Book Read Free

Seize Me

Page 7

by Crystal Spears

“A great five minutes,” I whisper.


  “Yeah,” I repeat him.

  “I’m gonna go back to sleep now with my cock firmly planted in your warmth. You should sleep baby; you’re gonna be underneath me for a while.”

  “Okay,” I squeak.

  Plenty of things run through my mind as I’m drifting off to sleep. The main one being that Braxxon didn’t force my head away when he came, and what the hell does that mean?

  I wake up cold and alone in Braxxon’s bed. I look over at the clock and notice it’s already four o’clock. I need to get out of this clubhouse for a bit. The same routine is killing me. I can’t stand sleeping so much, and doing nothing. I grab my clothes and slip them on along with my tennis shoes. I pick up my phone and grab some cash out of my purse. I wonder if Lana will go get something to eat with me. When I get downstairs, I look through the throngs of people looking for her and have no luck, so I ask PP where she is. He says that she and Pyro went back to bed.

  Damn, he’s an energizer bunny.

  I spot Braxxon at the pool table with Christina and anger immediately flares. He doesn’t even notice when I’m walking towards him, so I stop and clear my throat. He looks up and grins at me as if I’m the only person in the room, and I start to calm.

  “I’m hungry. I’m gonna run to get something to eat. You want anything?”

  “Take one of the prospects with you baby and no I’m good.”

  “No,” I say. It’s just around the corner for a burger. I don’t need a damn escort.

  “Yes,” he growls.

  “I said no; it’s just around the corner. Hell I’m even walking.”

  “The fuck if you are,” he roars.


  “Baby, it’s okay. I’m famished; I’ll walk with her,” Christina purrs.

  Famished? Yeah right bitch, you just wanna be catty.

  Braxxon’s head snaps to her, and he gives her a look that would kill a flock of sheep. If he were superman, she’d be dead.

  “Fifteen minutes Chris, and if something happens to her, I swear I’ll kill you myself,” he growls.

  “What the hell? I’m a grown ass woman; I don’t need a fucking escort. Especially your ex-bed bunny,” I scream.

  Fuck, he’s pissing me off.

  “Angel, don’t fucking push me on this. She’s going, or you’ll starve.”

  “I’ve known you for one stupid week, and you’re acting as if we’ve been fucking for years Brax; I don’t like it.”

  “Dammit Winter,” he roars, throwing the stick on the table, causing the entire room to silence.

  “I fucking hate you so hard right now,” I spit.

  “Ditto baby,” he says crossing his arms. “Fifteen and not a minute more.”

  I turn away and walk out with Christina on my trail. Of all the people to come with me around the stupid corner, it had to be her. She catches up to me while texting away on her damn cell phone. “Braxxon still doesn’t have a clue,” she cackles beside me.

  “What,” I say as I stop walking.

  “He’s a fucking moron. Goodbye bitch.” She shakes her hand at me.

  I’m about to ask her what the fuck she’s talking about when a rag drops from behind me, covering my mouth.

  Oh, shit.

  It has been twenty minutes since I let Angel go get some food and she’s still not back. Something’s not right, and I should’ve trusted my damn gut.

  “Sniper, go see what the fuck is taking them so long,” I growl, dialing Angel’s cell.

  My hands are fucking shaking. The phone is bouncing around on my ear as I listen to it ring over and over again. I’m gonna ring her damn neck for doing this shit to me. Finally, on the third call someone picks up.

  “Brother,” Sniper answers and my skin heats. “I found her phone around the corner.”

  I start cursing. Fuck I knew that bitch was up to no good, and it just cost me my Angel.

  Pyro comes rounding the corner with Lana. No doubt, he heard my string of curses.

  “Apartment lockdown and I better not see a single non-club member roaming around,” I roar as everyone just stares at me. Do they not understand fucking English? “NOW!”

  Everyone scatters expect for Lana. “Lana fucking go!”

  Pyro whispers something in her ear, and she nods shakily with tears in her eyes.

  Sniper comes up to me and hands me her phone, and I swear I see fucking red. Everything is motherfucking red.

  “Prez one of Snake’s guys snatched her up. Looks like with a rag with chloroform on the video and Chris climbed into the van willingly,” ZZ snaps.

  “Why the fuck couldn’t she just listen to me. Stubborn fucking bitch.”

  We walk to the chapel and start taking our seats. We know that we gotta wait for Snake to call and make his demands. He wants something from me.

