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An Early Spring

Page 4

by Ann Lister

  Colby’s gaze dropped to the floor. Her thoughts drifted back to his comment about her legs and then the extra help he rendered while pulling on her pants in the bedroom. She could still feel the heat of his touch on her skin. Her cheeks turned red at the memory.

  “You’re taking too long to answer that question, Colby,” he said. “What did I do that made you feel uncomfortable?”

  Colby shook her head, unwilling to share her private thoughts with him. “Nothing. You’ve been a perfect gentleman.”

  Nick bent forward and grabbed his wine glass, taking a sip of the liquid. He knew she was withholding something from him but wasn’t sure he wanted to push her on the subject. He swallowed the last of the wine in his glass and stood to add more logs to the fire.

  “How’s your leg?” he asked, while stoking the fire. “You still in pain?”

  “Nope. I’m fine.”

  Nick sat on the hearth and faced her. “I’m curious, Colby. What’s the deal between you and your co-workers?” he asked.

  Colby stiffened on the couch. “Why? Did they say something to you?”

  “Tom told me you were pissed-off at everyone,” Nick said. “But that's all he said.”

  Colby rubbed at her eyes. “Around the right people, and given the opportunity, I can be a nice person,” she said, feeling the need to justify her behavior.

  Nick tipped his head to her and smiled. “For what it’s worth, Colby, I think you’re a nice person. You can be a little sarcastic at times, but nonetheless, you’re like-able.”

  And fucking sexy as hell.

  Colby shifted on the couch. “I’m not sure if I should thank you for a compliment or give you the finger.”

  “It was a compliment.”

  Nick’s expression turned serious. He moved back to the couch and sat opposite Colby. “Can I ask what made you so angry the thought of hiking by yourself in the cold sounded like a good idea?”

  “Do you really want to know?” she asked.

  “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t interested.”

  “Tom is my supervisor,” she said flatly. “A couple years ago, he and I were…you know.”


  “I guess you could call it that,” she shrugged with indifference. “Looking back at the situation now, I’m not sure how I would define it. He was married when we were seeing each other,” she said softly, then raised her eyes to meet Nick’s. “I’m not proud of that - in case you’re wondering.”

  “I’m not judging,” Nick said, and crossed his ankle over his opposite knee. “So, what happened?”

  “I asked him to leave his wife or I was going to end the relationship. A few days later, he lied to me and said he had moved out of their house, so I continued to see him. I thought everything had been fixed, but then I found out he was still living with his wife and she was expecting their second child.”

  “He sounds like an asshole,” Nick muttered, shaking his head in disgust.

  “That’s what I thought, too. But, if that wasn’t bad enough, I found out this morning that Tom is now sleeping with another one of my co-workers - and he’s still married! That’s why we argued and why I left the cabin in such a huff. Do you blame me?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  Colby massaged her temples. “And yet, they call me the bitch,” she scoffed. “I’m tired of all of it,” she sighed with reflection. “I’m seriously thinking I’ll try and find another job when I return to Los Angeles. I need a change - a new direction in my life, because what I’m doing now obviously isn’t working.”

  “That’s how I felt before I took this job,” Nick said. “I felt like I was treading water and going nowhere with my life.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel,” she said.

  “Your situation is completely fixable, Colby. It’s just a matter of how badly you want to make a change in your life,” he said. He bent toward the coffee table and collected their empty plates of food. “Don’t be afraid of change. It’s never as scary as you think it’s going to be - at least that’s been my experience. Life is too short to be stuck in a situation that doesn’t make you happy - that goes for everything, not just a job.”

  Colby slowly digested Nick’s words of wisdom. His statements were very insightful and thought-provoking. He was the first man that had taken the time to really listen to her, hear what she was saying, and then offer some sense of comfort and resolve with his reply. She was blown away by his attentiveness and sincerity. She watched him moving around the kitchen and wondered who the lucky woman was sharing his life.

  When Nick returned to the living room, he was carrying two bed pillows and a couple more blankets. “Do you want to sleep out here or would you like me to bring you into your room?” he asked.

  Colby propped herself up on the couch with her elbows. “If you don’t mind, I think I’d like to sleep out here by the fire.”

  “It doesn’t matter to me where you sleep, Colby. The questions is, will it make you uncomfortable if I sleep on this couch over here? I should stay close to the fire so I can keep it going in case we lose power during the night.”

  Colby curled against the pillow Nick had placed behind her head and pulled the blanket up over her chest. “That would be fine.”

  Nick tossed the other pillow to the end of his couch, then sat on the edge of the cushion to pull off his boots before laying down and covering up with a blanket. “Good night,” he said. He glanced across the coffee table at Colby reclined on the opposite couch.

  “You, too,” she said.

  Several minutes passed. The only sound in the room was the crackling of the flames burning through the wood in the fireplace and the muffled wind swirling around outside. Colby turned her head toward Nick and noticed his eyes were still open and he was watching the fire.



  “Thank you for helping me today,” she said softly. “You’ve been very kind and I want you to know I appreciate it. I’m willing to bet there are dozens of other places you’d rather be right now, so I thank you for staying and helping me.”

