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Anzac's Dirty Dozen

Page 36

by Craig Stockings

Northrop Grumman 254

  nuclear-equipped warships 69

  Nui Dat, Vietnam 135

  Nui Le, Battle of 189, 195

  nurses, military 102–108

  O’Neill, Robert 245

  Operation Anaconda 226

  Operation Bribie 188

  Operation Catalyst 219, 223–226

  Operation Desert Storm 247–248

  Operation Enduring Freedom 247–248

  Operation Falconer 219

  Operation Iraqi Freedom 247–248

  Operation OBOE One 154–155, 160

  Operation OBOE Two 158–160

  Operation Slipper 227

  Orme, Brigadier Craig 211

  Osborne, Trooper Ossie 153

  Other People’s Wars 73

  Overwatch Battle Group – West 224

  Oxford Companion to Australian Military History 38

  Pacific theatre, World War II 6, 89–90, 138–164

  Page, Geoff 284

  Pakistan, involvement in Afghanistan War 248

  Palazzo, Albert x, 7

  Palestine campaigns 41

  Panama invasion 256–257

  Papua New Guinea see New Guinea campaigns

  Papuan Infantry Battalion 157

  Passchendaele, prisoners killed at 117–118

  Paterson, Banjo 25

  patriotic funds 22, 24

  patrol contacts in Vietnam 191–192, 198, 201

  Peleliu, USN 217

  Pemberton, Gregory 96

  Penang, Malaya 91

  People’s Army of Vietnam/Viet Cong 186, 192, 195–196 see also Vietnam War

  Perak, Malaya 91

  Perret, Geoffrey 255

  Perth, HMAS 167, 172–173, 175

  Petraeus, General David 230

  Philippines campaign, World War II 145, 149–150

  Phoney War 84

  Phouc Tuy province, Vietnam 7

  atrocities in 135

  Australian troops in 187–188

  patrol contacts 198, 201

  warfare in 194–196

  Pilger, John 73

  Pinios Gorge, Battle of 61

  politicians, reasons for going to war 75

  Pooley, Grace Hendy 11–12, 15, 31–32

  ‘populist’ case 245

  Power of Power Politics, The 238

  Pozieres, Battle of 116, 123, 265

  ‘pride’ 265


  killing of 112, 117–118, 120–121, 131

  rules for treatment of 120

  taken at Bayonet Trench 127

  wounded, treatment of 135–136

  procurement fraud 251

  Project for Government Oversight 254

  Province Reconnaissance Units 200

  Provincial Reconstruction Team 227

  Pryor, Geoff 284

  psychological warfare 194–195

  ‘punching above her weight’ myth see exceptionalist claims

  Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service 108

  Queensland, enlistments from 80

  Rabaul, New Britain 88, 139 see also New Britain campaign

  Rae, Ruth 104–105

  Raytheon 254

  Reagan administration (US) 256

  ‘redcoats’ 11–34

  Reeve, John 174

  Renouf, Alan 95–96

  repatriation effort 274

  Report on Allied Contributions to the Common Defence 213

  Reveille 124

  Revolutionary Development Cadre 200

  Reynolds, Henry 18, 74, 263

  Rhodesia 24

  rifle clubs 22, 24, 31

  Roberts, Lieutenant Commander W.O.C. 176

  Robertson, John 87

  Roll of Honour 266–267, 281

  Rorke’s Drift, Battle of 22

  Rosenau, James 242

  Ross, Andrew x, 7

  Rotary Wing Aviation Unit 69

  Rowel, Coxswain Warwick 180–181

  Royal Australian Air Force

  archive records 173–174

  atrocities committed by 131–132

  Borneo campaigns 159–160

  commitment to Iraqi War 223

  in Berlin Airlift 64

  in Vietnam War 189

  in World War II 138, 151

  Mediterranean garrisons 64–65

  number of personnel 170

  Pacific campaigns 155

  security system scrapped 254

  Royal Australian Navy

  atrocities committed by 132–133

  cap on personnel 144

  first ships 29

  history of neglected 6–7, 165–185

  in Iraqi wars 223

  in World War II 138, 151, 159–160

  placed at disposal of RN 89

  Royal Navy

  Australian involvement with 28–30, 77

  Pacific fleet 144

  role in colonial society 20

  transports troops from Australia 54

  Royal Newfoundland Regiment 39

  RPD light machine gun 205

  RPG7 grenade launcher 206

  Rudd, Kevin 271, 279

  Russell’s Top, Gallipoli 57–58

  Ryan, Alan 218

  Salmon, Lieutenant Colin 148

  Savige, Lieutenant General Stan 156

  Selective Service Act (US) 38

  Self Loading Rifles 203, 205

  Shedden, Frederick 151, 158

  Sheffield, Gary 47

  Shelton, General Henry 216

  Sherick, Joseph 251

  Singapore Strategy 77, 83, 239

  SKS Carbine 204

  Small, Melvin 256

  social media, effect on atrocities 136

  Soldier’s Don’ts of International Law 120

  Solomon Islands campaign 139, 147, 152–153

  Somme, Battle of 40

  South Africa 35, 37–41 see also Boer War

  South Seas Regional Commission 63

  South Vietnam see Vietnam War

  South West Pacific Area 142

  Special Air Service troops 221

  Special Forces troops 219–220, 226, 232

  ‘Special Sea Dutymen’ 180

  Spender, Percy 108–109

  Squires, Lieutenant General E.K. 81, 84

  St James’s Church, Sydney, memorial plaques 18

  St Quentin Canal 48

  Stanley, Peter xi, 8–9

  Stateline 281

  Stephenson, Rob 46–47

  stereotyping 288–289

  Stockings, Craig xi, 5

  Strategic Insights paper 212–213

  Street, Geoffrey 79, 83

  Sudan War 14, 23, 85

