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Flirting With Danger

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by Jade Winters

  Flirting With Danger


  Jade Winters

  Flirting With Danger

  by Jade Winters

  Published by Wicked Winters Books

  Copyright © 2016 Jade Winters

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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  For Ali, as always

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  About The Author

  Chapter One

  Astrid’s rule of thumb was to arrive at Manchester’s hot and trendy lesbian bar—Indigo—at eight pm and leave at ten. No sooner or later. Her reasoning? When she was on the prowl for a ‘romantic’ encounter, she had noted that before eight, women were not ready to let their guard down and have a little adult fun. After ten, they tended to be wasted. When Astrid shared a bed with a woman, she liked her to be conscious and coherent, not throwing up the evening’s stomach contents. Astrid’s thoughts momentarily dwelled on the last woman she had tried to take home after midnight, months earlier. Kelly—a name that she would never forget—had vomited in the back of the taxi before they’d even turned the corner.

  Kelly had been overly apologetic when Astrid guided her into her ground floor apartment, and tried desperately to entice Astrid to stay the night. Astrid’s body wanted to, more than anything. But she had politely declined. The scent of vomit still residing in her nostrils didn’t exactly put her in the mood for intimacy.

  It was an incident she wouldn’t repeat. No matter how attractive the woman was.

  Astrid looked wistfully at her wristwatch. Nine forty-five. Fifteen minutes to go.

  The bar, which had exposed brick walls and dark wooden beams, was slowly emptying despite closing time not being for another hour. Soon, all that remained were a few couples dotted around the compact room, kissing and moving in sync with one another’s sensual movements as the tempo of the background music increased.

  It was glaringly obvious that Astrid would be going home alone again. Putting a time limit on her night-time cruise had become a nemesis.

  If things are going to be this bad maybe it’s time to relax my rule.

  Red neon bar lights wove their fingers deep into the strands of Astrid’s sleek, shoulder length, coal black hair as she turned her head to engage with the man to her left.

  Astrid knew the man who was both nudging her and, not very discreetly, pointing at a woman walking purposely towards the bar. Mike Becker, her colleague at The Daily News, liked to hit on anyone with breasts and a good pair of legs. Even in a bar where ninety-nine point nine percent of the women were lesbians. But that was Mike all over. Persistent. A quality that made him an excellent reporter, but not so much a hit with women.

  Astrid took in the woman Mike’s gaze was fixated on, noting her blonde, upswept hair, expertly styled. Her tailored, stylish, blue two-piece outfit. The skirt, Astrid was sure was designed to emphasize the woman’s figure.

  Captivated, Astrid watched for a moment as the woman ordered a beer from the barman. The aura that emanated from the woman screamed a career in front of the camera. She had all the necessary attributes. The perfect outfit, the hair, the flawless posture.

  Without warning, Mike leant his big frame into the woman’s space and said with a leering smile on his bloated face, ‘Hey, sweetheart, is your name Wi-Fi?’ He stroked his black goatee with his bearish paw of a hand. ‘Because I’m feeling a connection.’

  Astrid snorted as she took a swig of beer.

  Mike’s head spun around and his beady eyes glared at Astrid.

  ‘Is that necessary?’ he snapped.

  Astrid raised her beer in an apologetic gesture. ‘Sorry, Mike, as you were.’

  ‘I’m not sure I’ve heard that line before,’ the woman replied tight-lipped, not looking overly impressed with his punchline. ‘Now I know why.’

  A red flush crept into Mike’s cheeks and he scraped his hand over his face. Muttering something inaudible under his breath, he turned to face the bar and caught the barman’s attention.

  For a moment, Astrid forgot Mike was standing between them. The woman staring back at her, whose eyes cut into hers, redefined the word beautiful. This was a matter of fact rather than opinion.

  In Astrid’s line of work, meeting attractive people wasn’t uncommon. But seeing someone so smooth and polished like a model, in person, rendered Astrid speechless. Those dimples are so bloody cute! And those legs! Astrid took another long drink from her beer, forcing her brain to start working again.

  ‘Hiya,’ Astrid said and winced. Brilliant introduction.

  The woman leant her elbow on the bar and extended her hand past Mike’s back, ‘Keri Butler.’

  Astrid wiped her hand on her jeans and took Keri’s.


  ‘Astrid Williams?’ Keri said, with admiration in her voice.

  A lopsided, confused smile curled Astrid’s lips. ‘Yes?’

  ‘I loved your exposé on the abuse in the Tea Tree Care Home.’ She looked down and with a manicured fingernail, traced the outline of the label on the bottle of beer she held.

  ‘Thanks.’ Astrid conjured up in her mind an image of Keri’s slender finger burning a trail down her stomach, only stopping when she reached her most sensitive spot. Goosebumps broke out at the thought. In a desperate bid to change track, she pushed that thought aside. Natural curiosity had her enquiring about Keri’s own line of work instead. ‘So what do you do?’


