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Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7)

Page 6

by Charlene Hartnady

  “That’s the thing.” Brant raised his brows. “You’re working far too hard.”

  “Don’t think we haven’t noticed how late you sit in that tiny office of yours,” Zane said.

  “Or how you run around the castle grounds trying to get everything done.” Brant picked up the cup of coffee in front of him and took a sip.

  “You need an assistant, maybe even two.” Zane looked at her pointedly. It was like he was daring her to argue.

  Charlotte frowned. “There is someone heading up each department. I have a fantastic management team.”

  “That may be so but you still work too hard.” Brant used a soft tone which worried her. Even his face was a mask of concern.

  “We’re worried about you,” Zane chimed in.

  “I’m doing fine!” Maybe she had dropped the ball somewhere. Were they just being nice? No! She didn’t think so. She did work hard. Too hard. She barely did anything else anymore. She snuck an afternoon off here or there. She couldn’t remember the last time she took a whole day.

  “When was the last time you took a vacation?” Zane asked, folding his arms across his chest.

  “Um …” She rubbed her mouth with her fingers.

  Brant flipped open the file on his desk. “I have it here …” He paged through the documentation. “You haven’t taken even a single day in the last eighteen months since you were promoted and …” He turned the page. “It was seven months prior to that. You took a week. So, it’s been over two years since you had a week off. One measly bloody week.” He shook his head in disgust.

  “That’s not right.” Zane shook his head too, his dark eyes were on her.

  “I apologize. I enjoy my job … I …”

  Brant chuckled. “No need to apologize.”

  Zane smiled. “It’s the two of us who should be apologizing to you, Charlotte. You need to pick an assistant. Who of your management team is competent enough to be able to stand in for you? To run with certain projects so that you can take time off on a regular basis. I’m not just talking vacations. I want to see you take two days off a week. You also need to use up your leave on an annual basis. We don’t want you to burn out. So that means promoting two people within your organization. One of your managers and a replacement for them.”

  “Okay. I can do that. I’ll work it into my schedule in the coming weeks. It’ll take time to train the person. I won’t just be able to let go of the reins all at once.”

  “You can and you will. Weeks?” Brant frowned. “You must appoint someone within the next few days.”

  “Days? I don’t have time for interviews. I …”

  Zane reached over and clasped her hand. “Make time.” He released her almost immediately. “You need to do this. Trust us on this. You’re also going on leave and soon.”

  “What?” She felt her eyes go wide. Felt panic well. “I can’t, there is so much to be done …”

  “You will have an assistant to take care of it and your department heads are more than capable. You don’t give them enough responsibility.” Brant looked stern. “It’s not a discussion. You’re taking a vacation and you are going to unwind and relax.”

  Charlotte huffed out a breath and sat back in her chair. “Okay … maybe in a couple of weeks.”

  Zane held up two fingers. “Two weeks.” He said it in a no-nonsense way.

  “I can’t.”

  “You can,” Brant spoke softly. “You must, for your own sanity. Zane and I feel bad for not picking this up sooner.”

  “We feel terrible at the oversight and at having to ask a favor from you at the same time as we try to rectify this.” Zane looked over at Brant. “Before you pack your bags or lounge at the pool, we need you to assist on a special project.”

  “Me?” She heard the shock in her voice. “Okay. What project?”

  Brant laughed. “Yes, you. You are the most qualified person I know.”

  “You also happen to get along really well with the elven prince, soon to be king.” Zane gave her a half-smile.

  She had to hold back a groan. It seemed that everyone in the entire castle knew about her and Keto. Life had been impossible for a few days after he had left. Charlotte had holed herself away. Just as the rumors and buzz began to die down, an announcement had been made about King Katar stepping down and Keto taking his place and boom … cue the rumor-mongers all over again. The females tittering behind their hands every time she walked into a room. Not to mention all the outrageous questions. Was nothing sacred anymore?

