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Wanted By the Elven King (The Chosen Series Book 7)

Page 21

by Charlene Hartnady

  Chapter 29

  Everyone was still present when he returned. They all looked a little shell-shocked, not least of all, Lafara. The female was pale, her eyes overly large in her head.

  “I will escort your future mate back to her house.” Savar’s face had a pinched look. “I take it we are still on track?” He narrowed his eyes.

  “Yes, of course.” Keto could barely talk. His throat felt clogged. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. Everything in him told him to go after Charlotte.

  A garden.


  Just within his reach. The female he loved was right there, and yet she may as well have been on another planet. He couldn’t have her. Keto had made promises he couldn’t back out on.

  “My lord,” Savar spoke loudly and through clenched teeth.

  “Yes, sorry,” he sputtered. “What did you say?”

  “Lafara was bidding you a good evening.” Savar sounded irritated with him. The male’s eyes burned. Well tough fucking shit. He was being forced to mate someone he didn’t love. Forced to mate with a perfectly lovely female, only she wasn’t his female and never would be. Nothing had changed though, he needed to do his best by her. Needed to pull himself the fuck together. How though? How?

  “My apologies.” Keto gripped her hand. He couldn’t bring himself to kiss her skin, so he just squeezed instead, quickly releasing her. “Take care. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  The female started a curtsy, then thought the better of it. “Until then.” Her lip quivered.

  Great! Fucking wonderful. He’d hurt them both. He was an asshole.

  As soon as she was gone, he began walking towards the exit. “Wait.” It was Esral.

  Keto didn’t feel like talking with anyone right now, so he kept walking.

  “Wait!” She tried again, closer this time. “I’ll walk with you.”

  “I don’t want the company,” he rasped.

  “I think you could use it.” She fell in step with him.

  After a few minutes of walking in silence, he stopped, and pulled a hand over his face. “This is such a fuck-up,” he growled. “A mega fuck-up of epic proportions. I need to go to her.” He paced away from Esral, putting a hand to one of the trees. He leaned forward, resting his weight on the tree. His eyes were closed. The bark was rough.

  “I take it you’re referring to Charlotte?”

  “Of course, there is no one else. There never will be. Except …” He gripped the hard wood, feeling it bite into his hand. “She’s joining some shifter program designed to match shifters with vampire females.” He didn’t recognize his voice. It was rough and raw.

  Esral laughed softly. “Do you really believe that?”

  He turned. Esral’s smile vanished. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make fun of you. I take it she came to try to make up with you. I didn’t think she would, she was adamant that you needed to move on, to take a mate and to become king.” She frowned heavily.

  “Charlotte knew the terms and was afraid I’d end up losing my crown, but …” Fuck! What shitty timing. What unbelievably asshole timing. “I guess you should know why she came. It might give you some hope through all of this.” Xavier had been drinking from him in the hope of making Esral pregnant. “Charlotte grew a garden … she can have children. We would’ve been able to start a family.” His eyes stung. His chest felt like it was wrapped in twine. “We could’ve been together. I should never have given up on her … on us.”

  “You can’t blame yourself. Things happen that we don’t always have control over. Neither of you is to blame. The ridiculous thing is that if Charlotte had done the selfish thing and jumped in and mated you despite those terms, things would have worked out. She’s a good person. She put you and the kingdom first and now look.”

  Esral took a step towards him. She reached out and touched his arm. “You are a good male, Keto. You also care about more than just yourself. You care about Lafara and her feelings. You already accepted her as your future mate. I happen to know that you haven’t submitted your choice to council as yet, so technically you could change your mind. You could still follow your heart.”

  “I can’t do that.” He lifted his eyes to the thick, black, canopy above. “I wish to god I could, but I can’t.”

  “Of course you can’t. It would be wrong to set Lafara aside. You already made promises to her. I heard you assuring her earlier, you were very honest and yet very careful to spare her feelings. This whole thing is grossly unfair.”