  Astrid nodded.

  ‘I’m a reporter as well,’ Keri said.

  ‘A reporter?’

  ‘Uh huh.’

  ‘TV or print?’ Please be TV.


  So much for me and my gut instinct. ‘I’m surprised I haven’t read any of your work.’

  Keri’s gaze d
ropped briefly to Astrid’s chest and for a moment Astrid thought she was going to make an indecent proposal. Instead she took a sip of her drink before saying, ‘I arrived in town for a new job at News Flash Media a week ago.’

  Astrid knew the company. An online media group that specialised in sensationalist news stories. ‘And you already know about me?’

  A genuine flash of admiration crossed Keri’s eyes. ‘I was reading your scoop and saw your staff photo on your paper’s website. Your face isn’t one that I’d forget in a hurry.’

  ‘Hey. What about me? Did you see my picture on the website too?’ Mike said with a strained attempt at a playful tone, as he turned around, pint of beer in hand. He looked from one woman to the other.

  Astrid glanced at Mike. Guilt for excluding him pricked her conscience but it lasted all of ten seconds. When it wore off, Astrid reminded herself that Mike was a grown man, and she was not his babysitter. She knew if the shoe were on the other foot, he would have no qualms edging her out while he went in for the kill. Especially if the woman was as hot as Keri. Astrid was just about ready to drop a not so subtle hint that Mike should perhaps call it a night, when Keri beat her to it.

  ‘Mike, is it?’ Keri said soothingly. ‘Though it’s been an absolute pleasure. I think it’s time for you to give us ladies a bit of room, don’t you think?’

  Mike gave a short bitter laugh. ‘What you’re saying is three’s a crowd. No worries, I get it.’ He plonked his beer on the bar. ‘I hope you’ll both have a great evening.’

  Keri winked at Astrid. ‘I think we can manage that.’

  Mike harrumphed and said, ‘See ya then.’

  ‘Come on, Mike. Don’t be like …’ Astrid started.

  But it was too late to appease him. Mike had already sauntered off towards the exit.

  Keri moved into the spot vacated by Mike. ‘That went well.’

  ‘Don’t worry. He’ll get over it.’

  Keri tapped the top of her lip with the tip of her finger. Looking thoughtful, she said, ‘I don’t know whether or not to tell you this.’

  Astrid frowned, not understanding. ‘Tell me what?’

  ‘It’s more like a confession really.’

  ‘A confession? Hmm, I’m intrigued now.’

  Keri looked down at the bottle she held between her hands. ‘I just hope I don’t come off as some kind of stalker.’

  ‘I wouldn’t worry,’ Astrid reassured her. ‘It takes a lot to shock me.’

  ‘Okay, here goes.’ Keri sucked in her breath then slowly exhaled. ‘I kind of came here in the hope of running into you.’

  Astrid took another sip of her beer. The cold liquid slid down her throat.

  ‘That’s a first. No one’s ever tried to accidently bump into me before. If anything, they normally run in fear the moment they meet me.’

  Keri’s warm breath caressed Astrid’s ear as she leant in on her, diminishing the space between them.

  ‘Is that because people fear you’ll expose their dirty little secrets?’

  Astrid put the beer bottle down and slid her arm around Keri’s waist. ‘Not everything dirty is bad.’

  She was mesmerised by Keri’s slightly open lips, the red lipstick warming her pale skin. And right now, she really wanted to know how those lips would feel on her body—every inch of it.

  Astrid pulled her closer, and said, ‘How about we share our secrets somewhere a little more private?’

  Keri’s smile widened. Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she took hold of Astrid’s hand and said in a low sultry voice, ‘Lead the way.’

  They barely made it through the door of Astrid’s apartment before Astrid pushed Keri against the wall and kissed her soft, smooth neck. Moaning, and moving her head to the side, Keri gave Astrid more access, wrapping her arms around Astrid’s neck. Keri’s manicured nails scraped down Astrid’s skin, slipping underneath her shirt.

  Groaning, Astrid nipped at Keri’s jaw, capturing her full lips into a searing kiss. Keri whimpered into Astrid’s mouth. Pleasure seized up and down Astrid’s spine at the sound.

  She’s so hot.

  Arching into Keri’s hold, Astrid’s hands searched everywhere, her fingers pulling up on Keri’s top, freeing it from the confines of her skirt.

  Blood thundered in Astrid’s ears. With a swallowed breath, she said in a broken whisper, ‘Quick, my bedroom’s down here.’

  Stumbling along the hall, still touching, kissing, they fell through the open doorway and onto the unmade bed.

  Astrid threw Keri onto her back and straddled her. She wasted no time removing her own shirt before snapping off her bra. Her stomach clenched and she gasped when Keri reached up and took Astrid’s nipple in her mouth.

  Astrid closed her eyes, her fingers buried in Keri’s thick blonde hair, relishing in the feel of her warm mouth sucking and licking her breast.

