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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

Page 18

by Brie Paisley

  “And what’s wrong with Caden?” Savannah starts. She glances at me with those wide eyes and softly says, “I think he’s perfect the way he is.”

  Turning back to Cason, I state, “See. She thinks I’m perfect.”

  “I won’t even comment back to that.”

  “Oh lighten up, buttercup.” Cason huffs out a breath in annoyance, but it’s so much fun riling him up. Taking Savannah by her hand, I pull her to me and wrap my arm around her. “It’s good to know you think I’m perfect.”

  Shaking her head, she claims, “Don’t let it go to your head. Your ego is big enough as it is already.”

  I can’t help but smirk at her witty response. It’s just like her to give it right back to me. “I promise not to let my ego explode with awesomeness.” She laughs lightly as she gazes up at me, and I can’t resist those lips of hers. Leaning down, I place a gentle and tender kiss on her lips that have seemed to become like a drug to me. Pulling away before things get too crazy and knowing we have an audience, I use my thumb to caress her cheek. “Don’t get into any trouble while I’m talkin’ to Caleb.”

  She sucks in a breath and swallows before saying, “I make no promises.” Giving her one last kiss, I step away and glance to Cason. He nods, and I know that’s his way of letting me know he’ll stick by her side.

  Because honestly, I never know what to expect from Savannah. Who knows what my small fry will do while I’m away.

  That in itself is a little scary.

  But I wouldn’t have it any other way. She makes life interesting and fun. Damn she really is my perfect match. Watching her as I walk away, it’s harder than I thought to leave her side. Although I could’ve stuck to her like glue, I need to talk to Caleb. Leaving the kitchen and opening the door to the basement, I make my steps as loud as possible and yell out, “Caleb! Please cover up anythin’ you don’t want me to see.” Thinking better of it, I call out, “I do not want to see you jerkin’ the chain alright.” Making it to the bottom of the stairs, I quickly use my hand to cover my eyes. “Caleb? Are you even down here?” I know this is his new and improved room. He claimed when he returned home that he needed more space. For what, I have no idea. My brothers and I helped him move into the basement even though he could’ve done it all himself.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you coverin’ your eyes and yellin’ like a crazy person?”

  “Is it safe to look? Please don’t let me see you naked, oops baby.”

  He huffs out loudly as he says, “I’m not naked. And stop callin’ me that. You know how much I freakin’ hate it.”

  Not fully trusting him, I take a peek through my fingers. Seeing he is indeed not naked, I drop my hand. He is however, shirtless and that’s pretty close to being naked. Deciding not to dwell on it, I ask, “Why aren’t you upstairs?”

  Taking the towel from around his shoulders, he dries his hair as he says, “Didn’t realize you were Dad now. And the party doesn’t start for another hour.”

  “Yeah,” I start and give him a pointed look. “But you know the family is goin’ to show up at least an hour early. You know? Just in time for the craziness to happen.”

  Caleb tosses the towel in a hamper by a dresser then turns back to me. “Yeah. Should’ve known that.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I have a feeling he wants to say more. When he doesn’t, I glance around his room. It’s a nice set up he has going. It kind of reminds me of a studio apartment with its open layout. Granted he’s still crashing with Mama and Dad, but it suits him. I mean it’s nothing spectacular by any means, but it’s homey. “Place is lookin’ good,” I say to fill the silence. Honestly I’m not sure how to go about asking him what I need him to do.

  Caleb walks over to his closet and pulls out a shirt and puts on his glasses before turning back to me. “Did you come down here just to bust my balls about stayin’ with Mama and Dad? Because I know you didn’t come down here just to compliment my room.”

  Placing a hand on my hip, I chuckle then say, “Alright you got me.” Sucking in a breath, I hold it in making my cheeks puff out before letting it go. Caleb watches me carefully because I’ll admit, this is way out of character for me.

  “Dude, what’s with you?”

  I’ve never had a problem asking any of my brothers for anything because I know no matter what, they’ll be there and do whatever they can for me. The problem is what I’m about to ask Caleb, goes against everything I stand for. Because it’s fucking illegal. “I sort of need a favor.”

