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Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7)

Page 13

by Charlene Hartnady

  Although a bit hesitant, Grace had given him directions on how to get to Charlotte’s apartment.

  And now, oh yes, he stood outside her door. Keto knocked. He waited a few seconds and knocked again. He heard bedsheets rustle. Her heart rate went up and she groaned softly. Keto knocked again, harder this time. “I know you’re in there.” He raised his voice a little to let her know he meant business.

  More rustling but he could hear that she was still in bed. Not budging. Keto smiled. “I might not have your sense of smell but my hearing is just fine. Open up.”

  Another soft groan but that was it. Charlotte was still in bed, trying to ignore him. Keto clenched his teeth. “I’m coming in, one way or the other so best you get your ass—” The door opened and a vision of absolute loveliness appeared before him. Her eyes blazed. Her cheeks were a deep rosy red and her hands were settled on her hips. “What are you doing here? Why can’t you take ‘no’ and ‘get lost’ for an answer?” There was a rough edge to her voice that did things to him. Dirty as fuck things.

  “You didn’t answer at all.” He tried not to let his eyes roam freely over her half-naked body. A rumpled white tank and little pink fuck-me-shorts. At least, that’s what the shorts were screaming to him.

  “Get the hint then.” She made a low noise that was filled with frustration. Charlotte sucked in a breath and widened her eyes like she just remembered something. She Squeezed them shut for a second and mumbled, “I have to do it.” Then she marched forward and kicked him in the shin.

  Kicked. Him.


  Keto felt his mouth fall open. “Oww!” He grabbed the limb in question. “What the hell was that for?”

  “Go away or I’ll be forced to kick you again.” Charlotte tried to slam the door in his face but he put his hand out before she could get it closed.

  The spitting mad vampire made a noise that was somewhere between a growl and a groan and kicked him again. Same shin. Same place.

  What the …? “Fuck!” he rasped as he picked her up, banding his arms around her so that she couldn’t pummel him. He knew for a fact that she could pack a punch if she tried. Keto walked into her apartment using his uninjured leg to kick the door closed.

  “Put me … down … now!” A growl. She wriggled. “I said to … leave …” She squirmed a whole lot more. “Asshole. Get out!”

  Keto put her down, the moment he released her, she slapped him. There was a cracking noise as her palm hit his flesh. It stung like hell. Keto couldn’t help but grin though. “Still a hellion.” He clutched his cheek for a second. His skin was hot to the touch. “And you can still deliver a serious blow.” Keto carefully eased his jaw from side to side.

  Her eyes went from wide to huge. Her mouth gaped. “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me.” It was about time he told her. “I said that you still have a slap that packs one hell of a sting.” He narrowed his eyes onto hers.

  “But …” She was breathing heavily. “I’ve never hit you before.” A flash of realization appeared in her blue orbs which shot to him. “Oh my god!” She looked bewildered. “You are him,” she whispered, her gaze straying to the ground at his feet. “My elf … I mean, the arrogant elven male who …” She let the sentence die. Her eyes darting back to him once again. She looked him over, almost like she was seeing him for the first time. “You’ve changed so much. Everything about you is different … except … except for your eyes, those are still the same.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “A gorgeous blue like a winter’s sky.”

  She pursed her lips. “Still big-headed as ever.”

  “You were the one who said it.”

  Charlotte chewed on her lower lip. “You remember that too?”

  He choked out a laugh. “I remember every second of every minute of that day.”

  Charlotte clasped a hand over her mouth and grabbed the back of the sofa for support. “Oh my god,” she squeaked between her fingers. Her eyes moved back to him and she dropped her hand. “I can’t believe it. That scrawny little elf … Your scent is different though. It can’t be you.”

  “Hey,” he chuckled. “I was only seventeen. An elven male’s scent changes when he matures.”

  “Your hair was much shorter. You’re taller, even your face has changed.”

  “I didn’t have facial hair back then, I was still a baby-faced teenager for the most part.”

