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The Anvil (The Dragon Guardian)

Page 16

by I Heaton

He ran at the dragon, slid under it and used the dagger to stab the dragon. The dagger went through the dragon’s scales and Tom knew it would kill. He sent a burst of air at the dragon and the burst caught the dragon’s wings and made it lift slightly. Tom took the moment to get out from under it and pull out his axe again. The dragon fell again and lay dead as the rider jumped at Tom from the saddle. Tom sent a rock flying at the man’s chest, sending him back over the dragon.

  Tom flew over the dead dragon and found the rider pushing the rock off his chest. Tom slammed his axe handle into the man’s head and magically moved the rock off him. The dazed rider didn’t fight as Tom put leather cuffs onto the man’s wrists and ankles and led him to the prison tents. Tom gave a guard the prisoner and returned to his vantage point. Tom watched the rest of the battle and went back to his tent.

  After a few hours he went to the medical tent to have his hands checked. As usual the medic told him not to fight, but told him they were almost healed. Three days passed rather uneventful. As Tom walked to the breakfast area he realized it was his birthday. He shrugged off the thought, thinking he and his birthday were rather unimportant while they fought a war. He briefly wondered if his friends had something planned but decided they probably didn’t as they would have forgotten.

  He arrived and got his food, sat down by his friends who greeted him normal. After breakfast he went to the medical tent, along with Zack. The two boys arrived and went in. The medic who was taking care of Tom’s hands saw them and came over. After looking at Tom’s hands for a minute the medic smiled and looked at Tom’s face, smiling. “Your hands are healed. You can start fighting again.” the medic told him and Tom smiled. The two boys left and went to the practice area. Tom wanted to start practicing as soon as possible. Soon both were drenched in sweat as they sparred.

  Tom was glad to be back practicing with Zack, who was glad to know the person he was sparing with. After they had been sparring for about half an hour, a small boy about twelve walked up to them. He waited as they finished the fight then said “Thomas, you are wanted at the command center. Change then report, perhaps wash up a bit too.” then the boy turned and walked away. “I wonder what that is about.” Tom told Zack “I don’t know.” he replied.

  Tom flew to his tent, washed and changed then flew towards the castle where the command center was located. He landed just outside and the guards stopped him. “Who are you and what is your business here?” one asked him “I’m Thomas Welton. I was told to report here.” Tom told him and the guards stepped aside.

  Tom walked into command room and saw a group of men and women standing around a large map. He recognized Alex, who was talking. “We could send a group of men to this crossing and take them from behind.” indicating a crossing marked on the map, but he was countered by another man

  “We could, but if we send a force that was strong enough we would weaken the defence line. The Ilemites would notice the decreased numbers, or if we send some of our best, who would lead and help here?” the man said and Alex looked up and saw Tom. “Tom, you’re here. Welcome.” then in a whisper “You might want to address to the king.” indicating a man in gold-trimmed armour sitting on a large chair.

  The king’s hair, once blond, was grey and he had tired blue eyes. Tom said “Hello, Your Majesty.” and started bowed, but the king motioned for him to stop. “I do not stand on formalities with the men defending my kingdom. I believe they deserve my respect and friendship. My name is Frederick.” the king said, then motioned for him to come closer.

  “Now for the reason you are here. It has come to my attention you have come up with some rather new ideas during battles. One of which was to have the men fight as a block, but when you tried to keep the men together they stayed for a moment then broke. Well, today we have decided to give you command of seventy four men. You and your men will train in the organized block you have come up with. You will be given any special equipment you might need.” King Frederick continued

  “You will lead these men for the duration of the war as a test of the idea.” Tom simply stood for a moment astonished.

  He hadn’t known what to expect, but he never would have thought that this would happen. Then he realized the king was waiting for his reply “Th-thank you, My Lord. I will do my best.” Tom told him, then mentally got mad at himself for stuttering. “Good, so you accept. Meet your men tomorrow at seven. You are dismissed, Tom.” Frederick told him. Tom turned, walked out of the room, walked a few steps then sat on the ground, astonished.

