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Alien King's Bride (SciFi Paranormal Alien Romance) (Vistran Love Book 1)

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by April Osirus

  Alien King’s Bride

  April Osirus

  Copyright 2015 April Osirus

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. The characters and stories are all fictional and any resemblance to real life individuals is purely coincidental. In addition, this is a story of adult content. Inside, this story is filled with steamy forbidden acts between consenting, legal aged adults.

  If this is what you are searching for, then go on in. The water is fine!

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  King Rom Avistrian, ruler of the warrior Planet Vistra, knew his kingdom was expecting him to take up a mate. They were worried for their king. But Rom knew his heart could only commit once he had found his match, his equal.

  When he rescues the feisty Earth soldier, Avia Truing, from leering Vistran guards, his heart has told him his match had finally come—in the form of this curvy, tempting, and altogether fragile human woman.

  His alien heart recognized his soulmate.

  It was time he made her human heart do the same.


  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” Avia countered. Looking straight up at the man’s face, she could see the long straight nose, the stubbled jawline, and his lethal dark eyes. God, no matter how arrogant the man was Avia couldn’t deny that he was drop dead gorgeous. Trying to ignore the heat spreading down her spine, she glared up at the muscular Vistran. “I am a guard of the United Earth Federation. Who the hell do you think you are to drag me around like this?”

  The man’s annoyed face smoothed into one of dry amusement. Lifting his chin, he repeated her words. “Who the hell do I think I am?” His lips twitched. “I don’t know. Who do you think I am, little one?”

  Doubly annoyed by his irritatingly calm demeanor and his diminutive endearment, Avia looked him over, trying to think of something scathing to say. She imagined a response like, “Oh I don’t know. I guess the first Vistran eunuch?” But seeing the definition in his huge biceps, Avia knew she wasn’t suicidal enough to say those words.

  But as she looked over the man, the light caught the side of his head. Avia’s eyes widened as she saw a large scar running down his temple.

  No. This couldn’t be. He couldn’t possibly be….

  “You—You’re not the…the…” Avia gulped. God, was their any protocol in the UEF for sassing royalty?

  The man quirked an eyebrow, clearly enjoying Avia’s sudden realization. “I’m not what?”

  “King?” Avia whispered, eyes wide.

  “And the convoy from Earth will be arriving later today, Your Majesty. The ambassador will be bringing the final treaty,” the secretary said, keeping his head bowed.

  King Rom Arvistrian XVII, supreme ruler of Planet Vistra, nodded absentmindedly. Sitting behind his large desk, Rom was surrounded by the finest luxuries Vistra and, indeed, the galaxy had to offer him. But at the moment, he could hardly care about the fineries that spilled around him.

  The secretary coughed nervously. He put a hand to his chin before discussing the next item of business. “The final matter to address, Your Majesty, is the subject of your mate.” The secretary said the last few words in one breath, nervous about drawing the King’s ire. “Many are growing concerned over how long it has been since you have reached your mating age. And the Guard of the Interior have many suitable females available for—”

  Rom did not turn his head. He merely directed his dark gaze towards his secretary. Immediately the secretary choked on his next words, too nervous to continue.

  “That will be enough,” Rom said, his deep voice reverberating through the room.

  The secretary bobbed his head quickly, eager to leave the room lest he anger the King any further.

  As he watched the secretary leave, Rom sighed. He knew it was time to find his mate. God, did he know. He could feel his bones vibrating for that ultimate joining between two bodies and souls.

  Vistra had been built upon a warrior’s empire. For centuries, Vistrans had been feared as the most brutal and vicious warriors in their sector of the galaxy. The Avistrian line, as the legend goes, was the most brutal clan in early Vistrian society. The first King Avistrian had defeated thirty other warriors to claim the title as ultimate leader. And since then, only the strongest and fiercest men had been born of the Avistrian line.

  But with in the last few generations, they had begun receiving offers and requests by other nations and planets for an alliance. Soon Vistra began to broaden their horizons. They traded in some of their brutality for technology.

  They were now in an unique balancing period where warriors and warrior kings were now making intergalactic treaties and exploring incredible and far-reaching technology that has revolutionized the planet.

  King Rom had only opened up his kingdom and planet to these outside entreaties from other nations because of the possibility of expanding his kingdom. And in fact, that was one of the first things to happen. Maybe neighboring planets knew of the fierceness of Vistra and asked to be under their protection. After only one decade, Vistra’s empire had doubled in size.

  But the unexpected consequence of this expansion was the Vistran women. They, along with the rest of Vistra, were now seeing what the rest of galaxy had to offer them. They soon wanted to explore the other worlds and this led to many choosing mates outside of Vistra.

  With how powerfully Vistran males fight, when a Vistran male chooses a mate, that mate is imprinted within him forever. But this is not true for the females. Evolutionarily, it is thought that since Vistran males have historically died early in age from the constant fighting and wars, the females had never developed the mating bond so that they may more easily re-mate.

