Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2)

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Caden (The Harlow Brothers Book 2) Page 26

by Brie Paisley

  Tabitha doesn’t seem surprised at Shelby’s accusation. She just huffs out a breath as if she’s just annoyed and crosses her arms. “Yes. He knew, and I left to make sure it,” she says to me as if I’m good enough to even acknowledge. “Was out of the picture for good, but apparently all my efforts were wasted.”

  Feeling confused, all I can do is glance between Tabitha and Shelby. “I can’t believe you. It wasn’t enough to ruin my life, but you kept my sister away from me because you wanted to what? Keep up with appearances? But yet, you’re the reason Dad was drinkin’ the night of his wreck. That’s why he’s six feet in the ground because you couldn’t keep your legs closed.”

  “You will not talk to me like that in my house,” Tabitha snaps.

  “Shelby,” I say, and grab her hand. “Come on. We don’t need this shit.” Shelby looks to me, and I know she’s on the verge of crying. I see the tears in her eyes, and I feel awful for putting her through this. All this time I’ve wanted to know who my mother was but instead, I found a horrible person and hurt Shelby in the process.

  “That’s right,” Tabitha starts with a hateful tone. “Run away just like you always have, Shelby.”

  “Why don’t you just go to hell,” I pipe back. “Come on, Shel. Let’s go.” Thankfully Shelby nods and follows behind me. Hearing Tabitha say something behind us, I ignore her knowing whatever she has to say isn’t worth listening to. Shelby and I don’t speak to each other as we quickly walk back to her car, and once we get inside, I feel like I might vomit. I can’t believe I put Shelby through all that. I should’ve listened to her when she tried to warn me, but I just had to see for myself. I’ve been so dead set on meeting our mother for so long, and now I feel as if it’s all been one big ass mistake. “I’m so sorry, Shel. I should’ve listened to you, and now I feel like an asshole for putting you through that.”

  Keeping my gaze straight ahead, I don’t know if I can face Shelby knowing I’m the reason I put her through Tabitha’s verbal bashing. I’m not sure what I’m feeling with finding out my own mother never wanted me and thinks I’m a mistake. Honestly seeing her and knowing how awful she was toward Shelby and me, I don’t know how I should react. For so long I’ve wanted this, but then again I’m not as hurt as I thought I would be. If anything, I’m glad I know Shelby and I won’t ever be coming back here or see her again. Feeling her hand on mine, I glance down at it as she says, “There’s no reason for you to be sorry, Savvy.” Taking a chance, I look up and see a tear rolling down her cheek. “I know how much you needed to meet her, and it’s not your fault she’s such an evil person.”

  “But you’re hurting because of me,” I quietly say. It feels like a lump is forming in my throat, and seeing her so upset makes me feel like shit.

  “No, I’m not hurtin’ because of you.” Her tone is firm, and I do want to believe her, but I can’t. If I never wanted to come here, she wouldn’t have gone through what she just had. “I’m hurtin’ because just when I thought our mother was done messin’ with my life, I find out somethin’ new.” She wipes a tear from her face with her free hand as she says, “It’s not that comin’ back here brought back my past with my ex, and seein’ our mother again wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It’s just knowin’ she went through such great lengths to keep you hidden, and she was the catalyst that ended my father’s life.” Tears fill my eyes as I listen to her and it’s apparent in her voice that she cared very much for her dad. “I’ve always blamed her for what happened with my dad, and now I know my blame was accurately placed.” She squeezes my hand and places her other hand on mine before she declares, “None of this is your fault. Our mother is the one who was selfish and didn’t care about us. She’s always put her needs before anyone else, and don’t for one second think this is on you, Savvy.”

  Letting out a sob, my tears come, and I don’t try to stop them. “All this has been for nothing. You were right about her, and I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.” If I could go back, I would’ve listened to her warnings. I hate knowing I put her through this.

  Shelby pulls me into her arms, and I willingly go to her. Wrapping my arms around her, I’m grateful to have her here with me. I know I couldn’t have done this without her, and knowing she doesn’t blame me for what we’ve learned makes me feel a bit better. Pulling back, I sniff loudly and use my shirt to clean my face. “I promise you have no reason to be sorry. I know you had to meet her for yourself and now that you have, I hope you can put this behind you and see what you have right in front of you.”

