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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

Page 20

by Brie Paisley

  Leaning up, I pull my phone out of my pocket. “I know, small fry. I promise I’ll get you there again.” Glancing down at my cell, I curse Cason silently for once again interrupting us. Before I answer, I look down at Savannah. “Don’t move.”

  “Hurry up,” she responds, and I shake my head knowing how badly she wants me to make her come.

  “This better be life or death,” I snap at Cason when I answer his call.

  “No one is dead if that’s what you’re askin’.”

  Holding my forefinger up to my lips, Savannah nods then I use my fingers to slowly slide back inside her wet pussy and ask Cason, “Then why the fuck are you callin’ me?”

  Cason huffs out a breath before saying, “Well fuck you too. Didn’t know I needed a reason to call my own twin.” Rolling my eyes, I ignore his little rant and focus back on the woman I plan on fucking real soon. She doesn’t seem to mind at all that I’m on the phone and fucking her with my fingers. My guess is she’s so far gone into lust she doesn’t care how she gets off. Thinking of an idea, I put Cason on speakerphone, and I get back down in between Savannah’s legs. I mumble out words every once in a while, so Cason at least thinks I’m listening, but I’m not. I’m so far from listening to him. Giving Savannah a squeeze on her leg to remind her to be quiet, I push two fingers inside her and use my mouth again to work her over. “Are you even listenin’ to a word I’ve been sayin’?”

  “Yeah,” I say loudly, but I really haven’t.

  “No, you have not. What the fuck are you doin’?”

  Glancing up at Savannah, both of her hands are covering her face. Knowing she’s embarrassed, I know I need to end this conversation. “What do you want, Cas? I’m a little busy.”

  “You’re busy?” He asks in a monotone voice, and I can just picture his blank face. “Whatever. Carter and Shelby want to know if we want to come chill at their place in a few.”

  “Do you want to go?” I ask Savannah.

  “Honestly,” she starts, and she’s loud so I know Cason can hear her. “I really don’t care as long as you hurry up and stop talking so we can finish what we started.”

  Trying to hold back my laugh, Cason says, “Oh my fuckin’ God.”

  “You heard her, Cas.”

  “I’m fuckin’ hangin’ up now.”

  The line goes dead, and I let out a chuckle. “Nice goin’, small fry. You sure shut his ass up.” I won’t lie, I’m proud of her. It usually takes me forever to get Cason to shut up when he gets on his rants, but not Savannah. Maybe talking about sex is the key here.

  Her hands are back over her face, and her voice is muffled as she says, “I can’t believe I just said that.”

  Moving over her, I remove her hands from her face. “Don’t be embarrassed. He should know by now to text instead of call. He’s just askin’ to hear shit he’s not supposed to when he calls.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. You think he learned his lesson this time?”

  Pulling her up, I help her sit on top of me. Running my hands up her sides, I shrug my shoulders. “Who knows with Cas. But I do know one thing.”

  Her stomach quivers as my hand grazes over her soft skin as she asks, “What’s that?”

  Reaching her cheeks, I caress her face for a moment before moving to the back of her neck. Pulling her to me, I whisper huskily, “No more interruptions. I don’t give a fuck if the world is endin’ around us. I’m goin’ to have you and make you come on my cock.”

  “Oh,” she answers, and I don’t give her the chance to say anything more. Bringing her to my mouth, I push my tongue inside hers and kiss her roughly. Those hips of hers roll against me, and I push mine up meeting hers. Nothing but getting inside her tight pussy is on my mind, and I know she’s feeling the same way as she quickly pulls away from me. Her hands quickly undo my shorts, and she uses the backseat’s head rest to lift herself while I pull my shorts down.

  I don’t get a chance to take them completely off before Savannah sits back down on me. “In a rush, small fry?” I ask with a light chuckle.

  “Yes,” she breathes heavily. “Need you inside of me like five minutes ago.”

  Grinning, I suck in a breath when she grabs my cock and places it at her entrance. “Wait a second,” I quickly say to stop her. Savannah’s head snaps up, and I swallow hard. “I don’t have a condom on me.” Fucking rookie mistake but I wasn’t planning on having an impromptu sex session with her. At least not until we made it back to my place. But I hadn’t even remembered a condom until this very moment.

