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The Serpent's Kiss (The Hunter Chronicles Book 4)

Page 26

by Claire Marta

  A shadow fell across the entrance causing Jasmine to violently jolt herself back. The dreadful sound of dragging echoed in her ears. It was coming. Jasmine began to shake. Fear did a slow crawl up the back of her neck. She wanted to close her eyes but knew it would be a mistake. Instead, she waited unblinking. Green scales. They suddenly came into view. So close she could almost stretch out and caress them. Jasmine could see every fine detail. The way they were layered interlocking so perfectly, it blended together without any chink or weakness. For a moment the creature paused.

  Curving her fingers Jasmine’s fingertips clawed helplessly into the walls. She felt trapped. Claustrophobic. Her life now in the hands of fate. It would only take one sound for it to notice her. One mistake.

  “Come on. What’s the matter, are you afraid of me?” She heard Asier taunting. “Andiamo.”

  With a hiss it passed by her hideaway. Sliding faster the beast seemed to understand his words. Within seconds it had cleared past the crevice. Jasmine released a shaky breath. Hell that had been close. For a second she rested her forehead on the cold harsh surface in front of her. Fear still had her shaking. She knew, though, she could not remain tucked away.

  Attentively Jasmine jiggled her way out. The Master Vampire was further along the tracks and was leading the creature away. When he suddenly stopped she shook her head in bewilderment. What the fuck was he doing? Facing it down was insane!

  Stance relaxed a knowing smirked fell into place across his beautiful features. Asier had a plan. Jasmine saw it in the narrowing of his unusual eyes. Energy spilled out of him as his power began to rise. It quivered against her skin like a high vibration. Amber. The colour began to pulse around Asier. Jasmine could see it clearly.

  A tiny ember licked into life in the centre of his open palm. As she watched, it began to grow. It blazed brightly in a golden orangey glow. The flames curled themselves around his arm. They hissed, flared, and spat their rage like flaming hungry serpents. Jasmine swore she could see snake-like heads among the fiery flares.

  Asier’s yoga pants caught alight. The fire which could not ravage his skin dove eagerly consuming the material. He stood tall and proud. His body bathed in the power that only he could wield.

  “Jasmine, get those who are still alive out of the tunnel now.” The vampire called to her firmly.

  Jasmine hesitated. “Asier...”

  “Vai! Go, GO!” His expression brooked no argument as he glanced her way. “I will keep it distracted.”

  Jasmine nodded. The vampire was crazy. But he was right. She knew she had to get the passengers out. Quickly she sprinted towards the wreckage. The front was a mangled mash of crushed metal. It looked like the driver had died on impact. She could see the shattered glass on the windshield darkly stained with blood.

  Swallowing down her anxiety she prayed the commuters had been luckier. Edging around the front she shimmied between the train and the wall. Jagged shards bit into her jacket but still she struggled through. Muffled murmurs gave her encouragement. Alive! Someone had survived.

  The doors had been forced open on the tube train. Flickering overhead lights in the carriages danced over shadowy figures. Confused and frightened, the people were starting to scramble out. Jasmine could see wounded among their number.

  “That way, hurry. Use the little path on the side and stay away from the tracks.” Jasmine directed them back the way the train had come. “Get to the nearest platform and out.”

  By now the train operators would be aware of the accident. She knew things had to be set in place for things like this. Getting the people out was a priority. How long Asier could hold off the creature was uncertain.

  “What happened?” A guy closest to her asked. His business suit was crumpled and he had a nasty gash on his forehead. Blood had dripping into one of his eyes.

  “An explosion further along the tunnel.” Jasmine told them thinking on her feet. “You all need to get out NOW!”

  A pillar of smoke was beginning to waft up the tunnel. This fuelled their fear. Voices rising, the majority herded quickly toward the way she had motioned. Several others took it slower to help the wounded. They needed no more encouragement. Jasmine was relieved to find no one in the carriages had been killed. It took a while to get them all out. After a quick search she was satisfied they were all clear. As fast as she could she shooed the rest of them to safety.