  “I can’t go through with this mating, and yet, I have to. I just wish there was some way.” His voice sounded defeated … he felt defeated. This was so fucked up.

  “Maybe there is a way,” a soft voice sounded from the walkway behind them.

  Chapter 30

  “What the fuck did you say?” Brant screamed into the cellphone in his hand. “Are you serious? You can’t be fucking serious?”

  Charlotte tried to drown out the noise. Her head pounded. Her eyes still felt swollen. Hours of crying would do that to a person. Her right eyelid twitched as she reached for her fifth … no, make that, seventh cup of coffee. She just needed to get through this meeting and then she could … crawl back into bed. No way! Forget about it! Once she was done here, she was going to …

  Keep her head up. A good plan!

  Keep going. A great plan!

  Sign up for the shifter thing. Not happening! She wanted to. She had even meant it, just a little bit, when she’d vowed to Keto last night that she was going to enter, but the truth was that she couldn’t. She wouldn’t. It wouldn’t be fair to the poor shifter.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Brant yelled. He was more agitated than normal yet his lip gave a twitch like he wanted to … laugh. These types of rants happened from time to time, but ‒ was it just her imagination or was this one worse than normal? He also seemed weird. There it was again, another twitch. “Should you stop them? Is that what you just said to me? Should you …?” He paused and pressed his fingers against his closed eyes. “Fucking hell!” he growled.

  Yup, it was worse than normal. What was going on?

  Brant walked over to the window and pulled the curtain to the side. He peered out for a few seconds, the natural light illuminating his face. Next thing, Brant was choking out a laugh. “No, don’t stop them.” He shook his head, first in disbelief and then in aggravation. “Of course I’m sure. It’s technically not our territory anyway.” Then he pushed the down button and threw his phone on the boardroom table. It landed with a clatter. His stare turned to her.

  Charlotte felt herself frown. “Um, anything I can do, my lord?” Why was his focus on her?

  “Yes, there is a disturbance at the front gate. Please go and take care of it.”

  Her frown deepened, as did her confusion. “Shouldn’t security be called?”

  “That was security. They need you to help them out.”

  “Me?” She pushed a finger into her chest. “Why would security need me?”

  “Humor me, Charlotte. Go! Get your ass out there and do it now.”

  “I still don’t understand how I—”

  “I said to go right now. We’ll take care of things here.” He looked pointedly at the others at the table. Then Brant smiled. “Enjoy the rest of your day.” He winked at her.

  Weird. Her king was acting downright strange. She gathered her things and left, slinging her bag over her shoulder. There was no way security needed her. Brant must have it wrong. Maybe it was the lack of sleep and she’d heard wrong.

  Charlotte walked out through the main castle doors and down the marble stairs. She walked down the cobblestone walkway and onto the gravel path that led to the gate. The sound of heavy machinery starting up caused her to miss a step.

  What was that? There were voices coming from the other side of the wall. That, and engines running. Was this a team wanting access to the property? Had she organized this? No way had her memory deteriorated to that extent. It was more
feasible that one of her team members had arranged for something in her absence.

  Yes, most likely. Charlotte kept walking. She dug her phone out of her bag and called Grace, who answered in two rings.

  “Why is there heavy machinery outside the gate?” she blurted, even before Grace could say hello.

  “Um … I’m not sure,” her assistant said. “Let me check my calendar to be sure.”

  “Please do that.” Charlotte kept on walking. “It sounds like something big, give me a sec, I’m almost there …”

  “There’s nothing in my calendar,” Grace said. “There’s nothing down for tomorrow either. No one emailed me.”

  Charlotte kept on walking. The sounds of machinery growing stronger. “You might need to call maintenance, maybe… What the—!” Charlotte squinted ahead. “There’s a grader and what looks like a roller. There’s also another large truck. The grader is busy grading the road just in front of the … the— Oh god!”

  “What’s wrong?” Grace asked.

  Charlotte gripped the phone a little tighter, afraid it was going to fall from her grip. “I’m going to have to call you back.”