  Charlotte stood taller. Hurt reflected in her eyes, followed closely by anger. “Why didn’t you say something?” More hurt.

  “I was afraid. Scared to my fucking core.” He swallowed thickly. “You were even more beautiful than I remembered, with the ability to make me forget everything. I knew as soon as I laid eyes on you that I still wanted you. That there was more there between us. I also knew that any kind of a relationship was impossible.”

  “You still could have …”

  “And then what?” There was a growl to his voice.

  She shrugged. “You should have told me.”

  “It was better that you didn’t know. I planned on sending you away and being done with it.”

  “Why did you call about the soap then?” She raised her brows.

  “Because I’m fucking weak. I couldn’t walk away without touching you one more time. One last time.” He sighed. “At least, that’s what I told myself.”

  “You kicked me out straight after.” Charlotte sounded hurt. Her eyes looked like they were filling with tears. She blinked them away.

  “I didn’t kick you out.” He shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “You may as well have.”

  Keto took a step towards her. “Only because of how you made me feel.”

  She looked, deep in thought. “The sex was good. It—”

  “I’m not talking about the sex.” He kept his eyes on her. “Okay, yeah, it was also the sex; it was everything … it was you. If I’d been afraid before, when I opened the door, I was terrified after we were together.”

  “You were terrified?” She didn’t look like she believed him.

  “Shaking in my fucking boots. I already knew my father was stepping down. I knew what was expected of me … I couldn’t … we couldn’t.” Keto shook his head. “I wanted to. I wanted to so damned badly you have no idea.”

  “You wanted to what?” Her chest rose and fell in quick succession.

  “Keep you. To tell you it was me, that I was Keraar but I couldn’t so I pushed you away. I almost fell on my face when the kings sent you … you …” he raised his voice. “Out of every vampire in this castle, they sent you to help with my crowning ceremony. I tried so damned hard to stay away from you.”

  She bit down on her lip. “I know you did. I didn’t understand it though.”

  “I tried because I knew I might fall for you …” he chuckled, looking up at the ceiling. “I was already falling for you. Believe me, I lied just as much to myself as I did to you by not telling.”

  Her eyes widened and her face looked pale.

  “When I saw those males fighting over you, something snapped inside me.” He clenched his teeth. “I wanted to throw you over my shoulder, but only after making them bleed.”

  A ghost of a smile appeared on Charlotte’s face. “I’m glad you didn’t start a fight.”

  “I loved our night together. Fucking loved it. Not just the sex. It was more than that. Holding you, talking to you while the rest of the world slept. It was amazing. I didn’t want you to go. Again, I was tempted to throw it all away at a chance to be with you.”

  “That’s why you were such a dick to me … you were pushing me away.” She scrubbed a hand over her face.

  “I shouldn’t have done it. It was wrong of me. I should have laid it all out for you, but please know that I was afraid … yes completely terrified. I should have been stronger though. I should have stayed away but I couldn’t. Apparently I still can’t manage it.” He pushed out a breath. “If I’m honest with you … hell, if I’m honest with m
yself, I’m here tonight to see you. My sister was right, I could’ve told her the information over the phone, I always intended to see you this evening. To make some excuse why I needed to knock on your door. So yeah, I am Keraar. I didn’t tell you because I was afraid of what would happen if I did. I’ve been pushing you away because I’m scared to death of falling in love with you. I’m sorry I lied and I’m sorry I’ve been such an asshole.”

  “I still can’t believe that you are him.” Her eyes had a faraway look like she was remembering that day. Shit! He’s said too much. Revealed far too fucking much. What now? It wasn’t like they could suddenly be together. His heart felt heavy, his throat clogged.

  Chapter 18

  Keto was Keraar.

  Keraar was Keto.

  Deep down inside she had known it. So deep that she’d been able to hide the truth from herself. Keto wasn’t the only person who’d been lying to himself. She thought back on that day. He was the first and only person she’d admitted her true feelings about her grandmother to. Told the real reason why she was so angry, why she was so ashamed.

