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New Beginnings: Hollow Crest Wolf Pack Book 1

Page 16

by C. C. Masters

  “But you had TV?” Corey glanced down at the manual to see what came next. “We need parts C and D with bolts F.”

  I blushed as I searched through the scattered pieces. “We didn’t have cable. My mom and I had Gilmore Girls DVDs that we watched over and over. I also had books.”

  “Love stories?”

  “Yeah.” I cringed while I waited for him to say something derisive but Corey surprised me.

  “The real world isn’t as easy. People aren’t as clearly defined as they are in fictional stories. Good people can make bad decisions and bad people can hide in the guise of respectable citizens. And there are a lot of people who fall somewhere in between the two. In some ways, you’re a lot like Kannon.” He held up a board labeled C while I showed him the bolts I gathered in my hand.

  “I’m not as… pure as Kannon. I’m tainted in a lot of ways.” I kept my eyes on the parts as I looked for the board labeled D. “Found it.” I handed him the piece.

  “You’re a good person Lori. If someone does a bad thing to you, it doesn’t leave a stain on your soul. It’s not your fault.” He lined up the boards and I was grateful that he wasn’t looking in my direction.

  “But what if it is?” I whispered. There was a reason why Mr. Reaven had targeted me and thought he could get away with it.

  Corey looked up at me with an intensity in his eyes. “He doesn’t get to touch you. No one gets to touch you without your permission.”

  “Thanks, Corey,” I said quietly. “I know that, but sometimes it helps to have someone say it out loud when I’m doubting myself.”

  He flashed me a grin and my heart stuttered with how handsome he looked. “You can always count on me to cut through the bullshit and speak the truth.”

  I tried to keep my eyes focused on my work but I couldn’t help but keep glancing up at Corey out of the corner of my eyes. Was he trying to be nice to me because of what happened? Or was I seeing a glimpse of the real Corey? The Corey that the guys had known before their lives fell into ruin?

  “Hey, Lori.” Corey’s face hardened at the sound of Kannon’s voice from the doorway. “Gray said I should come in here and finish up so you can get ready for your meeting.” I didn’t like the way that Corey had stiffened up the moment one of the other guys came in the room, but I wasn’t sure how to fix it. He had just started opening up to me a little and I didn’t want to push him too far too fast.

  “Thanks, Kannon.” I glanced back at Corey, but he studiously ignored me. I guess sharing time was over. I got to my feet and handed the Allen wrench to Kannon. “It’s all yours.”

  It was clear that Corey loved the other guys like family, but something was getting in the way of their relationship. I needed to find out why Corey was shutting himself off from everyone else.

  Chapter 20


  Once again, I found myself in Grayson’s SUV and heading through the iron gates of the university. This time, the sun was brightly shining down on the immaculately maintained lawn and gardens that decorated the property. As pretty as it all seemed, I still had a bad feeling the moment that we crossed the border.

  “You okay?” Grayson asked with a frown.

  “Yeah, just nervous.” I tried to stop fidgeting and chewing on my lip. “Do you remember the word?”

  Grayson chuckled. “Buttercup.”

  We pulled into the parking garage and the sunlight was replaced by fluorescent bulbs. All of the fancy cars were still here and I couldn’t help but marvel at the waste. Why have an expensive car if you never ventured out of these walls?

  This time I did a better job of playing it cool when we walked through the building. I tried not to look around and stare like a tourist. Instead I stayed focused on what I was here to do. Get a new life.

  Classes must have been in session because the halls were thankfully empty this time as we walked to the professor’s office. Grayson knocked on Dr. Green’s door and turned the knob once we heard an answering shout from within. Dr. Green looked up from his computer and greeted us with a smile. “Lori, Grayson, I’m glad you could make it.”

  I murmured something in reply and got comfortable in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He reached into one of his drawers and pulled out a leather folder embossed with gold lettering. Did everything have to be super elegant here?

  “I have the documents ready for your review.” Dr. Green opened his folder and handed me a thick stack of papers. I sighed at the amount of boring legal paperwork we were going to have to read.

  “I’ll read each page and then pass it over to you?” I asked Grayson. I wanted a second pair of eyes on this to make sure I wasn’t selling my soul or anything.

  “No need,” Dr. Green assured me. “I have three copies so we can review it all together.” He handed Grayson a packet and set another in front of himself. “Let’s start on the first page.”

  It was at least an hour before we reached the final page. Dr. Green had explained every single paragraph in this stupid document. He had also answered all our questions without hesitation. To my surprise, it didn’t seem like there were any tricks. Everything seemed reasonable. My responsibilities were clearly outlined and the details of my compensation were listed plainly.

  I picked up the pen and looked at Grayson. “Any objections?”

  Grayson shook his head. “As long as you’re sure you want to do this?”

  I nodded. Like it or not this was my best option right now.

  “Excellent!” Dr. Green exclaimed. “I’ll have my assistant make some copies for you to take home after we’re done. But for now, I’d really like to get some blood samples and baseline testing done on you, Lori. Why don’t we move to the lab?”

  “Her identification?” Grayson asked. “She was promised a new identity.”

