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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

Page 13

by Brie Paisley

  “They’re for my self-defense classes.” He’s quiet for a moment then he adds, “It’s not much, but I can’t complain about business.”

  “Obviously.” Glancing around the room, I take in how many people are actually here. It’s packed for only being early afternoon. “This place is banging.”

  “Glad you approve. Come on, we have work to do.”

  “Lead the way, boss.” That earns me a hard glare, but instead of thinking it means he doesn’t care for me, I think he’s warming up to me. Following the leader once more, Cason shows me around the gym some more, and we stop the tour in his office. It’s a typical office with a desk and computer, but what I notice the most is how Cason has so many filing cabinets. I understand why Caden said Cason has a touch of OCD now. Everything is labeled which shouldn’t be too hard to figure out where things go, but I’ll admit I’m a tad bit intimated by all the organization. I’m not known to be very organized. To be honest, my head is already starting to hurt realizing how much work is going to go into this. One big plus is how big his office is, and I’m grateful. One could start to feel claustrophobic in here. “Got enough filing cabinets, boss?”

  Cason cocks an eyebrow at my comment before he says, “It’s not that many.”

  “You have,” I start then take another look around doing a quick count. “Eight cabinets.” Turning to him, I ask, “It’s a bit much don’t you think? Why not just do everything digital?”

  “I’m old school.”

  “Why do I get the feeling I signed up for more than I bargained for?”

  Cason shakes his head, but he has to know this is a bit much. “Anyway we have a lot to cover, so let’s get to it.”

  Huffing out a breath, I’m already dreading what all my new duties are going to be. “Rodger that.” Taking a seat in the chair in front of Cason’s desk, I try to remain positive. Caden wouldn’t have offered Cason to take me on if he didn’t think I could handle it. Plus I really do need a new job.

  It’s time to woman up and put my big girl panties on.

  After picking up Clark from our parent’s house, he and I head toward Jackson Airport to get Caleb. So far the ride has been uneventful, and I have a feeling this is how it’s going to be the entire way there. Don’t get me wrong, I love all my brothers, but since Clark got back from his last deployment, something has been off with him. He’s not the same in a lot of ways, and it doesn’t help he won’t open up to any of us.

  Glancing over to my right, I wish he would just tell someone what’s going on in that head of his. I’m worried, we all are, and I hope he knows he’s not alone. Not caring if I piss him off or not, I ask, “Is today goin’ to be the day you tell me what the hell is goin’ on with you?”

  Looking back to the road, I feel his hard gaze on me. “Mind your fuckin’ business, Caden.”

  “You do know who I am right?” It’s never been in my nature to stay out of my brother’s business.

  “Right. I forgot while I was off fightin’ for our country. Please go on and ask me twenty-one questions just like everyone else.” He sighs deeply before adding, “I’m fine. I wish everyone would stop askin’. I’m fine.”

  Clearly he’s not. I can hear it in his voice and how defensive he’s being. “I get it. I do. You don’t want to talk about what went down, and you want to show off how manly you can be.” Taking a quick glance at my brother, he stares straight ahead, and I wonder if he’s even listening to me. “I just want to make sure you know that you’re not alone and if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here. We’re all here for you.”

  Clark is quiet for a long time, and just when I think he’s not going to respond, he says, “I know.”

  It’s such a simple response, but at least he knows what I’m putting down. The last thing any of us want is for him to feel like he has no one. That’s the worst thing about him going into the military. Every deployment chipped away at him, and the fear he’ll take his own life freaks me the fuck out. Knowing I can’t make him talk, I decide to let things be for now. All I can do is hope that he gets to the place where he’s ready to open up. We ride in silence for a while before I get really sick and tired of hearing nothing. Turning on the radio, Cheap Thrills by Sia fills the speakers, and of course I have to sing along.

  I don’t even get one chorus finished before Clark reaches over and turns off the radio. “Dude, that was my song.”

  “I am not listenin’ to you screech at the top of your lungs all the way to Jackson.”