  “Snake isn’t our only problem,” I say racking my hands over my face groaning. “Star’s real name is Winter Belov.”

  The room booms with what the fucks.

  “She’s running from her father. I don’t know which Belov yet; she won’t open up. But if Snake finds out, Winter might as well be dead.”

  My stomach starts churning as I think about what will happen to Winter if I don’t get her back. It’s simply not an option.

  “What do you think he wants?” Samuel asks. “The only thing we have is...,” Samuel trails off because he already knows the answer.

  “FUCK,” Rob roars first.

  “He wants the gold pipeline,” Hammer growls through a clenched jaw.

  I don’t know how Snake found out about the gold pipeline, but he’s been after the MC ever since. Who wouldn’t want it? It’s a damn gold mine. An actual fucking goldmine was running right underneath our territory in the desert. We stumbled upon it when we met up with some contacts, and haven’t been able to go back. Word got out that our land was hot, and we weren’t taking a chance on leading someone straight to it. The gold we dug up when we found it was worth 2.2 million. After cleaning the gold, it sold for 1.5 million. I had my suspicions that Christina was the one that found out, and took the lead straight to Snake. Now Angel’s disappearance confirmed it.

  “Christina,” I growl.

  “I knew that fucking bitch was up to no good,” Pyro speaks up.

  “I gotta get her back.” I don’t need to explain myself because every single one of my brothers knows that when you find the one you just find her. Yeah, some of them stray from their women and some of them don’t, but it’s life. Once we find the one, we cherish the shit outta em. We sometimes have shit ways of doing them wrong, but we always make up for it. They never want for anything.

  “Breakneck?” Walter asks.

  Breakneck is the MC name, but it’s also a word for our family. He’s asking if I’m laying a claim of forever on her. That is the kind of claim that we would risk everything for.

  “Breakneck,” I repeat.

  “Well fuck me.” James leans back.

  “We’ll get her back Prez,” Smokey growls as he tries handing me a joint. I pass. I want a clear damn head for when the phone rings.

  “So you’re claiming a Russian.” Hammer chuckles. “Does she talk dirty in Russian when you’re fucking her?”

  I would be pissed if someone that wasn’t a club member or a brother asked that, but he’s just trying to ease my anger and worry. I have some incredible brothers and all thanks to my pop.

  “It makes my dick so hard,” I groan missing her. “It’s been a fucking hour; what the fuck is taking so…” my phone ringing interrupts my rant. I tap the speaker button as soon as I accept the call.

  “Brax,” I growl. “Where is she, Snake?”

  “She’s right here. C’mon cunt, bring your naked ass over here and say hello,” he taunts.

  “You think being fucking nude bothers me? I’m a fucking stripper, you dumbass! Don’t fucking touch me. I said don’t fucking touch me!” She screams.

hear her slapping him away, and my blood boils as my body heats up in a rage I’ve never felt before. This new kind of rage brings on the meaning for revenge.

  “She’s got such a pretty little pussy; I can’t wait to tear that shit up.” Snake chuckles. “Give me the gold pipeline or your bitch is dead; hell she might even beg me to kill her when I rip her hole to hole.”

  “Don’t you fucking touch her Snake,” I seethe as I eye my brothers and they nod. “I’ll give you the pipeline; just don’t fucking touch her.”

  “Now why don’t I believe you Braxxon? You’re your father’s son. Call me back in twelve hours with your final answer. Until then, I’m gonna enjoy this delicate, feisty bitch of yours.”

  “Don’t fucking touch me! Noooo... Noo… Noo… Gummmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee—,” Her screams cut off as Snake hangs up.

  The phone goes to the operator telling me to hang up, and I can’t move; I can’t even reach over and shut the damn thing off. I’m immobile, and I feel absolutely powerless. I can’t wait twelve hours to get her back I just can’t. Who knows what he’s doing to her now. I’m gonna be fucking sick.

  “Breathe Prez, we’re riding out. Fuck him, we’re gonna find her,” Sniper roars.

  “Prez let’s go.” Hammer stands as he taps my phone off.

  “Breakneck,” they say in unison. I look at my brothers, nod, and climb to my feet.

  “Don’t fucking touch me! Noooo... Noo… Noo… Gummmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeearrrrrssss,” I scream out for Braxxon to hear me as Snake’s free palm connects with my cheek.

