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League of Extraordinary Robots

Page 7

by Yolanda Jackson

The Bots who had caught the prince and Rozetta lifted them safely to the floor. They all stared at the prince, not quite sure if he were friend or foe.

  Its ok, said Rozetta. Hes here to help. She looked around at the Bots. I am so very glad to see you, she told them. Thank you for catching us.

  Yes, thank you, echoed the prince. Thank you all so very, very much.

  All of the Bots dimmed their lights down low so that all that was soon visible were their shadows. There is a war coming, their leader whispered. One that is the plan of one of our own, Mozac.

  We know about the war and that is why were here, said Rosette.

  You cant take on Mozac by yourself, said one of the Bots.

  We all can take him on, said the prince, but the Bots were hardly listening to him. We can all take him on, repeated the prince. What we cant do alone, we can do together. The Bots looked at the prince and began to listen to what he was saying. Mozac cant stop us all, the prince told them. If all of us fight together we can defeat Mozac and with Mozac out of the picture, the remaining Trons wont be able to function.

  Some of the Bots seemed impressed, but many didnt want to fight anymore. After years of fighting with the humans and now with our own, weve had enough turmoil, they said.

  But remember, said Rozetta, If you do not fight, then you will become slaves of the Trons, just as you were once slaves of the humans.

  Have any humans survived? asked the prince.

  There was a deep silence. There was a great bloodshed amongst the Trons and the humans, said one of the Bots. The humans, many of the humans were killed and many fled. Those that were caught are now test subjects to Mozac and his army.

  Do you mean like scientists do with lab mice? asked the prince. Keeping them in cages and experimenting on them?

  Exactly, confirmed the Bot. That is exactly what I mean.

  Come, spoke up one of the Bots. Lets go back to the hidden land that was once our world. Lets go back there before the Trons come back here searching.

  The group of Bots led the way, with Rozetta and the prince close behind them. This is the new way we had to dig in order to escape the Trons, one of them pointed out to Rozetta. The group crawled through tunnels and large holes which they had dug for many years. Deeper under the ground it seemed as if the walking and crawling on all fours was never going to end. Finally they reached their destination. Out of the hole they crawled, one by one.

  Rozetta looked around. The skies were dark and the atmosphere was filled with dust and debris. Buildings and homes were burning or already burnt to the ground. All the trees and plant life with which the land had abounded were no more. A Trons vessel flew overhead and everyone froze in place, not wanting to be spotted.

  This cant be the land that I just left behind, gasped Rozetta as she looked around. And yet, and yet it is.

  Im sorry, said the leader of the Bots simply.

  The Trons had taken over, burning and destroying everything in sight. The prince, Rozetta and the group of Bots ran through the land, looking for anyone who had survived, but everywhere that they passed was filled with horror. Bots lay on the ground, trembling and shaking, gasping their last breaths.

  There are so many dead Bots, mumbled the prince.

  They all tried to fight with the Trons, but the Trons were too powerful, said one of the Bots.

  A tear streamed down Rozettas face. Her expression became angry, angry beyond angry and the tear trickled down to her heart. I hate it that one of my own started this war and is selfish enough to kill his own kind. She began to bang her hands on the hard ground, causing it to crack and ripple all the way down.

  For a girl, youre mighty strong, said the prince. But this was no time for jokes and the prince could see by the reactions of the Bots and Rozetta, that none of them found his comments amusing. The prince saw their reaction and quickly slipped to the back, virtually unnoticed.

  Fire and explosions were going off all through the land. The Trons were destroying everything that the Bots had created.

  Soon Rozetta and the others heard loud footsteps coming from the west and with those footsteps came a mass of destruction. Two Trons were torching homes and buildings as they passed, setting each one on fire.

  What fools, mumbled one of the Bots.

  Sh, be quiet, ordered Rozetta. We need to be still so that hopefully we wont get noticed by the Trons.

  As the Trons passed, they scanned the land with their enemy eyes, back and forth, forth and back, looking for any signs of their hated enemies.

  Oh no, said Rozetta, We are spotted! The prince gives off body heat.

  Indeed they were spotted. The Trons saw the princes body heat with their heat vision hardware. The Trons came running forward, weapons drawn, running towards Rozetta, the prince and the Bots.

