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Forever Love

Page 28

by Jade Whitfield

  "Oh no, I want to know everything."

  "Well I don’t think it's any of your business." There, that told him.

  "It started the day Liv got here." I look to Noah, shock on my face that he's rolled over so easily for this. Doesn’t he see this is a battle of wills, if he lies down this easily my Dad'll think he can steamroll us with everything. "I took one look at your daughter Phil and fell, after Tuckers party I took her to the Phlox field-"

  "You took her to the Phlox field?" Pam interrupts, a hand on her heart and tear rolling down her cheek.

  "Yeah Mom, I kissed her and she avoided me for days. I wore her down and then took her to Savannah. We became a couple then, it was me pushing her. I'm sorry we hid it from you but, well, you can see why we did. Just know that I am completely head over heels in love with Liv, that’s never gonna change either so don’t even think about what's gonna happen if we split up cause that’s never gonna happen. Mom realized while we were in Atlanta, she didn’t say anything until a couple of days ago and made it clear we had to tell you. We were gonna tell you after Thanksgiving but that kinda went to shit with Brady and his damn big mouth."

  "And you Liv? Do you have anything to add?"

  "I love him, Dad." I look at Noah adoringly as I say the next words. "He's my forever love, my story is the exact same as his except I'm not sorry we kept it a secret and I'm not sorry for sneaking around, if we didn’t you would have tried to break us up. He's everything, he healed me, I love you Noah, thank you."

  "I love you too." Noah puts a hand on my cheek and gently kisses my lips before we hear a loud cough.

  "Yes we're still here." My Dad says, rolling his eyes. "There'll have to be some ground rules, No sharing rooms."

  "No can do Phil, we've been sharing a bed for months now and there's no way I'll be able to sleep another way."

  "You’ve been what? What the hell?"

  "So that’s one moot rule, next," Noah gives my Dad a mocking smile that has me stifling a giggle.

  "If I hear one peep-"

  "Gross Dad, just stop!"

  "How many people know about this anyway?"

  "Everyone." Chase says, giving my Dad an eye roll. Noah and I turn around to see him, shocked that he even knows what fucking day it is to be honest.

  "Wait, you knew?" Noah asks, a frown marring his lovely features.

  "Derrr, everyone knows, you're not exactly secretive and I've seen you hold hands and stuff and kiss. Everyone at school knows, that’s why nobody's asked Liv out in a while, cause you keep threatening to kick their asses, I just wanna know one thing, if you can date Liv, does that mean I can?"

  "NO!" Everyone in the room shoutes at the same time, though I'm sure for different reasons. Mine for instance is that I tend to go for boys that have hit fucking puberty.

  "Ok Ok just checking." Chase holds his hands up in the air.

  "This is stranger than fucking fiction." My Dad runs his hand through his hair.

  "Language Dad!" I point out, completely straight faced.

  "I give up." He throws his hands in the air. "I'll be in my office, slowly becoming an alcoholic because of all the stress you lot put me under." He walks out the room, a chuckling Pam behind him.

  "Scram squirt." Noah says to a laughing Chase.

  "What, why do I have to leave?"

  "Well you can stay if your willing to see some heavy PDA."

  "Eeeew, I'm going, I'm going."

  I look into Noah's handsome face, running my hand over his cheek lovingly. Who would have thought when I moved here, I'd find the love of my life? And there's no doubt about it because Noah IS the love of my life.

  "I think that went well babe, don’t you?"

  "Yeah, went better than I expected."

  "So I'm your forever love huh?"

  "Oh yes you are Noah Travers."

  "And I love you too Liv Preston."

  Chapter 31


  (6 months later)

  I walk across the stage, trying not to glance over at my increasingly embarrassing Mom. Fuck, I hope nobody else has noticed the bigass banner shes holding with 'Well done Noah and Liv' sprawled across it.'

  I shake the Principles hand before taking my Diploma and making a hasty retreat from the stage. Liv, her own diploma in hand waits at the end before jumping into my arms. She nearly knocks the red cap from my head with the force of her jumping.

