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The Only One for Her

Page 10

by Carlie Sexton

  Hearing a knock at the door pulled me away from my onslaught of thoughts about Trace. I should really call it like it was: my obsession. I grabbed my purse before opening the door.

  “Hi Randy,” I said, doing my best to sound enthusiastic.

  “Lindy, you look beautiful,” he said, extending his hand to take mine. Randy’s dark brown hair and eyes were a comfort to me somehow. Kindness emanated from his face and I realized he had always been there for me, even if I hadn’t exactly noticed at the time. Taking his hand, I climbed down the steps and we made our way to his truck. Opening the door for me, he helped me get in. After he shut my door, I watched his tall frame walk to the driver’s side and get in. So, this was Randy on a date, wearing khaki’s and a button-down shirt. “You look really nice this evening, Randy.” I couldn’t recall a time I’d seen him in anything other than shorts and a T-shirt.

  His grin said it all. He was pleased I noticed his effort to look good for our date. “Thank you, Lindy,” he said. “We’re going to Andre’s for dinner.”

  Had he always sought my approval? Could I feel the same about him?

  I looked down at my favorite blue dress. The one I wore to dinner with Trace in Maui. I was grateful I had something nice enough to wear to Andre’s. It was the best restaurant in town. “Wow, Randy. That sounds great. I haven’t been there in ages.”

  My last anniversary with Dane to be exact. Dane had been so romantic. He made everything special. Ugh. Now I had three men on my mind. I was on overload and needed to calm down. I needed to concentrate. Dane was gone, I had run away from Trace, and Randy was here. Randy made sense. He already knew everything about me and he still wanted to date me. I was going to have to find a way to lock Trace up in the back of my mind and not think about him anymore. I’m sure he had already long forgotten about me. I couldn’t think about him anymore. He was probably back in California. Probably back with Angelina. I would never be able to compete with her…lock him out, Lindy. Throw away the key.

  Chapter 21: Trace

  Why? Why did the front desk have to call the one minute I was out getting ice? It was so unfair, but then that was life. I hadn’t stopped thinking about Lindy for one second since I returned from Maui, even though I had a ton of shit to deal with. She never left my thoughts and the fact she wouldn’t respond to me only made it worse. Every morning when I woke, all I could see was the hurt in her eyes when we were discussing that I was on my honeymoon. What a giant clusterfuck. I was in love with a woman who wouldn’t believe I loved her. No matter what I said it fell on deaf ears. If I didn’t have so much going on with the company, I’d track her down and make her listen.

  To my astonishment, Derrick and Angelina had eloped while I was gone. It had been a shocker to say the least, but what did I know? Maybe they were just right for each other. When I returned to the office, the three of us had a meeting to discuss how we were all going to work together. If it hadn’t been for meeting Lindy, knowing that her life was so much harder than mine, I may have told them both to fuck off. But, I took the high road and didn’t say anything even though I wanted to tell them both to go to hell. It had felt like a herculean feat, but that’s what Lindy had done to me. She made me want to be a better man. Closing my laptop, I thought about our conversation.

  “So, we need to sit down and talk,” Derrick said, his shoulders slightly hunched over.

  “Okay,” I mumbled, as he and Angelina trudged through my office door and proceeded to my sofa.

  “Trace, I know there’s nothing I can say to excuse what I did…what we did, but I am truly sorry for hurting you,” Angelina began. “I only hope in time you can forgive me for the terrible way I treated you. I let things get out of hand and I should have been upfront with you and told you about my feelings for Derrick. The truth is that I was in love with both of you.”

  I put my hand up to stop her from saying anything else because nothing she said mattered. “Going to Maui was exactly what I needed. I was able to clear my head and realize that you two belong together. I don’t like the way things happened and I deserved way better than how you treated me, but I’m not holding a grudge. Life is too short for that.” Lindy’s face was in the forefront of my mind. I wasn’t going to waste any of my life feeling bad about Derrick and Angelina. I was over it. I just wanted Lindy.