  With this genetic freedom and now their galactic freedom, many Vistran females had begun exploring mating options elsewhere, often mating with several men in one lifetime.

  This meant the only females left in Vistra were ones that were already mated or ones who no longer wanted to mate. There were also a fair number of females that had stayed to try their hand at luring the King. Any female would be honored to mate with the powerful King of Vistra.

  But Rom didn’t want someone who felt honor bound. He wanted someone he could love.

  Rom stood up and crossed towards the large window. Looking out, he could see the sprawling capitol of Ravai. With the lack of females, Vistra was now primarily filled with powerful, primal Vistran men who were on the prowl for their perfect mate.

  God help any female who wandered into such a land.


  Avia looked over the briefing files sent to her tablet. “These Vistrans sound intense,” she said, almost to herself.

  Max, her friend and one of the other envoy guards, snorted. “No kidding. Those guys are not only crazy huge but crazy serious,” he said. The two of them sat on one side of the cabin. The other two guards, snoring quietly, sat across from them.

  Avia was the only female guard. But this was nothing new. Ever since joining the United Earth Federation, she had always been the odd woman out. It didn’t help that her curvy figure barely fit into the standard issue uniforms. But Avia knew her responsibilities as a member of the Federation and was determined to do her job to the best of her ability, despite the unw
anted attentions she received. So every day, she would tie her golden blonde hair up into a tight bun and pull her cap over it and try her best to be the best Federation soldier possible.

  Looking at the files on the Vistrans, Avia wondered what it would be like to meet a Vistran in real life. This was her first mission with an ambassador. Most of her time as a Federation soldier had been to guard the government embassies on Earth. She had met plenty of aliens through that position alone. But Vistrans were notoriously reluctant to leave their quadrant of the galaxy.

  A picture of the current king of Vistra popped up on her screen. The man looked like a fierce lion. Even though he was sitting in the picture, he looked enormous. How tall would he be? Her files had said Vistrans averaged around seven feet tall, including the women. Looking at the picture, Avia was in no doubt the King of Vistra would be that tall.

  His chiseled jawline and dark hair gave him an air of dark power. There was a large scar that ran down one side of his temple. There was certainly an air of danger around this man but Avia’s heart and body couldn’t deny how incredibly gorgeous the alien was as well.

  There were plenty of humanoid aliens people of Earth had now seen. But none of them were so similar to earthlings as Vistrans. They looked nearly identical. Only certain aspects separated the two species such as their physical size and their unique mating urges.

  Avia felt a slight blush as she remembered the lecture on Alien Relations she had taken while back at the Academy.

  “Vistrans are incredibly brutal and powerful warriors,” her professor had lectured. “But this, in turn, makes them extremely loyal and protective mating partners. Once mated, Vistran males will lay their bodies down without hesitation to protect their mate.”

  The professor coughed and looked wryly around the class. “I know some of the ladies here may find this quite a desirable attribute. But nothing is free. Vistran males are quite virile and are known to be as powerful in bed as they are on the battlefield. You need stamina to be a Vistran’s mate.”

  The class tittered in nervous and embarrassed laughter.

  Avia couldn’t help but squeeze her thighs together at the idea of a powerful Vistran male lying over her in bed, his powerful arms framing her body.

  “Prepare for docking in five minutes,” a voice echoed through the ship.

  The two sleeping guards across from her snapped awake. The four of them readied themselves. It was a small envoy. Only four guards. But they were only escorting an ambassador to delivery a treaty. It would be a short trip.

  Avia, still feeling hot from her thoughts, wondered if the shortness was a good or bad thing.


  “Please, Ambassador Tonson, allow me to escort you to the meeting room,” the King’s secretary said, bowing his head slightly.

  Avia tried not to gape at the giant. The secretary must have been at least seven feet tall. But there was something different about this man. Though tall, he was not quite as muscular or large as the other Vistrans she had seen on file or in lecture. She remembered her professor explaining how there were a very few Vistran males born every generation without the mating or battle urge. These males usually entered the government to serve the King as they were guaranteed not to stage a coup. This tall secretary was clearly one of those more gentle Vistran males.

  Ambassador Tonson followed the secretary into the main hall of the palace. Wide arches loomed over them while a unique rose colored stone shined below their feet.

  After climbing a wide staircase and turning down another hallway, the secretary stopped in front of a pair of double doors. “From this point on, only official representatives are allowed,” he said.

  Ambassador Tonson nodded. “Of course,” he said. Looking at the four guards, he said, “Please wait here.”

  “Of course, Ambassador,” Max said quietly, as leader of the group.

  Once the doors closed behind Ambassador Tonson and Secretary Orzi, Max turned around. “Alright. Michaelson, you take the far right wing. Vicks and I will stand by the door. Truing, you’ll take the far left wing,” he said in the clipped voice of a commander. The easy manner he had taken in the ship was gone. Max knew when to have fun and when to work. That was something Avia admired about him.