  "I can't believe we're not High Schoolers anymore." She smiles that radiant smile of hers, the smile I'm seeing more and more these days.

  "I know, pretty soon we'll be living in Savannah, an apartment all to ourselves."

  "You looked pretty hot up there in that sexy gown of yours." She laughs, which she's been doing all day with how ridiculous I look. How is it that girls seem to be able to pull off cap and gowns while us guys look fucking stupid?

  "Dude, we're officially adults." Brady comes over, slapping me on the back with one hand while the other is wrapped around Cindy.

  "I can't wait to go to college but if one person says that my eyes look like dirt and that I remind them of fucking Batman, I'm coming down to Savannah to beat your ass Noah." Cindy says, completely serious.

  While at first she thought it was funny that I'd put the video of Brady announcing his love for her on the internet, after the twentieth person came up to her and recited the words, she starting getting more and more angry. I don’t know why she was so pissed, Brady came off way worse than her, he literally hasn’t had a days peace from the taunts since I put it up. Every time he attempts to talk to me about it I just put a hand up and remind him of Thanksgiving, that sure shuts him the hell up. Truth is, I'm not even angry about it, haven't been since the hospital anyway. Everything worked out for the best, though there was a lot of speed bumps along the way. It took Phil a while to get used to me and Liv being a couple openly but after a few weeks of seeing how in love we were, he got used to it.

  I look over into the crowd of cheering friends and family, praying my Moms took that stupid banner down, I'm totally burning that shit when I get home. I see her, Phil and Chase sitting in the seats waving and clapping. She's forced Phil and Chase to wear monkey suits so their's seem a lot more sarcastic. I didn’t miss the girly ass cheer Phil gave when Liv was on the stage, I hope Chase at least video'd that shit. Trina and her Mom sit next to them, having driven back with us after we watched Trina graduate along with all Livs old classmates two days ago. She'll be joining us in Savannah but whereas Liv and I decided to get our apartment, which Phil is paying for of course, Trina's gonna be staying in the dorms. She said she wanted the full College experience so turned down our offer of a room. That and she didn’t wanna be around our soppy asses.

  "Cindy, we both know you and my boy here'll be too busy living it up in LA to even think about coming to Savannah to hunt me down."

  "Hey dickwad, maybe one of those acting scouts'll see your video and give you a role in some Shakespeare play, you sure do make a lovely Juliet." Liv chides.

  "Too right I would blondie, I'd make the best damn Juliet the world has ever seen." Brady holds his head up high. "Wait who's Juliet?"

  "Remind me how you even got into College again?" That truly does confuse me.

  "Personally I think it was my dashing good looks and sparkling personality. What about you, Officer Noah? You'll be in the Academy."

  I roll my eyes before noticing Liv doing the exact same thing, fuck, shes definitely rubbing off on me.

  "Well folks, that is Franklin High Schools class of 2015." We all look towards the Principle whose voices reverberates around the football field. "I for one cannot be more proud to see these fine young men and women leaving out school for the big world out there, whether it be for College or work. Ladies and Gentlemen if you could please give one last round of applause for the Class of 2015!" And with that, the crowd cheers and we all grab our caps from our head and throw them in the air.


  "You nervous?" Phil says, giving me a sl
ap on the back.

  "No, why would I be?" I'm lying out of my ass but if I admit that I'm fucking shitting myself I may fucking run outta here like a little girl.

  "It’s a big step."

  "I know but I'm absolutely sure this is what I want, I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life."

  "Oh I believe you, anyone would, its hard for anyone not to see how you both feel about one another. Don't you think you're a little young though?"

  "Answer me one question Phil, do you think we're ever gonna break up?"

  Phil stops and stares at me for a second, looking as if he's thinking hard.

  "No I don't, I don’t think I've ever seen two people more perfect for each other or more in love."

  "Then there you go, so does it really matter how old we are?"

  "You're way too wise beyond your years, my daughter does have a unique ability to age a man so that may be why. She sure is gonna keep you on your toes."

  "What do you mean? She keeps me on my toes now."