  “What’s going on?” Her friend sounded worried.

  “It’s fine. I’ll call you later.” She put the phone down and stuffed it back into her bag. Keto was there. In the flesh. He was watching her. Just over there at the guard station. He was wearing jeans ‒ damn him because he looked good in the tight blue denim ‒ and a button-down shirt. It was gray with black buttons. His hair was tied at the base of his neck.

  Quit dawdling! Quit staring and walk! Charlotte finally managed to get her feet to work. She walked over to him.

  Keto smiled; it was a really cute, really shy half-smile that had her insides turning mushy and her heart … she didn’t have a heart. She reminded herself. No heart.

  Charlotte scowled at him. At least, she hoped she was scowling. She folded her arms so that he would know that she was not happy to see him. Not at all.

  “Did you sign up for that shifter program yet?” he asked, there was a light stubble on his chin. His eyes were a gorgeous pale blue in the morning light.

  “Not yet.” She clenched her teeth. “Are you lost or something?”

  “Nope.” Keto shook his head. “I may have been lost before but I’m definitely where I need to be right now.”

  “You look lost to me.” Just then one of the trucks fired up. It was noisy as hell. “Do you have something to do with this?” She pointed at the mess outside the front gate.

  “I might have something to do with that … yes. First, I need to know …” A vulnerability crept into his eyes. Keto licked his lips. He got that look, one that showed his nervousness. “Are you really planning to enroll in that shifter shit-show?”

  “Shit-show? It isn’t a shit-show, it’s a …”

  “The stupid shifter program then.” He shifted from one foot to the other, there was a gruffness to his voice. “Are you planning to enroll?” Softer this time. His throat worked as his eyes held hers.

  Charlotte couldn’t answer. She’d have to say no. “What is it to you? You shouldn’t care. Where’s your … her. The one with the strawberry blonde hair and pointy ears?”

  “Pointy ears are overrated. I’m more partial to fangs.”

  Her heart beat faster. He was flirting with her. Why was he flirting with her? Charlotte narrowed her eyes at him. Why was he even here? Why did she keep asking these annoying questions inside her own head instead of just asking him? Maybe because she was too afraid of what he might say. What if she was reading this wrong? “Why are you here?” she finally blurted.

  Keto shrugged. “I’m fixing the road between Pulamor and the vampire castle. Laying down asphalt.”

  “Why?” She felt herself frown.

  “I don’t like driving on dirt.” He pulled a face. “It’s uncivilized. Although …” The smile was back. Keto looked so damned hot when he smiled. He needed to stop talking and right now. Whatever he had to say, she was sure she didn’t want to hear any of it. It would just hurt her.

  “Well that’s too damned—”

  “Wait…” Keto took a step towards her, his throat worked. “Let me finish! I never used to be a fan of ‘uncivilized’ until I met you.”

  Her eyes widened. “I’m not uncivilized. Take that back.”

  “I won’t! I can’t.” He closed the distance between them and gripped her hip in one of his big hands. “Elven females are civilized …” He shook his head. “You, on the other hand, are not. Nowhere near it.”

  The nerve! “Are you trying to give me a compliment? Because if you are, you’re doing a shitty job?” She tried to shuffle away but his grip tightened.

  “I’m glad you’re uncivilized. I fucking love that you’re not civilized. An elven female would never call me names, she’d never kick me or hit me or ride me like you do.” He growled the last, his eyes heating with desire.

  Her traitorous pussy clenched. “Well, you have yourself a problem then.” She tried to pull back. “What will your girlfriend have to say about your little visit? You shouldn’t be saying things like this to me. It’s not right. Why are you here? I thought you weren’t going to visit the castle much?” Shit! Her eyes filled with tears. She couldn’t bear it if he came to visit all the time. He’d bring the family for sure. She’d have to leave the castle. Maybe she could move to New York. Yeah, the Big Apple was short a vampire female. It was short on vampires full-damned-stop. She’d go there. Charlotte blinked a couple of times.