  suicide, casualties due to 269

  Sukarno, President of Indonesia 92–93

  Summers, Colonel Harry 195

  Sunday Age 114

  Super Seasprite helicopters 254

  surrender, killing after see prisoners

  Sutherland, Lieutenant General Richard 150

  Sydney (I), HMAS 167

  Sydney (II), HMAS 167, 172, 175

  Sydney, NSW 20, 171

  Sydney Institute 214

  Sydney Morning Herald 152

  Taliban 248

  tanks, in Afghanistan 229–230

  Tarakan Island, Borneo 158, 160

  technological change 47–48, 241, 250

  termination liability cost 252–253

  Tet Offensive 188, 192

  Thailand 91

  The Age 135–136

  The Anzacs 37

  The Australian Victories in France 36–37

  The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History 38

  The Power of Power Politics 238

  The Vietnam Years 134–135

  The Western Front Diaries 37

  Thomas, Dylan 258

  Thomson, Mark 212–213

  Tientsin Crisis 77

  To Long Tan 193

  Tobruk campaign 131, 138, 268

  Torokina, Bougainville 148

gar, Battle of 20–21

  Trembath, Richard 133

  trench warfare 125–126

  ‘Tribal’ class destroyers 176

  Truth 30

  Tu, Colonel 195

  United Kingdom see also imperial defence policy; Royal Navy

  casualties in Iraq 225

  colonial troops from 18–19

  conscription in 38–39

  Hague Rules adopted by 119

  invasion of Australia by 16

  military alliances with 73–99, 239–240

  personnel committed to Iraqi War 222

  women’s military units 108–109

  United Nations 68–69, 90, 214

  United States

  atrocities committed by 128–129

  attitude to Australian military aid 232–233

  Australian alliance with 8, 67, 235–259

  conscription in 38

  contribution to East Timor 215–217

  Defense acquisition process 250–252

  failure of intelligence services 243–244

  in Afghanistan war 248

  in Iraqi wars 219–226, 247–250

  in Korean War 90

  in Vietnam War 187, 196, 199–200

  in World War II 141–142

  influence on Australian military policy 95–97

  Mai Lai atrocity 134

  military alliances with 73–99

  military record of 246

  Philippines campaign 149–150

  proneness to war 255–256

  Report on Allied Contributions to the Common Defence 213

  servicewomen in military operations 108

  ‘Tacoma’ class frigates 179

  uranium weapons 249

  Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan 227, 229

  USN. . .see names of ships, e.g . ‘Belleau Wood’

  Vasquez, John 238

  Victoria colony, frontier wars in 17

  Victoria Cross see decorations and awards

  Vietnam, invasion by China 244

  VietnamWar see also Phouc Tuy province, Vietnam

  atrocities in 133–136

  Australian involvement in 7, 67–68, 93–96

  Australians portrayed as victims of 13

  Battle of Long Tan 13, 67–68, 188, 193, 195

  ‘landmark’ battles 186–209

  New Zealand troops in 67–68

  Vietnam Years, The 134–135

  Vo Nguyen Giap, General 192

  volunteer armies see also militias

  colonial corps 14, 22–24

  in World War I 3–4, 35–50

  in World War II 79–80

  von Clausewitz, Carl 98

  von Lettow-Vorbeck, General Paul 41–42

  Voyager, HMAS 167, 173

  Wady Fara attack 132

  Walker, Harold 46–47

  Walter Burley Griffin Society 279–280

  war, as central to history 8–9, 260–286

  war census cards 44

  war crimes see atrocities

  war memorials 9 see also Australian War Memorial

  by Lake Burley Griffin, proposed 262–263, 278–285

  for marginalised groups 100–110

  in London 275

  New Zealand War Memorial 70–71

  War on Terror 258

  wars of choice 74

  Waterloo, Battle of 20–21, 30–31

  Watson, James 30

  weapons of mass destruction, failure to find 97, 221

  weather, impact on naval operations 181–182

  Weger, Private 126–128

  Wellington, Duke of, places named after 20

  Wellington Battalion 57–58

  Wentworth, William Charles 21

  West Australian 45

  Western Front, artillery use 47–48

  Western Front Diaries 37

  Westmoreland, General William 200

  Wewak campaign 148, 157

  What’s Wrong with Anzac? 74, 263

  Whirlpool, Frederick 20

  Whiskard, Geoffrey 80, 83

  White, General C.B.B. 84

  white feathers 45

  Wilcox, Craig xi, 3, 114

  Windschuttle, Keith 12

  Wiradjuri tribe 16–17

  Wiranto, General 216

  women, in military history 5, 100–111, 169

  Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (UK) 108

  Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force 107–109

  Woodard, Garry 93

  Wooragee community 44

  workforce participation by gender 109–110

  ‘work-up’ process for deployment 178

  World Trade Center attacks, failure to foresee 243–244

  World War I see also Gallipoli landing

  atrocities by Australian troops 115–118

  Australian involvement in 87, 290–291

  military nurses 104

  RAN size during 170

  volunteer armies 35–50

  World War II 6, 89–90, 106, 138–164, 170

  Yolngu People of Arnhem Land 14–15

  York, Duke of 36

  Yorke, Sergeant 127–128

  Zombie Myths of Australian Military History 1, 46, 101




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