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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

Page 8

by Brie Paisley

  Me: You’re killing me small fry.

  Sassy S: What! I don’t see any blood.

  Laughing out loud, I shake my head. This girl is going to be the death of me. Maybe I should find out who her dealer is because this is twice that, I know of, she’s been using drugs. Not wanting to ruin a good thing because this is too good to stop now, I reply back to her.

  Me: I didn’t mean literally. I thought you had to work tonight?

  Sassy S: Oh. Good because I don’t want to kiss you.

  Sassy S: I meant kill. I do want to kiss you.

  Brushing off the fact she ignored my question, I grin knowing she really must want my lips again. I knew she liked kissing me.

  Me: Why do you want a kiss so bad? I thought I was horrible at it.

  Sassy S: Oh no. You were amazing and I want more.

  Before I can write back, the dispatcher calls a disturbance at a hotel over the CB radio. Thinking nothing of it, I start to ignore it knowing someone else will take it when the dispatcher says the name of the hotel. “Dammit, Savannah.” I already know it’s her causing the disturbance because my small fry is a total trouble maker. Plus there’s never been a call for The Holiday Inn like this before. Taking the call, I forget all about responding to her message. Turning on my siren, I hope I can get there sooner rather than later. Since I’m close by Columbus Air Force Base, it’ll take me at least ten to fifteen minutes to get there.

  Once I arrive at The Holiday Inn, I quickly jump out of the car and slam the door behind me. Adjusting my holster around my hip, I make my way inside. The smell of burnt popcorn and bleach fill my nose as I step through the door, and I try not to breathe through my nose. Jesus that smell is awful. Turning right, I walk up to the front desk seeing two tiny Chinese workers yelling at each other. Maybe they’re the reason for the disturbance? One can hope. “Excuse me. Is there a problem?”

  The man, who by the way reminds me of Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid, turns to me with a scowl on his face. “You cop?”

  “That’s why I wear this uniform,” I deadpan as I motion up down.

  “You come with me.” Following the small man, he all but runs to the elevator. “You make her stop. She too loud. Make customers unhappy. We cannot have unhappy people. They leave hotel. Bad for business.”

  Shaking my head, I will the elevator to hurry up and get to our destination. “Alright just stay calm.”

  “You make her leave. She pay for all damages. Make customers unhappy.”

  Sweet baby Jesus, someone help me. “I’ll make sure to take care of it.” Thankfully the elevator pings and the doors open. Following Mr. Miyagi once again, I already know what room he’s going to stop at. That and the fact I can already hear the music playing from her room.

  Mr. Miyagi stops at Savannah’s room and points while saying, “She too loud. Make her stop. Make customers very unhappy.”

  “I know, sir. Please let me do my job now.” Letting out a huff as Mr. Miyagi walks away, I hope like hell I don’t have to deal with him again. Turning to the door, I run a hand down my face wondering how I’m going to handle this. Maybe I should’ve let another officer handle this one, but I don’t want her to go to jail. Deciding to handle this as professional as I can, I knock loudly on the door. I have to pound on the door more than once before she finally opens it.

  “Caden! You’re here!” she yells as she flings the door open so hard it bounces off the wall. I wouldn’t doubt if there’s now a hole in the wall from it, and I’m actually surprised once the door flings back it doesn’t knock her ass out.

  My eyebrows raise as I look her over and fucking hell. I’m in deep shit here. Her hair is all over the place, which looks so good on her, and her cheeks are a bright rosy red. Her eyes are so dilated I can barely tell what color they are, and I have to swallow hard when I see what she’s wearing. Damn. Thank you to whoever invented boy shorts for underwear and skimpy tank tops. She’s totally not wearing a bra either since her nipples are straining in that top. Gaining control over myself, I tell my cock to behave. “Savannah Owens. You’re in so much trouble.”

  She frowns but then grins like this is all some sort of joke. “What sort of trouble, Officer? Are you here to take me downtown?”