  After a minute Alex came out of the room and smiled at Tom. “Happy birthday. I hope you do well, but I am sure you will.” Alex told him then walked back in the room. Tom stood walked out into the bright courtyard spread his wings and started flying back to the camp. He landed and started searching for his friends to tell them. After a while he decided to go back to his tent. He found Zack and Dejoni sitting outside his tent, as he came close Zack looked up and saw him “So, what did they need you for?” he asked, Tom smiled and replied “Not much. Just talking about my ideas and that I am now in charge of seventy four men.” as he said that he saw Zack’s eyes widen. “Well that’s awesome!” Zack replied “Follow me, I want to show you something.” he continued, then went over to Dejoni and got on.

  They launched into the air, and Tom after a moment followed. They flew to the edge of camp and landed, Tom was confused as they walked a short distance. They turned around a large rock when suddenly people yelled “Happy birthday, Tom!” Tom took a moment to work out what was happening. Zack, who was obviously in on it was laughing along with everyone who had yelled at Tom’s reaction. Then Caleb was suddenly walking towards him smiling. Tom gave him a questioning look then Caleb explained “I’m here because the Master Smiths have been called out here to help make and repair stuff.” Tom smiled and hugged his brother.

  Tom who was surprised at this party, had momentarily forgotten his news. He smiled for a moment then said “Well, I think today has been good. First, my hands are better, then I was called to the Command Center and last I get a surprise birthday party. And if you wonder why i was called to the Command Center, it’s because I am now the leader of a group of men.” and with that the party started.

  After a few hours people everyone went back to their tents. Tom woke the next day, ate breakfast and got ready. He walked over to the training area and found his men. They weren’t hard to find, as they were standing around looking confused. Obviously they had been given the same amount of warning as Tom. Tom decided to see how much they knew. He walked over to them and asked “What are you guys doing?” one of the men looked at him “Waiting for our leader, we are going to be part of a special unit.” the man answered. “How much do you know about your leader?” Tom asked, a different man answered “Not much, apparently he is young. He helped kill two of the Supreme Generals and their dragons and is training to become a Dragon Guardian.” Tom nodded “And what would you say if I told you I am your leader.” both men looked at him and laughed “I said he was young but not that young.” one of them said.

  Tom smiled and yelled “Everyone listen! I am Tom, your new leader. So please line up. We will be getting special shields. But until we get them use your own.” most the men simply sat and laughed. Tom looked at them for a moment then saw a man who would fit his purpose. He walked over and shook his hand. “What is your name?” Tom asked “My name is Joseph Yon.” the man replied. Tom whispered “Mind if I use you to show I am the new leader.” the man laughed “As long as it’s a fight.” and Tom nodded. The two walked a little distance away and got ready. Tom took his practice axe out and spread his wings. He leapt at Joseph, who lifted his shield to block his strike, but Tom had planned on this.

  He landed with all his weight and momentum behind him and send the other man stumbling back. Tom followed up and swung his axe, Joseph blocked it with his shield, but Tom stepped in slammed his shield against his chest. Then Tom swung his axe at the man’s neck, stopping it just in time as
Joseph was too slow. “Now do you all believe I am your new leader?” Tom asked, this time they all agreed.

  Joseph was one of the best warriors they knew and this boy had defeated him easily. They were almost ready to believe this was their new leader. Then Tom pulled a paper from his pocket and started to read. “Tom, read this to the men if they are not cooperating, but please try to prove to them you are their new leader first. Signed, King Frederick.” then he showed them all the seal at the bottom. They all nodded and waited for Tom to tell them what to do.

