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Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7)

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by Charlene Hartnady

  Charlotte closed her office door just as her desk phone began to ring. Her back ached and her eyelids felt heavy. She gave a shake of the head. Whatever it was, whomever it was, could wait. One look out of a nearby window told her what her body knew. It was already long dark out. Way too late to still be working. Her office phone stopped ringing and within a few seconds, her pocket began to vibrate.

  She squeezed her eyes shut for a few seconds before retrieving the cellphone and answering.

  “You said to let you know if there were any problems,” Grace said. “With the prince,” she added. Charlotte could hear the worry in the other woman’s voice.

  She clenched her teeth to stop herself from sighing. “Yeah, and? What went wrong?”

  “It’s nothing major. The pillows are duck down.”

  “Shit!” Charlotte whispered under her breath. “I totally forgot about the damned pillows. Elves are strict vegans. Even their shoes are faux leather. They have some sort of link with the earth, with nature.” What a stupid slip to have made.

  “You sound exhausted. I’ll handle it and report back when it’s been taken care of. I’ll be sure to apologize on behalf of housekeeping.” Grace spoke quickly.

  For a second, Charlotte was tempted to let the other woman deal with it. Grace was head of the department and more than capable. Problem was, the kings would expect her to take care of it. She bit down on her lower lip. Even her eyes felt scratchy and she was hungry since she’d skipped lunch. She finally let a small sigh slip out. “Thanks for offering but I’ll sort it out.” Charlotte opened the door across the hall from hers. “I’m at stores. I’ll grab a few synthetic pillows.”

  “If you’re sure. You sound exhausted.”

  “I’m fine.” They said their goodbyes. Charlotte reached up to one of the overhead shelves and grabbed a couple of pillows. One hard and one soft, just to be sure.

  It didn’t take long to reach the western tower. Charlotte decided to take the stairs since she’d been stuck at her desk for most of the day. She gave a soft squeak as she reached the landing, almost colliding with a tall male in a light blue silk robe. He had dark hair and blue eyes and wore the deepest frown she had ever seen.

  “Hi!” she pushed out, taking a step back. “I brought these for the prince.”

  The male looked down at the pillows, seeming to process what she had said. He finally gave a deep nod and stood to the side.

  Two more of them stood on either side of the door. They were also dressed in blue robes. Thin silk material that came to about mid-calf, showing muscled legs. One of the males had shorter hair, which showed his pointy ears. Charlotte forced herself to stop staring. Overall, they weren’t bad looking but they were nothing to write home about either. The whole landing scented strongly of fruit. It must be an elf thing. Ignoring their stares, she knocked on the great double doors.

  “Housekeeping,” she said, voice raised, before knocking again.

  It seemed to take forever before the door finally opened. His deep blue eyes widened for a moment and she caught a look of surprise, followed by something she couldn’t quite get a handle on … then it was gone, replaced by indifference. Those eyes. Something in her prickled. They were the same color as … Her earlier walk down memory lane was clouding her judgment, along with the fact that she was exhausted. She was just being silly. Other than the color of his eyes everything else about this male was different. He did scent a bit of apricots … but that didn’t mean anything, did it? It was probably just an elf thing. Yup, that’s what it was.

  “Housekeeping,” she repeated, much softer this time.

  The elven prince frowned. He walked back into the large apartment. “Giving an elf duck down is a slight. You do realize that innocent creatures were killed to make those things, don’t you?” He pointed at the two fluffy pillows in question. They were on the dining room table.

  “My sincerest apologies. I’m Charlotte, head of Operations at the castle. I would like to apologize on behalf of the housekeeping department.” She gave a curtsy. “You are the first elven royalty we have ever catered to.”

  “My sister lives at the castle.”

  “Yes, this is true but Esral is very much a part of us … one of the gang. We don’t cater to her, she handles her own …” She realized that she was babbling. “What I’m trying to say is that there are no airs and graces with Esral.” Then she realized what she’d said. “Not that airs and graces are bad.” Shit! She gave another curtsy. “Your highness,” she added.