  We can take them, shouted Rozetta, but when she looked back, the other Bots had taken off, no one but the prince had stayed to help her.

  Well, its two of them and two of us, said the prince trying to speak bravely.

  They are much more powerful that you and I, she told him. We must run too, in order to come back another day and win. She ran quickly back into the hole, pulling the prince behind her. Hurry, she shouted to the prince as the Trons came closer and closer, running at the speed of light.

  Rozetta and the prince both dove into the hole, but not before the princes legs were grabbed by one of the Trons. Help, Rozetta, help, screamed the prince.

  Rozetta, who was running, quickly turned back and saw what had happened. She quickly grabbed hold of the princes arms and began to pull with all her strength. Suddenly from out of the dark came one of the Bots who had come back to help them. With their combined strength, Rozetta and the Bots were able to pull the prince loose from the grips of the Trons. The prince came flying in, like a rock shot from a slingshot.

  Rozetta shoved the prince into a corner as the Trons made their way into the hole. The Trons began looking this way and that way with the beams from their eyes. Suddenly a group of Bots came from out of the dark and attacked the Trons. Many of the Bots came back. We can do it together, shouted Rozetta. FREE OUR PEOPLE!

  Rozetta was so proud of her clan, than this gave her more strength. She fought the Trons, jumping on their backs, twisting their heads until the wires burst from the neck, gouging out their eyes and ripping out their main life support board of controls.

  The other Bots took up Rozettas cry, FREE OUR PEOPLE, FREE OUR PEOPLE. The Bots would team up on the Trons and never let go until the Trons was lying lifeless on the ground. Fiinally the Trons were all defeated, having taken their last breaths. Their circuits began to slowly die, their eyes closed shut and their hands lay lifeless on the ground.

  The Bots began to cheer loudly. We did it, we did it! they shouted. We beat the Trons! What we couldnt do separately we did together!

  The Bots were extremely happy and joyous. You need to remember that there are many more Bots out there, Rozetta reminded them. These are only two down, and to be rejoiced over, yes, but dont forget, we still have thousands to go.

  Rozetta got on the ground and began to examine the Trons bodies, so much stronger and harder than those of herself and the other regular Bots.

  This is going to take some experimenting to get the answers we need, she said to herself. She took out her device that is used to repair herself when necessary, a long, thin needle filled with some sort of moving gel like substance.

  What is that? asked the prince curiously.

  This gel is very important to the survival of the Bots, answered Rozetta. The gel is used to repair our metallic bodies in seconds.

  Rozetta looked long and hard at the needle, as she thought about what she was about to do. She used the needle to extract gel from the two Trons lying lif
elessly on the ground. Carefully she extracted gel from them and mixed their gel with her own, then she injected herself in the fingers before the prince and the other Bots realized what she had in mind.

  No, dont do such an experiment, cried one of the Bots reaching forward to restrain her from her intent.

  If we are going to win the war, we must find out what makes the Trons so tough and powerful, said Rozetta, continuing with her experiment.

  At first nothing happened, but then her fingers began to turn a metallic blue. I can feel the tingle at the tips of my fingers, she told the others. Her skin soon began to glow a florescent glow. Everyone looked closely to see what was happening. Next Rozettas finger began to become hard. She could feel the weight of her finger as she tried to lift it. Whatever it is, it is very powerful, said Rozetta as she admired her new finger. To test it out, Rozetta took her finger and placed it against the side of the hole. Her finger drilled through the rocks as if she were meshing her fingers through sand.

  Now I see why we could not beat the Trons, said one of the older Bots. Look at how powerful you have become, just from the little drop of Trons gel injected into your finger. He looked seriously at Rozetta. Now be very careful not to let the thought of power cloud your judgment, he told her.

  Rozetta quickly nodded in reference to what the older Bots warned her about. I know you are right and I will remember, she told him. But I do love the power that is in my little finger.

  The older Bots sighed. I hope this wont cause Rozetta to change, he thought to himself. Not in her thinking and caring I mean.

  Rozetta stared thoughtfully at the tip of her finger. If just that little drop made me so powerful, maybe we should all inject this, said Rozetta.

