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Grounded By Love

Page 2

by Lily Thomas

  After yanking open her door, she untied the ropes, put her hands under the rock giant’s armpits, and drug him into the cottage. They both would be much better off, once inside the warm dry walls of her cottage.

  She lugged his huge muscled body over to her bed. The one room cottage didn’t allow for her to have more than one bed. So she’d have to sacrifice it to the rock giant.

  Now the struggle would come when she tried to put him onto her bed. Thankfully, her bed was close to the ground. With a groan, she struggled to get his torso lifted onto her bed. Once she managed to heave his body onto her bed, she turned her attention to his legs. They weighed almost as much as his torso. She grabbed his legs by the ankles and pulled him fully onto the bed.

  She stared down at him, his breathing was labored, and his fever was still raging, yet, she was frozen in place. It all came crashing down on her. What had she been thinking?

  She had an injured rock giant in her home, the home of a healer, a place where villagers would come to seek her help. And now she had a huge secret she would have to be extremely careful with.

  Claira shook her head. Now that she had accomplished what she’d set out to do, she was doubting her sanity. Healing might be her life, but saving a rock giant could cut her life short. The villagers wouldn’t understand her reasoning. They had too much hatred built up, here on the borders.

  Claira just stared at him for a few moments, letting her mind run away with her. It was true, she would have to be careful, not only for her life, but for his. She’d hate to see him killed, after all the effort she’d gone through to save his life.

  Looking around her cottage she noticed she’d left the door open. Quickly she darted over and peered outside. It would be just her luck, if someone saw her lugging a rock giant into her cottage.

  After putting her horse back in the barn, she closed the door to her cottage and noticed all the mud and blood she’d dragged in. It was time to get things cleaned up, just in case someone came to her door. She didn't want the evidence smeared across her floor. No need to get anyone too curious about the mess.

  Grabbing a few rags, she cleaned the floor vigorously. Claira didn’t stop until she had every speck of mud and every drop of blood wiped from her floorboards. Her mattress was a different story. She would have to get rid of the mattress altogether.

  Claira knew she couldn't have him waking up. First, she had no idea what his reaction would be towards her and second, she didn't need him trying to escape. He would only end up harming himself further, and she wasn’t about to let that happen.

  Stoking the fire, she grabbed a pot of water to boil for tea. Making her way over to the chest of herbs she kept handy, she dug through them to find the right leaves.

  “Where are you?” She whispered down at the chest. “Found it!” She held it up high into the air.

  Taking a mortar and pestle she ground the leaf into a pulp with a few drops of water, then wrapped it in a cloth. Once ready Claira grabbed a cup and placed the cloth inside. Now she just had to wait for the water to boil.

  She took a seat on a chair across from her bed, so she could watch the rock giant slumber.

  He hadn't made a sound, since she’d brought him inside. She was able to hear his heavy breathing, so she knew he was still alive. He was just fast asleep, which was what he needed. That wound needed energy to heal.

  Some part of her hoped he could sense he was somewhere safe, and that was why he was sleeping so soundly. Yet, she knew deep down he just had no energy to wake.

  Claira frowned, as the water started to boil. She was so comfortable, now that she was off her feet. Moving up the hill had sucked her spirit away. Getting up with a sigh she spooned the hot water into the cup and stirred the cloth tea bag around.

  She waited until the tea was cool enough to drink. Then she warily approached the bed. Claira wanted to make sure he wasn't pretending to sleep so he could take her by surprise. Of course, she doubted he would or was capable of doing anything, at the moment. But she still approached slowly, ready to jump away at a moment's notice.

  After she stood by the bed for a few moments, she bent down next to him. Gently, she put one of her arms under his head and tilted his head back slightly. Claira brought the tea to his lips and poured a trickle into his mouth.

  At first, he sputtered and choked on the liquid, but then he sucked in the liquid until the cup was empty. With how thirsty he was, she wondered how long he had been on the battlefield. She made several trips between him and her bucket of fresh water. Eventually, he had his fill and wouldn't take anymore from her.

  Stretching her arms above her head she tried to stretch out her back muscles. With the rock giant out for good, she only had to worry about the villagers finding out about his presence.

  Now that she wasn’t being one minded with her healing, she turned her attention to herself. She was still in rain soaked clothing. If she didn’t want to catch a sickness, she would want to change to dry clothing.

  With the amount of tea, he drank, he would be out for quite some time. She didn't need or want him waking to see her naked. She wasn’t accustomed to being naked around another person, but she needed to change out of her wet clothing.

  Slowly, she let her dress slip off her shoulders. Grabbing a clean cloth, she dampened it and began to wipe the blood and dirt from her skin. When she finished, she reveled in the feeling of being squeaky clean. She slipped on a new dress, one of the very few she owned. Claira needed to be careful with how many dresses she ruined or she would soon be walking around in the nude.

  She didn’t make much from those she healed. The villagers could only give so much, when they decided to give her anything at all.

  Now came the giant’s turn. She needed to get him out of his wet armor and take all and any weapons away from him. She didn’t need him waking up in a panic and reaching for a sword. Claira was positive a giant warrior was trained to strike first and ask questions later.