  Following orders, Avia headed towards the left wing. The vast hallway darkened a bit as she went down deeper. It was quite empty towards this part of the wing.

  It was probably overkill to cover such a wide area. But this was only the third time Earth had been invited to Vistra and protocol required them to take precaution.

  So Avia stood guard in the far left wing.

  And like most guard duties, it was boring.

  Quite boring.

  With Max far down the opposite end of the hall, she was pretty isolated. And she didn’t know how long it would take Ambassador Tonson. This should be the final meeting for the treaty but if she had learned anything while being around politicians, it was that politics was never that simple.

  After what felt like a very uneventful hour, Avia’s spine snapped up. She heard a scuffling from around the corner. Standing at attention, she waited to see who would reveal themselves. She remembered her foreign protocol. In a palace, she was most likely to run into a member of alien government. As a representative of the Federation, she needed to be respectful and polite.

  But as the steps got closer, Avia could hear the accompanying voices. They were deep and near guttural as they spoke. One voice made a low, murmured comment and the other voice gave a deep hearty laugh. Avia waited curiously as two large figures rounded the corner.

  Avia couldn’t help but have her adrenaline spike up a little as she gaped at the giants.

  These men were no government members. They were huge like the King’s secretary, well over seven feet. But unlike the secretary, they were incredibly muscular with biceps that were larger than her thighs. Their faces were framed with dark shaggy hair and their defined jawlines spoke of a raw strength that exuded from them as naturally as their own breaths.

  “Um,” Avia said, swallowing. “Good day, sirs.” She made sure to use Galactic Lengue, the common language all the treaty planets spoke.

  The men looked just as surprised by her presence. Finally the man on the left broke the silence. “Who are you?” he asked, also in Galactic Lengue, with a roughness that felt like sandpaper on silk.

  “Avia Truing of the United Earth Federation. I am part of Ambassador Tonson’s envoy,” she said, trying to maintain a polite neutral tone even though her knees were close to knocking. It was one thing to see a Vistran on a screen and a completely different thing to see them up close and personally.

  The second Vistran quirked a dark eyebrow. “A female,” he said in surprise. “You’re a female guard.”

  This comment seemed to pique the interest of the other Vistran. Their gazes took on a distinctive knowing gleam that Avia was all too familiar with. She instinctively took a step back.

  As if in sync, the Vistrans slowly began circling her. Avia tried to calm her heart as she watched one of the men lean in towards her and sniff, deeply breathing in her scent.

  “It is surprising that Earth would allow such small females to become guards,” the man to her left said as he circled her like a vulture on the hunt.

  “Let alone allow them onto missions to planets like Vistra,” the other man said.

  Avia knew she was too far from Max and the other guards for them to hear what was happening. And even if they could hear, she didn’t want to be someone who relied on help anytime she was harassed for being a female.

  Steeling her spine, she glared at the Vistran nearest her. “A female United Earth Federation soldier is just as competent as any male soldier,” she said, hoping her cool voice belied her nervousness.

  The Vistran on her left chuckled. “Shall we test that?” he said. And with an agility that was surprising for a man of his size, his hand shot out and grabbed her by her arm, yanking her roughly towards his chest.

nbsp; Avia nearly lost her footing at the sudden grab. But trying to keep her wits about her, she forcefully reminded herself that Vistran men were nearly identical to human men.

  Swiftly, she used the momentum of the Vistran’s grab as she bent her knee and squarely thrust it up against the sensitive package between his legs. The Vistran’s eyes widened in shock and pain as he made a wheezing noise.

  As soon as his hand loosened, Avia wriggled away.

  “What the hell!” the other Vistran yelled as he lunged towards her.

  Ducking down and using her small size to her advantage, she swiftly drove her elbow into the Vistran’s stomach. The man barely felt her attack. He tried to lunge for her again but only grabbed at her sleeve. With an easy strength, he threw her against the wall. Avia grimaced as she felt her head scrape against the hard stone wall. But she quickly shook herself and ducked the next lunge then kicked the second man between the legs. Although her dizziness made her aim a little crooked, she had hit the sensitive inner thigh and heard a satisfying grunt.

  Without looking back, she ran full force down the hall. Behind her she could hear the growls of the Vistran men as they chased her. She wondered how Max and Vicks could possibly handle these two giants. She was leading trouble straight to them.

  But before she could yell out a warning, Avia collided straight into a brick wall. Or at least it felt like she did.

  Falling back a little, she looked up to see a chiseled face with fathomless dark eyes. The mysterious man instinctively grabbed her by her shoulders. Upon touching her, his eyes widened as he felt her womanly softness.

  Looking behind her, the man threw her behind him. The two Vistrans’s heavy footsteps suddenly stopped. Avia peaked around the broad back of the man protecting her.

  To her surprise, she saw the two men on their knees. They both murmured something respectfully in a foreign language. It must be their own native Vistran tongue.


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