  Don’t look at her nipples. Don’t you dare look at those hard and perky nipples. Glancing down, I look and fuck me. I wish I hadn’t. She raises an arm as she leans on the door frame as her eyes rake over my body. “Let me in, small fry.” She willingly complies by pushing the door open with her other hand. Watching her closely as I shut the door behind me once she steps back, she grins widely and makes her way to the dresser in the room. Taking a look at her room, I wonder what the hell happened in here. It’s a complete wreck. Her clothes are scattered on every surface, it smells like weed and booze, and I begin to wonder when the last time she had someone clean her room. It freaking reeks in here. Everything she’s doing goes against the oath I took, and there’s so much more going on here than just her having a good time. Glancing up at Savannah, she dances around the room like she doesn’t have a care in the world. As much as I want to watch her like this, I have to at least turn the music down. Star Boy by The Weeknd plays so loudly I hope like hell my eardrums are still intact when I leave. Spotting the source of where the music is coming from, I cross the room in a few steps to turn it off.

  She has her phone hooked up to a playing dock, and as soon I cut the music she says, “Why did you do that? I love that song.”

  “Can’t have you disturbin’ the peace, small fry.”

  She rolls her eyes at me, and I grin at her. I won’t lie. I love this sassy side of her. “Is that why you’re here then?”

  Hearing the hurt in her voice, I make my way over to her. When I reach for her, she turns away and grabs something by her suitcase that’s laying in the middle of the room. “I stole this tonight,” she says proudly as she holds up a bottle of Tequila. “Want to have a drink with me, Caden?”

  Ignoring her comment about the stolen booze, I let out a heavy sigh. “I wish I could, small fry.”

  She pouts, and I swear she shouldn’t look so beautiful while doing it. “What did you tell me?” She uses her index finger to tap on her chin as she adds, “Right. I remember. Live a little? Or something like that.”

  Shaking my head, I cross my arms as I say, “I’m on duty, Savannah.”

  Grinning widely, she giggles before saying, “You said duty.” Letting out a small sigh as she lets out another round of giggling, I can’t help but wonder what I’m going to do about her. “That’s such a funny word.” She giggles again as she tries to open the bottle of Tequila and just as I’m about to take it from her, she gets it open. “Cheers,” she says then turns the bottle up as she takes a drink. Now I’m all for drinking and having a good time, but I have a feeling Savannah has another reason for her wild ways. And I have to give her props. She takes that drink like a champ, only coughing a little as she brings the bottle back down. “We need music,” she claims loudly and starts to turn the music back on.

  Grabbing her by the waist, I redirect her so her back is to the music now. “No music, small fry.”

  She narrows her eyes at me as she steps out of my reach again. See what I mean? Even intoxicated she’s hot and cold all at the same time. She’s so frustratingly beautiful. “You’re ruining my fun, Caden.”

  “I don’t think anyone has said that to me before,” I say with a frown. Come to think of it, no one has. I’m usually the one letting everyone enjoy themselves, but this is different. She has no idea of the awkward situation she’s put me in. Shrugging her shoulders, she takes another drink of the Tequila, and before she can do it again, I take the bottle out of her hand. “I think it’s time to put the Tequila down, small fry.”

  “Why are you here, Caden? I’m having fun, and you’re being … you. You’re acting like a cop ready to arrest me, and I don’t like it.”

  Setting the bottle on the dresser, I try not to let her outburst bother me. Bu
t it does. I want her to have fun and enjoy being young, but not at the expense of her freedom. “Savannah, you know why I’m here. The hotel manager called and if I hadn’t shown up, what do you think would’ve happened?”

  She blinks a few times as if she can’t quite understand what I mean. Surprisingly she takes two steps toward me and wraps both arms around my neck. Smelling the alcohol on her breath, I swallow hard because she still smells divine. “What are you going to do, Officer?” Placing my hands on her hips, she’s staring at my lips now, and dammit she wants me to kiss her. I want to kiss her and do many, many, things to her that I know we’ll both enjoy. “Are you going to kiss me or arrest me?”

  I should arrest her. Yep, just put her fine ass in cuffs and have my wicked way with her. No not that. I should take her clothes off first then cuff her … fuck. Contain yourself jackass. “You’re makin’ my job a lot harder than it usually is,” I breathe out.

  “I told you things were complicated.”

  “I’m startin’ to see that, small fry.”

  “Just shut up and kiss me, Caden.”