  “You’re right, and I’m glad I know this part of my life is finally over.” I am glad I finally know the truth about my mother. Even though she was nothing like I imagined, I know I can finally put this chapter of my life behind me and move forward. I hate Shelby and I had to find out the hard way, but I can’t regret it. This trip brought Shelby and me closer, and I have a feeling we’ll both be alright.

  “How about we get the hell out of this shit town?”

  Smiling, I nod. Shelby takes in a deep breath then starts the car. She begins to drive down the road, and an idea hits me. “What do you think about taking a trip to Florida?”

  “As long as we can lay on a beach, I’m so down for that.” With our new destination in mind, Shelby smiles and turns up the radio. Relaxing back in my seat, I have a feeling she’s going to love what I have planned.

  With Shelby standing by me, I wait anxiously for my mom or dad to answer the door. Normally, I would’ve just walked in, but I wanted to make sure they were surprised. Shelby still hasn’t put it together she’s about to meet my parents, and I know this stop will be a lot better than our last one was. I’ll admit, I was very wrong about Tabitha, and I’m surprised I’m not more hurt by finding out I was a mistake. I guess a part of me always knew it, and the other part is finally okay with knowing for sure. I can’t regret the path I’ve taken because if I hadn’t, I probably would’ve never met Shelby, the Harlow family, or Annie and William. I don’t regret a single thing because I’ve finally found my family.

  My real family. Which is all I’ve ever wanted.

  “Are you goin’ to tell me where we are?” Shelby asks.

  “Nope. You’ll just have to wait and see.” Chuckling at her apparent impatience, I say, “Trust me. You’re going to love this.”

  “We’re still goin’ to the beach later right?”

  “Yes. That’s a must before we go back home.”

  “Home huh? So you’re comin’ back to stay?”

  Ringing the doorbell once more, I guess my parents are out back. Turning to Shelby, I grin widely as I honestly say, “Yeah. I think I’ll stick with my sister if she’s alright with that.”

  Her face lights up, and she pulls me in for a tight hug. “Of course I’m alright with that. If it were up to me, you’d never leave my sight again.”

  Pulling away, I smile loving how she wants me by her side. Even if my own mother didn’t want me, it’s a wonderful feeling knowing Shelby wants me in her life. Before I get the chance to respond, the front door opens. “Hey, Mom,” I say with a grin when I see it’s her.

  Mom’s warm brown eyes fill with tears as she pulls me to her. Embracing her tightly, she whispers, “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Letting her go, I ask, “Is Dad here?” Once she nods, I steal a glance to Shelby seeing her bright smile. Following Mom inside, I can’t help but feel at ease being back home. It feels different now that I know everything I do, and I won’t ever take it for granted again. I shouldn’t have left the way I had or thought for one second my parents didn’t love me because I wasn’t actually theirs. The only thing I regret is thinking otherwise. But now I’m determined to show my parents how grateful I am they adopted me and gave me this wonderful life.

  While Mom goes to tell Dad we’re here, Shelby stands beside me and asks, “So this is your parent’s house?”

  “I thought you would like to meet them.”

  “I do. Thank you, Savvy.”r />
  Grabbing her hand, I hold it tightly. “Now you’ll have my family to add to yours.” I know I made the right choice when she nods and squeezes my hand.

  There’s not a chance I can regret anything knowing all the pain and hurt brought me here. I have my sister by my side, and I’m about to have my loving parents in my life again.

  Two weeks later…

  A lot has changed in the past two weeks. Not only did my parents and I mend our relationship, but they also welcomed Shelby with open arms. Mom and Dad were shocked to find out I had a sister, but that still didn’t stop them from treating her like she was already a part of our family. Shelby and I spent a few days with my parents while also hitting the beach, and I learned so much about Shelby and her past. Not to mention mine as well. It was hard to hear how bad Shelby’s childhood was, and what all our mother did to her over the years. Shelby also opened up about her first marriage, and I wanted to drive back to South Carolina just to punch Tabitha in the face for having a hand in Shelby’s abusive marriage. I’ve never been more grateful or proud that my sister got out of that situation and found her way back to Carter.