  I looked at Dr. Green expectantly. That was one of the main reasons that I had agreed to do this. Dr. Green blinked in surprise. “Of course. Emerys is working on pulling all your school records, Lori. Things are a little complicated because you have been using a fake identity with no real documentation behind it. We thought about wiping the memories of everyone in town but decided it would be better to manipulate the humans at your old school since you won’t be returning.”

  My jaw dropped open. Was that something they could really do? Manipulate the memories of everyone in a small town? “What about my pack? Do they know I’m here?”

  “One of our security teams set up a meeting with the new pack master to make a deal. They won’t be bothering you again.”

  My eyes widened. “Just like that?” There was no way he was telling the truth. My pack wouldn’t let the deaths of four full blooded males go unpunished.

  Dr. Green smiled at me and I saw a glimmer of the predator that was hidden under the beautiful shell of a refined scholar. “You’d be surprised how far a lot of money and a little bit of manipulation can go.”

  I swallowed nervously. These were definitely not people that I wanted to cross. “So, am I going to be Lorelai Harris or Lorianne Gilmore?”

  “Emerys thought it would best if we alter your records to Lorianne Gilmore,” Mr. Green said with a smile. “Lorelai Harris didn’t have much of a visible footprint in your old town.”

  “Sounds good,” I said with a fake smile. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. Some of the students or teachers might remember me as a shy loner, but I doubted anyone outside my pack would even notice I was gone. Sadness crept into me at the thought of giving up my name. The girl who huddled on her couch with her mom, dreaming of escaping to a better life would be gone forever. I was grateful that my last name was going to be Gilmore and I could still use the nickname Lori, so at least I could take a part of my old life with me.

  Dr. Green looked pleased with my agreement. “Emerys should be done constructing your new identity in a few days. On your next visit we’ll have an ID and everything you need to register for classes at the local high school. We’ll also get you set up as an official employee
here and set up your direct deposit.”

  “Cool,” I said forcing a smile. This was what I wanted, wasn’t it? Then why did I feel like a part of me had just died?

  Chapter 21


  I looked around at the sterile stainless steel counters and bright white walls that made up Dr. Green’s lab. It was freaky how clean and blank everything was. There was no hint of the personalities of the people who worked here, and nothing to show that there had ever been patients here before us.

  “I’d like you to meet one of my lab assistants, Mary.” Dr. Green motioned for a young woman with shiny blond hair bound in a perfect bun to come talk to us. She was wearing a white coat and was absolutely stunning, even without the tiniest bit of makeup on. Was being beautiful a requirement to work here? Or were lamia just unnaturally beautiful?

  Mary gave us a cool nod of greeting and ran her eyes over us like we were a couple of lab specimens. Which I guess we were. At least Dr. Green treated us like we were people.

  “I’ll leave you in her capable hands,” Dr. Green announced. “Mary, if you need anything I’ll be in my office.”

  “Of course, Dr. Green,” she answered without emotion. I peered closer at her. Was there any chance she was actually a robot?

  “I’m a professional,” she said in a clipped voice. “I do my job and I do it well.”

  I looked at Grayson with wide eyes. “Mary can pick up on your thoughts sometimes,” he said apologetically.

  Mary sniffed. “Only when you think too loud.” She opened a drawer and grabbed a syringe and several vials. “Arm out,” she ordered.

  I spent the next hour trying not to think. Which was difficult, because I had to think about not thinking. Mary didn’t give any indication that she heard any more of my rambling thoughts and just ordered us around the lab in her rigid manner. She took ten tubes of my blood, swabbed the inside of my mouth, and gave me a complete physical.

  The only time she spoke outside of her commands was to chastise me for trying to peek at her notes. After that, I just sat still and let her take my blood pressure and pulse, examine my skin, and use her stethoscope to listen to my heart and lungs. She gave me a glare when I started to swing my feet off the edge of the tall examination table she had me on. “Lay back and hold still,” she ordered.

  She pulled out a bunch of wires and I tensed. “What’s that for?”

  “Electrodes for an EKG,” she said impatiently.

  “It’s alright,” Grayson told me with a smile. “I’ve gotten it done a bunch of times. You can’t feel a thing.”

  I tried to relax as I laid back and looked in Grayson’s direction. “No talking,” Mary instructed.

  Grayson walked over to the opposite side of the table from where she was wiring me up. He reached for my hand and rubbed the sensitive part of my wrist with his thumb. I wished we had done the pack bond before we had come here, then I would be able to talk to Gray without Mary interrupting. Or would she be able to hear? Sending thoughts to each other was probably something that she could eavesdrop on.

  I closed my eyes and tried to focus on breathing normally. Grayson’s touch gave me comfort and his scent made me feel safe. I was really lucky to have him here with me. The test was just as painless as Grayson had promised, if you didn’t count boredom as pain. Mary hovered over us to make sure that I stayed still and didn’t talk. It was so quiet that I could hear the hum of the air conditioning and the tick of a clock on the wall in the forced silence.

  Finally, Mary called an end to the test and started to remove the electrodes. “This is the end of the work we needed to do in the lab,” she informed me.

  I perked up. “I’m done?” This wasn’t so bad for a job. It did seem a little too good to be true, I had been expecting a lot worse.