  Lord knows I want to. I knew once I kissed her last night, things wouldn’t be the same. I also knew I would want to feel her lips on mine again and again. Preferably for the rest of my life, and I’m not even surprised at the thought of being with her forever. She’s the one. There’s no doubt about it. “I want to believe me, I really want to, but you’re totally fucked up. I told you my mama raised a gentleman.”

  “So?” She presses her body into mine, and she’s making my job of being a nice guy a lot harder. Her fingers run through my short hair, and her other hand grips my neck hard as she pulls me closer. “Do you always do what your mama tells you? Break some rules, Caden.” We’re only inches away from actually touching lips, and my heart is pounding knowing what I want is right here. “Just kiss me,” she whispers and fuck.

  One kiss and that’s it.

  One and done.

  I can’t fight the pull anymore.

  Giving in, I take her mouth, and my cock jumps hearing a moan escape from her. My grip on her hips tighten as she opens her mouth to let me in, and one and done is not going to cut it. I have to have more of this from her. The way she tastes, the feel of her in my arms, and everything about this woman is driving me insane with need. Running a hand up her back, I press her chest into me as I deepen our kiss. In the back of my mind, I know this isn’t something I should be doing while she’s under the influence. Gaining control over myself, I begin to pull back knowing if I don’t stop this now, I might not be able to later.

  But my small fry must know what she wants.

  As if she sensed I was about to end our kiss, she breaks away from my lips only for a moment to jump up and wrap her legs around my waist. Groaning as she hurriedly takes my mouth again, I hold her up by her luscious ass and walk forward to the bed. Laying her down not so gracefully on the bed, I hover over her and gaze into her eyes. “Is this what you want, Savannah?” I ask huskily, and I let out a harsh breath as her hips grind against me.

  “I want you, Caden.” She says, and all the control I have goes into not giving her what she wants.

  Leaning down and kissing her sweet lips once more, I commit everything about this moment to memory. If anything, this gives me more reason to claim her as mine, and all I have to do now is wait until she’s sober enough to agree. Pulling away once more, I really wish she wasn’t high or drunk. This would be much easier. “You’re makin’ this so hard for me, small fry.”

  She grins widely before saying, “Well I hope I’m making something hard. Otherwise I’m not doing my job so well.”

  Knowing what she’s referring to, I shake my head and let out a chuckle. “Trust me, my pants are about to explode because of you.”

  “I can take care of that for you,” she sweetly claims and begins to reach down.

  Grabbing her wrist, I gently move her hand away from the danger zone because I know if she touches me, I’ll end up fucking up all my chances with her. Chicks remember shit like this, and I could never take advantage of her. She watches me with her dilated eyes as I lean down once more and leave a peck on her lips. Moving up to her nose, I do the same before leaving her completely. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, and my cock is really starting to hurt. I’m going to have a serious case of blue balls later. “Time for bed, small fry.” She pouts again, but she lazily gets off the bed. She doesn’t say a word as she reaches down to pull her top off, and realizing she wants me to see her, I quickly turn around. She giggles loudly, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s testing me. Feeling something on my shoulder, I glance to the right. Groaning loudly, that little minx threw her panties on me. Which means she’s naked. Which means I’ve got to leave.

  Like five minutes ago.

  “I’m ready for my goodnight kiss,” she calls out.

  Please be under the covers. Please for the love of God, let her be covered up to her neck. Pulling her panties off my shoulder and pushing them into my front pocket, I slowly turn around. Thankfully she is under the covers and smiling at me. Letting out a sigh, I make my way over to her. Leaning down, she watches me with those wide eyes as I brush her hair out of her face and behind her ear. “We’re goin’ to talk about this tomorrow.” Giving her a pointed look, I add, “When you’re sober.”

  “Okay,” she breathes out, and I hope she knows I mean it.

  “Goodnight, Savannah.”

  Closing her eyes, she whispers, “Night, handsome cop.” Grinning, I kiss her on her forehead then stand upright.

  I don’t leave right away though. For some reason, my chest begins to ache knowing I have to go, but I stay for a few moments just watching her fall to sleep. Yeah, it might be a little creepy to watch someone sleep, but I don’t want to go just yet. She looks so at ease, and I hope I can see her so at peace more. I realize she and I do have a lot to talk about, and she has a lot of explaining to do.