  The most shocking thing I learned was who my father was. Shelby was the one that connected the dots, and once she remembered seeing Tabitha cheating, she knew exactly who he was. His name is Maxwell Howell and was Shelby’s history teacher, when she was in high school. I’ll admit, after everything that happened with Tabitha, I wasn’t so quick to find him. Plus after she and I did a Google search on him, we found out he’s in prison for statutory rape. Needless to say, I thought it would be best to leave my biological parents alone and forget they ever existed.

  After our trip to the beach, we finally decided it was time to come back to Mississippi. Since being back, Shelby, Carter, and I have fallen into a regular routine. Every morning we have coffee before they leave to have breakfast with Carter’s family, and every morning they ask me to go with them. I wish I could because I miss the rest of the Harlow family, but I know Caden will be there. Even if I miss him more and more with each passing day, I’m still not ready to see him just yet. Shelby tries so hard to get me to talk to him, but I don’t know. He hurt me deeply by lying, and as much as I want to forgive him, I’m not ready. Even if I understand now why Caden kept such a secret from me, I still feel betrayed and cheated out of time with Shelby.

  Taking a deep breath, my heart feels heavy thinking about Caden. He’s never far from my mind, and he’s making it harder by texting me all hours of the day. It’s as if he wants me to know he’s still here and still wants me in his life. Running a hand through my hair, I grab three coffee mugs and place mine under the Keurig. My coffee brews as I wait for Carter and Shelby to make their appearance, and I frown when I hear the doorbell ring. Glancing around the corner, I don’t see Carter or Shelby coming to answer it. Deciding I should at least see who it is, I make my way to the front door. Once I open it, I frown as I look around. Seeing no one in sight, I start to shut the door thinking someone is playing ding-dong ditch when I see something out of the corner of my eye. Looking down, my stomach drops seeing the bouquet of white lilies. Taking another look around, I still don’t see anyone. Picking up the flowers, I notice a white card attached with my name on the front. I shut the door behind me and pull the card off the flowers. Walking back to the kitchen, I lay the beautiful flowers down on the counter and look at the card.

  Flipping it over, I look to see if anyone signed it on the outside. I have a hunch it’s from Caden because he’s the only one that knows white lilies are my favorite, and I don’t know anyone else that would send me flowers. “Who was at the door?” Shelby asks as she walks in the kitchen.

  “No one apparently.” Turning around, I hold the card in my hand as I glance at her. “They left flowers though.”

  “Huh,” she says like she’s not that surprised. “Who are they from?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t opened the card.” Narrowing my eyes when she starts to grin, I ask, “Do you know who they’re from?”

  “Why would I know?” She says with a high-pitched tone.

  “Why would you know what?” Carter asks as he walks toward Shelby.

  “Savvy thinks I know somethin’ about her gettin’ those beautiful lilies.”

  They share a knowing glance, and I feel like I’m out of the loop. “Okay guys. What’s this about?”

  “I have no clue what you’re talkin’ about,” Carter claims, but I see the smirk he’s trying to hold back.

  “I’m with Carter,” Shelby adds. “We have no idea what’s goin’ on. You should check the card though.” Watching her turn to open a cabinet, she pulls out a vase and hands it to me. “You should keep the flowers too. They’re too pretty to just sit out on the counter.”

  Still feeling as if they’re in on something that I’m not privy to, I shrug my shoulders and take the vase from Shelby. Placing the flowers in the vase and filling it with water, I set them aside as I look at the card again. “What if they’re from Caden?” I ask them both.

  Shelby places my coffee mug by me as she quietly says, “Then you read the card. It doesn’t hurt to see what he has to say if it is from him.”

  “Plus,” Carter starts. “You read every one of his texts and listen to his voice messages, so this isn’t any different.”