  “Right, that is a plus.” Brant laced his fingers together. “We need you to help with coordinating the crowning ceremony.”

  “Keto’s crowning ceremony?” Her voice was hesitant. Confusion caused her brow to crease. “Why on earth would the elves need my help?”

  “They’ve invited the two of us and our entire upper management, including families and plus ones. As one of our senior staff members, you are also invited, of course.”

  “Oh!” Her heart beat faster. “My name was on the list?” It was so stupid, a whole host of them had been invited and yet, she felt excited that she had been included.

  “No, no.” Brant shook his head. “They requested that we invite senior management on their behalf and to send in final figures a week before the ceremony. Here’s the thing, that ends up being thirty-nine of us.”

  Disappointment flooded her. Keto hadn’t personally invited her. “I see,” she mumbled. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t specifically been invited. She was being stupid. Charlotte decided then and there to decline. She needed to train her replacement. Two weeks leave. Had her kings gone completely mad?

  “The shifters are invited and the dragons are also included.” Zane said, drawing her attention back to the conversation. “We’re a little concerned that the elves are not going to be able to deal with such an influx of non-vegans. It’s not just that, they keep very much to themselves. Our customs are slightly different between species. We need everything to run smoothly. We feel that you can assist with things like seating arrangements and meal plans. Also with everything else from arrivals to sleeping arrangements. You will work closely with someone from HR who can also double as your PA for this assignment.”

  No way! She hated the idea. That would mean having to spend time on elven territory prior to the crowning. What if she ran into … him? Nope! No! Forget it! “I’m sure the elves will manage just fine.” She tried to sound upbeat, even forced a smile.

  “We already broached the subject with Savar, that’s Keto’s assistant, he was delighted at the prospect. Said it would help them enormously and that he was having sleepless nights worrying about so many high-level warriors from the different species being in one place at one time. We’re talking high-octane, high levels of testosterone and a recipe for disaster if this isn’t properly planned and coordinated by someone who knows what they are doing.”

  “What do I know about hosting a function?”

  “Everything.” Zane smiled. “You run this place. You were my PA for years. You know how to manage people and situations. Hell,” he chuckled, “you could handle me after all. You learned tons about the different species during that time.”

  “I don’t know anything about the dragons.” She was feeling nervous now. The kings believed in her. What if she messed up? What if she ran into Keto? Her heart beat faster at the prospect.

  “Relax!” Zane urged. “Remember how concerned you were about taking on this role ‒ and you’ve excelled. Here,” he handed her a note with some details scribbled on the front, “that’s King Blaze’s email address … you’ve met the male before.”

  She gave a meek nod.

  “He will fill you in on everything that you need to know about the dragons. Liaise directly with him. He’s expecting your correspondence.”

  “When do I leave for Pulamor?” Charlotte felt shell-shocked.

  “A couple of days before the ceremony but you need to start working on it from here, so best you get mov
ing on finding your replacement. We believe that each of your department heads is more than capable of running their departments and I will keep an eye on operations in your absence. You are needed in Pulamor and you really need to take leave after the ceremony.” Brant smiled. “You’ll do great! Call if there are any concerns.”

  She nodded, it felt like the blood had drained from her face … make that her whole body. She felt ill, although she wasn’t sure whether it was because of helping with organizing the function or the prospect of seeing the elven prince again that was worrying her more. Both terrified her.

  Chapter 9


  “Welcome.” An elven male walked up to her, gripped her hand and gave it a quick shake. “I’m Lenore. You and I will be working closely together.”

  Charlotte couldn’t believe what she was seeing. An entire castle built up into the treetops. It traversed at least a hundred tall trees. There were dozens of walkways spanning between the large limbs like spider webs. The entire structure was made from wood, all delicately carved with elaborate designs. Fairy lights adorned the walkways and tree limbs. She thought about what a spectacular sight it must be at night.

  “Welcome,” a deep voice had her insides turning to mush.