  I dont want to turn into a Trons, said one of the Bots emphatically. But if thats what it is going to take to defeat the Trons, that may not be a bad idea.

  The Bots began to quickly extract the gel from the Trons that lay on the ground. This time some of them took it in large amounts. Rozetta and the other Bots slowly began to turn half blue; their metallic bodies became stronger and stronger. Codes began to sparkle under their skin, every now and again the prince could make out a code or two. Their hands and feet grew larger, their muscle bulk increased. They were much more powerful and more knowledgeable than before.

  But one thing did not change, said one of the Bots. The thing we had feared the most. We are still who we were, our personalities and our right to feeling and free thinking are still intact.

  The prince and the one remaining Bot came out of hiding. We thought wed just stay out of the way and see what happened, said the prince. We thought it would be a good idea, just in case. I hope youll all forgive us.

  I think it was a good idea, said Rozetta. But we all seemed to be strong. and without losing our own personalities and value systems. I think this experiment is a major success. Rozetta injected the one Bots and sent him to deliver a note to Wisker, telling him that now that the Bots were stronger, they would have on trouble getting through the canyons.

  Maybe I should try some, said the prince, but he was quickly stopped. by Rosetta. It might have a different reaction on humans, she told him.

  The prince was not pleased. If you remember, the prince was used to having his own way and even though hed shown himself to be basically a very nice person, there was still that part of him and he wanted to have a taste of the power that Rozetta and the other Bots were enjoying.

  This cold be harmful to your kind, said one of the Bots.

  What do you mean by my own kind? Asked the prince, as he gave the Bot an unhappy look.

  Im sorry, apologized the Bot. I was just trying to be helpful. Humans dont always take kindly to experiments; I have seen many done to them by the Trons.

  Without another word, the prince took the needle with the gel in it and quickly injected himself in the chest. The prince immediately fell to the floor unconscious.

  Wake up, you stubborn fool, wake up, cried Rozetta, as she shook the prince.

  Where am I, what happened? asked the prince, as he slowly opened his eyes. One of the Bots lifted the prince to his feet and steadied him.

  How do you feel? asked Rozetta, as the prince slurred his speech and rubbed his head.

  Oh, Im all right, answered the prince. There was no physical appearance that anything had changed about the prince. Well, it was worth a try, he said, but down deep he was a little disappointed.

  We will camp here for tonight and then tomorrow we will attack, said Rozetta, as she the role as leader and commander. Most of the Bots were spending time admiring their new found power, while the prince was in the corner having a pity party.

  How am I to help you if I cant fight? asked the prince.

  We will need you, said Rozetta. You will be just as valuable to the team. You dont have to be powerful to help us.

  The prince slammed himself down in his little corner sulking.

  There are different kinds of strengths, Rozetta told him, but no matter what she said the prince was still very unhappy.

  I wanted the power like you have, he told her. I wanted to feel important. I know that you and the Bots consider me important, but I wanted to be strong like all of you are.

  Rozetta did her best to comfort him but nothing she said or did worked.

  That night Rozetta dimmed her beam of light and they all lay down. The prince didnt say anything more about getting powers, but he closed his eyes and went off to sleep. He dreamed about being strong. His hands began to move in his sleep and his feet began to shiver and shake out of control. The prince soon began to talk in his sleep, over and over again repeating the words, I want to be strong.

  One of the Bots stood watching at the entrance of the hole, waiting in case any of the Trons decided to attack. The Bots who was standing guard heard lots of turmoil going on outside the hole but the Trons never approached the hole. The night fell and the sun rose again but the Trons never came near.

  Rozetta woke up and jumped up, looking around the room. Everyone was still quietly asleep, everyone that is except for the prince. The prince was no where to be found. Rozetta went to ask the Bots who was guarding the hole if he knew where the prince was and found him knocked out on the ground with most of his wires ripped out. She looked towards the opening of the hole and saw by the large scuff marks left behind that someone had left that way. Oh dear, she thought to herself. The prince must have gone off on his own.