  Letting out a sigh, I guess they’re right. Taking my mug, I walk to the kitchen table and sit down. Setting my coffee by me, I wish my heart would stop beating so fast. Deep down I know Caden sent the flowers. It’s just a hunch I have. Deciding to find out for sure, I open the card. Seeing the messy handwriting, I swallow hard as I pull out the note and read it what it says.

  Sassy Savannah,

  I saw these lilies the other day, and I instantly thought of you. I couldn’t pass by them without grabbing some for you because I know they’re your favorite. They remind me of you because they’re beautiful just like you. They’re also delicate and should be treated with the utmost care.

  I didn’t do that, and I hope you know how sorry I am for what I’ve done. I hope one day you can forgive me and give me a second chance to make it up to you.

  I love you, small fry.


  Closing my eyes, I clench my jaw willing the tears that threaten to fall away. Caden knew just what to say to make me think about my choice to stay away from him, and it seems he has a knack for it. A part of me wants to drop everything and go to him. That same part is screaming for me to forgive him, and welcome him back with open arms. But this other part of me is silently saying to be careful, and it reminds me how much he hurt me by lying.

  My heart wants Caden.

  My mind warns me to stay away.

  And yet again, I’m right back where I started when I first met Caden Harlow.

  Each day I get a new surprise.

  It’s gotten to the point where I look forward to seeing what Caden has left for me, and I know Carter and Shelby know what’s going on. It’s a bit strange how every morning they’re conveniently nowhere to be found and how they act once I tell them what I got. They don’t seem the least bit surprised by any of this.

  The day after Caden sent me flowers, I got a nice backpack with small fry in hot pink embroidery on the front. Inside there were maps, tour packets of London, England, and a bunch of my favorite snacks. On the third day, I was shocked to find a brand new Canon camera. Shelby and I had a little disagreement about me returning it because I thought it was too much. In the end, Shelby’s point won me over.

  Today is day four, and I won’t lie and say I’m not looking forward to seeing what Caden gives me today. I also won’t deny that with each day that he gives me something that I told him about when we had our first date isn’t wearing me down because it is. It’s not the gifts that are making me listen to my heart more, it’s the fact he cares enough to give them to me. Caden actually listened and remembers what I said. Plus with each gift, he leaves a note telling me how much he loves me still and wants another chance. I
still haven’t fully made up my mind, but I don’t think I can go much longer without going back to him.

  Standing close by the door, I hear someone walking up behind me. Turning around, I see Shelby with a huge grin on her face. “Waitin’ for somethin’?”

  “Maybe,” I vaguely say.

  “What do you think he’ll send today?”

  “I’m not sure,” I say. Glancing at the door, I suck in a breath when I hear the doorbell.

  “I think this one is goin’ to be the best one yet.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you knew all about this the entire time?” Looking back, Shelby makes a motion like she’s zipping her lips closed. “You’re not going to tell me are you?”

  “Nope. Now answer the door, Savvy.”

  Shaking my head, I grin knowing she’s acting sassy. “Yes, ma’am.” Glancing back once more before I open the door, I frown when I realize Shelby is nowhere in sight. Well that’s strange.

  Not thinking anything of it, I reach down and twist the doorknob. Pulling the door open, my breath catches in my throat when I see him standing right in front of me. “Hey, small fry.” He grins widely, and I realize how much I’ve missed him. It takes every ounce of willpower not to wrap my arms around him, and kiss him until we both are left panting. “Surprise.” He says like he’s unsure if he made the right move.

  Stepping out outside, I shut the door behind me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to give you your last gift in person,” he huskily says. “And I wanted to see you, small fry. I’ve missed you like crazy.”

  It takes me a few moments to respond. I’m having a hard time breathing properly. “I’ve missed you too.”

  “Really?” It’s hard to contain my grin with hearing the shock in his voice. Nodding, he drops his head and when he looks back at me, my heart skips a beat. That’s the look of pure love. That’s the look Carter gives Shelby, and knowing how much Caden loves me without even saying those words, makes my heart beat rapidly in my chest. “I’m so glad to hear that, Savannah.” My face warms hearing him say my name because no matter how many times I hear it, it still sends a tingle throughout my entire body. “Before you say anythin’ else, I have a speech prepared.”


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