  But Savannah surprises me when she slowly sinks down on my cock. “It’s okay,” she moans out and fuck if I can stop her now. My head falls back against the seat feeling how warm, tight, and wet she is for me. “I’m on the pill. So it’s fine.”

  Leaning up, I pull her to me. Taking her mouth as she rides me like a fucking champ, I meet her thrust for thrust. Using my hand on her back, I bring her forward so I can feel those luscious breasts against me. Feeling her on me with no barriers between us, it makes me crazed with the need to fuck her until she begs me to stop. “Fuck, Savannah,” I groan out. “You feel so fuckin’ good.”

  Her loud moans let me know she agrees, and when her head falls back, I lean up and leave wet open mouth kisses on her neck. “Caden,” she says with a raspy voice, and her walls clench tightly around me.

  “Please tell me you’re close.” I’m barely hanging on as it is, and I know it’s not going to take much more before I completely lose it. She doesn’t reply, but she doesn’t have to. Her walls clench around me again, and I feel the spasms happen before she cries out my name. “That’s it. Let it go, Savannah.” Her entire body begins to shake as her orgasm rolls through her, and I try to hold off on mine until she’s done. But when she leans down to kiss me once more, I can’t hold back anymore. Thrusting into her as deep as I can, I let go and groan in her mouth. Spilling inside her, I let out a few not so nice cuss words, but I never let her go.

  I’m never letting her go.

  Especially not after this. There’s no way in hell I can watch her walk away from me, and one day soon, she’ll know it too.

  Trying to catch my breath, Savannah places her head on mine. Running a hand up and down her back and the other brushes her hair out of her face, I swallow hard as I hold back the words I want to say. Instead, I say, “I’ve never done that before.”

  She leans back to gaze at me as she asks, “What? Have sex? Because I’m pretty sure we’ve done that before.”

  Chuckling, I tuck her hair behind her ear. “No, not sex. I meant I’ve never had sex without a condom before. You’re the first.” And only one I want to say, but again I hold back.

  “It’s a first for me too,” she quietly says.

  “I like havin’ first moments with you, small fry.”

  Savoring the taste of her lips as she gives me a peck on mine, she says, “I do too.” She looks down at our combined bodies and then back to me before asking, “How are we going to separate without making a mess?”

  “I hadn’t gotten that far just yet,” I respond with a laugh. Thinking about it for a moment, I don’t think there’s going to be an easy way to do this. Plus the heat is really starting to get to me. Wiping off the sweat that’s on my forehead with the back of my hand, I ask, “Can you try to find my shirt? It’s somewhere on the floorboard.” Holding onto her waist as she leans backward, I raise my hips as she moves around. “Easy, small fry.” The last thing I want is to make an even bigger mess.

  “I almost have it,” she grunts out then she whips back up straight.

  She hands me my shirt, and I say, “On three.” Once she nods, I count to three, and when she lifts off me, I push my shirt in between her legs.

  She takes my shirt from me and giggles as she sits in an awkward position next to me. “We definitely did not think this one through.”

  “No we didn’t, but I don’t regret it. Anytime I’m with you, it’s worth a mess if there is one, small fry.”

nbsp; “You say that now, but I think you’ll change your mind once you see the damage I’ve done to your shirt.”

  Shaking my head, it’s just like her to try and downplay what I’m trying to tell her. Quickly removing my shorts and boxers, I use my boxers to wipe myself off as Savannah does the same with my shirt. “You owe me a new shirt and a new pair of boxers,” I declare with a light tone.

  She laughs saying, “Deal. As soon as you help me find my clothes and shoes. I lost my flip flops climbing on you before we made it to the back.”

  “Totally worth it though right?” I say as I lean over to cup her cheek.

  “Yes. It’s totally worth it.” Taking her lips again, she caresses my face. My heart beats frantically in my chest knowing I could do this with her for the rest of my life. Pulling away, I gaze into her eyes hoping she can see how much I love her. Even if I know this isn’t the right time to tell her, I still want her to know or at least consider what this is between us. “We should get dressed,” she says, breaking our moment. Nodding, we do just that, but this is far from over.

  I don’t know how much longer I can keep putting off telling her how I feel, and I hope like hell she doesn’t run away from this.