  Caleb shrugs his shoulders as he says, “Okay. Whatever it is, I’m here for you. I don’t get why you’re freakin’ out about it.”

  “It’s not your typical favor,” I state vaguely.

  “Just spit it out already, Caden.”

  Running a hand down my face, I pull out the paper from my back pocket. Savannah has no idea I still have the proof of her mother’s fake identity, but it’s needed at a time like this. I also promised her I’d find out who her birth mother is, and if I have to go beyond the law to do so, I will. Savannah means the world to me, and if finding this woman will help her heal, then I’ll do whatever I can do make it happen. “You still in the business of hackin’ shit?”

  “Uh yeah. I guess so.”

  “Good.” Handing him the piece of paper, I add, “Can you find out who made this fake ID and who bought it?”

  Caleb stares at the paper for a while then adjusts his glasses before he looks back up. “Maybe. You have somethin’ more for me to go on?”

  Shaking my head, I say, “If that trail is cold, I would start with hospitals in Florida or even adoption agencies.”

  “Is there any reason in particular you want me to hack a hospital’s database? Or possibly end up in jail for this shit?”

  I was afraid he would need some convincing, but I know he’ll do it just because we’re family. “It’s for someone I care for. You’re actually goin’ to meet her soon.” With his raised eyebrows, I add, “She’s here.”

  Watching him as he folds the paper and walks over to his desk, he lays it down and moves back in front of me. “I thought I’d never see the day when Caden, the manwhore of Columbus, had a serious girlfriend.”

  “Well technically she’s not my girlfriend.” Another eyebrow raises from him, and I explain. “It’s complicated. So can you do it or not?”

  “Yeah. You could’ve at least given me a challenge.”

  Chuckling, I shake my head. Of course he would be a smart ass. Apparently it runs in the family. “Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

  “Yeah, you will. Especially if I get caught. Which I won’t, but it’s good to know you’ll bail me out.”

  “My advice,” I say calmly because this shit cannot go beyond this room. “Don’t get busted. I mean yeah. I’ll get you out of a pickle if I have to, but this doesn’t need to leave this room.”

  “No, I understand. I won’t say anythin’.”

  Walking over to him, I place my hand on his shoulder. “Thank you. I really do appreciate your help on this. And for not blabbin’.” I don’t need to get Savannah’s hopes up for nothing. Who knows if Caleb will find anything? For all I know, there’s nothing to find anyway.

  Caleb nods as he says, “Give me a week or two. If there’s anythin’ to go on, I’ll find it.”

  “Thanks, man. That’s all I need to hear.” Feeling better about this whole situation, Caleb follows me back upstairs. The need to see Savannah again makes me take the steps two at a time. It’s like a force pulling me to her. Craziest shit I’ve ever felt, but once I make it back to the kitchen and she turns to look at me, nothing as ever felt more right.

  And I swear that smile is going to give me a heart attack one day from it making my heart continuously skip a beat. But if I were to die seeing that smile from her, that smile that’s only for me, then fuck it. I’ll die a blissfully happy man.

  I feel him before I see him.

  It’s like a sixth sense or something, but I swear it’s like
an invisible force that wants me to turn around. So I do, and come face to face with those intense blue eyes gazing at me. My breath catches as if that force just knocked the wind out of me. Caden walks right over to me, completely ignoring the looks his family is giving him, and he kisses me. Those hands cup each side of my face as mine land on his waist. The kiss doesn’t last too long, but it’s still just as powerful.

  When he pulls away, I’m stuck in a daze for a second. Getting my bearings back, I glance up to ask, “What was that for?”

  “Just needed some sugar, small fry,” he explains with a wide grin.

  “I vote to never witness that shit again,” Cason deadpans.

  “Cason, leave them alone.” Mrs. Harlow tells him, and I bite my lip to hold back a grin. Caden’s family is so much more than I thought. Granted I was a ball of nerves before, but now I shouldn’t have been. From the moment Caden’s mom saw me, I instantly felt as if I belonged here. The Harlow family is loving, caring, and they do make great company. They make me feel as if I’m a part of their family, and for the first time in a long time, I welcomed the feeling.