  A roar resounded around them. Screams rose as the last stragglers stared back in fright. With pale faces they ran quickly, not waiting to discover the cause.

  Jasmine glanced back. It had taken time to check all the carriages. Where the hell was Asier? A rolling cloud of black hit her. Coughing, she covered her nose and mouth with her hand. This was starting to get out of hand. If the entire network caught fire more lives would be at risk. Making a swift decision, Jasmine scooted around and headed back towards the sound. She couldn’t leave the vampire to face the giant snake alone. Even if Asier had supernatural strength and powers that didn’t make him invulnerable. Maybe she could distract it.

  Carefully she wiggled back past the wreckage. Glass shards caught her jacket again leaving tiny rips in the material. She felt a few scrap her back. Plumes of thick choking smoke smothered the stale air. Jasmine coughed and put a hand over her mouth again. Every breath she dragged in was more difficult. She couldn’t breathe.

  “Asier?” Jasmine managed to call, her voice hoarse and strained.

  Like a hideous apparition the serpent appeared. Mouth lulling open, its tongue tasted the smoke thickened air. Its green plated scales were blacked and charred on its right side. One eye had been seared and damaged so badly it was no longer there. It looked like Asier’s fire had seriously wounded it. So it was not invincible after all.

  The vampire was nowhere to be seen. Had it killed him? Terror and an overpowering sense of failure crashed over her. For a moment she lost the power to think. Legs buckling, Jasmine’s knees hit the hard floor. She could barely see.

  If the smoke did not overcome her then the creature was sure to eat her. Losing consciousness she would burn to death.

  On hands and knees she crawled backwards. Every movement was done blindly. Disorientated, she had no sense of direction. The sting of the smoke was making her eyes water. Hissing, the beast glided closer. Jasmine could not see its massive body but could hear the sound of it slithering. She knew it would take up most of the tunnel with little space to manoeuvre. It sent her already labouring breaths working harder.

  Coughing violently her chest shook with the force. This had been a mistake. A foolish one. It was going to take her too long to get to the exit. Not without help. It would tear her apart before she even made it a few feet. A firm arm suddenly hooked itself around her waist. Then she was lifted. Hot male flesh pressed against her cheek. It was then she realised Asier had her cradled in his arms. Her face was resting on his naked chest.

  “Y-you’re a-alive.” She wheezed her eyes watering.

  “Of course I am bella. You should have worked out by now fire doesn’t affect me. I am its Master.” The vampire seemed oblivious to chaos around them.

  Taking her small hand he laced his fingers through hers. Power. It coursed between them like a raging inferno. Jasmine could feel the fiery elemental energy that emanated from the very core of Asier. Drenching her skin, it infused her sixth sense. Panicking, she tried to pull free. She could feel it battering against the walls she had erected in her head. Something she had taught herself to do.

  “I’ve got you. Open yourself up to me. Let me in cara.” Asier’s eyes were glowing with a warmth that made every part of her tingle. “Trust me Jasmine.”

  Jasmine stared into his gaze. His emotions were clear. She could see no sign of deceit. No deception. Just an intense look of yearning and longing. He wanted her to surrender her trust, and in that moment Jasmine knew she would. Relaxing her grip she opened herself up to his call. Asier wasted no time. The vampire’s strength crashed through her mind.

/>   Bracing herself mentally she expected it to burn. Instead her being was filled with a sweet fierce flare. It was not destructive and wrathful as she had thought it would feel, but playful. Full of life like a child.

  With a roar the creature surged forwards. A looming menacing shape. Jaws snapping it appeared to have gone crazed. Now all it acted on was a primitive need to lash out. To retaliate. Jasmine flinched in the Italian’s embrace. Everything inside her went rigid waiting to feel the slice of its fangs in her flesh.

  Asier pivoted clear of the attack. His steps quick and efficient he dodged with vampiric ease. Around them the flames twisted and danced ravenous, hungry to consume just like the beast they faced. Jasmine could sense it. The fire seemed to have a sentience. An awareness which was unlike anything she had ever come across before. Hands still entwined she could feel the moment Asier sent out a mental command. Feed. Destroy.