  He hadn’t judged her when she’d told him. Keraar had held her until she got it all out. She wasn’t sure how long that was, only that a weight felt lifted afterwards. When she looked into his eyes, she’d expected to see pity and was shocked to find something else reflected there entirely.


  A ton of the stuff. It pulled his features taut and darkened his eyes. Keraar meant it when he said he understood. “You do understand don’t you?” she asked. “What’s … going on with you?” she continued when he didn’t say anything more.

  His arms were still around her. She felt him stiffen. Keraar let her go and shook his head. “Not anything I want to talk about.”

  She widened her eyes and looked at him pointedly. “Really? I told you my troubles, so you can tell me. Now, out with it.” Charlotte used a firm voice.

  His eyes widened in what looked like shock. Like he wasn’t used to people telling him what to do. That couldn’t be it.

  “Female …” His voice was gruff. “Charlotte,” softer this time, “it’s not something you want to hear. I’ll have you crying again and I only just made you feel better.” He used false bravado and even smiled. It was tight and didn’t reach his eyes.

  Charlotte faked it sometimes as well. She pretended to be happy. It seemed to appease those around her. To make them feel more comfortable, but she wasn’t buying his whole act. Not for a second. “You can talk to me. You’ll feel better and you’ll probably never see me again so it won’t matter. I promise not to tell a soul and not to judge you.” She used his own words on him. “Besides, I can guarantee it will make you feel better.”

  “I doubt it,” he mumbled.

  “Try, you have nothing to lose.” She implored him with her eyes.

  Keraar held her gaze for what felt like a long time; he finally nodded. “Okay, but … you’re going to hate me.”

  “I doubt it, you’re a likable guy. I tried to hate you already and failed.” She smiled at him.

  “That’s because you’re nice.” He was so sincere, so darned sweet.

  “Quit stalling,” she urged, taking his hand in hers. “I’m all ears.” She was almost too afraid to hear what he was going to say, not because she would judge him as he suggested but because she knew it was going to be bad. As in tear-jerker stuff.

  Keraar gave a shudder and his face morphed into a mask of pain. He made the start of a sobbing noise but sucked it back. Oh shit! This was worse than she thought. Charlotte squeezed his hand and gave a nod of encouragement.

  “My mother …” Another shudder. “My mom … she …” He grit his teeth, his eyes were haunted. They filled with unshed tears. He sucked in a couple of deep breaths. “She died and it’s all my fault.” He gulped in lungfuls of air. Keraar let her hand go and paced a few steps in the opposite direction. His shoulders hunched. He put two fingers to his eyes and pressed, obviously trying to get his emotions under control.

  Charlotte waited patiently. She had nowhere to be and even if she did, it wouldn’t matter. It took a good couple of minutes before he finally turned around. “It was an accident.” He had this stricken look on his face. It made her heart beat faster. “A stray arrow. Silver-tipped and straight into the heart.”

  Charlotte wanted to gasp, she wanted to put a hand over her mouth and widen her eyes but she did none of those things. Instead, she said, “Tell me about it.”

  Keraar swallowed thickly. He nodded once. “It happened two months ago, we were practicing … shooting targets in the designated area. A group of us.” He shrugged. “We practice daily. It’s routine. We followed every damn precaution, especially since we were using actual silver. There’s a weight difference between steel and silver, so it is important we practice, on occasion, with the actual substance. My mother went for a walk in the gardens like she often did. We’re not sure how it happened.” He shook his head. “No clue! She was struck almost five hundred yards away.” He shook his head, lost in his own thoughts for a moment. Then his tormented eyes met hers. “I could have been the one who loosed that arrow. I am one of the best archers. I can strike a target at three hundred yards, no problem. Very few males my age have that kind of strength. It could have been me. I might have killed my own mother.”

  His terrible admission hung between them for a few moments. Keraar’s chest rose and fell rapidly. His face was a mask of torment. His eyes haunted.