  “My lord.” Charlotte dropped into a curtsy. Her eyes landing on his feet. She felt her cheeks heat as she slowly lifted her gaze, allowing it to rake over him. All six and a half feet. His legs were muscular. His robe came to about mid-thigh. He had fantastic legs. There was a definite bulge … Not looking. His chest was partly exposed where the robe came to a V. Wow! Silk robes never looked more appealing. Who was she kidding, they had never looked appealing … until now. The black silk highlighted his eyes and the blond streaks in his hair, which was loose about his shoulders. He looked … good god, he somehow actually managed to rock the elven attire.

  “Thank you for agreeing to help us.” The elven prince smiled. His beautiful blue eyes glinted in the morning light. “What do you think?” He gestured behind him.

  “I love it.” She kept her eyes on his. “It’s quite magnificent. I never imagined your castle would look like this, but now that I’m here …” She smiled, her eyes flitting from one tree to the next. “It makes perfect sense that elves would live in the trees, in such beauty and surrounded by nature.” Pulamor was a work of art.

  A wide smile appeared on his handsome face.

  “I will take you for a quick tour,” Lenore piped up. She’d completely forgotten that the male was even there.

  “That’s okay, Lenore,” Keto said. “You go to the boardroom. I sent Savar there. Charlotte will meet the two of you, once we are done.”

  Once they were done with what? What did he have planned? Just a tour. Nothing more.

  A shiver raced up her spine. Maybe he wanted a repeat of the other day. Charlotte remembered how he felt inside her. How delicious his blood had tasted. How hard she had come. It was wrong of her to think like this. She was here on business after all, but she couldn’t help herself. Charlotte wanted him again.

  “As you wish, my lord.” Lenore gave a small bow. “I will see you later, Charlotte.”

  “It was good to meet you,” she finally called after him, her brain felt a bit foggy. Lust-riddled was a better description. It was Keto’s scent ‒ clean with apricot notes yet totally masculine. A turn-on, just like the rest of him.

  “Here, allow me.” He took the smaller of her two bags and slung it over his shoulder. With the flick of an eye, he instructed for the closest guard to take the bigger one.

  “It is my understanding that you have been in contact with the dragon king,” Keto said as they began to walk.

  “Yes, via email but I will have to call him to go over the seating arrangements.”

  Keto nodded. “I will leave it in your hands. You will be responsible for all the species other than the elves. Your decision will be final. Lenore will assist you where required, you’ll find that he is most efficient.” He pointed to a bridge. “We need to go that way.”

  Charlotte walked onto the wooden structure, as with the buildings themselves, the bridge was ornately carved. It was sturdier than it looked. “Good to know. We only have a couple of days to pull this event together.”

  “I have the utmost faith. I will try to make time where possible but for the most part, my assistant Savar will stand in for me.”

  “I will do my best, my lord.” Charlotte inclined her head.

  They walked in silence for a few minutes. Charlotte was intrigued by what she saw. Many of the windows were stained glass in the most amazing colors. The designs were floral and of great fields or waterfalls. Her favorite was one of the sun setting over the mountains. The hues had her mesmerized.

  “It is interesting that you were selected to come to assist.” There was a playful edge to his voice.

  “My kings felt that I was the most qualified.”

  “You’re not so sure though.” He frowned.

  “I’ve never had to coordinate a function of this nature. Yes, I’ve had many dealings with the various species over the years, but …” She sucked in a deep breath. “I can do this though. Don’t worry, I won’t let you down.”

  Keto gave her the sexiest half-smile. “I’m not worried. You don’t do things by half-measures.” He narrowed his eyes for a second. Was he flirting?

  She smiled back, feeling heat creep up the back of her neck.

  “Here we are,” Keto said as they arrived at one of the treehouse-type buildings. It was quite beautiful. The door looked like solid oak.