  "All the best women do. I still can't believe you're both moving to Savannah, the house will be way too quiet without you both in it."

  "It's only an hour away and Chase and his nosyass friends will keep you entertained."

  "I doubt we'll see much of Chases friends when Liv leaves."

  "You noticed that too, huh?"

  "Noticed it? I've never seen boys fall over themselves for a girl so much in my life. You know I caught one them near enough begging to tie her shoelaces the other day, I'd laugh my ass off if it wasn’t so tragic. Actually if it wasn’t so tragic and if they weren't so damned young, I'd ban them from the house."

  I have no doubt Phil would ban them either, usually it only takes a hard glare from me to have them backtracking and acting all innocent, Liv of course finds their infatuation with her funny as hell, me not so much. Phils become even more protective of his little girl over the past few months, ever since he found out what she went through in Atlanta. He's actually way over protective, though after my Mom sat him down and pointed out he was acting like an old mother hen, he has calmed down a bit.

  "Mom still crying in the house?" In between telling us how proud she is, my Moms been crying on and off for a week.

  "Not at the moment, she's in the proud Mama stage at the moment so should be about an hour before the tears start back up again. I hate to say this but you should expect to see her in Savannah most weekends." I have no doubt I will.

  I look towards the house, seeing my Mom and Liv through the window in the kitchen talking about some shit or another. My Mom's definitely took Liv under her wing, which both Phil and I love. Liv needed a mother figure and my Mom fits the bill perfectly. We haven't heard from Dana or the Bitch as everyone seems to have started calling her. It didn’t end with Thanksgiving, oh no, considering we've all been under the illusion that Phil's a pussycat, seems the guy can be a vengeful motherfucker when it comes to his daughter.

  Seems the house his ex wife was living in was still solely in Phil's name, as well as being paid for by him. He quickly sold that from under her feet and there was no way she was gonna fight him in the courts considering she didn’t want her less that exemplary mothering skills coming out. Now, with the money he got off the house he bought Liv and I a pretty nice apartment in downtown Savannah looking over the river.

  We walk back to the house, hearing the women laughing upon getting through the door. Trina, as always has everyone in the room in stitches, probably repeating one of the embarrassing as hell stories from Liv childhood. Those girls sure used to get in some shit, I cant count the amount of times I've caught Liv kicking Trina under a table to try and shut her the hell up.

  Sylvester sits on the marble countertop, rubbing himself against Livs arms which are leaning on it. Seems that Liv saving his life made the cat finally like her, though she's the only one the little fucker did start liking. Damn thing's the bane of my existence since he hisses at me like a spitting fire everytime I try to cuddle my girl when he's in the room. I've more than once threatened to turn him into a rug which has the women of the house lecturing me to no end.

  "What are you guys up to tonight?" Phil says, clapping his hands together, all while giving me a knowing smirk. He knows full well what's happening tonight.

  "We're going to Tuckers graduation party, Trina's never been to one." I say, trying to keep my voice even.

  "She's hardy missing anything." Liv rolls her eyes.

  Liv has no idea what my true plans are for tonight, It would kinda defeat the purpose of a surprise if she did know. Almost everyone else knows of course and I'm not sure how Livs gonna react to being on the receiving end of secrets being kept. It'll all be worth it though, there's not a single doubt in my mind that we are meant to be, that we are forever.


  Tucker's house is full wall to wall with people, the ass has obviously put it on Facebook again, the guy will never learn. It reminds me of the first party I brought Liv to when she first got into town. I keep a tight grip of her hand, just as I did that night. I don’t wanna be losing her in here, we're on a tight schedule and who knows how long it'll be until I'll find her again in this crowd.

  She looks incredible in the white summer dress, it hugs all of her curves, flaring out at her hips. Liv of course looks amazing in anything. The tan of her skin is slightly darker with all the time she's been spending with Cindy laying out by Brady's pool in the Georgia sun. While I keep a tight grip on Liv, she does the same with Trina though she seems completely in her element.