  “There is no problem.” His features softened while his voice deepened. “I … we will visit often. I’m sure you’ll want to see your friends.”

  What? Charlotte licked her lips and tried to make sense of it. She must have heard him wrong.

  “I love you, Charlotte. Only you. I had already promised to mate with Lafara and couldn’t go back on my word. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t. I am a male of honor.” His eyes shone with sincerity.

  “I understand.” That was the thing; Charlotte did. She wished she could hate him but she couldn’t. “Why are you dragging this out though?”

  “Shut up for a second and hear me out.”

  “Now you’re telling me to shut up!” Charlotte poked a finger at his chest. His hard, muscular chest. Charlotte pulled her hand back like she’d been burned.

  “Yes,” Keto snarled. “Keep that beautiful, sassy mouth of yours closed for a few seconds.” That sexy as sin, cocky smile was back. “Please.”

  “Fine. You have a few seconds.”

  He pushed a breath out. “I thought that Lafara was excited about our pending mating. I thought she wanted me. Turns out I was wrong ‒ she’s in love with another male.”

  “How convenient.” Charlotte struggled to keep her voice even. “The female you chose didn’t want you in the end and … now you’re back here.” She chewed on her lower lip.

  “It didn’t happen like that.” Keto took both her hips in his hands. He was so close that they were almost nose to nose. His eyes blazed. “You walked away from me. It was your choice.”

  “I did it for you.” A whisper. “You need to be king. You must make all of those brilliant ideas and dreams a reality.”

  Keto breathed out through his nose. “I know you did it for me. I realize that or I wouldn’t be here. I didn’t choose Lafara, Savar picked her for me. I couldn’t do it. I had no choice, the council made me submit a name by midnight yesterday.”

  “I see.” She looked down at her feet.

  Keto cupped her jaw and lifted her gaze to meet his. Oh boy! Her heart might just be back … it beat like mad. Maybe she wasn’t completely dead inside after all. His eyes were filled with … love. “No, you don’t see. I put down your name.”

  “What? Why would you do that?”

  “Because, I want you, Charlotte. I love you. Because Lafara should be with Ragdi since he is the male she loves.”

  “Oh!” Did this mean what she thought it did? “Okay �
�� um.” She licked her lips, replaying their conversation, starting to see things a little differently.

  “I’m building the road for you, you silly, crazy, uncivilized vampire,” he sighed. “Okay and maybe just a little bit for me. I’m sure you will want to visit here often since you will be coming to live with me. I like to drive my sports cars so it’s a win-win.” He used both hands to cup her face.

  “You’re full of it. You automatically assumed I would agree to this.” She was grinning. She couldn’t stop. “You put my name down without speaking to me first? Without asking me first?”

  Keto grinned back. “Yeah, I did. I hoped you would still feel the same about me. Esral assured me that you did. I might have prayed a little too. In the end I took a leap of faith ‒ something I need you to do as well.”

  “Your council must have loved you since I backed out once already.”

  “I had to fight for this but I told them you won’t back out again. Back to the part about me praying and taking that leap of faith.”

  “No,” she shook her head. “I won’t back out. I’m leaping in with you.”

  Keto kissed her. She pressed her body against his and made a whimpering noise that couldn’t be helped. It was hot, it was heavy. Filled with so much pent-up emotion and desire.

  Keto was out of breath when he pulled away. “I love you so damned much,” he whispered the words against her lips. “I’m going to mate you. We’re going to have a whole string of children and we’re going to be happy.”

  Charlotte laughed. “You’re clearly royalty and used to getting everything you want.”

  “I want you more than anything. Please, you have to say yes?” That vulnerability was back.

  “So, I do have a choice?” She raised her brows.

  Keto made a growling noise. “Like I could make you do anything.”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I can’t wait to mate you, to have a whole string of kids with you and to be happy … forever with you.”

  “Thank fuck!” Keto yelled, he pulled her closer and devoured her lips all over again.


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