  “Don’t worry about him, Mama,” Caden says as he pulls me under his arm. “Cas is just being a Debbie Downer.”

  “I am not,” Cason snaps back. “I’m sorry I don’t want to see any of your PDA all up in my face.”

  Shaking my head, I wonder if Cason is always like this. I’ve seen two sides to him. One is just like this, kind of cold and bitter. Then that other side can be very sweet and caring. There’s just more to him than he lets on, and it makes me curious to know more. “You do realize once Carter and Shelby get here, they’re goin’ to be ten times worse right?”

  “You don’t have to remind me, Caden.”

  “How about we move this outside,” Caden’s dad cuts in. Caden and Cason glare at each other for a few more moments before they concede.

  Cason is the first to leave, and I glance up hearing Caden’s loud sigh. “Everything okay?”

  The rest of the Harlow family follow behind Cason, and Caden rubs my shoulder. Once everyone but us is outside, he finally answers me. “I’m good, small fry. Cason just irritates me sometimes.”

  “Isn’t that what brothers are there for?”

  Grinning, Caden says, “I reckon so. Come on, small fry. I want you to meet Caleb.” Nodding, I follow him outside to the back porch. Cason stares at us, but at least now it seems as though he’s not as grumpy. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow stand by the grill, and Clark sits off to the side drinking a beer. The one brother I haven’t met yet is pulling out a cooler and sets it close by Caden and me. “Caleb, I want you to meet my small fry.”

  Caleb snaps his gaze to me, and I hold out my hand. “I’m Savannah, or you can call me Savvy.”

  Caleb takes my hand, and I don’t miss his quick glance to Caden. “Nice to meet you.”

  He and Caden share another look, and I ask, “What gives with you two?”

  Before Caden can answer, Caleb says, “Oh it’s nothin’. Just shocked Caden finally brought a girl home.”

  Frowning, I turn to Caden. “You’ve never let anyone meet any of your previous girlfriends before?”

  “I told you, small fry,” he begins as he turns to me. “You’re different from anyone else. You’re perfect.” Not knowing what to say, I stare at him in amazement. Now in the back of my mind, I know this is more than us being fuck buddies. I also know it means there are strong feelings here, but for once it doesn’t really scare me. It seems at every turn, Caden continues to break down the walls around my heart, and the warming sensation in the pit of my stomach tells me all I need to know.

  I’m falling for him.

  Standing by Caden’s mom, I let out a laugh as she tells me more stories about Caden as a kid. Feeling his gaze on me, I look across the porch seeing him smiling. I’ll admit, being here most of the day has been wonderful. I’ve met so many of the Harlow family’s friends, and even though I can’t remember most of their names, it’s been a great day. I even got to meet Shelby, and I instantly liked her. She’s so friendly and down to earth. The love she and Carter share is something amazing to witness. She and I have talked a lot since she and Carter arrived, and I have a feeling we’re going to be close friends. She even introduced me to Annie and William Barrett. The love they have for Shelby was so pronounced, I thought they were her grandparents. However Shelby explained they were more of family friends to everyone else, but to her, they were like family. I feel like there’s a story behind it, but I didn’t want to pry. I didn’t feel as though it was the right time to ask, and I quickly agreed when Shelby asked me to come over one night to hangout. The only thing about today that I wish was different was how Clark still hasn’t warmed up to me. I saw Caden talking to him a while ago, but I wonder what his deal is. Even if Clark is dealing with his demons and doesn’t like me very much, I’m glad Caden brought me here. The Harlow family is wonderful to be around, and the love they have makes me wish my parents were here. It feels like home, and I could see myself coming over to see the Harlow family every day if possible. They’re just a tight knit family that a girl like me would love to be a part of. Being away from my parents has been hard, and feeling the way I do now, it makes me realize what I had all along. I’ve been so consumed with finding who my mother is that I missed what was right in front of me. But if I never knew about my birth mom, I never would’ve met Caden. If I hadn’t made the trip to Mississippi, I would’ve missed out on all these wonderful and loving people.