  “Why are you bein’ such a buzz kill?”

  He shoots me a glare as he claims, “I’m not a buzz kill. I just like bein’ able to hear. I also like for my ears not to start bleedin.”

  “So what you’re sayin’ is, you don’t think I can sing and you hate music?”

  “Oh fuck. Really, Caden?”

  “I’m just sayin’. You obviously don’t like Sia or her cheap thrills.”

  “She’s just fine. It’s you that I can’t stand to listen to for two and a half hours.”

  Letting my head fall back against the headrest, I state, “This is goin’ to be a long ass trip.”

  It’s pitch black by the time I pull up at my apartment. Why I thought it would be a quick and easy trip to pick up my youngest brother is beyond me. Not only was the trip there boring as hell, Clark and I had to wait seven hours before Caleb’s plane actually landed. Apparently Caleb missed his flight and Clark was not a happy camper about it. I didn’t so much mind having to wait, but it was the fact that Clark was acting stranger than normal that made the waiting deal not so great. I didn’t ask knowing he wouldn’t tell me anyway, but as I watched him, I think it was the crowded airport that did it to him. And don’t even get me started on the trip back home.

  There has never been a time where I wanted to murder my brothers until that moment. Like seriously. I am a cop, so I know how to get rid of the bodies. All joking aside, I would never hurt them, even though I really did consider it a few times. Shaking my head, I’m grateful to be home and glad I get a break from Clark and Caleb. Those two have some major issues going on. Opening the door to the apartment, I’m extra careful not to make any noise. Cason texted me earlier when he crashed out, and I assume Savannah has gone to bed too. All the lights are off inside, but the moon is giving me enough light to be able to see where I’m going.

  With only one destination on my mind, I take my shoes off by the door and walk toward my room. I have to see her. I have to make sure she’s still here and real. It probably sounds crazy, but I have this fear she’ll up and disappear on me. All day I worried she wouldn’t be here once I got back, even though she and I talked throughout the day. Slowly opening the door, I quietly walk into the room hoping not to disturb her. Thankful she left the blinds open so I can see, I cross the room over by the bed. My heart thrums in my chest as I see her sleeping peacefully in my bed and damn. The sight of her in my bed sends a thrill straight to my cock. Down boy. Leaning down to brush her hair out of her face, she moans in her sleep and how I wish I could just climb into bed with her. It’s hard to resist the pull I have to just say fuck it and do it. Somehow I fight that pull. Instead of doing what my entire body is wanting, I place a light kiss on her forehead.

  She stirs in her sleep, and I hold my breath as she whispers, “Caden?”

  “Sorry, small fry. Just tuckin’ you in.”

  “What time is it?”

  Feeling like an ass for waking her, I quietly say, “It’s late. Go back to sleep, and I’ll see you in the mornin’.”

  I start to turn to leave, but she grabs onto my hand. “No, stay with me.” Well I’ll be damned. I wasn’t expecting her to ask me to stay, but I willingly comply. Quickly getting out of my clothes except for my boxers, I crawl into bed with her. Normally I sleep in the nude, but knowing how rare this moment is, I figure it’s best to play it safe. Plus I’m sure Savannah wouldn’t like my cock poking her in the butt. Or maybe she would. It’s hard to guess what she wants. Staying still a
s she rolls over on her left side facing me, she asks, “How was the trip?”

  “Uneventful. But it’s nice to have all my brothers back home.”

  She’s quiet for a few moments, and I begin to think she fell back asleep. “I tried to stay up to make sure you made it back alright.”

  My heart warms knowing she wanted to make sure I came back home safely. I try not to think too much of her comment or confession, whichever way you want to take it, but it does make me one happy guy knowing she was thinking of me. “Miss me, small fry?”

  “Maybe just a little,” she says with a lazy sigh.