  “Wow, man. That’s really great of you,” Derrick interjected. “I don’t know if I could do that.”

  “Let me be clear. Just because I’m not angry with you doesn’t mean that I trust you or want to work with you. Because I don’t. But, we are partners, so we’re going to have to find a way. I don’t want our business to suffer for personal reasons. So, let’s just agree to put the business first and our own personal lives will be left out of it. Basically, we’re not friends anymore. I don’t want to know about your lives and I have no intentions on sharing mine.”

  “Fair enough,” Derrick said. “We understand.”

  “We.” He had become a “we” with the woman I thought I was going to marry. But, honestly, I dodged a bullet. Angelina wasn’t the woman I thought she was and couldn’t be trusted. Derrick was in for some rough times being married to her. Looking at my watch, it was time to get out of here. It had been a long week and I was grateful it was Friday. Kristie had invited herself over to hang out. She was bringing dinner, so I wasn’t going to turn that down. I’d missed her. She always gave me great advice and I needed some where Lindy was concerned. I didn’t want to spend another second thinking about Derrick and Angelina. My time was more valuable than that.

  Pulling into my driveway, Kristie was just getting out of her car. She was a sight. My sister and best friend. We’d always been close and always would be. I could tell her anything.

  “Hey you,” I said, hugging her. “It’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too. I hope you’re hungry. I think I have enough to feed an army.”

  “Good because I’m starved. Crazy day.” We went inside and Kristie began unpacking the cartons of food from Claim Jumper.

  Once we sat at the table, Kristie raised her glass of wine to me. “Here’s to you, Trace. I’m really proud of how you’re handling everything that’s gone down.” We clinked glasses and each took a sip.

  “Honestly, it’s because of meeting Lindy. Knowing about her life changed my outlook on things.”

  “She sounds like a really special woman. Any word from her?”

  “No. I’d give anything to hear from her, but she hasn’t answered my calls or texts.”

  Kristie took out an envelope from her purse and handed it to me. “What’s this?” I questioned.

  “Open it and find out.” Her sly grin made me a little nervous. Taking the paper out, I saw Lindy’s name, home address, job history and a few other details about her whereabouts.

  “I took the liberty…”

  Looking at my sister, I was too choked up to speak. “Private Eye?” That was my sister. Where there’s a will, there’s a way was her motto. She always knew what I needed and had my back.

  “I hired someone to do a background check and get this information on her. She doesn’t have any skeletons in her closet. Seems like someone who has been through a lot. The second page has some info on her family.”

  “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about finding her in the last week. But I didn’t know if I should. Plus with everything at work, my time has been constrained.”

  “I can’t tell you if you should track her down or not. Only you know that. But I at least wanted you to have the option. I don’t want you to have any regrets.”

  Regrets. There was a loaded word. “You always know what I need. Thank you for this. I’m going to go to Louisiana and wait for her on her doorstep if I have to. I’m going to convince her that we belong together.”

  Kristie was grinning from ear to ear. “That’s what I was hoping you would say. I just feel it in my bones that you’re supposed to be with her. I can�
�t explain why, but I just know.”

  Placing my hand on Kristie’s I said, “This is the best gift you could have ever given me. You’re going to love Lindy. She’s amazing.”

  “I know I will. But the most important thing is that you love her and she loves you.”

  Chapter 22: Lindy

  After dinner, Randy had planned for us to have dessert at his house and look at the stars through his new high-powered telescope. I knew he liked astrology, but I had no idea he sat up at night looking at constellations. It was a new side to him that I found a little intriguing. It would be fun and different. The thought of that brought me right back to Maui, parasailing with Trace. Then, my mind turned to making love to Trace. Swallowing hard, I inhaled deeply to attempt to slow my pounding heart. Being in bed with Trace was very exciting and I was a little sad at the prospect of it never happening again.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Randy said, drawing me out from the deepest crevices of my mind.