  Or from me once I do tell her.

  Sitting out on the back porch at Carter and Shelby’s house, I laugh loudly listening to Caden and Cason bicker back and forth. We haven’t been here but ten minutes tops and they’re already down each other’s throats. It all started when Caden asked to borrow Cason’s shirt, and once Carter finally gave one to Caden when Cason outright refused, their fight started to escalate. Turning to Shelby, she shakes her head, and I lean over to ask, “Are they always like this?”

  “God yes. I don’t see how they can stand livin’ with each other.”

  Carter and Caleb try to break them apart, and I can’t help but laugh when Caden starts to make faces behind Cason’s back. “Honestly,” I respond back to Shelby. “I’m not sure either. I’ve seen them banter before, but not like this.” I’m not even sure what started their little tiff other than Caden asking for a shirt, but with them, there’s no telling.

  “Trust me,” Shelby says then takes a drink of her wine. “You’ll get used to it. I’ve been around them most of my life, and they’ll never change.”

  “They make good entertainment though,” I pipe back with a grin.

  “That they do.” Finally Caden and Cason take a seat, away from each other, and Carter and Caleb sit back down. Caden huffs out a breath when he grabs his beer off the table, and Cason glares at his twin. “I’ve been meanin’ to ask you,” Shelby asks, and I turn giving her my full attention. I really didn’t get a chance to talk to her much at Caleb’s party, and I’m hoping to get to know her more now. She’s just so friendly and easy to get along with. “What’s the deal with you two,” she asks as she glances at me then Caden.

  “Shel, don’t make her uncomfortable,” Carter states.

  “Oh shit. I’m sorry. Too much?” Feeling Caden’s gaze on me, I ignore it and keep my eyes on Shelby. Taking a gulp of my beer, I think of something to tell her. I’m still unsure what this is between Caden and me. Seeming to realize I’m at a loss, she says, “Forget that question. How about you tell me your favorite Disney movie.”

  Letting out a sigh, I smile knowing this one is easy. “The Little Mermaid.”

  “No shit! That’s mine too.”

  “I got one for you,” I start and set my beer on the table. “Favorite horror movie.”

  “Child’s Play. Chuckie is my favorite. Always has been and always will be.”

  Grinning widely, I ask, “Why aren’t we besties? That’s mine too.”

  “Oh fuck,” Caden groans beside me, and I turn to him. “Not that damn pyscho killer doll again.”

  With my frown, Shelby explains. “Caden hates Chuckie. He’s scared to death of him.”

  “I am not! I just think a doll killin’ people is a little creepy. Dolls are not supposed to kill people.”

  Laughing at Caden’s lame excuse, I ask him, “So you wouldn’t watch Child’s Play with me?”

  “He would, but then again,” Carter says with a wide grin. “You might lose some of your hearin’ with his screams. He does it every time we watch it.”

  “I do not!” Caden yells, and I let out a laugh. He stands and holds a hand out to me. “Come on, Savannah. We don’t need this kind of negativity in our lives.”

  Shaking my head, I take his hand and stand saying, “Don’t you think you’re overreacting just a little?”

  “That’s Caden for you,” Cason pipes in.

  “Hey,” Caden says as he turns to his twin. “No one asked you, grumpy pants.”

  Before Cason can say anything back, Caleb steps in. “Alright you guys. As much as we love to sit here and listen to y’all bicker like children, I think y’all should cool it.” Caden’s eyes widen as if he’s shocked by what Caleb said, but it does the trick. Caden and Cason glare at each other, but they seem to silently call a truce. “Anyway,” Caleb starts and looks to Caden. “Do you want to check out my new golf clubs? I got them in the back of Cas’s truck.”

  Turning to Caden, I frown. “I didn’t know you played golf.”

  Carter snickers and Caden gives him a pointed look before he answers me. “I play, but no one said I was good at it.”

  “More like you’re horrible at it,” Shelby pipes in and I use my hand to cover my mouth to hide my grin.

  Shelby, Carter, and Caleb laugh while Cason smirks at Caden’s facial expression, and before I know what’s happening, Caden puts me over his shoulder. “Caden! Put me down.”

