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Thorn's Redemption (Fated Lives Series Book 3)

Page 18

by Kelly Moore

  I’ll wheel you down, I write. I’m not waiting another day, and I’m not having my brother miss the one, and only time I’m getting married, I add.

  “I’m happy for both of you,” he says, but his eyes grow sad.

  What is it? Fallon writes.

  “I’m messed up. I’ll never find a woman now, and on top of it, I’ll have to give up the bar.”

  Fallon writes quickly. Any woman would be lucky to have a man like you. As far as the bar goes, you can hire someone to tend bar. You can enjoy being the owner rather than working all the time.

  “I enjoy tending bar.”

  I take the whiteboard from her. Let’s take it one day at a time. You’ll figure it out and be back doing the things you love in no time, I write.

  “Like hearing? I rather enjoyed that,” he says sarcastically.

  “I’m sorry you got caught up in my mess and that you paid the price,” I jot down and say the words out loud. I wish he could hear the words and the sincerity behind them. I should’ve done a better job of protecting all the people I care about. I’ve underestimated Nina every single time. I’m thankful that we got our people back safe, but I’m not sure any of them will ever be the same. Most especially, Fallon.

  “I’m tired. You two need to get out of here and plan a wedding.” Sean scoots down in the bed.

  Fallon places a kiss on his cheek, and I pat his shoulder. “Tomorrow.”

  Fallon holds my hand as we walk down the hallway. “I feel so guilty that Nina involved him. It’s my fault he lost his hearing.”

  “It’s Nina’s fault, not yours.” She squeezes my hand.

  “How about we head back home, and I make love to my fiancé one last time because the next time, I’ll be making love to my wife.”

  “I’d like that.” She wraps her arm around my waist.

  “I’ve got a few fires to put out first, then I’m all yours.” I kiss the side of her head.

  “How is Dr. Ruth?” she asks.

  “She’s tough. She’ll be fine, but I need to deal with Thorn.”

  “You mean him having the hots for Lauryn?” I raise a brow.

  “How did you know about that?” I raise a brow.

  “Have you not seen the way he lights up when she’s in the same room with him?” she snorts.

  “I guess I missed it. I’ve been a little preoccupied.”

  “Have you missed Lawson and Honor, too?” She laughs harder this time.

  I stop dead in my tracks. “I guess I’ve missed a lot of things lately, and that has to stop. I’ll have to lay down the law with all of them. No fraternizing.”

  “Really? Would that have stopped you?” She narrows her gaze at me.

  “I guess they’ll all be sneaking around. That’s what I would do.” I chuckle.

  “I think if any one of them are lucky enough to find someone they love and accept the job they do, then more power to them. They deserve to have both.”

  “You are one smart lady.” I draw her in closer to my side.

  “Yes I am, and don’t you forget it.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I tease.

  When I get back, my team is gathered in the conference room. Theo stands when he sees me.

  “I think we should talk to Commander Lukas and convince him to let us continue to chase Nina.” His tone is firm.

  I lean my hands on the table. “I think we need to step back. We’ve been chasing her for years now. We get close, but can’t keep her. She’s involved all of us now, and we’re too close to the situation. A break from her might help.”

  “We’re just supposed to walk away and let her ruin more innocent lives?” Theo’s anger rises in his voice.

  “No. The military will still be keeping tabs on her, and when she shows up again, a team will go after her. It just might not be us. Be thankful we all got out of it alive. It could’ve ended very differently.”

  He sits, crossing his arms over his chest, rage permeating from him.

  “I know we all want Nina taken out of commission, but there are other evils to track down. She’s only one in a large pond of players. We’ve lost focus on the bigger mission. It’s our job to protect this country and keep its people safe. Nina is only a small part of that. Let’s go after the ones we can. Nina’s day will come eventually.” Groans are heard around the room. “To the matter at hand before Commander Lukas gets here to set us up for the next project. It has come to my attention that there has been some fraternizing amongst us.” Lawson looks down, and Thorn glares at me.

  “Even though it’s against policy, I’m not going to report it. I’m asking that you keep it out of the workplace and don’t let it interfere with your jobs. If either one of those things happens, I will end it. Is that clear?”

  Thorn gives a slight nod, and Lawson grins. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now, I expect all of you to get some rest and be at my wedding tomorrow.”

  “Where is it going to be?” Tate asks.

  “Sean’s bar. It’s been cleaned up, and he’s coming home tomorrow. He’ll be staying at headquarters with us until he’s on his feet.”

  “I’m glad he’s coming home,” Theo responds. “I know Fiona would be glad to help him.”

  “Thanks. Fallon is going to teach him sign language. Maybe they can tag team him to keep him busy.”

  “I’ll mention it to her,” he says.

  “Okay, get out of here. We’ll meet in the morning, and then I’ll see you at the wedding.”

  They all scatter.

  Chapter 19


  I can’t believe it’s finally happening. I’m marrying Rebel. It’s been such a long time coming. I wish Josie were here to see it.

  “You look gorgeous.” Theo’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. “Rebel’s going to die when he sees you in this dress.” He holds my hand, and I twirl around in a circle for him to see.