  Caden’s gaze never wavers from mine, and he begins to walk toward me when he stops suddenly. Everyone’s gaze snaps to Carter as he walks to the middle of the porch, and asks for everyone’s attention. I smile seeing Shelby immediately go to him when he glances her way and wraps his arm around her. “I want to thank everyone for comin’ over to help celebrate my baby brother’s accomplishments today.” Carter stops for a moment to look at Caleb, and I see the pride written all over Carter’s face. “I’m so proud of you Caleb for all you’ve done and for graduatin’ at the top of your class. You’ve yet again shown and proven you’re the smartest Harlow brother.” Smiling as everyone chuckles at Carter’s joke, I’m sort of proud of Caleb too. It’s an unexplainable sensation because I don’t even know Caleb. However it’s there. Caleb raises his beer toward Carter and gives him a firm nod. “I also wanted to ask someone special to me a very important question.” Everyone, including me, gasps loudly when Carter drops to one knee in front of Shelby. The surprise is evident on her face and as her hand covers her mouth. “Shelby Ross, I’ve loved you since I was six years old. From the moment I laid eyes on you on that playground, I knew I would spend the rest of my life with you.” My eyes begin to water with Carter’s heartfelt words because anyone that isn’t blind can clearly see the love he has for Shelby. “I know life hasn’t been kind to us, but none of that matters now that you’re here with me. Every day you show me what a strong and beautiful woman you’ve become, and I know if you say yes, you’ll remind me for the rest of our lives how grateful I am to have you.”

  “Just ask her already,” Caden yells, and everyone laughs loudly.

  Carter shakes his head, but he has a huge grin on his face. “Since I’m bein’ rushed,” Carter says then turns his attention back to Shelby. “Will you do me the honor of becomin’ my wife?” With Shelby’s nod and her yes, we all cheer for the happy couple. Blinking the tears away as they embrace, I can’t believe I got to witness this. I don’t know Carter or Shelby, but their love somehow shines so brightly that I couldn’t help but feel it.

  As the people at the party congratulate Carter and Shelby, I feel a gaze on me. Glancing up, my eyes lock with Caden’s. Sucking in a breath at the intensity of his gaze, it’s as if everyone around us disappears. I wouldn’t have believed it if anyone else had experienced this and was telling me about it, but just with one look, he’s telling me how he feels. Those blue eyes have been hiding the truth, but a part of me has always known how he felt. There’
s just no way I can miss it now. My heart drums loudly in my chest and ears, and I have to suck in a deep breath realizing how deep his feelings run.

  That’s a man with the look of love in his eyes.

  A love so strong that it knocks me back with such a force I have to rub my chest.

  Shitfire. He’s in love with me.

  Now that the cat is out of the bag, there’s no going back.

  I half expect her to take off running, but when she stays rooted where she’s standing, it gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, she feels the same way. I don’t expect her to confess her feelings for me, not just yet anyway. But seeing Carter and Shelby finally take the next step in their relationship made my choice easier to show Savannah how I really and truly feel about her.

  I do love her.

  I love her more than I thought possible.

  It’s a little scary knowing how much I care for the one woman that isn’t here to stay, but even knowing this, I’m not giving up on her. I just know if she still leaves after all this, it’ll fucking ruin me.

  Which is why I don’t immediately go to her. I know she needs a moment to process what I’ve shown her, and I give her space even though that’s the last thing I want to do. The thing about loving someone else, it doesn’t matter what I want. It’s all about her now and putting all her needs, wants, and dreams first. I just hope she knows that I won’t give her that much space. She’s still mine, and one day soon, I’ll be hers too.

  Walking over to Carter and Shelby, I let Annie and William finish congratulating them before I say, “I’m so fuckin’ happy for y’all.” Slapping Carter on the back, he has a contagious grin on his face. “Seriously I didn’t think Carter was ever goin’ to pop the big question.”

  Shelby rolls her eyes as she says, “Leave him alone, Caden. He asked when he was ready.”

  “You mean when you were ready.” It’s no secret Shelby use to run as fast as she could from everything. But I have a feeling she won’t be running away anymore. One can hope right?


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