  In a frenzy of incandescent sparks the flames latched on to the offering. Thrashing its tail, the serpent could not escape. It’s scaly size for once working against it. Greedily the fire continued its eager rampage in the hot swirling breeze.

  Jasmine watched hypnotised. Golden. That was the colour of the reptile’s scales before they began to blacken and melt. It had nowhere to go. No matter how it fought, the tunnel left it no room to move. When it did, the fire simply went soaring after it.

  Snuggling her closer, Asier turned to leave. Behind them the shrieks of the snake shook the walls. Its dying cries were a chilling sound. One that remained echoing through Jasmine’s head long after they had left it behind. Asier was carrying her quickly forward. Every movement was sure and filled with purpose.

  “The creature?” Jasmine asked. The air was still heavy with smoke. Dragging in a breath her lungs had a hard time expanding.

  “The fire will not stop until it is dead, and then it will die out before it can do any more damage. I kept it as contained as possible.” Asier informed her darkly. Soot and dirt covered every inch of him. Every naked inch.

  “You’re naked.” Jasmine pointed out lamely before her shorter frame was tortured with more coughing. The arms holding her tightened at her distress.

  “Si. I may be impervious but my clothes are not.” Asier increased his pace.

  As they existed onto the street Jasmine began to cough violently. Tears streaming down her face she sucked in fresh oxygen. They racked her body, leaving her throat raw. Asier lowered her gently to the ground. Crouching nude beside her he rubbed some dirt from her pale cheek. The rays of the late morning sun warmed her skin.

  “Are you alright Jasmine?” He asked his voice full of soft concern. People on the street were stopping to stare at them. The vampire did not seem bothered that he was completely unclothed.

  “You saved us.” Jasmine managed to croak. “All the people on the train.”

  Asier’s lips twisted with wary amusement. “Don’t get used to it. I don’t intend to smear my image. I’m no hero bella, and I told you to get out but you disobeyed me.”

  A small crowd was gathering around them. The vampire accepted the offer of a coat which he used to cover his lower half. Sirens could be heard in the distance. Their wail garnering the attention of more Londoners passing on the streets.

  “I was worried about you...” Jasmine insisted as she finally found it easier to breath. Her skin was streaked with soot and grime. Every piece of her clothing was stained with that and the stink of smoke.

  Gazing around the sea of faces which were staring down at them in worry, Jasmine noticed Kane lying crumpled in an unconscious heap. Asier she realised must have gone back for his second in command.

  “That isn’t going to prevent your punishment later.” Asier warned as he ignored the babble of questions being thrown their way. “I’ll have you over my knee until your bottom is glowing a lovely shade of red and my hand stings from spanking you.”

  Two days had passed since the subway incident. Mark had been happy with the wrap up of the case. The creature was dead. Eggs destroyed. Any of Shell’s followers who had survived had been quickly rounded up. They had been more than eager to spill where the serpent had come from for a more lenient sentence. Finding out Dr Dasyurus had been involved had been a shock. Something that had caused Mark’s grim expression to deepen. Strangely the quakes that had been plaguing the city had also stopped. They had concluded that it had somehow been linked to the Serpent.

  Unfortunately the metro line was now closed for repair between the stations they had contained the fire. As far as the public knew an accidental explosion had caused the damage. The papers had been filled with it for the last few days.

  Jasmine had been lucky. Thanks to Asier’s quick thinking, his power and blood had evaporated the drug out of her bloodstream before she could become hooked. An ambulance crew had checked her out for smoke inhalation. But she had been deemed fit enough not to have a trip to the hospital. Asier had volunteered to keep an eye on her.

  He had punished her that same day. She had felt the sting of his hand on her arse just as he had promised. The spanked tissue had pounded with blood as it glowed. It had left her buttocks throbbing. Afterwards he had massaged her body until she had fallen asleep. The warmed oils he had used had lulled her senses. She had never been so relaxed. He’d made her feel so completely comfortable. Safe.