  “I’m glad I didn’t return it. It’s a little big on me now, but I didn’t have time to have it taken in.”

  “You’re perfect, and Rebel is one lucky man.”

  “So are you. I’m glad you have Fiona.”

  “Me too, but I’m wishing she was ready to take the next step.”

  “She’s come so far, I’m sure she will soon.”

  “I don’t know.” He sits in the chair in his old apartment upstairs at Sean’s place where I’m getting ready.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “She still won’t…you know…”

  I laugh at this tough guy's innocence. “You two still haven’t had sex?”

  “No. We’ve come close, but she always pulls back at the last minute.”

  “I know it’s hard, no pun intended, but give her more time if that’s what she needs. She’s been through more than any of us can relate to.”

  “I don’t plan on going anywhere. I’ll wait forever if I have to.”

  “She’s the lucky one.” I ruffle my hand through his hair. “You’re a good man, and she loves you.”

  He stands. “Are you ready for this?” He holds out his arm.

  “It’s not time, and I have one thing I need to do first.”

  “Do you need help?”

  “No, it’s something I need to do alone.”

  “You’re not leaving the building, are you?”

  “I’d love to go to Josie’s gravesite, but Rebel would lose his mind if I were to go anywhere.” I pull her favorite book out of my bag. “I just want some time alone with my thoughts.”

  “That I can do.” He glances at his watch. “I’ll come back for you in thirty minutes.”

  “Thorn’s supposed to walk me down the aisle.”

  “He will, but I’m the best man, and I want to be the one on your arm when you walk downstairs.”

  “Okay.” I kiss his cheek. “I love you, Theo.”

  “Back at you, Hazel.” He slips away, and I curl up on the couch with Josie’s book.

  “I wish you could be here today. I wish so
many different things for you. I miss you every day. You would love Rebel. He’s fiercely protective yet loving. He’s the strongest man that I know, yet gentle when it comes to me. He’s tough on his men, but somehow melts in my arms.”

  A knock on the door interrupts me. I get up and open the door without looking. A man in dirty, tattered clothes hands me a box.

  “A wedding gift,” he says, and I take it from him.

  “Who is it from?”

  “A pretty rich lady,” he says, and then runs down the stairs.

  My heart picks up its pace as I place it on the coffee table. I slowly open the lid, and there is a phone and a letter inside. The envelope says: To my sister.

  I peel it open and sit back to read it.

  * * *

  “Dearest Sweet Fallon,

  * * *

  I see that you didn’t hold up your end of the deal. But, being the forgiving sister that I am, and I’m only looking out for your safety, I’m willing to give you one more chance.

  Walk away. Disappear like I told you to, and I’ll make sure this wedding doesn’t end in Derrick’s death. You can only take one person with you…anyone but Derrick. Maybe it will be that cute little soldier with the mechanical arm, Theo. Or, the strapping hero that saved your life when I shot you. Or, just maybe it will be that poor innocent girl whose life you claimed I stole.

  Whoever you chose, I promise to never lay a hand on them or have my men harm them. It’s that simple. I’ve deposited monies into an untraceable account for you, and I’ve left you directions on how to disappear without a trace.

  If you ever contact Derrick or any of his men, all bets are off. I’ll kill him and his team one by one and leave you with the guilt of their deaths.

  This is the second time I’m saving you from a life that will do nothing but cause you harm. Take it and say thank you, sister.

  * * *

  Your loving older sister,


  * * *

  The phone vibrates in the box. My hand trembles as I answer it.

  “What’s it going to be? Do I start the fireworks, or are you choosing wisely little sister?”

  “You’re fucking evil.”

  “That may be, but the clock is ticking.”

  “What about you? Are you going back into business?”

  “Consider me retired if you disappear. I’ll be keeping tabs on you. I’ll know your every move, so as long as you follow the rules, I’ll keep on the straight and narrow.”

  “I don’t trust you,” I snarl.

  “You don’t have any other choice. You have ten minutes to leave the building. If I don’t see you getting in the car I left out back and heading out, I’ll set the timer, and none of you will ever walk out. Your choice. Tick tock,” she says, and hangs up.

  I pack my bag and find the only person that makes sense to take with me. I can’t give him a choice. There’s not enough time. I open Sean’s door to his apartment, and he’s alone. He smiles when he sees me and stands with his cane.

  I open the letter from Nina and hold it in front of him. He quickly reads it and understands why I’m here. Without question, I brace my side knowing it’s going to hurt to help him up. I take his arm as he leans on me hard dragging his let, I lead him down the back way without being noticed. We climb into the car where a driver is waiting on us. As soon as he pulls out, the phone vibrates again.

  “Good decision, and I agree with taking Sean. He’s lost enough, and I don’t have it in me to kill him.”

  “You better keep your word and not harm any of them.”

  “I don’t want to kill the man that will eventually come running back to me.” She laughs, and I hear silence on the other end of the phone.

  The driver takes us to a private airport where a plane is waiting on us to board. I help Sean up the steps and into a plush seat. I stare out the window as tears fill my eyes when the plane takes its flight to our unknown destiny and a new life without the man I love.