  The elven prince smiled. His eyes brightened up. By all that was red, Grace had not been exaggerating. Not even a little bit. This male was sublime. He wore a pair of suit pants, belt undone and nothing else. No shoes, no shirt. Scrawny? Ha! She might have to cut out her own tongue for saying such a thing.

  His shoulders were broad, his torso well muscled. His hair was long with lighter strands throughout the light brown tresses. It hung loose about his shoulders. His eyes were quite beautiful. So very blue, they sparkled with intelligence … and humor. They reminded her of him. So much so that it was uncanny. It had been almost thirty years; could he have changed so much in that time? Yes. Definitely. Keraar was not a prince though.

  “Airs and graces,” he said, bringing her attention back to him. His smile deepened. “I like that. I’m glad that Esral has been so readily accepted.”

  “She is sweet and kind, as well as easy to like.”

  “Yes, yes she is. I think that she received all of the finesse and charm in our family.”

  Charlotte smiled back. “I’m sure that’s not true. I’ll go and make up your bed,” she quickly added. He seemed nice enough.

  “No need.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. The pants rode low on his hips. Charlotte had to stop herself from drooling. Drool would not be a good look on her.

  Not looking! “I insist.” The kings would not be impressed if he complained about this. Hopefully she could defuse the whole thing and leave him satisfied. So far so good.

  The bedroom scented strongly of him. A masculine woodsy scent, with hints of pine and sandalwood. Fresh, ripe apricots were at the forefront. He also scented of someone who had just showered ‒ soap and mint. His hair was still damp. It was obvious that the prince had been getting ready for bed when he’d found the duck down pillows. Charlotte felt mortified. What was done was done, she was here now and taking care of it. She inhaled through her nose a couple of times, enjoying his scent. Quite intriguing actually. Everything that scented good about the outdoors but mingled with clean, fruit, and yet really masculine.

  Charlotte put the pillows in their place and fluffed them, then she began remaking the bed.

  “You don’t have to do that.” His deep voice came from right behind her. “I’m only going to wreck it again in a few minutes.”

  “I really do. It was I who messed up, so I must fix it. You should be able to slip into a perfectly made bed.”

  She caught another whiff of his amazing scent, realizing with a start that the prince was aroused. Surely not! She took in another discreet breath. Yes, he was definitely aroused … by her. Her eyes widened and she sucked in a breath through her mouth this time. She realized that she was leaning over the bed, one knee on the edge. Her ass was in the air. Charlotte glanced back as he spoke.

  “You missed that section there at the bottom.” He pointed to where the comforter was a little crumpled at the foot of the bed. His voice was laced with humor. It was also husky. His voice, together with the scent coming off of him, caused her nipples to tighten. Her breath to quicken.

  Charlotte hadn’t had many bed partners since Zane had taken a mate. Once in a while she would accept a male’s advances when she was desperate. When easing herself just didn’t cut it anymore. Unfortunately, she was mostly disappointed. Zane was as alpha as they came and really good in the bedroom. She had a feeling that Keto would be too.

  Feeling brazen, Charlotte leaned over and smoothed the edge of the bed. She heard the pr
ince suck in a breath through his nostrils. She tucked in the corner of the comforter and glanced back. His eyes were hooded, not only that, they were filled with hunger. His hands were curled into tight fists at his sides. His massive body brimmed with energy and tension. The male wanted her. That much was apparent. She bit down in her bottom lip as a flood of desire swept through her. It started between her legs, which she squeezed together.

  What would her kings say if she seduced the elven prince?

  Chapter 4

  By all that was green.

  By all that bloomed in the spring.

  She was magnificent. Far more beautiful than he remembered her. Taller, filled out in ways that had his teeth sharpening and his root hardening. His member throbbed between his legs.

  Charlotte leaned over the bed, her ass in the air. It was full and yet so fucking tight. She wore a suit. The jacket covered far too much of her torso but that tight little skirt showed off her shapely legs. Her very long, very beautiful limbs.