  She’d seen many naked men as a healer, but she’d never seen a naked rock giant before. Claira had to confess she was insanely curious. This was her chance to study a rock giant up close.

  After stripping off his heavy armor, she found him very similar to human men. The only difference was the height, eye color, and muscle build.

  She had no dry clothes that would fit him. For now, he would just have to wear a blanket, and hopefully he wouldn't kick the blanket off. He needed all the warmth he could get, at this point.

  Walking back to her chest of herbs Claira dug through them again. She put different leaves and flowers into her mortar and pestle. While she ground them, she added a little water until it became a thick paste.

  While she waited for it to harden a little, she looked over at the rock giant lying on her bed. Strangely enough, having him here in her cottage made her feel less lonely. The villagers had never accepted her, which was the reason she lived by herself on the outskirts of town.

  She had no family to speak of, and just the presence of another being, after all these years, made her feel content.

  She shook her head. There was a patient to be tended to. She didn’t have time for lamenting her loneliness through all these years. Grabbing the bowl of paste, she made her way over to his bedside. She applied the pleasant smelling paste to the deep wound on his chiseled chest. Taking a long strip of cloth, she wrapped it tightly around his chest.

  She needed to stop his blood loss, at all costs, while keeping infection at bay.

  Chapter 2

  Claira jerked awake in her chair. Shaking her head and rubbing her eyes, she looked around. She must’ve dozed off during the night.

  It’d been two days, since she’d rescued the rock giant, and she was impressed with his recovery, though she kept him well sedated.

  Claira rose and went to check on her patient. His breathing was normal, but he was still running quite the fever. The freezing rain may have taken him too far out of her healing reach. He was doing better, but in his co
ndition, that didn’t mean much.

  Before getting ready for the day, Claira wiped down the rock giant's body with a cool cloth. Then got him some warm broth to drink. She was determined to keep him hydrated with fluids, while she was gone for the day. The village would need another checkup from her.

  She was in the middle of packing her supplies for a visit to the village, when a knock sounded at her door. Her heart skipped a beat, but she told herself to calm down. She had no idea who was at the door and for what reason. They probably just needed her healing and nothing more.

  Yet, she still rushed over to the rock giant and tucked the blanket up and around his shoulders only leaving his head exposed.

  Straightening her dress, she put on a straight face and yanked open the door.

  “Claira.” Robert said, as he smiled down at her.

  “Robert… what brings you to my cottage?” Claira asked wishing it hadn't been him.

  He’d been interested in her for years, but she didn't feel the same way about him. He wasn't the man for her, and she wasn't about to pretend like he was. There was no need for him to waste his time pursuing her.

  He put on his most dazzling smile. “I came to check on you. After the recent battle so close to your home, I was concerned about you being here alone.”

  Claira was touched by his thoughtfulness. Even if he wasn't the man for her, he was still a kind soul. He was the only one out of all the villagers that enjoyed her company. She just wished he could settle for friendship.

  “Thank you, but as you see Robert, I am fine.” She smiled kindly, but hoped he would just leave. She had no idea if she could trust him with her rock giant secret.

  “I was hoping to come in and sit with you, perhaps to discuss your hand in marriage.”

  With a sigh, Claira held up her hand to stop him. “We’ve already discussed it, Robert. You know my feelings towards you are those of a sister.”

  “Of course.” He inclined his head, and then looked back up at her, but she was able to see the truth in his eyes. Robert was unable to give up on her. She could tell he would always be a thorn in her side, pestering her about marriage. How many times did he want to be told no?

  “May I come in to join you for tea?” Robert asked, stepping closer to her and the doorway.

  Claira shook her head. “You may talk with me, as I harvest vegetables in my garden.”

  Robert inclined his head, as he moved out of her way.

  Carefully, she closed the door to her cottage. She would do her best in removing Robert’s presence from her land.

  An hour later, Robert left, and Claira heaved a sigh, as she walked back into her cottage. She leaned back against the closed door and slipped down to the ground.

  Somehow she’d managed to get Robert out of her hair, though she was unsure how. She just worried how many close calls she might have.

  Kaeldar glanced around and froze. His head was groggy, and his vision was slightly blurred, but he saw he was in a cottage of some sort. It wasn’t large enough to be the home of a rock giant, and he dwarfed the bed with his huge physique. He had to be in a human’s cottage.

  Confusion rolled through him. If he was in a human’s cottage, then why wasn’t he dead?

  As he came to, Kaeldar realized he was stark naked. Panic soared through him, and he reached for one of his swords or daggers.

  His weapons were missing as well. A movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. He watched, as the door to the cottage opened. His body tensed, as he waited to see who would come through.

  A woman walked in, a basket on her arm full of what looked like vegetables. As she neared the fireplace, his eyes were drawn to his swords and daggers, which glinted in the firelight. They were so close, yet so far away in his condition.

  He wanted to see what she would do next. He wanted to stay awake, but the darkness called him back, and his eyes closed shut.