  “Come here, Savannah.” Gently pulling her to me, she rests her head on my chest as I wrap my arm around her. Damn it feels good having her in my arms like this, and it gives me hope she’s coming around with giving me a chance. Running my fingers through her hair, she lets out another sigh as she lays a hand on my stomach. The feel of her so close and knowing she’s doing it because she wants to is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. She belongs here in my arms, and I know without a doubt I have to keep her by my side. “How did it go today with Cason?”

  Knowing my twin, he didn’t make it easy on her. He never does with anyone. “It wasn’t too bad. I think he’s finally warming up to me.” Her voice is low I almost miss what she says.

  “I told you, small fry. He likes you.” Smirking when she hums back a response, I know she’s falling back asleep. I can’t say I mind because she scoots closer as if she can’t get close enough. Pride flows through me knowing even in her sleep, she wants me. Now all I have to do is make it where she wants me when she’s coherent. It’s going to be difficult no doubt, but she’s worth it.

  I know she’ll be worth everything because of this right here. Because of how my heart won’t stop pounding in my chest. But mostly, because I’m already in love with her. I knew she was it the moment I laid eyes on her, and this moment only confirms it.

  She’s it.

  She’s the one.

  My one.

  Kissing her once more on her forehead, I close my eyes as I think of a way to keep her here and in my arms forever.

  Want to know what the best feeling in the world is? Not only am I cuddling with the woman I’m falling madly in love with, but she’s also squirming that delicious ass of hers against my cock. The two combined? Fucking. Epic. Not sure if she’s awake yet, I stay still hoping and dreading that she’ll stop moving. Lord knows how much I want her, but then again she’s asleep, and I will my cock to behave.

  That moment flies right out the window when her small hand grabs me.


  “Tryin’ to cop a feel, small fry?” She gasps loudly and tries to roll away. Catching her before she tumbles to the floor, I chuckle seeing her shocked expression. “Goin’ somewhere?”

  “What are you doing here?”

  She pulls away, and I hate the distance she’s putting between us. Going off her cue, I move away and rest my head on my hand as I gaze at her. “I do live here, and this is my room and my bed.” Lowering my voice, I say, “You asked me to stay remember?”

  She frowns as if she doesn’t remember and for a moment I fear she’ll deny everything. “Oh right.” Her face flushes and I wonder what she’s thinking. Does she regret asking me to stay? “You can’t hold me accountable for anything I do or say if I’m half asleep.”

  “I don’t know, small fry. You were grabbin’ on pretty tightly to my Johnson.”

  When she smiles, I know I’ve got her. “Your Johnson?”

  “Yeah. Otherwise known as, tally wacker, meat stick, one-eyed snake, willy, and a lot of others that I won’t name.”

  She rolls her eyes at me, before she demands, “Tell your Johnson to stay away from my ass.”

  “Hey now. It’s not my fault you were rubbin’ against me. I can’t help if Johnson likes what you’re doin’.” The problem is my Johnson loves everything Savannah Owens does.

  “You’re like a horny teenage boy.”

  Taking a risk, I grab her wrist and pull her to me. Fuck this distance shit she’s trying to put between us. She doesn’t put up a fight as I pull her back to me, and I hover over her as I gaze into her eyes. “I don’t recall you complainin’ yesterday about it.”

  My cock jumps when she sucks in a breath, and her eyes glance down to my lips. Oh yeah. She wants me. “I told you. Shit happens when you kiss me.”

  “So what you’re sayin’ is, I should kiss you more often?”

  She laughs, a sound I want to hear every day for the rest of my life, as she claims, “Maybe after we brush our teeth.”

  “Ah. The horrifyin’ smell of morning breath.” Honestly I hadn’t noticed, but mine must be bad if she’s hinting about it.

  “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings but yeah. It’s pretty bad.”

  “Savannah has jokes this mornin’.” She laughs again and pushes against my chest. Rolling over, I watch her as she slowly gets out of bed. Gazing at her as she pulls down her top to cover her stomach, I get that warm sensation in my chest again.

  “What are you staring at?”

  Her question pulls my gaze away from her, and I grin like a lovesick fool. God I’ve got it bad. “Just you, small fry.”