  Heat built inside her, pooling at her centre.

  She wanted this woman.


  In one swift movement, Astrid climbed off Keri. Lying beside her, Astrid nudged open Keri’s legs, the bottom of her skirt riding up to the top of her thighs. Astrid slid her hand further in between the space, pushing aside the flimsy piece of cloth, and slipping her fingers inside.

  The moment Astrid’s fingers flickered against Keri’s core, Keri bucked under Astrid’s hand.

  Wetness and heat surrounded Astrid’s touch. Her fingers discovered the contours of Keri’s body as she took Keri’s nipple into her mouth. Sucking and tasting the hard bud between her teeth, Astrid delighted in the sounds Keri made as she brought more pleasure to the woman next to her.

  Keri moaned and shifted. Her breathless groans drove Astrid crazy.

  Wave after wave of lust slammed into Astrid. The things she was going to do to this woman when they really got started. A tidal wave of images pounded her mind.

  Somewhere a buzzing sound went off.

  Keri leant over. Unbuttoning Astrid’s jeans she slid her hand downwards. Searching. Feeling. Rubbing. Teasing.

  Pure pleasure ricocheted through Astrid.

  ‘Oh fuck, yes,’ she moaned.

  A slow, satisfied smiled graced Keri’s lips.

  Again the buzzing sounded. Astrid ignored it.

  Keri’s head bent, trailing her warm wet tongue along Astrid’s rib cage.

  Astrid wriggled out of her jeans and waited in anticipation as Keri’s head inched further down between her legs

  Buzz, buzz, buzz.

  Like a persistent fly, the sound kept vibrating in the back of her mind as Astrid tried to focus on Keri’s amazing mouth and fingers.

  She took handfuls of Keri’s hair in her hands as she positioned herself between Astrid’s legs.

  Then Astrid’s house phone started to ring.

  And ring.

  And ring.

  Keri blinked up at her, her lust filled eyes hazy and confused.

  ‘Do you need to get that?’

  Astrid waved her off. ‘Don’t worry about it.’

  Keri’s mouth touched her centre…

  The phone rang again.

  Astrid pulled away, and murmured under her breath. ‘Let me see who I have to kill, and we can carry on.’

  Laughing, Keri pulled herself to the top of the bed.

  Yes, whoever was on the phone was going to die. Slowly.

  Astrid hurried out of the bedroom and into her office. She hardly ever used the house phone. The only people who ever called her were telemarketers. Surely they wouldn’t call me at this time of night?

  ‘What?’ she snarled into the handset.

  ‘Christ, Williams! ‘Bout damn time!’ The familiar voice of her boss, Ross Carell, came through the line.

  ‘You got me. What do you need?’ Make it quick, she silently added.

  ‘A story’s breaking about Roxy Palmer.’

  ‘The ex-tennis player?’


  ‘What happened to her?’

  Astrid dreaded hear
ing the answer. Roxy Palmer was still the nation’s darling, having won Wimbledon three times in a row, thirty years ago.

  ‘Nothing’s actually happened to her. It’s her stepdaughter, Lexi. She’s gone missing.’

  Chapter Two

  Callie wanted the persistent voice in her head to stop racing from one worst case scenario to another. It drove her insane. Trying to convince herself that Lexi’s disappearance was probably a misunderstanding, failed to have any affect. Maybe it was because in her heart of hearts she knew Roxy, being the level headed woman that she was, would not have reported Lexi missing to the police unless she was genuinely concerned for her safety. Callie knew Roxy wouldn’t have been worried at first. She knew Lexi liked to go on long hikes. It was only natural to assume that the teenager had lost track of time. But after the skies had darkened and there was still no sign of her, alarm bells must have rung loud and clear. Reality hitting home, that something was amiss.

  The sound of yawning taking place at the back of her Jeep filtered into her mind. Her work colleagues were tired. Still being on the road after a long day of health and safety training wasn’t fun for anyone, but Callie owed Roxy her loyalty. After all, if it hadn’t been for Roxy using her star status to bring in some much needed clients, Callie’s Mountain Tour business would have practically been a non-starter.

  In return, now that Roxy needed help, Callie would go above and beyond for her.

  Callie pulled her mud splattered Jeep to a stop outside a detached stone cottage. She looked over her shoulder at Elaine and Pauli, resting their heads against the window. Their eyes gazing out into the night.

  ‘I won’t be long. Do you want me to leave the engine running?’

  The women nodded silently. Callie jumped out of the Jeep. Her booted feet landed on the concrete with a thud. Making her way up the winding path she looked heavenward at the stars blanketed against the black sky. The sight was mind blowing. Even now, at twenty-three, she still found it a feat to wrap her head around the fact that those tiny twinkling little stars were actually suns. She had lost count of the amount of times Lexi had excitedly told her about a new star that had been discovered. One day, Lexi had promised, she would find her own star and name it after Lori, her deceased mother. That way she would know Lori was always watching over her.


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