  The rock giant’s progress impressed her. He was healing well, and the fever had disappeared completely. Hopefully, it would stay gone. As he improved, she lessened his dose of the tea. There was no need for her to worry about him hurting himself further. His wound was closing up nicely.

  Smiling, she opened the windows and door, to let in some fresh air. Then she left to tend to her vegetable garden. It was about time for him to get some fresh air. It might even help speed up his recovery.

  Working in the garden relaxed her jumpy nerves. She loved to coax the plants to grow with her careful touch. It was the same care she gave to all her patients, even if the villagers wouldn’t have anything to do with her unless they were sick or hurt.

  Claira was about to tend to the carrots, when she heard a crash come from her cottage. Bolting upright, she wiped her hands on her apron and ran to check up on the rock giant. She was afraid of what she might end up finding. Had Robert come back to her cottage, when she wasn’t looking?

  As she entered the cottage, she found the rock giant on the floor. The giant must have rolled over in his sleep and right off the side of the bed.

  Claira had let up on the tea, but she doubted it was low enough for him to be able to move. The dose she was giving him was still quite strong. Clearly, the rock giant was going to need a little more tea to keep him on the bed and immobile.

  His breathing signaled he was semi-awake, so she went to her chair to wait. She wouldn’t be able to help him back onto the bed, until he dosed off. She didn’t want to be near him when he could lash out at her.

  Once he drifted off, Claira approached and pulled him back onto the bed.

  A few more days passed, and Claira made a couple trips into the village to take care of some of the injured men. She found herself feeling self-conscious and wondered if anyone suspected her of harboring a rock giant.

  She needed to get the rock giant treated and out of her cottage quickly, before she started acting insane.

  But the villagers treated her the same way they had before, with indifference. She eventually was able to get into her routine without feeling like everyone knew her secret. Maybe she was feeling a bit guilty for assisting the “enemy”, but she couldn’t resist.

  When she came back to her cottage, Claira decided it was time for her to change the rock giant's bandage and give him yet another sponge bath. She was slightly excited about the prospect of seeing his naked skin again.

  She put a hand to her head. What was she doing? She was daydreaming about an injured man! Once he was healed and out of her cottage, then she could think about his body.

  As she entered the cottage, she looked towards the rock giant. He was still in her bed. Thank the heavens. Claira didn’t want to lug him back onto her bed again. He weighed so much, and she wasn’t strong.

  She adjusted the healing bag she had over her shoulder, closed the door, and then went to place it on top of her chest of herbs. Time to take care of her rock giant.

  Grabbing a pail of warm water and a couple towels she bent down on her knees next to the bed. She inhaled his scent. It was so masculine and tantalizing to her. Was she really lonely enough she would turn to an injured rock giant?

  Flipping the blanket off his chest and down to his waist she admired the rock hard planes of his chest and abs.

  What was she doing? Fantasizing about a hurt rock giant? She was clearly getting desperate to find someone to love her.

  Robert loved her, but he just wasn’t the right man. She could feel it in her bones.

  Shaking her head, she got down to business. Taking a wet cloth, she washed his face, down his neck, over his chest, and abdomen.

  Claira prayed he’d live. She would love to see him walking out of the cottage on his own two feet. It would be quite the scene to behold. She smiled down at him, as she hummed while she worked.

  After she finished with his lower half, she made sure not to expose his private parts. He would be the one to wash down there, when he recovered enough to do so. She didn’t feel comfortable with her feelings. It felt awkward to wash him
down there, when she was fantasizing about him.

  Claira heated up some broth for him. Gently, she lifted his head and spoon-fed him the warm broth.

  Kaeldar had grown used to the tender care of the human female. It still bewildered him why she was taking such great care with him. Perhaps she was a simple minded female who didn’t realize he was a rock giant.

  He was able to tell she was drugging him though. With the attention she had been giving him, he should have been well enough to move around. Yet, he found his limbs frozen in place, no matter how hard he strived.

  She’d let up on the drug for a while, but when he’d thrown himself off the bed, she re-drugged him. So in a way, it was his own fault that he wasn’t able to move.

  When she gave him a sponge bath, he loved the warm trail of water she left on his skin. He’d been in the forest soaked to the bone thinking he would die of hypothermia. Now he had a beautiful human female washing his naked body. He’d seen a few glimpses of her through his drugged state, and he liked what he’d seen.

  If she hadn't drugged him, he knew he would’ve had the hardest cock in the lands. Her sponge dipped close to the apex of his thighs, as she kept washing. She was such a tease.

  He watched her with a half lidded gaze, as she poured something into a bowl. His stomach growled at him, but he was unable to tell her of his hunger. His mouth wouldn’t move, and he found it beyond frustrating.

  Kaeldar wasn’t used to being immobile. Vulnerable didn’t even begin to describe how he felt. He was a warrior. He was trained to always have the upper hand, and now he didn’t.

  Then she made her way over to sit by him. Her arm snaked under his head and lifted him up. The trickle of warm soup entered his eager mouth. The taste was delightful. He would take anything she gave him, no matter what it was. Everything that went into his mouth would make him stronger.


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