  “Jesus, how the hell does he put up with your mouth? I’m gonna shut you up now girl.”

  I grip my reddened cheek as my body quivers in the corner of the wall where I’ve backed myself. My naked back is pressing against the cold, damp wall; my butt is rubbing itself raw on the old stained mattress without a sheet. There’s nowhere else for me to go. I’m trapped in the oncoming wrath of Snake. My eyes widen as he pulls a rope from the floor. I kick and scream, but my strength is no match for his. I’m thrown onto my stomach, and my hands are bound so tightly that my arms threaten to pull from their sockets. He pushes my knees up and underneath me, locking me in place. I read somewhere that if you’re quiet and don’t fight it that it will make things like this easier, and the attacker will get bored. The last thing I want to do is give this piece of shit any kind of response, but when he slams into my ass with no warning, I scream out in excruciating pain as tears drop immediately from my eyes. I can’t bottle the cries, and this just encourages him to rip through me even harder. It burns, and I can feel my flesh being torn. His hands wrap into my hair, yanking so hard that my body feels as if it might split in two. My cries become muffled groans from my throat being overworked by my blood curdling screams. He’s shouting his release and calling me every name there is, and I’m praying he doesn’t want a round two.

  “Fuckin’ dumb bitch; thank fuck I wore a condom, or that nasty ass blood of yours would’ve been all over my dick.” He chuckles, and the sound of his voice puts a fear in me I’ve never known existed.

  A door slams, and I fall over onto my side sobbing as I feel the blood dripping down my backside. I thank god for my moment of silence and peace, but it’s shortly lived as the door opens and Snake reenters the room.

  “Sit up bitch; it’s story time.”

  I don’t move. I can’t and he knows this; he just wants to play games with me.

  “There once were a couple of guys who were the best of buddies. They did everything together. They ate together, fucked together, partied together, and even started an MC together. One buddy started phasing out the other, and soon things started going to shit. He didn’t trust his buddy anymore. You know why? All because he fucked his girlfriend. It was just a piece of ass. He could’ve gotten any ass he wanted, but he was still pissed off his buddy fucked his girl. The club voted him out, cutting all the ties. The buddy that got voted out went under a painful tattoo removal process with a scalpel. That process damaged a nerve in his back. He couldn’t get it up for ten years, and when he finally could, he fucked everything that could walk and thus a son was born. He was so determined to do right by his boy that he started his own MC named the Gunners because he promised himself he would be gunning for every motherfucker that wronged him and his future family. His old MC was living large. Everything right at their feet as his name was entirely forgotten about and all over pussy. Hell, it wasn’t even great pussy. It was just okay pussy. One day, the exiled buddy ran into his old buddy. They shot the shit for a while, and the exiled buddy was pleased to find out the old buddy had a family. A son. The exiled buddy then stalked and kidnapped that son and started his revenge. It was shortly lived as someone interrupted his revenge. He did get one swipe in though. He almost gutted that teenage boy.”

  I gasp. He’s the one that gave Braxxon the scar across his chest.

  “Ah, the bitch recognizes this scar, yeah? Good, you’re somewhat on track. Let’s continue. The exiled buddy never told his old MC he had a son, and he formed a plan. He used his own son to infiltrate the old MC. But it wasn’t just his son that did this. The exiled one also had a daughter he didn’t know about. I believe you met both of them. In fact, my daughter is the one who got you here. You know Christina?”

  That fucking bitch. Even through my pain, I’m boiling with anger.

  “I’m sure you’re smart enough to realize that I’m the exiled one and the long, lost daddy she wanted to please. But bet you still don’t know who my son is. Well, let’s cut the suspense shall we. Son you can come in now,” he says jerking my body towards the door.

  “PP,” I croak.

  Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. This is so much worse than I’d thought.

  “She’s all yours, son.” Snake chuckles, patting PP on the back before shutting the door behind him.

  “Did I ever fucking tell you I hate that fucking name? I mean seriously, how non-creative could a person actually be,” he says with a voice filled with hate.

  I can’t believe my eyes right now. This person helped me so much over the past week. A person I was starting to like. I realize now I should have stuck with my original assessment of him being a fucking pervert.

  “You ready to play, Angel?”

  Bile rises in my throat, and I gulp it back, refusing to let him see me upset. He called me Angel and that sickens me. He’s doing it purposely.