  No way could I tell him I was thinking about another man. “I was just thinking about how lovely our night has been. I’m really enjoying myself.”

  “Good to hear. I’m having a great time too, Lindy.”

  Randy pulled into his garage and parked. “I got us chocolate cake and mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.”

  “That’s my favorite.”

  “I know,” he said, taking my hand in his. “I’m very observant.”

  Randy came around and opened my door. When my feet were firmly planted on the ground, he pulled me in for a hug. “I’m so glad you agreed to have dinner with me tonight,” he said softly in my ear.

  “Me too,” I replied. Randy had made me see him in a different light tonight. He had moved out of the friend category somewhere between the salad and main course.

  Taking my hand, Randy led me into his home through the garage door. It had been a long time since I had been here. The last time might have been with Dane.

  Guiding me down the hall, we ended up in the great room. “Did you remodel?” I asked, looking around. What I remembered was stark white walls, stained carpet, and laminate counters.

  “Yes. My business is doing well, so I hired Designs for You to come in and make the place more homey.”

  “They did more than make it homey. It’s gorgeous,” I said, taking in the granite countertops, tile flooring, rich brown plush sectional.

  “Well, I wanted to turn it into a home suitable for a wife and family, not just a bachelor,” Randy said, capturing my gaze.

  Nodding, all I could say was… “Oh.” Was I ready for Randy to be serious about me? We’d known each other forever, but this was our first time in a romantic setting. My nerves were getting to me.

  Randy opened his stainless steel refrigerator and took out a bottle of champagne. “Why don’t you have a seat?” he asked, motioning to the sectional. “I’ll pour us some champagne.”

  I made my way to the sectional, realizing this evening had many unexpected turns. Why hadn’t I seen Randy like this before? Most of my memories with Randy included Dane. We always teased him about not having a girl of his own.

  Randy handed me a glass of bubbly and sat next to me. “I want to make a toast. To new beginnings, Lindy. I’m looking forward to sharing many things with you.”

  The clink of our glasses made my heart race. I had no idea Randy was full of so many surprises. Tonight he’d come across sophisticated and charming. I could get used to this Randy.

  Once we had each taken a sip, Randy took our glasses and placed them on the console table behind us. “Lindy, I know this may seem like it’s all of a sudden, but if you really think about how long we’ve known each other I think you’ll realize it makes all the sense in the world.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, my eyes growing wide as Randy presented a small black velvet box to me. Somehow I doubted the box contained earrings.

  “I love you, Lindy. I have for a long time.” He got down on one knee. “Will you marry me?” he asked, opening the ring box.

  I looked at the beautiful princess cut diamond ring and then at Randy. “But, this is just our first date.”

  Randy smiled as if he expected such an answer from me. “Lindy, we’ve known each other ever since I can remember. I practically went on every date with you and Dane. I’m sure you noticed me tagging along.”

  “Of course,” I said, my eyes searching his. “I just didn’t think—”

  “You didn’t think that I could be in love with you too? That Dane and I could both be in love with the same girl?”

  “Randy, I don’t know what to say.” My life had moved into some sort of hyper-speed mode where men were concerned. First Trace, now Randy.

  “You don’t have to say anything right now. Just promise me you’ll think about it.” Randy looked down for a moment. “No, I want more than that. I want you to say yes.”

  In one swift move, Randy was sitting next to me, his arms surrounding me, his mouth covering mine. His lips were soft, but urgent, pressing against mine. Before I knew it, Randy’s tongue began sweeping over mine, igniting all of my senses. The pounding of my heart made me lightheaded as I tried to make sense of what was happening. I hadn’t expected this kiss and I certainly hadn’t expected him to propose.

  “Say yes,” he commanded between kisses. “Be mine forever.”

