.”


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