  "I thought you said these parties suck, this is awesome!" Trina shouts over the thump of the base vibrating out of the speakers.

  "It does suck...........usually!"

  "Where's the beer at?" On hearing Trina's request I redirect our little chain of people towards the kitchen.

  Arriving in, I notice Brady and Cindy in the corner, their faces attached to eachother as per fucking usual. I'm probably a huge hypocrite since me and Liv are no different, actually we're worse but still. I smack him on the back of the head as I walk past, causing him to detach himself for a few moments before looking around the room in confusion. Me and Liv have a bet on that his parents paid for him to get into college because he's hardly to sharpest tool in the shed. If I win, Liv'll do anything I want for a whole day and I have more than enough dirty stuff to keep her occupied. If she wins I have to do whatever she wants, since I'm sure she's having the same thoughts I am, it’s a win win for both of us either way.

  "Dude when did you get here?" Brady asks, finally noticing me.

  "Just, where's the beer man?"

  "You drinking?" He asks with a frown. I answer with a slight shake of my head, he knows why I'm not but I don’t want Liv to know, not yet anyway. I need to keep a clear head for what I'm about to do, can't be going in there all drunk and shit, hardly romantic.

  "I'll come with you to get some, it's in the yard. We'll leave the girls to chat and whatever the fuck else girls do."

  I give Liv a kiss on the lips, telling her I won't be long and to stay in the kitchen. Like I said before, if I lose her in here, it could take me hours to find her again. I walk behind Brady into the yard, as soon as we're are out of earshot of the girls he turns to me.

  "You nervous?" Why the hell does everyone keep asking me that shit?

  "No, not at all." I'm lying outta my ass again but I gotta try and keep the sweat from my brow somehow.

  "Bullshit, you're shitting yourself. Hey I don’t blame ya, I'd be fucking in the corner rocking backwards and forwards if I was you. You sure you wanna do this now? You can always wait, there's no rush."

  "No it has to be tonight. It's been planned for weeks, why would I change it now?" I bite out through gritted teeth.

  "You don’t need to convince me bro, I think it's great and I'm psyched for you, I really am."

  "Thanks Brady, truth is I'm fucking shaking from this shit."

  "You don’t think she'll say yes?"

Of course she will but I don't know, I guess anyone that’s about to do what I am has the same doubts."

  "Man you two are perfect for each other, there's nothing to worry about. When you gotta be going anyway?"

  "In about twenty minutes." I sigh.

  "You got everything you need?" I put my hand over my jeans pocket to feel for the box that's been burning a hole in it for weeks.


  "Good man." Brady gives me a slap on the back.

  We turn back into the house in time to catch them whispering about some shit that would probably make our ears burns. They all near enough collapse in a fit of giggle on seeing us. We can only shrug, who knows what the hell girls talk about. We stand there like the dutiful boyfriends we are while thay henpeck about any and everything. I can't keep my eyes from the clock on the far wall, every tick tock of it bringing me closer to the moment. I give Trina a look from where I'm standing behind Liv, hoping to God she understands. She simply answers with a single nod of her head and I tap Liv on the shoulder.

  "Babe, we gotta go." I whisper in her ear.

  "What? Why? We only just got here Noah, we can't leave yet."

  "I got plans for us babe, trust me."

  "What about Trina, I can't leave her here, she doesn’t know anybody."

  "Sure she does, she knows Brady and Cindy , they'll take care of here, won't you bro?"

  "We sure will, you go with Noah blondie."

  "I'll be fine Boo, you go ahead and tell me all the juicy details."

  "Well where are we going?" Liv throws a very confused look my way and I wrack my brain for an answer to give her.

  "It’s a surprise."

  "Nuh uh, no way, no how, I don’t like your damn suprises, they're usually used to convince me of something so I'm not buying it." I bite back my laughter because she's absolutely right.

  "Come on babe, do you trust me?" I plead with her with my eyes.

  "You know I do but-"

  "Then come with me." I give her a hard kiss on the lips, biting down the urge to put my tongue in her mouth and go exploring, there'll be time for that later.


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