  My forehead rested against his as I took a moment to collect myself. Strangely, marrying Randy didn’t seem like a foreign concept. He had many qualities I admired in a man. He worked really hard, he was kind and considerate, and now, he was kind of hot, taking charge and asking for what he wanted. Last week I had thought Trace would be my world. It had been quick and wonderful, but had ended in heartbreak. But, had my heart really broken? I hadn’t known him long enough to truly devastate me…but Randy was safe. Dane had loved him dearly so I knew I could too, even if I wasn’t there yet. I don’t want to be alone forever. Being with Trace last week had confirmed that. Perhaps it will be my only chance at happiness. Before my heart and mind could connect, I gave my answer. “Yes.”

  “Yes, you’ll marry me?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  “Oh, Lindy. You’ve made me so happy,” he said, hugging me hard. When Randy pulled back, he took the ring out of the box, placing it on my finger.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said, staring down at it. “And really big.”

  “I’m so glad you like it.”

  I smiled, but didn’t know what to say next. I’d just agreed to marry a man whom I felt completely safe with and I did love, just maybe not in the exact way he loved me. But, those feelings could grow over time. I knew I had passion in me. Trace had brought it out of me. Now, I just needed to find that kind of desire for Randy. He was so happy, I don’t think he noticed I was on the quiet side. But that was okay. Perhaps meeting Trace was the push I needed to realize I wanted to open my heart again. My experience with him in a way made accepting Randy easier. I might not have been able to do it before. I was so caught up in Dane. But, Trace had shaken me from my doldrums and made me want to live again. One thing I knew for certain, Randy wouldn’t do anything to break my heart. Not in a million years.

  Chapter 23: Trace

  Driving to work, I felt downright giddy at the prospect of tracking down Lindy. My plan was to have Fran clear my schedule and book my flight. It might take a day or two before I could get out of here, but at least I had a plan. She couldn’t run away from me if I was on her doorstep. I’d probably have to pawn off a couple of meetings to Derrick, but I had a feeling he’d be okay with helping me out. Even though he didn’t act like it, guilt was getting to him. It was all over his face every time I saw him. Maybe his need to be right overpowered his decency as a human being.

  Fran was at her desk when I arrived. I told her my plans, barely able to contain myself. But when she looked up at me, she had been crying and didn’t respond right away.

  “Fran, what’s wrong?”

  “He died last n

  “What? Who died?”

  “Mr. Thompson.”

  “Derrick died? What are you talking about? How?” What the fuck? He’s dead.

  “Angelina phoned and told me he had been in a car accident and didn’t survive. He’d gone out to pick up a few things from the store and never returned home. He was in a collision and died instantly at the scene.”

  “I can’t believe it,” I said. Sure, I was pissed off at the guy, but I never would have wished him dead. My gut twisted. Something wasn’t right, but I just didn’t know what. “I’d better call her.”

  “Do Derrick’s parents know?”

  “Yes, they do.”

  “Okay, Fran. I’ll be in my office. I’m going to track down Angelina and find out more.”

  “Do you still want me to book your flight?”

  “Not today. We better hold off.”

  Fran nodded. Turning to walk away, I caught a glimpse of a photograph of Derrick and me that had been taken last year. Two best friends, partners in business, all gone. I had told him he wasn’t my friend anymore. I could never take that back now. Shit.

  Taking a moment before I called Angelina, I thought about all he had meant to me over the years. He had been my best man. Ending up torn apart wasn’t something I ever thought would happen to us. But we let a woman get between us.

  It struck me hard. I had never divulged the details of how Derrick and I ran the business. I always said Derrick and I were partners, not what the split was. Surely I can’t be right here. Had Angelina played us? Just because she’s a cheater doesn’t mean she was a murderer. I was losing it. I guess if my mind could go there, I hadn’t completely moved on from what they did to me. What she did to me. But, Derrick’s death would be awfully convenient for her since California was a community property state. Everything Derrick had automatically goes to her.


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