  Sean holds my hand and lets me cry.

  Chapter 20


  “Where the hell is Sean?” I slam his apartment door. Maybe one of my men helped him down the stairs. I take them several at a time and look around the bar, not seeing him.

  “Hey, it’s time,” Thorn says.

  “I can’t find my brother.”

  “I’ll look for him,” Lawson says.

  “I’m going to go get your bride.” Thorn turns to walk away, and Theo comes running up. “She’s gone,” he says breathlessly.

  “Who’s gone?”


  “What do you mean she’s gone?”

  “I can’t find her anywhere. Her bags are even gone.”

  “Sean’s missing too. You don’t think Nina got to them?” Panic fills my chest.

  “There is no way Nina got inside this building,” Thorn chimes in but glances around the room.

  “Fuck!” I try Fallon’s phone. It rings then goes to voicemail. “Where are you? Call me! This can’t be happening.” I run outside and look around for her.

  “Sir, I found this where you were to be standing to get married.” Mad Dog hands me a phone. I dial the one phone number programmed into it. I know it’s her.

  “She finally wised up and left you.” Nina laughs. “I knew she wasn’t the right woman for you.”

  “What the fuck have you done to her?” I white knuckle the phone.

  “I simply gave her a choice, and she didn’t pick you.”

  “Make no mistake, I will find you and kill you without any reservations.”

  “If you kill me, you’ll never find her or your brother.” She laughs again. “What a sneaky girl. You only thought she was innocent. This entire time she’s had a thing for your brother. I told her she could save one person in her life and she chose Sean, not her fiancé. Poor Derrick, betrayed again,” she tisks.

  “You better not harm either one of them.” I grit my teeth.

  “You’re the only one that can keep them both safe. Come away with me.”

  “I fucking hate you. I’d never go anywhere with you except to your funeral to make sure that you were really dead.”

  “Oh, such hateful words to the woman that holds your balls in her hands.”

  “Where are they, Nina?” I yell.

  “Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone. That’s all I’ll ever say about it.”

  “I will strangle you with my bare hands.”

  “Ah, I like it rough,” she purrs.

  “You are one sick bitch!”

  “Now that’s no way to talk to your future bride. We could make it happen today. You do already have a wedding planned and a missing bride. I’ve never seen you look so handsome in a suit.”

  “I’m done playing your games. I will hunt you down with or without my men. I will risk anything and everything to find you, and when I do, I’ll show no mercy.” I look outside the window for her. She can obviously see me.

  “I love a good chase. In the meantime, while you’re looking for me, remember Fallon will be living it up with your brother. I’ve got a plane to catch, handsome. Call me anytime.” The line goes dead.

  I go to my knees and scream at the top of my lungs. My team surrounds me. “I don’t care what it takes, I’m going after her.” I stand and rip off my jacket and throw it on the ground as I stand.

  “We’ll all go with you.” Theo is on my heels, following me to my car.

  “No. I’m done being a SEAL. I’ve played by the rules, and it's gotten me nowhere. I need to play as dirty as she does, and I can’t do that leading this team.”

  “That’s what she wants, Derrick.” Lauryn steps up beside me. “She wants to ruin everything you’ve worked for all these years. If she takes everything away from you, she thinks you’ll have no choice but to give her what she wants.”

  “If it gets Fallon and my brother back, then she can take what she wants from me. I don’t care.”

  My team surrounds me. “If you�
�re going rogue, so are we.” Thorn stands tall, leading them.

  “If we do this, there is no coming back. We’ll all be out of a job that we love, and we may not all make it back alive.”

  “I’m in,” Theo says.

  “Me too.” Fiona is at his side.

  “Count me in,” Mad Dog says.

  “We’ll find her,” Tate and Honor say in unison.

  “If you all are going, so am I,” Lawson pipes in.

  “Well, hell, I guess I’m in too.” Remington throws his hat in the air.

  “I’m new, but if your men are this loyal, you can count on me,” Williams adds.

  “I think you have your answer.” Thorn slaps my shoulder. “If you’re going after her, we’re all going one way or another.”

  “Then pack up your gear. We’re headed for battle.” I get in my car and phone Commander Lukas.

  “I quit, sir, and so do my men.”

  “Wait just a minute. What happened?”

  “Fallon and Sean are gone. Nina forced their hands with some threat, and then she called me to gloat about it. I’m going after her along with my men.”

  He sighs. “Let me help you then. I’ll get another team to cover the mission. The Gunners can handle Nina. I’ll make it all look legit.”

  “I can’t promise to go by the rules on this one, sir.”

  “I understand. I’ll give you whatever resources I can. Off the books,” he adds. “I want you to get this woman once and for all. Leave her body wherever she falls. I’ll send in a team to clean up the mess.”

  “I don’t know where we’ll find her, but I may need backup wherever it is.”

  “I’ll take care of it. In the meantime, I’ll work on getting fake ID’s for your men. You don’t want her to be able to track your movement.”

  “I appreciate it, sir. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, but I don’t want to see your face again until she’s been permanently taken out, no matter how long it takes.”

  “You have my word.”


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