  “You said it was an accident.”

  Keraar nodded. “Of course it was but that doesn’t—” He made a sobbing noise. “I have nightmares. Terrible nightmares where I loose an arrow and she falls. Her white silken gown turning crimson. A look of horror on her face as she dies. She’s looking at me,” his voice grew louder and louder, “blaming me.”

  “I’m so sorry it happened. So sorry you are going through this.”

  “What?” His eyes were wild. “You’re not going to tell me I didn’t do it? That I didn’t kill my own mother?” She could see anger flare in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry …” She paused as a lump formed in her throat. She swallowed hard a couple of times, trying to clear it away. “I can’t. All I can tell you is that it might not have been your arrow and that if it was, it was an accident.”

  “No!” he growled, the anger replaced with hurt and anguish.

  “If your mother was here, she would tell you to let it go. She would never blame whomever it was who shot her. Whether it was you or someone else. You need to know that,” she paused, “I know for a fact that she would tell you to forgive yourself—”

  “You didn’t know my lady mother. You never met her. I doubt you’ve ever even seen her!” he spat, angry now.

  Charlotte had to remind herself that he wasn’t angry with her. “It sounds like you loved your mother very much.”

  His eyes flared. “Of course I loved her.” Another yell of anger. His eyes were glassy with unshed tears.

  “And she loved you too … probably more than she loved herself. I know this because I am a female. One day I, too, will have children and I will love them with everything inside me. I don’t need to know your mother to know it’s true. She loved you. If by chance it was your arrow, she would forgive you. I promise.”

  A tear fell; it tracked down one of his cheeks. Keraar didn’t seem to notice it. He stared far off into the distance. She could see his mind working. “I hate myself. I’m not sure I can live with the possibility that I killed her.”

  “You loved your mother and therefore you need to honor her.”

  “Of course I honor her.” An angry snarl.

  “You need to honor her by forgiving yourself … for something you may not have done. You need to keep your head held high and live your life to the fullest. You not only have to live with yourself, Keraar, but you have to live a good, full life as well.”

  “I want to.” A fresh batch of tears fell. “I really do.” He sniffed, meeting her eyes for
the first time since telling her. Keraar seemed to realize just then that he was crying. He frantically wiped away the tears. “Oh! No!”

  “It’s okay to let it out you know? It’s okay to grieve.”

  “No!” More wiping. Keraar shook his head. “A male of my standing—” He sucked in a breath. “A male who—”

  “There is no one here to see you. Just me. I’m no one special,” she whispered.

  Keraar bit down on his lip, his eyes filling once more. He gave a nod. It was defeated and so sad it made tears well in her own eyes. When his tears began to fall in earnest, she held him just as he had done for her.

  The wind rustled through the trees and the birds chirped, unaffected. The world went on just as it always had done. Keraar finally lifted his head, he wiped a hand over his face. “You are right about one thing.” His voice was still choked.

  “What is that?” Her own voice was a tad husky, clogged with emotion.

  “I do feel much better.” He smiled. It was a small, half-smile but it lit up his whole face including his eyes. “Thank you.”

  “It’s a pleasure.”

  His arms tightened around her. “You were wrong about something else though.”

  She raised her brows. “Was I?”

  “Yes. Very wrong. You are special.” His eyes bore into hers. “Special to me.”

  It was then that she realized how close they were to one another, their faces just inches apart. Keraar leaned forward and kissed her. It was soft and gentle but quickly morphed into more. So much more.

  “This morning wasn’t our first kiss,” Charlotte said, looking Keto in the eyes.

  He shook his head. “No.”

  Keto was the elven prince. He must have rutted so many females over the years. “I can’t believe you even remembered me.” She shrugged. “I suppose it’s not every day you bed a vampire.”

  “Is that the only reason you remember the encounter?” The question fell from his lips. “Because I’m an elf?” There was an edge to his voice, like her answer was important to him.


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