  Rozetta quickly awakened the remaining Bots and then she began to try and repair the one who had been acting as guard. She began to move as fast as she could, repairing and fixing the Bots broken wires and lugs. The other Bots joined in and the process went even faster. Within minutes, the guard Bots began to come alive.

  What happened? asked Rozetta.

  It was the prince, answered the Bots. He has grown into some sort of monster. He was ten times stronger than ever, bending steel and crushing rocks. His skin had begun to turn blue and his eyes were completely white. I think the Trons gel had a negative effect on him, finished the Bots as he sat waiting to finish getting repaired.

  We must all get going, said one of the Bots. The Trons could be on their way.

  Rozetta and the other Bots came out of the hole and looked around in astonishment. It looks as if a war has taken place out here, said Jotle, one of the older Bots. The Trons were lying lifeless on the ground; their robotic bodies were sparkling and fusing all over the place. Their body pairs also were strewn all over.

  It must be Harry, said Rozetta as she looked all over for him. Suddenly a blue flash swiped past her eyes. It was so fast that it was like a strike of light.

  Hello Harry, said Rozetta, but Prince Harry moved so fast that no one could really see him.

  Finally Harry stopped and be
gan to laugh hysterically, like something out of some kind of a horror movie. Rozetta and the other Boots cold not believe their eyes. The prince had made a complete transformation. His blue skin was silky and shinny. His pure white eyes were empty; his brown hair was now pure white. Rozetta and the other Bots didnt know what to say, all they could do was just simply stare at the prince.

  What have you done, Harry? asked Rozetta at last as she looked upon her friend.

  Harry didnt answer; he didnt care what they thought. He walked around the Bots with a sense of pride and an Im better than you are attitude. He stuck out his chest and flaunted his powers in the faces of his friends as he moved back and forth through their midst and around them faster and faster.

  Stop that nonsense, ordered Rozetta.

  Oh, youre just jealous because I am stronger than you, said the prince, as he began to taunt Rozetta.

  This is no time for childishness, said Rozetta as she began to get very angry with the prince. This is no time for us to be against each other, we must all work together, said Rozetta.

  Unfortunately, unlike with the Bots, the gel from the Trons made the prince a little unbearable. Finally Rozetta could not take it any more and began to tackle the prince. The two friends soon began to fight, tumbling over the dirt, hitting each other until they actually began to cause harm. Rozetta pushed the prince into some sharp rocks, causing him to cut a large gash into his face. Blood began to roll down and Rozetta quickly apologized, but the prince came after Rozetta, knocked her into the buildings and started throwing her around like a rag doll. After much fighting, the other Bots got involved, telling the two friends to stop it, but Rozetta and the prince still continued to fight until they began to hurt each other badly. Nostro, one of the Bots came forward and held Rozetta and the prince apart. Now you two have got to stop, he told them sternly. We are here on a mission.

  After their long drawn out fight, they were both breathing hard. Now you both need to go separate ways, Nostro told them. You each need time t o cool off. Rozetta nodded and turned and walked off. Nostro turned and looked at the prince. Well I am glad you took out the Trons, he told him.

  The prince just shrugged his shoulders, as if it was not a big deal at all. .

  deal at all. Nostro took charge and he and some of the other Bots went to collect all the Trons gel that they could. They found out that all the vials of Trons gel were missing. Nostro glanced suspiciously over at the prince. What did you do with all the gels? he asked.

  You will not get the gels, they are mine, said the prince as he took off through the land.

  When Rozetta came back from cooling off her temper, she was informed of what the prince had done. You should never have brought him, said Nostro angrily.

  Rozetta was very disappointed in the prince and blamed herself. Lets split up, she told Nostro. I will get the prince and you and the others can free as many as you can.

  No, I dont think thats a good idea, said Nostro. We all need to stick together and the prince can save himself, seeing that he took all of the Trons vials of Gel.

  All right, said Rozetta. She decided to stay but at the same time she couldnt help but think of the prince whom she had sworn to Wisker that she would bring back safely. For right now there are more pressing things to deal with, she thought to herself. The land is in a complete mess, vessels are crashed into buildings, ancient temples are now in rubbles, dirt and debris are scattered all through the land and in the meeting places.