  “You’re welcome, but I’m only doing my job. I get paid to help people,” he said, looking at her across the room. He loved the way the fire lit her face and he could see the flames flickering in her eyes.

  “You’re good at your job, Nick, and you’re lucky to have a career that obviously gives you such satisfaction and contentment.”

  “I am happy, but like I said, it wasn’t always like that. You’ll find something you love to do, Colby. All you have to do is look for it. You might be surprised to find what you’re looking for is right in front of your face. At least that’s how I felt when I found this job. I was out here on a ski vacation and saw the ad in the local news paper. My friends thought I was crazy, but I went for it, and I’ve never questioned my decision.”

  The next morning, Colby woke with a chill, only to realize the fire had almost burned to ash. She glanced toward the other couch and noticed Nick was still sleeping soundly. She studied his relaxed expression for a few moments, her eyes intently focused on his lips and the five o'clock shadow covering his jaw line.

  She wondered how it might feel to kiss him; feel the friction of his whiskers brushing against her face; the sensitive points of her breasts, and every spot in between. She imaged what it might be like to touch the muscles on his body and what he might be like as a lover, feeling his strength beneath the sheets of her bed.

  Frustrated with her train of thought, Colby attempted to sit upright and bumped into the coffee table. Her eyes darted back to Nick. She watched as his eyes slowly opened and focus on her.

  “What are you trying to do?” he asked, and rose to a sitting position.

  “I need to use the bathroom.”

  Nick nodded and stepped around the coffee table to lift her, then carried her into the bathroom. He left her balanced beside the toilet and went back to the fireplace. He loaded it with more wood and brought the fire b
ack to life. He watched the flames until he heard the toilet flush and went back to collect her.

  “Ready?” he asked, lightly tapping on the door before entering the room.

  “Hmmm,” Colby said, then spit the toothpaste from her mouth into the sink. “I have an extra toothbrush if you need it,” she said, looking at him.

  Nick rubbed at the beard stubble on his chin. “I have a toothbrush in my bag and I’m hoping I’ve got a razor in there, too. Otherwise, I’ll have to shave when I get home.”

  Colby wiped her mouth on a hand towel. “The five o’clock shadow works for you,” she said. “Makes you look like a real mountain-man.”

  Nick smiled at her. “All set?” he asked, lifting her off the floor again and bringing her back to the couch. “Give me five minutes and I’ll make some coffee.”

  Nick returned to the bathroom to wash up and then went into the kitchen. Colby watched him from the couch, again feeling like she should be doing something to help. A few minutes later, Nick returned to the living room with two toasted bagels and two mugs of fresh black coffee.

  “How does your ankle and leg feel this morning?” he asked, biting into his bagel.

  “The ankle is stiff and the cuts on my leg feel tight.”

  “That’s normal. Once you get the blood circulating again, it’ll feel better,” he said.

  “Do you think I could take a shower today?” she asked with hope.

  “I suppose so. I’ll unwrap your foot prior to the shower, then change the dressings on your leg after you’re dry.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “I could really use a shower.”

  After breakfast, Nick carried Colby into her bedroom to retrieve clean clothes, then brought her back into the bathroom. “Don’t lock this door and make sure you hold on to the bars while you’re in the shower,” he said, turning to leave the room. “Oh, and try to keep the water from directly hitting the cuts on your shin.”

  Colby gave Nick a military salute. “Yes, sir!”

  While Colby was showering, Nick took a look around the cabin. He checked the closets for supplies they might be able to use and also examined the utility room, which was connected to the back of the cabin. This room contained the generator power supply. For the moment, the cabin still had electricity, but he knew that could change at any minute, since the winds had picked up significantly over night; blowing the snow against all the windows and eliminating their view to the outside.

  In the third bedroom, he found several pairs of men’s thermal shirts and bottoms in one closet, still in the store packaging and three flannel shirts hanging in the closet. As he was pulling out the shirts from the closet, his hand bumped against something metal. After shifting the other hanging garments, he discovered a pair of crutches propped up in the corner of the closet. A smile formed on his face.

  Nick carried the clothing he found in the closets back into the living room and dropped it onto the couch, then moved to the bathroom door. “You all right?” he asked.

  “I need to blow-dry my hair and then I’ll be done,” she said.

  “Okay. Let me know when you’re ready.”

  A few minutes later, Nick returned to the bathroom and lifted Colby against him. Her warm fingers wrapped around the bare skin at the back of his neck, sending a bolt of electricity down his spine. Her freshly showered scent was a delicate mixture of soft baby powder and gardenia, which was intoxicating to his brain and his cock flexed in approval.

  He walked into the living room with Colby in his arms, desperately trying to keep his eyes off her mouth. But, with every hour they spent together, his self-control was waning and he feared he may cross more than a few lines with her.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he said, setting her onto the couch.

  “Is that so,” she said with suspicion.

  “I’ll show you after I change the dressings on your leg and re-wrap your foot.”

  Nick knelt in front of Colby and set her foot onto his thigh. Silently he began to remove the old, wet bandages from her shin and thoughtfully examined her injuries. He was happy to see a good amount of healing already taking place. As he reached for his medical bag, his fingers softly skimmed across the back of her bare calf.