  Confused, she had tried to put some distance between them. This had worked for the last few days until he had told her to come for a training lesson. Now here she was. Back in his kinky club. Standing in his sex dungeon. Asier was prowling around her. He was wearing those black harem pants again which clung to his lean hips. They showed off his form to perfection.

  He was topless. The muscles of his bare bronzed chest and arms were all on display. Flawless firm olive skin teased Jasmine’s vision. The fall of his dark hair cascaded freely over his shoulders. It rippled as he moved. He was stalking her smoothly like a large jungle cat.

  “Are you going to stand there all night bella?” He asked in husky amusement.

  The weight of the knife in her hand felt heavy. It also felt dangerous. Tightening her grip, Jasmine raised it slightly. This was not exactly what she had been expecting.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” She replied back with uncertainty.

  Asier snorted. “Cazzo. You can’t hurt me Jasmine so don’t worry about that.”

  With a sigh she made a half-hearted lunge. Hand shaking, it betrayed her building condition. The need to be bitten was crawling through her. Hurt. It hurt so bad. Body starting to feel weak, every inch of her ached.

  Bring up his arm Asier deflected and expertly disarmed her. “All that matters is that you win. Take nothing for granted. If you see a chance to take out an opponent, do it without hesitation. Without mercy.”

  The next thing Jasmine knew he had swept her feet out from under her like he had done once before. Gasping she lay stunned. She found herself flat on her back on the padded mat. The vampire was straddling her hips. It was a position he seemed to enjoy.

  Jasmine did not try to resist him. His fierce dominance aroused her beyond common sense. In a way she knew it was connected to his abilities. That perhaps it was bad for her but at this point she just didn’t care.

  “Your reflexes are faster than a human but not as advanced as a vampire. With training you will become a stronger warrior. You have potential.” He pointed out conversationally. “But I can see you’re not able to concentrate this evening.”

  “You know that’s what I want. To be stronger.” Jasmine squirmed a little under him. Adjusting his hips he ground his pelvis against her own. She did not miss the bulge of his cock. Excitement increasing, she nibbled fretfully on her lower lip.

  He knew it was time. Jasmine could see it by the way his scrutiny focused on the wild beating of her pulse point at her throat. Slowly Asier’s fangs began to elongate.

  Grabbing her wrists he pushed her arms roughly up above her head. “Then that’s what I will give you. Every desire yo
u can imagine will be yours, anything you have ever wanted.” His lips hovered over hers. “We can forget the contract Twitch is never satisfied with. We can have a verbal agreement instead, just between you and me.”

  A small spike of fear stopped her from closing the distance. “I don’t want to belong to anyone Asier. This is just a bit of fun, that’s all. Just sex and your bite, that’s all I’m agreeing to.”

  The rise of the Italian’s lusty power sent goosebumps scattering across Jasmine’s skin. A moan left her as she felt its influence surround her in a familiar heat. It chased any thought to deny him from her head.

  “Si Jasmine. I will give you all the fun in the world but I already own your body.” The brush of his mouth seared her neck. She gasped. “Your pleasure and pain are also mine. There will be oh so much more for me to show you. Teach you. I will touch you. Stroke you. Spank you. Bind you with your pleasure in mind. I will give you a freedom you cannot even imagine.”

  His erotic words spilled against her skin. Everything he wanted to do to her. What he intended to do to her. All the while, he stripped her body of clothes. His movements were confident, masterful. She never moved to stop him. She was incapable to resist.

  Reaching for the knife which was forgotten beside them, Asier brought it to her chest. Jasmine shook as she felt the cold blade press gently against her skin. With a flick of his wrist he cut her bra free.

  “When we are in here bella it’s just you and me. No one else is permitted to enter.” He continued low, soft as he sliced her lacy panties apart. “Here I can make any of your fantasies come true. Here I will have your trust in all things. I will do unspeakable things to you. Things you will enjoy. Unimaginable things that will leave you trembling with lust. And perhaps one day when you are ready you will call me Master.”


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