  Tom paused for a moment then started speaking “First, we will begin teamwork and discipline practice. So follow me.” Tom then led them through the training ground until they came to a rather large space, used for group training. Tom had them divide into two groups, then sent each group to an end of the field. He nodded to a small group of boys, who distributed practice swords and spears. Each weapon was freshly covered in paint to show where each man was hit. He went to one group and showed them the basic idea of the troop. They made two equal rows, each with nineteen men, then stood close to each other and put up all their shields. The second row put their shields over themselves and the man in front of them. Tom had the group of boys get small rocks, cover them in paint then line up in front of the group Tom was with. On Tom’s signal the boys threw the rocks at the group. Afterward Tom had the men stand down and let the other group see if they had been hit.

  Only one man had been hit, but in the foot where the regular shield didn’t cover. Then Tom had both groups get ready, this time the second row didn’t put their shields over head. He joined the group he had been instructing, then told both groups to attack. He let the other group do what they wanted, but made the group he was with stay in the lines. They advanced at a fast walk towards the unordered half.

  They hit and started stabbing through the holes in the shield wall, defended by the shield wall. Tom stepped back from the front line and told the second line to split in half and get behind the other group. The second line did what they were told as Tom went back to the front line. Soon the other line began to press the other group towards Tom’s line, squeezing the other group between them. Tom yelled for a stop after a minute. He had both groups examine each other for paint marks.

  The group Tom was with barely had any marks on them, but the other group were covered in paint. After a moment Tom explained the reason for this drill “You might be wondering why I had you all do this. It’s because I know if you do not see the reason behind something you do not try hard to do it. I do that too. So now which method do you think is better?” he had them all stand down and relax. As they all sat in the grass Tom began to talk. “So, I was thinking and I decided we should have a name. Any ideas?” he asked and waited for answers “How about The Wall?” one man said, then more ideas started coming “The Dragons” “The Anvil” “The Spear” “The Defenders” men started calling, then one said “Why don’t we have a name that reflects the person who came up with the idea and leads us? Pick a name that suits you Tom.” Tom nodded “OK, I like the Anvil. It reflects that I was raised a blacksmith and that we are like an anvil, unmoving and strong. All in favor of The Anvil raise your hand.” he told them and almost all the men raised their hand. “Ok, from now on we will be known as The Anvil. Now let’s start training.” Tom started by dividing the men into three rows of 25, with him in the front row.

  He showed them how to hold their shields, told them different positions and maneuvers and taught them how to fight from behind the shield wall. After about two hours he let them have a lunch break, then they met again and training resumed. After a few more hours, Tom let them go and he went to the command center. He knocked and went into the room.

  The group inside was discussing defences when he walked in. King Frederick saw him and smiled “What is it that you need, Tom?” he asked and Tom answered “Well, I was thinking the shield wall would be better with a special shield and I was wondering if I could get some for my men. The shields would be taller and wider, so they could protect the men better.” Tom waited as the king thought for a moment. “That sounds alright. Alfred have the smiths make seventy five shields. Tom go with him and tell the smiths your new design.” Tom bowed and exited with Alfred, a wiry man who was King Frederick’s personal assistant.

  They went down to the smiths’ section of camp and told them the new design and number of shields needed. Tom then flew over to the dining area and found his friends talking and eating. He grabbed some food and sat down. He told them about his first day of command, just as he finished Caleb walked up with some food. He sat down with them and they all talked. Bryn, who didn’t know Caleb was a werewolf, started talking about how she liked the moon. Caleb sat awkwardly as he listened to her say she liked the full moon the best.

  Tom stopped her as he saw Caleb sitting awkwardly, “Ok, well that’s enough about the moon. I guess some people don’t like the full moon.” he said, and Bryn looked at him confused “Why would someone not like the full moon?” she asked, but this time Caleb spoke “Well, some people have had some bad experiences and as a result hate the full moon.” and that just confused Bryn more. She drew breath to ask what he meant, but he cut her off “Did Tom ever tell you I was kidnapped by werewolves?” he asked and she shook her head “Well, Tom, Josh and some vampires followed the werewolves, but in the fight trying to free me and some others, the werewolf leader grabbed me and bit me. So now I hate full moons. I am a werewolf.” he told her and she began to apologize and that she hadn’t known but Caleb put his hand up to stop her. “I accept I am a werewolf, so there is no need for you to apologize.” he said and Tom quickly changed the subject.