  But what is the most disheartening is the fact that so many Bots are lying lifeless on the ground, said Nostro. They are broken into many pieces and those that were not visibly broken were disassembled and their parts lying scattered in the pathways.

  Rozetta and the remaining Bots went through all the secret hiding spots and began looking for humans or Bots. At first they kept coming up short until they went down another tunnel and heard a faint sound.

  Shh, said Rozetta to the others, I heard something. Rozetta shown her light and saw Bots and humans huddled in the corners together. Many of the humans were badly hurt and many of the Bots had no fighting power left. I am Rozetta, part of the Bots Clan, said Rosetta quickly as one of the members of the group started towards her with an axe.

  The man quickly lowered the axe when he saw that she spoke the truth. Thank goodness, its one of us, said the Bots as they were all glad to see Rozetta and the other Bots.

  Weve hidden in the tunnels for days, the group of citizens explained. Members of our families were captured and destroyed by the Trons.

  Dont worry, we will get out of this, said Rozetta. Remain calm and dont move around as much. Then Rozetta noticed an object lying in the corner and went over.

  Stop, said one of the citizens, moving as quickly as he could to stand in her way. Its a Trons, he explained.

  Wonderful, just what we need, exclaimed Rozetta. The citizen looked surprised and watched to see what Rozetta was about to do. With a beam of light, Rozetta brightened up the tunnel and shown the light at the body of the lifeless Trons. With her now powerful hands, she ripped the vial of gel from the chest of the Trons and held it up for all the Bots in the tunnel to see. This will make you strong like us, said Rozetta, as the Bots admired Rozettas new skin and her amazing strength.

  You dont look like us anymore, said one of the citizens.

  No I dont, agreed Rozetta. But it is safe for us to use but not for the humans.

  Why should we take such a substance? asked one of the Bots hiding in the tunnel.

  Because if you dont you will surely be beaten by the Trons, answered Rozetta.

  I guess that sort of settles it then, replied the Bots.

  With a little bit or reluctance, the Bots headed towards Rozetta to get an injection of the gel.

  Hey, Im starting to feel pretty good! said one of the Bots, after the gel was inside of him. Im starting to feel strong. This is great! The Bots weaknesses were disappearing and they began to enjoy this new found strength.

  What about us? asked one of the humans. Does this mean you Bots will be leaving us to fend for ourselves? Why cant we have some of that stuff so that well be super strong too? I thought we were all going to be equal.

  The gel is very dangerous for humans, said Rozetta. Once they ingest it, they will turn into unknown creatures. I promise you, I will do my best to see to it that you all make it the city above.

  The humans werent too comfortable with this answer.

  Id like to try it out for myself, said one of the humans. Id like to see for myself what it would do for humans.

  Absolutely not, said Rozetta. Youd be an endangerment to the rest of us and weve got all the monsters we can handle right now. She looked around for a moment. You Bots that were in the tunnels with the humans, Now that you have the power to defend yourselves, take the humans with you and lead them safely to the city above. The Bots agreed and when the coast was clear, they took off into the unknown.

  After they had left, Rozetta turned to Nostrum and the remaining Bots. Now it is up to us to go out and find more people, Bots and human, who need our help.

  This was a lot easier to say then to do. As soon as Rozetta and her companions were out of the secret tunnels, they found themselves caught off guard and ambushed by Mozac and a large group of Trons.

  Well, well, well, I see you all discovered the power of the Trons gel, said Mozac as he walked back and forth, waiting for Rozetta to attack. Now that you have the power little girl, do you know how to use it? he taunted. He launched himself at Rozetta who quickly blocked his blow and sent a punch flying his way.

  Mozac ducked and dodged and Rozettas punch went right into the tree he had been standing in front of, splitting it into shreads. On each side, the men looked on until it was time to interven

  Rozetta soon began to punch attack Mozac even harder, jumping on him and sending him falling to the ground. She did her best to rip the gel out of his chest, but Mozac was smart. Unlike he had done with the Bots he had built, Mozac did not put his valuable gel in his chest cavity but some place a little safer, a small opening deep within his ear canal to be exact. Rozetta did her best to find it but had no luck.

  You foolish Bots, said Mozac as he and Rozetta fought, You can never defeat me.












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