  He bit back a groan as she reached forward to smooth the comforter with her hand. He tracked the movement, mesmerized.

  The vampire glanced back over her shoulders, her magnificent blond hair was tied back in a long ponytail at the back of her head. Her eyes were the color of the deepest ocean. She looked at him under long lashes. Interest flared in their depths. She stopped what she was doing, as her gaze tracked from his face to his chest, dropping to his … her eyes widened for a second.

  His root was hard. It would be easy to see through the pants he was wearing. By the way her nostrils flared, he knew that she could scent his arousal because he was aroused. Very fucking aroused. Need tightened his groin further. His sacs felt heavy. He clenched his teeth to stop himself from lunging for her. Vampires rutted at will. If she wanted him as much as he wanted her, she was fair game. She turned back to the task at hand, sticking her ass into the air, a clear invitation if he ever saw one. Her skirt pulled up higher on her thighs.

  Keto sucked in a breath. He’d never wanted a female more. Everything in him told him to take her, only it would be foolish to give into those base needs. This female wasn’t just any castle worker. She wasn’t just anyone. This was Charlotte. It was her. The female who had haunted his dreams for many long years. For a few seconds after he opened the door he was sure that she recognized him. Something flared in her eyes and her mouth opened, just a little. The moment seemed to pass though. He didn’t blame her, he had changed so much over the years. Even a male elf’s scent changed as he matured, which only settled in completely at twenty-five years of age. Keto looked different, sounded different and scented different. By all that was green, he was different. So many years would change a male. Still, he had hoped that some part of her might have known him on an instinctual level.

  Charlotte leaned forward a little more. This female still drew him like no other ever had. He wanted her so fucking badly. The problem was, being with her now, as a mature female might ruin him for his future mate.

  Might ...

  This female would definitely ruin him. Destroy him. She already owned a piece of him. Keto was breathing deeply, his chest rising and falling in quick succession, his hands fisted at his sides.

  Charlotte slid from the bed, her breathing had quickened as well. Her eyes glowed faintly. “There,” she announced, her voice husky, “all done.”

  “Thank you.” He cleared his throat. “I appreciate it.”

  “Was there anything else?” She lifted her brows and smiled. Her fangs had sharpened. So goddamned beautiful it took his breath away. Further proof that he needed to stay far a-fucking-way from her.

  Yet, Keto couldn’t bring himself to turn her down.

  “Anything more you need? Anything I can do?” She raised her brows.

  For a moment he was tempted to tell her who he was but he couldn’t do it. They had shared so much that day. In many ways she had helped him heal. They had a connection … fuck, he sounded like a pussy and yet it was true. Telling her would only complicate things. He needed to get rid of her. There was no space in his life for a female like this. A female that would dominate his thoughts. Keto wasn’t sure he could keep things casual. His kingdom, his crown and ultimately his future was at stake.

  He watched as Charlotte took a step towards him, her interest clear. She was within arm’s length. It would be so easy to pull her against him. He could have her skirt up in moments, would be able to feel her tightening around him with her first orgasm mere seconds later. He shook with need and clasped his hands even tighter. Keto shook his head. “No,” his voice was deep. Too deep, so he cleared his throat again trying to dislodge the need that was coursing through him. It was a futile exercise. “That will be all,” he managed to choke out through clenched teeth.

  Disappointment clouded her eyes. She frowned in confusion before nodding. “Good! Great!” Too shrill. “I’m glad you’re satisfied … happy.”

  Far from it!

  By the look in her eyes, he could see that he had hurt her feelings. It wasn’t his intention. “No. I am infinitely grateful.” He took her hand in his and squeezed. “More than you know,” he paused. “Take care of yourself, Charlotte.” He let her go. It was difficult but necessary.

  She nodded, looking taken aback. “My number is in the directory next to your bed.” Her eyes widened. “All of the heads of department are listed there,” she quickly added. “I trust your stay will be enjoyable.” She mumbled the last, already turning away from him.