  That night Tom and his friends sat around a fire playing music and singing, but as the moon began to rise Caleb stood up quickly said farewell and went to his tent. Tom looked at the moon and, just as he guessed, it was full. The next day Tom met his troop, led them on a run and told them they would be getting special shields in a few days. Then he asked another troop to train with them, had his troop form up and took his place. They began the training exercise and soon Tom’s troop was defeated.

  Tom thought for a moment, wondering why they had been defeated. Obviously the Anvil had only just training in this fighting style, but even then they should have lasted longer.

  He had them do it again, this time he sat on the side and watched. Soon he found out why they had been defeated, while the shields were up no one had a good view so Tom couldn’t see what was happening outside his immediate area. He decided he would stay back and direct the troop and reinforce wherever needed, only then the lines wouldn’t be even.

  He would need one more man but that was no problem, he could ask for another man after training.

  It would also be easier for him, as he would not need to start training with the sword, he could just use his axe. Tom then had the Anvil run out, in the lines, to a new place. He told them what he was planning and was glad they all accepted it. Then he had everyone divide into groups of two, he set up a course.

  Since they would be working as a team in The Anvil he had decided to put them through a course of teamwork and trust exercises. He had groups go to different areas and told each group what they would do. One area the groups would take turns being carried, another would do trust falls, another put blindfolds on one man and the other guide them through the course he had set up along with some other things.

  Soon all around Tom his men were doing various activities. After a few minutes he had everyone switch to a different area. They continued doing these activities until lunch, when Tom released them to go eat and then he flew up to the castle.

  He landed in the courtyard and made his way to the command room, knocked and walked in. The King quickly accepted his request for another man and saw the reason behind Tom’s newest plan.

  Afterwards Tom flew down and ate lunch with his men and after a while Caleb walked up to him, sat down and started eating. “This morning has been busy, some guy decided he
wanted special shields for his troop, I have been making them all morning.” he said and smiled, knowing Tom was the one who had requested the shields.

  “Sorry, I guess I just like big shields. How long until the shields are ready?” Tom asked and Caleb thought for a moment “I’d say about one more day.” Tom nodded and finished eating.

  While Tom was checking on the shields the rest of the Anvil was meeting the newest member, a young man a little older than Tom.

  After a few minutes Tom walked up to them and one man told him the new member was here. The young man stepped out from the group and Tom smiled as he recognized Tyler, the young man he had trained with in Blangto.

  “Welcome to the Anvil, Tyler.” Tom said then began rearranging the troop to fit Tyler. He moved a man from the second line up to Tom’s old spot and put Tyler in the man’s spot.

  “I would just put in my old spot, but you haven’t had training in this fighting style yet.” Tom told Tyler, who nodded and saw the reasoning behind it. Tom had the three lines separate into three different groups, then put each group in a five by five formation.

  He had the first two groups get ready, having one group in the usual Anvil formation, with Tom behind them, and the other in a normal formation. The third sat on the side of the battlespace and watched the training exercise.

  Soon the groups rotated, Tom stayed where he was as the third group came onto the field and took up the Anvil formation, the first group went to the other side and the other group went to the side.

  Tom stayed each time the groups rotated and ordered the group as they trained. After a few times with each group had them all sit while he told them the maneuvers again and then had them practice each one.

  First he had the first line go to the back then the other two lines move forward. The whole thing took a bit longer than Tom wanted, but it was still only about fifteen seconds before the second line closed up. They could work on it, Tom thought, then he had them practice more maneuvers for about an hour.


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