  Mary shook her head. “No, I’m bringing you to the next room for a stress test. Dr. Green will meet us there.”

  I huffed and sat up. I didn’t like the sound of a stress test – it did not sound fun. I resigned myself to my fate; it was going to be a long afternoon. At least I had a pack run to look forward to after dinner.

  Chapter 22


  I walked quickly through the grocery store as Kannon trailed behind me with the cart. Grayson had the car, so it was going to take both of us to carry everything we needed back home. I kept a smile on my face and gave polite greetings to everyone that we passed. It seemed like reputation was everything in this small town, so we had to represent our business well at all times. There was extra scrutiny on us because we were new and unusual.

  After stopping to help an older woman reach a loaf of bread off the top shelf, we finally made it to the back of the store where the meat was kept. I started picking up packages of steak, examining them closely to get the best cuts. Lori seemed to have really enjoyed the steak that we had a last week. Although, the way that her eyes lit up when the plate was placed in front of her made me worry that she hadn’t been fed properly in her previous pack. She had given hints of how her last pack had treated females, but I had a feeling it was worse than she would admit too. There was a reason why her mother had felt it a fair trade to give up her life for Lori’s freedom. She would be well taken care of now that she had us.

  “Do you think Lori likes tacos?” Kannon asked as he held up a package of ground beef.

  I nodded my head. “Definitely. Only psychopaths hate tacos.”

  Kannon rolled his eyes. “I’m sure there are a lot of people who don’t like them.”

  “Whatever. Get extra so we can make burgers this week.” I put five steaks in the cart, confident that I had gotten the best ones.

  “We can come back later with the car for a week’s worth of food,” Kannon pointed out. “We only need to get enough for tonight’s dinner and breakfast tomorrow.”

  I sighed, knowing he was right. “Fine, leave the ground beef. Let’s see what kind of sausage they have.”

  “And bacon,” Kannon piped up. “Everyone likes bacon. I’m going to the produce section to get potatoes; Lori loves mashed potatoes.” I chuckled. That was true. The last night Kannon had made them, Lori had covered half her plate in the largest mound of potatoes I had ever seen. Kannon left the cart with me and I started looking through the sausage selection. It was small, just like everything else in this town. I missed Cali.

  I heard a cart with a squeaky wheel start coming in my direction and looked over in irritation. It probably just needed a little oil to stop the loud screeching that preceded the arrival of the shopper. My irritation turned to anger when I saw who was pushing the cart.

  “Roger Reaven,” I called as I stalked in his direction.

  Reaven had a strained smile when he saw me walking up to him. Good. That fucker better believe I was going to have words for him. “Wyatt,” he said in a fake cheerful voice. “How are the preparations for your opening day coming along?”

  I stopped a couple of feet away from him and I hoped the smile on my face was terrifying. “Do you want to explain why Lori came home bleeding today?”

  Reaven’s face paled. “Home? She’s staying with you?”

  Fuck. I probably shouldn’t have given him that little nugget of information. “Why was she bleeding?” I pressed him.

  “Uh…” His eyes darted nervously as an elderly woman pushed her cart past us and into the next aisle.

  I waited for her to disappear before I continued in a low voice. “Because she told us everything.”

  He licked his lips. “Did she tell you that she came on to me? Threatened to tell my wife I was sleeping with her if I didn’t give her a raise?”

  “Stop.” I gripped the metal of his shopping cart and tried to keep my temper under control. I bared my teeth in a smile for the camera that was blinking above us. “You won’t ever touch her, speak to her, or speak about her, ever again. If I even hear a whisper of rumors like that, then me and the other guys will be having a very different conversation with you. And it won’t be in the middle
of a grocery store.”

  I saw a flash of anger in his eyes. “You’re going to threaten me? You have no idea who you’re messing with.” He leaned closer to me and spoke in a quietly threatening voice. “I can ruin you.”

  I laughed and saw a flicker of doubt in his eyes. He might be used to getting away with just about anything he wanted in this town, but those days were over. “Have you ever heard the phrase ‘mutually assured destruction?’ You come after us and we’ll destroy you,” I said with a smile.

  A mom with a toddler in the front of her cart wheeled past us and I gave her a polite nod. Reaven and I both stayed silent until she disappeared into one of the aisles. The second she was out of sight, Reaven dropped all pretenses and I got a glimpse of what was beneath his polite veneer. Hatred burned in his eyes as he spoke and his face twisted into something ugly. “I’ve destroyed men better than you.”

  “Try it,” I said softly. “Or you can walk away with the promise to never go near Lori again. Is this worth losing everything over?”

  “I could ask you the same,” he sneered.

  “Everything alright?” Kannon called as he hurried towards us with a large sack of potatoes slung over his shoulder.

  “Fine,” I said with a smile. “Roger and I were just having a friendly talk.”

  Reaven smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Great to see you guys again. Good luck with the opening next week.” He hurriedly pushed his cart to the front of the store and we watched him step into one of the checkout lines.

  “Let’s get the rest of what we need and get out of here,” I told Kannon as I started grabbing bacon off the refrigerated shelf.


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