  She tries to hide her smile as she shakes her head, but I see it. I’ll take that as a small win. “I’ve got to get ready. Some of us have to work for a living,” she states as she grabs some clothes.

  Sitting up in the bed, I glance over at the clock to check the time. Having a few hours to spare before my shift later, I ask, “Want to have breakfast with me and my family?” Okay I’ll admit, I whispered that last part about my family because I know she’ll freak. It screams relationship, and if I know her, she’s going to run away from my offer.

  Her eyebrows furrow and I hope she’s considering it. How I wish I had mind reading skills. “Thanks for offering, but I told Cason I would get an early start.” She glances up then adds, “You know. Since I’m trying to get the hang of things.”

  It’s her cop-out, I know, but it still stings. Playing it off like it’s no big deal, I nod. She gives me a small smile the turns to walk out of the room. Suddenly remembering what I promised her I’d do, I toss the covers off me and jump out of bed. She stops as she hears me and her eyes stare at my bare chest. Her lips part as she slowly devours me with those blue-green eyes, and I stand still letting her take her fill. But when her gaze drops to my cock, I can’t take it anymore. She’s driving me crazy, and since Mama is expecting all of us for breakfast, there’s no time to have my fill of Savannah. Who am I kidding here? I’ll never get enough of her, and I haven’t even had her yet. Snapping my fingers in front of her, I playfully say, “Eyes up here, small fry.” Her eyes snap to mine, and I hold back a laugh at her wide eyes. “As much as I enjoy you checkin’ me out, Savannah.” I stop for a moment, gazing into those eyes of hers. “I have to work tonight, so I wondered if you wouldn’t mind givin’ me all you have on your birth mother.”

  I promised her I would help as much as I could and I’ll talk to Carter once I see him at Mama’s for breakfast. Savannah doesn’t waste any time walking past me in a daze, then sets her clothes down on the bed, and my gaze follows her as she walks into the closet. Patiently waiting for her, I hope I can find her the answers she’s looking for. I meant it when I said I’ll do anything for her. A few moments pass before she reemerges, and I frown seeing the blank look on her face. She slowly walks over to stand in front of me gripping the manila folder with both hands. “This is all I have of her,” she says softly, and my heart clenches knowing this folder is all she has of her mother. “I don’t have any copies,” she glances up at me as she says, “Please don’t lose it.”

  I know how much this means to her and I wouldn’t dare dream of losing something so dear to her. “I’ll guard it with my life.” Reaching to cup her cheek, I state, “You can trust me, small fry. I won’t let you down.” Her eyes search mine for something, and I can only hope she believes me
. My thumb rubs her cheek as I plead silently for her to trust me, to have faith in me, and for once lean on me.

  I need her to fully let me in and truly believe I care for her, and that I’ll do everything in my power to protect her.

  Time seems to stand still as I fight an inner battle whether to trust Caden or not. His words seem true. His actions also make me want to think he only does want to help, but something is holding me back. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always believed if something is too good to be true, then it probably is. Even as I struggle with my choice, that pull I feel every time I’m near him strengthens. Honestly I’m not sure how I’ve fought it for so long. His thumb continues to graze my cheek, and I sense he’s begging me to lean on him. Maybe it’s in his eyes with the way they seem to plead with me for something. It’s hard to resist him, especially since he’s still shirtless. It’s more than just sexual attraction at work here. Even as I stare at him like a juicy steak, like I’ve been starving for weeks, there’s more going on here.

  Maybe that’s what’s holding me back. Giving myself over to him completely scares me to death, but he’s the only man I’ve ever thought about letting down my walls and opening my heart for. Letting out a long sigh, I decide to take him up on his offer, and I lean into his touch. Even if it’s just for a moment, I need his strength to carry me. “Okay,” I say so low I barely hear it myself. But Caden must have. He grins widely as if I just gave him everything he’s ever wanted. “I’ll trust you, Caden.” It’ll be hard to fully trust him since I don’t trust anyone, but I’m willing to try.


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