  “My good ol’ daddy told me he already took your ass and since I don’t wanna get my dick bit off that leaves only one hole. I do wish I could feel you bare, but my dad is going on and on about DNA, blah, blah, blah.” He chuckles.

  I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.

  I wish I could pretend this was a nightmare, but nightmares don’t leave you sore and in so much pain.

  “Up you get,” he growls, pulling me off the bed and standing me up. He reaches for a meat hook hanging from the ceiling of this basement room. I don’t dare look at him; I avert my eyes to the small rectangular window. He bends my bound hands and arms above my head forcing them to pop even more. My head drops to the floor as I grit my teeth from the pain in my shoulder blades.

  “Look at me bitch.” He chuckles.

  I don’t raise my head. I can’t. If he looks me in the eyes, he’ll be able to tell that I’m breaking down. My soul is shattering into a million pieces; my heart no longer feels any love for this world that I’m living and breathing in. How can it? This is a devil’s act. I’m living in hell.

  “Fine, be a cunt while I take your cunt. Stupid bitches, they never learn!”

  I try closing my legs. I use every muscle I have to keep them clamped shut, but again my strength is no match. I could probably fight him off longer if I weren’t so weak and weren’t bound, but I can’t. I’m exhausted, and every inch of me is aching.

  His hand wraps around my throat as he enters me slowly. Oh god. Not slow, please not slow. Just do it fast and get it over with, please. He grip
s tighter, yanking my face up so he can watch. I don’t wanna close my eyes, I wanna know what’s coming and I don’t want him to look at me and see it. I evoke every ounce of hate I’ve ever felt and store it in my gaze as his black eyes twinkle with satisfaction. His head swoops down, and his teeth bite my breast hard. I don’t scream; I don’t do anything. Not even flinch. He’s entering me so fast with each thrust and no rhythm; it’s straight mutilation to my soft tissue causing it to burn and itch. PP screams at me to make a sound and I refuse to. When his fist flies towards my face while his other hand is still tight around my neck, it’s a straight shot to my right eye. My head pounds as my vision blurs to blackness. Oh god.

  “Wake up bitch,” someone growls, slapping my sore face.

  I crack open my eye that’s not swollen and regret waking up. I feel like the bottom half of me has been ripped to shreds. I’m still hanging from the ceiling, my feet barely touching the floor, and I can feel blood dripping down my body.

  Who the hell is this?

  “Boss wants me to slice you open,” he mocks, playing with a knife.

  Oh, crap!

  He runs the blade across my chest back and forth until the tip digs into my flesh at the bottom of my shoulder blade. I bite my bottom lip, crying out as the blade makes its way down my chest in a zigzag motion. He’s carving me. My cries are throaty and just when he’s about to start another one, gun shots ring out.

  “What the fuck?”

  The stranger leaves me to bleed openly and freely as he flees the room. The sounds are almost too much. I can almost hear the bullets flying around in the distance. The sounds stop, and the door flings back open.


  That voice is music to my ears and my eyes snap to his. It’s a murderous the look I see on his face right now, and if I didn’t know any better, I would be frightened of him too.

  I’m squatting in this fucking bush watching and waiting for the moment where we rush in there and take back my Angel. I’m itchy and fucking sweating my ass off from this heat, and my legs are bouncing up and down as if I’m hyped up on some seriously good speed. Our connections lead us to this damn shack in the middle of fucking nowhere. I swear she had better be in there, or I might just lose my shit. My body tenses up as we spot Snake walk out and climb into a silver van. I look over at Sniper and ZZ and nod. Sniper sends a text to Pyro and Smokey letting them know we’re about to move. As the taillights from the van disappear, we creep out and surround the house. ZZ mouths two that he can see through the curtained window and Sniper mouths Christina. I want that bitch alive. Pyro moves to the floor and in one swift movement, he kicks the door open. Two shots ring out before they can even pull on Pyro. We move in as Christina starts screaming. ZZ holds the gun to her head shutting her up as the rest of us move through the abandoned house. We hear a door slam open and pounding footsteps coming up a stairwell. We don’t know which door, so we silently pull back and wait to see which one of them opens. The shooter cracks the door open taking blind shots. I knock over a chair and fake groan. It works, the bastard flings open the door, and I pull my trigger putting a bullet straight in his heart. I watch as his body slumps then falls forward. I rush down the stairs flinging open the door and what I see rips through me like a tidal wave.


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