  Charlotte was almost out the bedroom door when she came to an abrupt halt and turned. She dropped into a hurried curtsy, her eyes on the floor. Then she was gone.

  It was for the best.

  It was.

  Keto stood there for the longest time, trying to get his raging need under control, having to stop himself from going after her. He was leaving tomorrow. This time he’d stay away for good.

  Charlotte tripped over her own feet. Had she read that all wrong? Were elves that much different from vampire males?


  Forget it!

  The male had wanted her. He had practically vibrated with need and yet … he hadn’t acted on it. It wasn’t like relations between their two species were forbidden. Perhaps the prince did not like the idea of rutting a bloodsucker. That didn’t seem right either, and she hadn’t scented another female on him.

  Whatever the reason, she felt disappointed. Charlotte made her way to her suite and ordered a light meal. Then she took a quick shower. When the food arrived, she wolfed it down, not tasting a thing, and went straight to bed. Despite being exhausted, thoughts of the elven prince kept her awake. She played their meeting over and over in her mind.

  At some point, she must have fallen asleep because the ringing of her cellphone woke her up. It was still dark out. One look at the time told her that it was a few minutes before five. It was a number she didn’t recognize.

  Her mind was foggy with sleep. “Hello,” she croaked, her voice thick with sleep.


  What? Why? How?

  As to the who … She’d recognize that smooth baritone anywhere. It was him. The elven prince. Charlotte sat upright, her sheets pooling around her hips. Her t-shirt crumpled from a night of wrestling with her covers.

  “It’s Keto. I’m sorry to bother you so early.” His deep voice sent a whole horde of shivers racing down her spine and not in a good way. Why was he phoning so early? Something had to be wrong. Nerves caused her stomach to clench. What now? Flip! She wracked her brain but couldn’t think of anything.

  “No bother, my lord.”

  “Call me Keto.” He didn’t sound upset. He paused. “I tried to take a shower, but,” he paused again, “there was no soap.”

  “Damnit …” It slipped out. “I mean … I’m so very sorry. I had our housekeeper check that all was in order. She checked twice. I can’t believe she would have missed something so …”

  Wait a minute.

  Wait just a secon

  Keto had showered the evening before. She had scented soap on him. What was he on about? Grace would never have missed something as basic as shower gel. Never. The pillows, okay. They were a special requirement. One she hadn’t specified, but soap. No! What did she do now, did she play along or call him out on his bullshit?

  “I need to take a shower and would appreciate …” he sounded hesitant. Like bullshitting didn’t come naturally to him. That was something at least.

  “Of course. Again, I apologize.” She forced out the apology since he didn’t deserve it. The male was lying through his pointy teeth, although she didn’t know why. As much as she wanted to, unfortunately she couldn’t call him out on his bullshit. Keto was the elven prince, after all. “I will have one of the attendants at your door with a basket of bath soaps within five minutes.


  “Again, I apologize, I—”

  “I want you to bring them.” His tone was clipped. “Be here in ten minutes.” He put the phone down.


  No, he did not!

  Charlotte jumped out of bed. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. She threw on her skirt and blouse, quickly buttoning her jacket. Then she ran a brush through her hair. It would have to do.

  Should she go past stores and fetch some bathing products? Charlotte rolled her eyes. She’d better. This time, the guards let her right through. Ten minutes after his initial call, she knocked on his door.

  Keto opened it immediately. He wore the same pair of suit pants. No belt. No shoes. His hair was loose. It looked slightly mussed. His eyes narrowed in on her. “Come in.” A low rasp.

  Charlotte narrowed her eyes right back. “Here you go.” She tried to hand the basket to him but he ignored it. Just as she suspected. He didn’t need the soaps.

  Keto stepped to the side. “Come in.” He used a commanding tone. “Please,” he finally added when she didn’t comply.

  Holding back an eye-roll, she did as he said, staying in the front hallway. “Why did you call me here?”


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