  Keto turned the handle and opened it. The room was big and airy. The structure was literally built around the wide trunk of the tree. Charlotte went inside and walked a circle, taking it all in. The various stained glass windows made the space bright and colorful. The bed was big and comfortable looking. There were Persian rugs on the gleaming wooden floors. “I’m sure you will be comfortable. Do not hesitate to speak with either Lenore or Savar should you require anything.”

  Keto hovered at the entrance. He put her bag down at his feet and gestured for the guard who brought the other bag over. The male quickly retreated.

  Charlotte swallowed thickly. What now? Keto took a step into the space and stopped. His gaze drifted to the bed. “The pillows are synthetic, I’m afraid.” He almost smiled. So he was thinking back to their time at the vampire castle. Then he seemed to sober up. “The kitchen will cater to your needs.” His eyes locked back with hers, there was a darkness there that hadn’t been there before. He also had a pinched look. His gaze dropped to her chest for a few moments before meeting hers again. There was definite desire written all over him. The silk-clad bulge between his hips became more obvious by the second.

  Small talk. Despite the waft of arousal that surrounded the male, it seemed like Keto was undecided on whether he was going to take her or not. He wanted to rut her. It was just like the last time. There was something holding him back then too.

  Charlotte had never been one for games. She wanted the male. “Are you going to close the door and come inside?” She placed emphasis on the word come. “Or do you have things that you need to do?” She unfastened her jacket and removed the garment.

  Keto shifted his weight, his hands curled at his sides. His eyelids were at half-mast. A muscle in his jaw ticked. By this stage, his cock jutted from his body. “I have to go.” A low growl. “I want to stay.” He clenched his jaw and breathed out through his nose. “But I can’t.”

  “Suit yourself.” She walked over to him, trying to breathe through her nose. The scent of his arousal was heady. It caused her nipples to tighten and other places to pucker. A zing of need coursed through her. Her fangs erupted. Her gaze was on her bags at his feet.

  Keto muttered something that sounded like ‘fucking silk’. He took her hand. “I want to.” His voice was so deep, she had to fight a shiver. She didn’t want him to know how he affected her. He held his other hand over his erection, trying to hide it. Yeah ri
ght! Like that was going to work.

  She forced herself to look him in the eyes. “Okay.” She shrugged. “That’s fine. I understand.”

  “I must find a female soon.” He let her hand go. “An elven female.”

  His words stung, just like they had before. He made her feel like she wasn’t good enough. “Go knock yourself out.” Flip! She sounded hurt. “You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.” More flippant.

  “Finding a female won’t happen if I’m buried inside of you. Don’t get me wrong, I would like nothing more than to make you come one more time, but …” He let the sentence die. A look of disappointment crossed his face.

  She swallowed hard, hating how her body gave a clench of need. “We both have responsibilities.” She was surprised at how calm she sounded. Charlotte was sure that if she gave him even the slightest provocation he would change his mind very quickly about leaving so soon. She could have him if she wanted him but she was damned if she was going to resort to such tactics. He wanted her but obviously not enough. Besides, she wasn’t touching him if he was involved ‒ potentially ‒ with someone else. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Charlotte picked up her bags and walked back into the room. She hoisted them both onto the bed, unzipped the larger of the two and began unpacking. When she glanced back up a few minutes later, he was gone.

  She sat down on the bed. Her whole body vibrated with need. She tried to ignore it, but it wouldn’t go away. With a sigh, Charlotte lay down, pulled her skirt up and spread her legs. There was no way she could go into a meeting all hot and bothered like this. She needed to take care of things.

  Charlotte rubbed a finger over her clit a couple of times. She dipped a finger into her pussy. Damn but she was wet. Using the wetness to coat the little nub, she tried to think of all the gorgeous males at the castle. Grace was right, Drago was really cute. She pictured him disrobing and fisting his cock. Not that she had ever seen the male naked but she had a good imagination, damnit and she would use it. She kept trying to picture him.


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