  Taking a deep breath, I turn to leave before stopping. She’s going to have a wicked hangover so I quickly look around the room hoping she has something she can take in the morning. Once I find some medicine for her, I fill a plastic cup with water and set it on the bedside table. Spotting a notepad and a pen, I quickly write a note just in case fate really wants to fuck with me tomorrow. She needs to remember I was here. Satisfied with my note, I give Savannah one last glance before I walk to the door. Flicking off the lights, I start to open the door but stop when I hear her call out my name in her sleep. “Tomorrow, small fry,” I say, but I know she can’t hear me.

  But even so, it’s a promise. Tomorrow she won’t be able to hide from me anymore. Tomorrow I’ll make it very clear that she’s not going to be able to keep me away.

  Caden’s mouth takes mine, and he doesn’t even realize he’s sucking all the air I have into him. Even if I can’t breathe properly, I want him more than I ever have. The burning desire he makes me feel isn’t normal. The way he makes my heart pound in my chest isn’t normal either. He kisses me ever so passionately, tenderly, and as if he needs me just as much as I need him. Pulling away, I gasp for air before I confess, “I need you, Caden.”

  He leaves hot and wet kisses on my chin making his way to my neck. Rolling my head to the side, I close my eyes loving the feel of his lips on my skin. “You have me, Savannah,” he claims against my neck.

  “Then take me.” I can’t stand it any longer. He needs to put out this fire burning in my stomach. This need that I have is consuming me slowly, and only he can fulfill it. He pulls away from me, and before I can protest, my shirt is suddenly gone. Standing in front of him showing him some of my intimate parts, his eyes burn brightly. He raises his hand to touch me, and I arch my chest begging him to hurry.




  Frowning, I wonder where the banging noise is coming from, but I push it out of my mind as Caden moves closer to my aching breasts.




  There’s always a moment when you’re half in a dream and half awake. Hearing more banging on the door, I snap open my eyes fully coming out of the dream. My face burns hot as I try to shake away the erotic dream I was having about Caden and I. For a moment, I really thought it was happening, and feeling how wet I am, so did my lady parts. I huff out a breath wondering what time it is, and who the hell is at the door, when whoever it is keeps banging annoyingly.

  Pushing the covers off me, I quickly get out of bed. Or I try to anyway. My foot somehow gets twisted inside the covers, and as I stand, I fall hard on the ground. “Son of a bitch,” I cry out, and that’s when I realize I’m freaking buck ass naked. I never sleep naked, and I vaguely remember drinking and smoking last night. Rubbing my knee for a moment, I grit my teeth at the carpet burn. But the damn banging continues on. “I’m coming! Give it a rest already.” Whoever is at the door is really getting on my bad side. Jumping up, I rush to find some clothes and quickly put them on. Once I’m dressed, I don’t even think about how else I look. It’s probably bad considering I woke up naked in bed and don’t really remember how I got that way. Jerking the door open, Mr. Chang the hotel manager, stops midway with his hand. Shit. This can’t be good. “What’s up, Mr. Chang?”

  “You leave hotel. Today,” he sternly says in broken English while pointing a finger at me. Clenching my jaw, my stomach drops. Is he really kicking me out? “You too loud. Had customers leave hotel. You leave today.”

  “Mr. Chang, please,” I start, but he cuts me off.

  “Leave today!”

  He doesn’t even bother with letting me explain or at least let me talk my way out of this. He turns his heels and rushes away like there’s a fucking fire about to burn his ass. “Dammit.” Letting out a heavy sigh, I slam the door shut and wonder what the hell am I going to do now?

  Leaning my forehead against the door, I can’t believe I did this. I remember very clearly why I came back to my hotel room, got so fucked up, and I just got evicted. Turning around, I let my head fall back to knock it softly on the door. This is all Paul’s son’s fault. If Mike hadn’t tried to get me to suck his dick at work, I wouldn’t have walked out of work, stolen some tequila, and came back here to get those images out of my mind. He even had the freaking nerve to whip his little penis out at me. Like that would really change my mind about him harassing me. It does make me feel less like an irresponsible adult knowing I did knee him so hard in his crotch that he’s probably still feeling it today. Even so, I can’t afford to stay anywhere else considering I don’t have a job anymore. My savings is all but gone, and The Holiday Inn was the only hotel in town that gave me the cheapest rate.


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