  Colby inhaled sharply and closed her eyes. His delicate touch was igniting fireworks all through her body and making her face heat. There was a warmth about him, a raw sensuality, that was driving her crazy. Every glance he gave her, every touch, was taking her to a place she’d never been. She wondered if it was obvious to Nick, how attracted she was to him. As the hours slipped by, she was having trouble coming up with viable reasons why she shouldn’t try and kiss him.

  He fastened the Ace bandage around her ankle and lightly squeezed her leg. “Everything looks really good, Colby,” he said quietly. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back,” he said. He disappeared into the back bedroom again and returned to the living room with the crutches.

  Colby clapped her hands when she saw what he had in his hands and laughed. “I guess this means you won’t have to carry me around anymore.”

  “I didn’t mind carrying you, Colby,” he said. “Stand up for me and I’ll adjust the height to fit you.” Nick quickly reset the crutches to fit under her arms, then handed them back to her. “Do you know how to use them?” he asked.

  “How hard could it be?” she asked.

  Nick grinned. “For most people, it’d be an easy feat, but for you…well, I’m guessing you’re going to find it more difficult. Maybe you’d find it easier if you were wearing roller-blades?”

  Colby playfully shoved him on the chest and smiled. “Get out of the way and watch me.”

  She took two cautious steps forward, then got bolder and hurried through a few more. As she came back toward the couch, the leg of the crutch caught on the coffee table and sent her stumbling.

  Nick lunged and pulled Colby against his chest before she fell head first to the floor. His arms circled her waist and held her in place. Her face nuzzled against his breast bone.

  One heart beat and he was acutely aware of her closeness. The warm rush of her breath seeped through the fabric of his shirt and burned the skin on his chest. He could smell her freshly washed hair and perfume; feel the gentle sway of her body against his. It was more than his brain could process. Helpless to stop it, his cock stretched inside his ski pants, forming a long, thick ridge behind his zipper. How quickly a harmless embrace had turned into something far more intimate and his will to fight off the desire he had for Colby was nearly gone.

  She latched onto Nick’s biceps and laughed at her clumsiness, trying to catch her breath and steady herself on her good foot. His fingers fanned against the small of her back and she felt herself respond; nipples beading into perfect peaks and wetness pooling at her center. The physical chemistry they had was unmistakable, requiring very little fuel to ignite the fire.

  Colby tightened her grip around the muscles of his arms. His body electrified her senses. The urges she had for him were overwhelming and becoming more difficult to deny. Again, she wondered if he was feeling it, too, then she realized how quiet Nick had become. She hopped slightly, altering her position against him and thought she felt her hip graze his erection.

  Good, God! Could that really be all him?

  She raised her eyes to his. He was staring at her. His gaze was serious and deep, pupils dilated, and cheeks flushed. Colby saw him open his mouth to speak and then he stopped. She kept looking at him, willing him to kiss her, or do anything that would let her know how he was feeling, what he wanted.

  She shifted again, wanting to know for sure if what she had felt was his arousal. His brow furrowed and he pulled away. The moment was gone. For whatever reason, Nick was backing down and the opportunity was lost.

  Embarrassment coursed through Colby. She dropped her gaze and allowed him to set her down onto the couch. She felt tears building in her eyes and swallowed hard; digging deep to find control over her emotions.

  “I gue
ss I need a little more practice with the crutches,” she said softly, a slight quiver in her voice.

  “That would probably be a good idea,” he said. He sat down on the opposite couch and bent over to lace his boots, then reached for his red First-Aid coat and zipped it. “I need to do a few things outside,” he said, and walked toward the door. “Will you be all right while I’m gone?”

  Colby nodded without making eye contact and closed her eyes when she heard him shut the cabin door. She had obviously misread the signals between her and Nick. Otherwise, she couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t act on the impulse. Hadn’t she made it clear to him she’d be receptive to a kiss? Was she the only one feeling the heat between them? She felt like an idiot. For all she knew, he had a girlfriend he was trying to remain loyal to, while she was doing everything short of stripping off her clothes and throwing herself at him. Colby reclined on the couch and began to cry.

  “Base to Gaffney,” a voice called through Nick’s walkie-talkie.

  Colby heard the transmission and tried to locate the source.

  “Base to Gaffney. Do you read me?” the voice called again.

  Colby found the walkie-talkie beside Nick’s medical bag.

  “Nick? You there?”

  Colby lifted the instrument and found the talk button. “Hello, this is Colby Hansen,” she said. Nick’s outside. I’ll get him for you. One minute.”

  Colby hobbled to the door and opened it. A gust of wind swirled snow in front of the open door like a mini tornado and dusted her head like powdered sugar on a donut.

  Nick was shoveling the walkway with his backside to her. She called his name and waited until he turned around. He laughed when he saw her wiping the snow from her face. When she finished clearing her eyes, she handed him the walkie-talkie.

  “Someone is trying to reach you,” she said.

  Nick took the radio and watched her shut the door to the cabin.

  “Gaffney to base,” he said.


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