  He smacks my ass as he says, “No can do, small fry. You’re comin’ with me since everyone wants to pick on little ol’ me.” Holding onto his waist, so I won’t fall, Caden moves toward the door before stopping. “You comin’, Caleb?” Seeing Caleb jump up, he follows behind Caden.

  “What if I didn’t want to go with you? I was talking to Shelby, and you’re being very rude with manhandling me.”

  Caden walks through the house, and he doesn’t answer me until he reaches the front door. “Trust me, you’ll have all the time in the world to chat it up with Shel. She ain’t goin’ anywhere.”

  Caleb chuckles behind us, and I let out a loud huff. “This isn’t very gentlemanly of you.” Caden ignores me as he takes me outside and walks over by what I assume is Cason’s truck. “Are you going to let me down now? I can walk you know.”

  Caleb chuckles as he shakes his head, and Caden grabs my ass tightly. “What if I like totin’ you around?”

  “Caden,” I warn. “Put me down.”

  “Alright fine. Hold onto your panties, small fry.” He slowly puts me back on my feet, and I smack him on the arm. “Ow,” he yells out. “What did you do that for?”

  “She told you to put her down, Caden,” Caleb explains.

  “See he gets it.” Narrowing my eyes at Caden, he smirks then kisses me on the lips.

  “I just like fuckin’ with you, small fry.” Rolling my eyes at his lame excuse for man handling me, he turns and lets down the tailgate to the truck. Caleb and I follow behind him as he jumps in the bed of the truck, and Caden holds out a hand to help me up. Taking a seat on the side, I watch as both brothers look at the golf clubs. I still can’t imagine Caden golfing, but it would be something to watch. Especially if he’s as bad as Shelby claims. Caleb helps Caden with choosing the right driver for him, and Caleb places a ball on the edge of the tailgate. “Alright, y’all,” Caden says. “Watch the man hit the shit out of the ball.”

  “This should be interestin’,” Caleb says sarcastically as he sits beside me.

  Caden takes a few practice swings before he steps closer to the ball. Curiosity has me impatiently waiting for him to make his move, but it doesn’t seem like he’s in any hurry. He glances down at the ball, then back up as if he’s really looking for a target to hit the ball at. “Any time you’re ready,” I claim, and Caden turns to me with a huge gr
in on his face.

  “Just watch and learn, small fry.” He turns to his brother adding, “And you too Caleb.” Shaking my head, I cross my legs waiting for Caden to hit the freaking ball. With a serious look on his face, Caden finally swings the golf club back, and right as he brings it forward, he loses his footing and takes a tumble off the truck. As I stand to check on him, he quickly jumps back up off the ground. “Who the hell pushed me?”

  Caleb and I burst out laughing because he really thinks one of us pushed him. “No one pushed you, jackass,” Caleb says with a shake of his head.

  I can’t control my laughing enough to say anything, and it earns me a hard glare from Caden, then he brushes off his shorts before climbing back up in the truck. “Okay I’m goin’ to do it for real this time,” he claims. Getting control over myself, Caden winks at me and repositions the ball where he wants it. Watching him closely, I wonder if he’s actually going to hit the ball this time. After a few more practice swings, Caden spreads his legs and swings the club back. He does hit the ball this time, however, when he brings the club backward, it flies out of his hands. Hearing a loud crack, I whip my head toward the sound.

  “Oh fuck,” Caleb says with a whisper and my eyes widen.

  Caleb and I turn our gaze to a wide-eyed Caden, and it seems we’re all in shock. I’m not sure how Caden did it, but when he let the club go, it hit the back glass of the truck. Not only did it crack the window, but the freaking golf club is stuck inside the glass. Caden glances back to the damage he’s done, then back to me before yelling, “Run!” Grabbing Caden’s hand, we jump off the bed of the truck and take off running down the road. I’m not sure where Caleb went. All I know is he isn’t behind us.

  We don’t make it very far down the road before I hear Cason’s voice booming in the distance. Oh boy. He sounds pissed, but I can’t say I blame him. Caden continues to run, and I start laughing at the predicament we’re in. Of all the things to go wrong, this definitely isn’t one I imagined happening. “Caden, slow down,” I call after him and lose a flip flop. He lets my hand go, and I try to control my laughter as I walk back to get my shoe.


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